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Bobby B 08-20-2015 03:12 AM

Bobby B system
So about 3 years ago I built a 100 gallon breeding set up, which I have had great success breeding banggai's! Then after building my new house, I decided that I wanted to upgrade! So this is what I have done so far.


This is my 100 gallon breeding set up.


starting getting the tanks set up.


so I have a 180g display, 4 20g displays, 60g holding tank for RO. which u can see in the top right of picture. also have a 40g refuge, 40g saltwater mixing chamber, and a 35g sump.


sorry this pic is side ways lol


I have 3 jebo pumps have 2 12,000 and 1 6,000. The 2 12,000 feed my 180 and the 6,000 feeds my 4 20g.


I T off one of the 12,000 pumps and installed these quick connects. and then installed a bulk head into my fish sink. then I just hook up a hose to drain for my water changes.


then with the mixing tank I have a valve that goes directly into the sump gravity bleed. back to more plumbing


so after the 180 cycled I starting plumbing the existing system.


I used my sump from the 100g system and turned it into my Q.T.


this valve is from the RO tank so I can fill the mixing tank.


Bobby B 08-20-2015 03:29 AM

Sharing my 430g system cont
Pictures of the 180 and the rest of the system!


this is when tank was cycling.


got the wall done, when I finish the rest of the basement. I am going to finish the wall with rock


This is my porcupine, named him puff lol. he is pretty wicked


Some random pics.


and that's what I have done so far, thanks for looking!

maron6977 08-20-2015 03:48 AM

Nice , lots of pics .
Looks great !
Do you find any problems with the porcupine ?

SeaHorse_Fanatic 08-20-2015 04:53 AM

Beautiful setup. Good for you that you have the room in your new house to devote this much space to your passion. Well thought out design.


WarDog 08-20-2015 05:13 AM

Awesome, awesome, awesome... and SO many fish!!!

Reef Supplies 08-20-2015 01:26 PM

Holy crap! Fantastic job Bobby!

Bblinks 08-20-2015 07:36 PM

Very clean and tidy setup. looking forward to see more.

Bobby B 08-21-2015 01:16 AM

Thanks for the awesome comments! Never had any problems with puff, and he loves eating from a turkey baster!

riceboy 08-21-2015 01:51 PM

If u need to get rid of hair algea I have a starving seahorse that will wipe out the algea. Just a thought . Great set up and looks like it was very well planned.

Bobby B 08-21-2015 02:48 PM

yeah i have a bit in my 20g tanks, its like i have 4 extra refuges. But if u got a seahare i will put it in! i met u one time at concept, i could meet u there sometime to pick it up, or matt can bring it over. what ever works. thanks!

Myka 09-30-2015 01:53 AM

I wish my breeding setup was as neat as yours! Holy! What are you breeding/attempting currently?

Your 180 looks really nice, how old is it? There's a ton of fish in there, wow!!!

Bobby B 09-30-2015 04:13 AM

Thanks! I have had really good success with banggis, and currently trying clowns. I got the 180 going at the beginning of may, there is about 40 fish in there now!

Myka 10-01-2015 03:59 PM

Ya, that's a heck of a bioload! Clowns are easier than Bangaii, you'll be fine. :)

Duckhams 10-01-2015 06:11 PM

Thats one serious setup! Nice work Bobby! Thanks for sharing, keep the pics coming! -following along -

Bobby B 02-05-2016 04:36 AM

Getting ready to add a 9 foot predator tank
So I decided to take down my breeding set up and make way for a 9 foot predator tank! Going to get the tank built when I get back from vacation in March. I changed some things on my exciting system.

Added a 45 gallon kricpt for more filtration.

Changed some of my plumbing

And I upgraded my skimmer to a deltec 2560. Add running the bubble magus bp130 bio pellet reactor

And finally got the Rock wall up around the tank!

Looks empty in the room now with the breeders gone

But I think puff here will enjoy his new 9 foot home!

Myka 02-05-2016 02:21 PM

The rock wall looks sweet! I can't wait to see Puff in his new home. :D

kien 02-05-2016 03:45 PM

wow, that's an epic amount of plumbing ! I love it :lol:

Bobby B 07-17-2016 11:06 PM

Got the basement done!
Finally got the basement finished! Now I can hang out by the tank, even more lol

intarsiabox 07-17-2016 11:18 PM

Looks great!

Myka 07-18-2016 03:13 AM

Looks awesome! Now you just need a recliner in front of it. :D

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