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Doug 11-13-2015 07:25 PM

Good thing Im using ULNS

I think around 1990 would be the last time I had hair algae. A lot of good my ULNS regime does. Plus I scrub it. Tanks fishes, so just feed the shrimp.


AND, I have a sea hare that just eats hard glass algae like the useless snails.....:lol:

albert_dao 11-13-2015 07:51 PM

Which system are you using?

Doug 11-13-2015 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 969631)
Which system are you using?


Aquattro 11-13-2015 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 969633)

shoulda gone zeo :)

toytech 11-13-2015 11:19 PM

Looks like bryopsis to me , feathery ends , non clumping . Sea hare wont eat that and it will grow anywhere it want under any conditions . Real pain to get rid of.

Ryanerickson 11-13-2015 11:51 PM

Defenetly the ulns part is not working in my opinion prodibio does not work that great I used it for 6 plus months it made no difference. I was doing the whole system I think 5 different bottles.

Doug 11-14-2015 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 969643)
shoulda gone zeo :)



Originally Posted by toytech (Post 969652)
Looks like bryopsis to me , feathery ends , non clumping . Sea hare wont eat that and it will grow anywhere it want under any conditions . Real pain to get rid of.

Thats sounds promising, tear down another tank. Im going to get a 5g nano with new rock.


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 969657)
Defenetly the ulns part is not working in my opinion prodibio does not work that great I used it for 6 plus months it made no difference. I was doing the whole system I think 5 different bottles.

Yea does not seem to be working at this time. No idea if it will or not. Im only at 4 treatments on this tank.

dcw1sfu 11-14-2015 12:43 AM

If it is Bryopsis alot of people have had success getting rid of it through the use of Kent Tech M and elevating there magnesium to the 1700 range and in some cases higher. Do a search there are alot of success stories. 11-14-2015 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by dcw1sfu (Post 969664)
If it is Bryopsis alot of people have had success getting rid of it through the use of Kent Tech M and elevating there magnesium to the 1700 range and in some cases higher. Do a search there are alot of success stories.

i will confirm that it works

GoFish 11-14-2015 01:49 AM

I've had my Mg at 1800 for 3 weeks and 1650 for 3 weeks before that. $hit still grows like nothing's wrong. There must be more to this Tech M story I need to read about. 2nd time trying... Sorry to hear about your issues Doug, hopefully you figure it out!

Reefer Rob 11-14-2015 04:23 PM

Some algae can be impossible to get rid of no matter what you do. Your corals may die of starvation before you put a dint in the algae.

I would try to get your hands on some Algafix. It's not available in Canada, but when I had my nasty algae problem I ordered it through

Aquattro 11-14-2015 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Reefer Rob (Post 969732)
I would try to get your hands on some Algafix. It's not available in Canada, but when I had my nasty algae problem I ordered it through

I read an article on this stuff, sounded like a good product.

Doug 11-14-2015 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by dcw1sfu (Post 969664)
If it is Bryopsis alot of people have had success getting rid of it through the use of Kent Tech M and elevating there magnesium to the 1700 range and in some cases higher. Do a search there are alot of success stories.

Thanks for all the comments guys. I will raise my magnesium. I assume it does not have to be Kent,s product. Mines from BRS.
Would a product like this Algafix not hurt my sps also ? Im going to RC and see if more info on it.

Other than that is the solution to throw all the rock out? If so I need to do it before my sps starts to encrust off their plugs.

Aquattro 11-14-2015 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 969738)
Thanks for all the comments guys. I will raise my magnesium. I assume it does not have to be Kent,s product. Mines from BRS.
Would a product like this Algafix not hurt my sps also ? Im going to RC and see if more info on it.

Other than that is the solution to throw all the rock out? If so I need to do it before my sps starts to encrust off their plugs.

It does have to be the Kent Tech M product.

Doug 11-14-2015 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 969741)
It does have to be the Kent Tech M product.

Oh. Weird. Must be something in it then.

Aquattro 11-14-2015 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 969742)
Oh. Weird. Must be something in it then.

