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shiftline 05-17-2015 02:12 AM

Shiftlines Nuvo 30l build
With my Nuvo 24 exploding last week (an evening of mass panic) I will be setting up a new Nuvo 30l in the next few weeks and mind as well start a new build thread

Thank: IM Nuvo 30l
Light: custom 120w fanless led (I like it silent)
Skimmer: IM midsize ghost skimmer
Filtration: 479gph pump with 2 spin stream nozels. (I now have a spare pump so may try doubling it. Tbd )
Chemical media: boyd chemi pure blue.

Fish- (currently I'm my temp tank)
2x per clowns
1x azzule damsel
1x banggai Cardinal
1x purple fire fish
1x skunk cleaner
2x porcilin crabs
1x Pom Pom crab
Possibly a pistol shrimp if he made it
Numerous snails and hermits

Pics and more info to comes once my replacement tank shows up!

shiftline 06-18-2015 02:41 AM

On the weekend my new tank finally arrived! I splurged and even bought the overly priced stand (it matched it very nicely)

The stand was pretty easy to build and seems nice and solid.
The tank is beautiful with thicker high clarity glass. Only issue with a small leak at the bottom of one of the sump baffles... Not really enough to worry about since 99% will still flow over the top. Time to water test and make sure all is well

I wanted to make this build nice and clean so I decided to use a switchable power bar to control everything. Only thing was its a bit to long and was a b**** to cut!
However determination paid off
Next was a face board to mount the controllers and hide the ups and plugs

Not to bad for a day's work.
Day 2... Time to transfer

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shiftline 06-18-2015 02:45 AM

I probably should have started earlier.. However 9pm seemed like an excellent time to start... The only issue was I want happy with the rocks and changed it about 80 times and was up until 2am.

But it finally paid off. I used some putty on the rock then headed to bed

The next day I added the sand and a bunch of the corals. The fish were moved to a bucket as they weren't fairing to well in he sand storm

After a night of running 100% polyester batting in the overflow the water has finally cleaned up ish

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shiftline 06-18-2015 02:46 AM

And my cabinet has never looked so good.
Next steps will be busing a doser stand and some fancy dosing/ATO containers

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Myka 06-18-2015 04:37 AM

Looks great! I love these tanks.

jhj0112 06-18-2015 04:57 AM

I can't believe I missed this.. what happened to your nuvo 24??

Hopefully, it was not bad.. On the other hand, the new tank looks very nice! As you did on planted tank and FW shrimp tanks, it is very well organized.

WarDog 06-18-2015 05:31 AM

Yup... love it! Nice work!

Cameron 06-18-2015 05:34 AM

What controller system are you using? And dosing pumps etc?

shiftline 06-18-2015 06:46 AM

Sadly the Nuvo 24 cracked... This is my warranty replacement (minus the overly priced stand..I splurged for that!)

Let's just say it was a traumatic night

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shiftline 06-18-2015 06:52 AM

Shiftlines Nuvo 30l build
Dosing pumps are jaebo which I still have to setup. I bought a bottle of purple up which I think is hair calcium for now. Going to build an acrylic doing container for calcium alkalinity magnesium and ATO water
Temp controller is a little redundant as my thermonior is a cobalt neothem which is also digital

Top switch bar is a DJ one I hacked up

ATO is a custom extremely precise optical one I'm developing (pin point accuracy!)

I also started a bit of a tank log on my site which I'll likely have a bunch more pics and info up as I go

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Bodasifa 06-18-2015 02:11 PM

will be following along as i build my fusion 30l. here is a picture of my progress with custom steel stand powdercoated. still has protective wrap on bottom so ignore that. the plans for the stand will be to have smoked glass inset between the side tube. and possibly smoked glass doors

shiftline 06-18-2015 03:41 PM

It's looking good!

