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Myka 07-29-2015 03:15 AM

What did you do to your reef today?
This thread is for sharing daily activities. It may encourage and inspire us to make some interesting changes to our systems!

Myka 07-29-2015 03:17 AM

I added a large Glowstick Sarmentosa frag that I got from a friend today. I also saved the Hawkins Echinata from doom when it fell off the stupid epoxy that never hardened.

Reef Pilot 07-29-2015 03:26 AM

I was home for most of the day today, so:
1. My fish got fed a few times.
2. Tested my dKH, and Ca (which I do every 2 or 3 days, if I am home)
3. Added 2 cap fulls of MB7 (which I do same time as #2).
4. Watched my goby doing his job (keeping my sand clean and white).
5. Looked to see if I could spot any hair algae somewhere (didn't).
6. Still plotting how to get rid of my mushroom pests.
6. And bugged Brad here about his carbon dosing.

Aquattro 07-29-2015 03:35 AM

Fed fish.

Added extra VSV for Walter's sake :)

Reef Pilot 07-29-2015 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 960368)
Added extra VSV for Walter's sake :)


gregzz4 07-29-2015 03:48 AM

Transferred water from the RO holding tank to the mixing tank for tomorrow nights mix-fest (bi-weekly).
Changed the pre and carbon filters on the RO system (both were due - quarterly and semi-annually).
Added a couple drops of MB7 to the DT.
Topped up the ATO.
Fed the fish dinner.
Made a list of stuff to buy from J&L during the up-coming sale :boink:

Had some beer while looking everything over and carried on ... 07-29-2015 03:53 AM

looked at it, got depressed, walked away

Reef Pilot 07-29-2015 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 960373)
Added a couple drops of MB7 to the DT.
Made a list of stuff to buy from J&L during the up-coming sale :boink:

Drops of MB7?? Going extra slow/cautious, are you?

And yeah, when does that sale happen? I am nearly out of some of my API test kits...:razz:

WarDog 07-29-2015 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 960374)
looked at it, got depressed, walked away

Yup... pretty much the same thing. Growth is far too slow.

Thought about changing the carbon, which is way overdue, but didn't.

gregzz4 07-29-2015 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 960375)
Drops of MB7?? Going extra slow/cautious, are you?

And yeah, when does that sale happen? I am nearly out of some of my API test kits...:razz:

Not going slow with the MB7. My drops are per day :smile:
I'm past the 'new tank' dosing regime and going with the maintenance dose. 2 drops/day for my 100g system.

J&L sale is August 8-9th 07-29-2015 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 960378)
Yup... pretty much the same thing. Growth is far too slow.

Thought about changing the carbon, which is way overdue, but didn't.

my displays are pretty much empty because of the crash, frag tank is full but not with what i want in my display

gregzz4 07-29-2015 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 960378)
Yup... pretty much the same thing. Growth is far too slow.

Thought about changing the carbon, which is way overdue, but didn't.

You don't have any fish poop to fuel growth ...
And there's no need to use carbon right now unless you have a bunch of LPS fighting each other

e46er 07-29-2015 05:26 AM

Ive been cleaning out my tank almost all of my LR is in my sump with the exception of 2 pieces one covered in SPS frags and the other with my anemone in it. Im vacuuming out all the sand and detritus and have new rock structures currently "cooking" in a rubbermaid. one is a large archway with some branches off the sides and front for mounting corals and the other is a pillar and once those are done Ill make a 2nd pillar so my tank will have a big arch and 2 pillars and the rest can sit in my sump.

once the DT is completely empty the sump will get totally cleaned as well.

its kinda nice having a mostly open display I actully see my fish! seems they used to spend all their time just hiding.