Apparently, and nobody knows what, as far as I've seen :)

I have used peroxide to spot remove bryopsis, but that would be tough with a full garden.

Reefer Rob 11-14-2015 05:05 PM

Coralfix didn't hurt the SPS directly. It also killed any phito-plankton in the tank so the water becomes kind of sterile, and skimmate changes quite a bit. I wouldn't use it regularly like the bottle recommends, just until the algae is under control.

Doug 11-14-2015 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Reefer Rob (Post 969746)
Coralfix didn't hurt the SPS directly. It also killed any phito-plankton in the tank so the water becomes kind of sterile, and skimmate changes quite a bit. I wouldn't use it regularly like the bottle recommends, just until the algae is under control.

Do you mean Algafix or is this another product ?

Doug 11-14-2015 05:25 PM

Well I just ordered both. Hopefully something works. Anyone know if I can try the Algafix after raising magnesium?

:cry: Finally get all my corals just right and then this. Think Im cursed.

Proteus 11-14-2015 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 969657)
Defenetly the ulns part is not working in my opinion prodibio does not work that great I used it for 6 plus months it made no difference. I was doing the whole system I think 5 different bottles.

I use prodibio with great results but... I took a lot of reading. What I found best is a modified program. Prodibio does not contain a carbon source. The Bioptim is strictly a amino and trace supplement. (the same as zeofood food)
So. I still use the biodigest, substituted the Bioptim for zeofood and added a carbon source of zeo start. This accompanied buy a huge skimmer I have effectively brought no3 and po4 levels to a super low levels.
To the point I have been adding some skimmer (tablespoon) back to tank periodically to raise nutrients.

I am currently battling some valonia but am using peroxide to kill it. I'm not sure if the spores are still able to seed from there on but it is making a huge impact

Doug 11-14-2015 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus (Post 969759)
I use prodibio with great results but... I took a lot of reading. What I found best is a modified program. Prodibio does not contain a carbon source. The Bioptim is strictly a amino and trace supplement. (the same as zeofood food)
So. I still use the biodigest, substituted the Bioptim for zeofood and added a carbon source of zeo start. This accompanied buy a huge skimmer I have effectively brought no3 and po4 levels to a super low levels.
To the point I have been adding some skimmer (tablespoon) back to tank periodically to raise nutrients.

I am currently battling some valonia but am using peroxide to kill it. I'm not sure if the spores are still able to seed from there on but it is making a huge impact

I thought both those were to reduce nutrients. With the reef booster being the amino, etc. If Your correct then the Bioptom would be feeling the algae.

dcw1sfu 11-14-2015 05:59 PM

Product called DinoX claims to get rid of bryopsis. However I've never used it and am unsure how safe/effective it is.

Hydrogen peroxide does work for spot removal as stated. I use a salt water / hydrogen peroxide mix to dip zoas if I notice any bryopsis on them.

Doug 11-14-2015 06:03 PM

Their page says Bioptom is feeding the bacteria from the Biogest.

Bioptom provides the Biogest bacteria with the micronutrients needed to optimally purify saltwater and improve water conditions.

Reefer Rob 11-14-2015 06:10 PM

It's hard to tell if it's Bryopsis from your photo, it looks like garden variety hair algae to me. I was under the impression it has a fern like structure, like this:

When I had Bryopsis years ago I found it easy to get rid of by basting with boiling water, but then I didn't have a forest :surprise:

Proteus 11-14-2015 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 969761)
I thought both those were to reduce nutrients. With the reef booster being the amino, etc. If Your correct then the Bioptom would be feeling the algae.


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 969763)
Their page says Bioptom is feeding the bacteria from the Biogest.

Bioptom provides the Biogest bacteria with the micronutrients needed to optimally purify saltwater and improve water conditions.

Reef booster is amino plus additives for coral.. Just like zeo coral vitalizer and zeo aa

The Bioptim is directed toward the bacteria. But contains no carbon

This is why I chose zeofood over Bioptim. To me it seems easy to overdose the Bioptim which is used up buy the bacteria but one vial may be to much depending on the tank. At least with zeofood it's buy the drop so you can dose less more often.