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Bodasifa 06-18-2015 04:43 PM

one question i have . i have noticed a slight gap between the stand and one corner of the tank. will the foam pad under the tank compress enough or should i put a piece of plywood down with some thicker foam on top. or just some thick high density foam by itself

shiftline 06-19-2015 07:20 AM

How big of a gap? Mine is up until a mm or two of the edge

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Bodasifa 06-19-2015 03:12 PM

the gap is at the rear left corner, just enough that you can see light through it if i shine a flashlight. the tank does have a foam mat preinstalled. the rest of the tank rests perfect on the stand. I may add a thin yoga mat as well

shiftline 06-24-2015 10:38 PM

Two Quick shots Of Pinky red corals I just snapped for a photo competition

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shiftline 06-30-2015 07:06 AM

Today I added a red planet acro

Yellow watcan goby and a cleaner warse (free from a buddy moving)

I started my dossing setup tonight. Mixed up some calcium alkalinity and magnesium. I felt like a mad scientist

Now I did a 5g water change with reef crystals yesterday.
Today I tested my levels and everything was perfect... I'll test again tomorrow night and see if it moves
June 29
Calcium 400
Alkalinity 2.5/7
Magnesium 1360

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Bodasifa 06-30-2015 01:41 PM

looking really nice

shiftline 06-30-2015 11:01 PM

Shiftlines Nuvo 30l build

Originally Posted by Bodasifa (Post 956200)
looking really nice

Thank you!

A few more quick pics

Duckhams 06-30-2015 11:52 PM

Nice recovery! Glad to see you stuck with it despite the tank failure, thats always really crushing to go through. Love the new setup!

Bodasifa 07-01-2015 12:45 AM

love the aquascaping, i am only hoping i can come up with something decent looking

shiftline 07-02-2015 06:14 AM

I was up until 2 am that nigh trying to get it how I liked it. many hours of re arranging to get it just right!

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shiftline 07-02-2015 06:15 AM

Shiftlines Nuvo 30l build

Originally Posted by (Post 956318)
Nice recovery! Glad to see you stuck with it despite the tank failure, thats always really crushing to go through. Love the new setup!

Thanks Elliot! I'm very happy with the new setup. Lots of work building, tweaking and customizing.. but it's turning into a slick little self contained reef!

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Myka 07-02-2015 06:18 AM

Looks good! I'm glad you found a way to fix the gap. That pic of the test reagents sitting on the edge of your tank is freaking me out though! Don't knock a test vial in! :eek: I have a soft spot for Porcelain Crabs too, very cute.

shiftline 07-02-2015 06:54 AM

The little porcelain crab is so cute! His new shop is right in the middle of my rock flower anemone!

With the Red Sea alkalinity. Do you test it the instant it starts to turn colour or when it's actually orange?
According to bulk reef supply calculator it said to add 75ml of each calc/alk to raise my levels. However testing tonight calcium is at 415-420 and alk is a little high at 3.7/10.4. (I was shooting for 9.5)

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shiftline 07-10-2015 12:56 AM

I'm a little over 3 weeks in and going strong on the new tank so I figured I would make a video

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shiftline 08-05-2015 07:17 AM

Today the postal fairy delivered my new MP10QD and I added my new toy to the master control board

jhj0112 08-05-2015 07:32 AM

very nice new toy!!! will that go into your next/bigger/upgraded tank? :biggrin:

BTW very nice aquascaping just like your planted tank.

shiftline 08-05-2015 08:26 AM

Why thank you! I'll snap some updates pics of the tank tomorrow. I just set up this tank a few months ago so it will be atleast a year before I can justify an upgrade :P

I would however like to to a custom shallow reef with similar dimensions and double the length!

jhj0112 08-05-2015 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by shiftline (Post 960985)
Why thank you! I'll snap some updates pics of the tank tomorrow. I just set up this tank a few months ago so it will be atleast a year before I can justify an upgrade :P

I would however like to to a custom shallow reef with similar dimensions and double the length!

time to conact concept huh?? lol I'm also upgrading mine soon from 34G to 65G.. I'm lately into fishes so no fancy coral for me for a while. I also envy your organizing skills ( both display area and under the tank).. yours will be awesome reef tank given that fact :)

shiftline 08-05-2015 07:27 PM

Concept is on my next year wish list ;) maybe I just need to win one if their monthly contests haha never know.