Im up in the air about what to use for substrate in my new adventure into full SPS, I tried the BB and after a few months wasnt impressed with the look so added sugar sand which is the look i prefer but not practical for a full SPS tanks flow. I may go with larger crushed coral/sand but the more black substrate tanks I see the more it grows on me. not sure what it would do for coral color tho.

side note for a 4x2x2 would a snapper return with 2 reactors off it and 2 jabeo RW8s be enough flow or should I get a 3rd RW8? rockwork will be an arch on 1 side a pillar in the middle and a pillar on the other. shouldnt have a problem with dead spots as basically only 4 rocks will actually be on the tank bottom or sandbed. im thinking Ill need a 3rd RW8 based on the turnover # but flow seems to be good everywhere right now.
i have a CL system piped and a snapper pump running that but its crapped out so wondering if i should spend $350 on a new pump or just a 3rd or at the very most a 4th RW8? atleast the powerheads give random flow the CL is just constant flow at high wattage compared to the power heads

SeaHorse_Fanatic 07-29-2015 06:54 AM

Added 3 new fish into the two reef tanks tonight.

Fed several times, small amounts of mysis & cyclopeeze.
Cleaned glass & dosed last night.
Cleaned skimmer cups and topped up last night.
AiptasiaX(ed) in my 93g cube.

Checked temperatures (77.7 F & 75.7 F)

It's actually been quite a few weeks since I've had time to do much other than feed & top-off my tanks. Been too busy with work, garden, etc (vacation) lately.

Haven't added anything new in a while so it was good to go for a drive and pick up some new cool fish for the tanks.


Reef Pilot 07-29-2015 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 960379)
Not going slow with the MB7. My drops are per day :smile: I'm past the 'new tank' dosing regime and going with the maintenance dose. 2 drops/day for my 100g system.

Or you could do a capful (about 5 ml) every 3 or 4 days. Even a couple capfuls once a week would be OK.

I would use half of what they recommend here, though. Note that their drops per day is per gallon of water.

Stable, Low-nutrient Systems: To maintain a low concentration of available nutrients in all marine and freshwater aquaria, 5 ml (1 capful) of MicrōBacter7 per 50 US-gallons (189.3 L) [≈2 drops per gallon (3.8 L)] of aquarium water no more than once each week.

Doug 07-29-2015 04:19 PM

Repaired my plumbing for the 4th time and fed my fish 5 times, a mixture of frozen & spiralling flakes soaked in garlic solution.

gregzz4 07-30-2015 12:21 AM

Thanks Walter. I may switch to once/week.

Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 960403)
Note that their drops per day is per gallon of water..

BTW, their daily is per 50g so 2 drops is correct for my 100g system.
I think I'll go with a half dose so 5ml/week

toytech 07-30-2015 12:25 AM

Fed my fish , then pried my neon goby out of my mini carpet after he chased a piece of food square into the middle of it . I hate this hobby sometimes .

Ram3500 07-30-2015 05:54 AM

I did nothing it's summer tanks been on autopilot since June. :mrgreen: The reef is reefing just fine without me .

04V10 07-30-2015 12:39 PM

Gonna be shopping to start a new reef on Saturday!!!!! The reef in my office... I put my face against the glass and looked inside. :lol:

FishyFishy! 07-30-2015 12:54 PM

Changed the lighting on my 50 gallon cheato fuge from full spectrum LED to 6700K CFL fuxtures....and growth has been insane! This was half full last week.

And had a rock slide on the right side of my tank last I had to rebuild and move corals everywhere. Not fun!

....oh.....and my RO filter decided to clogg up on me with relatively new I had to change them all out last night....


Myka 07-30-2015 02:32 PM

I fed my fishies, and bought a bottle of nitrate to dump in the tank. :D

Aquattro 07-30-2015 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 960473)
I fed my fishies, and bought a bottle of nitrate to dump in the tank. :D

I fed mine, and luckily they add all the NO3 I need without me having to buy any :)

Dearth 07-30-2015 02:57 PM

Bought a 165 gallon bow front with plumbing and sump from a lady in grande prairie getting it delivered Saturday by local reefer

Daily vodka dose

Spent 2 hrs thorough cleaning of tank glass (needed it) multiple wounds from black percula clowns attacking me

e46er 07-31-2015 01:59 PM

took down and cleaned my MH fixture and hung and programmed my new LEDs

The Guy 07-31-2015 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 960378)
Yup... pretty much the same thing. Growth is far too slow.

Thought about changing the carbon, which is way overdue, but didn't.

I run a couple of purigen bags and am thinking of adding a bag of carbon, anyone else using purigen :question:

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