I've done strictly prodibio and strictly zeo. Both Imo have pros and cons. But in my experience have found that my tank benefits from a customized program.
It seems that when these product are released they are vague on how each one affect our individual tanks and you need to learn the tank to understand what it needs and when.

GoFish 11-14-2015 06:19 PM

Bryopsis can grow very sparsely as well, that's quite a forest ^^^ it can start with single strands and all over... Before you try Algaefix Doug I would do some research if you haven't yet, there looks to be quite a few negative reviews after doing a quick search on Google. Some thing's mentioned are ammonia spikes, loss of sensitive fish and negative impacts on some corals, maybe just softies though. If only the stuff didn't release spores when manually removed, other wise the battle would be much easier

Reefer Rob 11-14-2015 06:31 PM

I can see how a nutrient spike could be an issue, that could be a lot of die off all at once. Before I used Algaefix I had scrubbed as much as I could off the rocks and let it collect in a filter sock. I had plucked and dipped for months and was getting nowhere. BTW, I just had hair algae.

Aquattro 11-14-2015 06:34 PM

First, borrow a Samsung and get a good pic of that stuff to see what it really is :) 11-14-2015 07:06 PM

its not bryopsis or hair algae, ive had the same stuff but could never id it...

Doug 11-14-2015 07:26 PM

Aquattro 11-14-2015 07:35 PM

Still can't tell, too blue. And fuzzy. Could certainly be bryopsis tho

Doug 11-14-2015 07:36 PM

Aquattro 11-14-2015 07:38 PM

I put it in photoshop, fixed the blue and sharpened it, I'd say with what I can see, not bryopsis.

Aquattro 11-14-2015 07:39 PM

Second pic, for sure no. In my limited algae experience anyway

Doug 11-14-2015 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus (Post 969765)
Reef booster is amino plus additives for coral.. Just like zeo coral vitalizer and zeo aa

The Bioptim is directed toward the bacteria. But contains no carbon

This is why I chose zeofood over Bioptim. To me it seems easy to overdose the Bioptim which is used up buy the bacteria but one vial may be to much depending on the tank. At least with zeofood it's buy the drop so you can dose less more often.

I've done strictly prodibio and strictly zeo. Both Imo have pros and cons. But in my experience have found that my tank benefits from a customized program.
It seems that when these product are released they are vague on how each one affect our individual tanks and you need to learn the tank to understand what it needs and when.

So I should add zeostart or vodka as a carbon source ? Good thing I have a years worth of Prodibio..NOT

Doug 11-14-2015 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 969779)
Second pic, for sure no. In my limited algae experience anyway

Thanks Brad. Agreed it does not look like the picture of bryoptis posted

Proteus 11-14-2015 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 969780)
So I should add zeostart or vodka as a carbon source ? Good thing I have a years worth of Prodibio..NOT

Depends on your time slotted to tank. Carbon dosing is a daily requirement. Also I would refrain from gfo with any bacteria driven system

Doug 11-15-2015 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus (Post 969795)
Depends on your time slotted to tank. Carbon dosing is a daily requirement. Also I would refrain from gfo with any bacteria driven system

I can dose daily no problem. Never knew that about gfo. I assume that includes PhozDown? Can I still use Bioptom?


Proteus 11-15-2015 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 969852)
I can dose daily no problem. Never knew that about gfo. I assume that includes PhozDown? Can I still use Bioptom?


Yes you can use biotin biodigest and a carbon source. Just make sure you read up on the dosing procedure as not to shock. Tank.

Gfo and or phoz down will both upset the red field ratio. Making it hard for bacteria to effectively lower nutrients

Doug 11-15-2015 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus (Post 969855)
Yes you can use biotin biodigest and a carbon source. Just make sure you read up on the dosing procedure as not to shock. Tank.

Gfo and or phoz down will both upset the red field ratio. Making it hard for bacteria to effectively lower nutrients


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