I added the mp10qd last night and am very impressed with how much quieter it is compared to the white es driver version I tested last week.

You inspired me to tidy up my stand a bit today as well

Top left is my Jabeo dosed, custom optical ato and some test kits.

Bottom left is all my dosing and ATO containers. I used $2 1 gallon vinegar jugs from the dollar store. The ATO is a 2.5g water jug

Bottom right is storages for all my "fish stuff" atleast the common use stuff (there is a. Giant box of extra stuff in the shed!)

And last but not least the top right is my favourite cube.. my control centre! Behind it all is a PC ups to take care of any short term power outages. I haven't tested the total runtime but so far the tank hasn't missed a beat. I may put just the mp10 or return pump on battery and the rest on surge only however it will take some special wiring to work with my switch panel

Now for the tank it self.

I'm thinking of getting 3 sexy shrimp to hopefully host my carpet anemone

My porcelain crab as taken a liking to my rock flower

After the previous tank cracked I lost my lunar eclipse Zoas and decided to pick up some more to replace them

I spotted a new type of daisy/clove polyp appearing on the rock.. Now their is two different styles. Strange!

The clowns know to photobomb my shots. Forest fire digi and alpha omega Zoas

Australian Duncan's - by far my favourite softie

Special blend of hammers

Frogspawn to keep the mushrooms in check

I added a colt coral to the back corner last week. It has a nice blue colour

Green and pink birds nest

3 different colours of monti

Rainbow monti

African hornets are filling in nicely

And my DIY frag rack that will move to my 10g "extra stuff" tank to clean mine up when I get a chance
I drilled holes in a strip of acrylic and glued the ends to rocks as my stand :)

And last but not least. My newest addition the mp10qd

shiftline 08-07-2015 05:05 AM

Last night I had a little issue where the edge of my light got wet... I immediately grabbed it and turned it off. I flipped it over to see the damage and a tiny bit of water made its way in. I wiped off what I could and gave it a quick test... Smoke! I immediately turned it off again and took it apart. Some water got behind the driver board and shorted one of the wires (baaaad day). I express ordered a new driver board to fix the light so all will be well again in about a week then I pop in the new circuit board.

Now being lightless for a week is no fun and something bad (or real good haplened). I ended up splurging on two radion xr15 pro's! I do say they look quite sexy on the tank!

Duckhams 08-07-2015 01:07 PM

Sorry to hear about the light issues, that's frustrating. But it looks like you made a good choice, the radions look great!

shiftline 08-07-2015 02:53 PM

Thanks Elliot'! On the plus side the new circuit board is already in the mail.. So atleast I can replace it then sell the other light to help fund this one :)

I do say all the features on these new ones are fun to play with!

I started it off with a max of 45%. Then a 4 week acclimation at 40%. So hopefully that does the trick

Right now I have one side with the wide lens and one with the standard to try and decide which way to go

Duckhams 08-07-2015 03:25 PM

Good plan! It looks like you have the wide lens on the left, there's a little lit spill on the back wall. I'd say the standard lens is your better choice given the dims of your tank. Keep the light in the tank and off the wall! :D You might end up with increased algae growth in the back compartments with the wider lens.

shiftline 08-07-2015 04:19 PM

Good eye. And that is a very good point! I'll pop the regular lens on and see if covers it all. I think I should be safe.

Do you think 45% for max intensity is about right for my shallow tank?

Duckhams 08-07-2015 04:24 PM

I think thats a good starting point to see how your corals react. Just keep an eye on them and see how they do over the next couple weeks, then adjust as needed. You're definitely on the right track.

shiftline 08-08-2015 04:41 AM

Shot of the corals with the blues under the radion xr15's

shiftline 08-08-2015 11:36 PM

As I was swapping the standard lens back into the radion I spotted the porcelain crab molting. My little predator looking crab reminded me of predator as he was working on shedding his layer of skin. While I was at it I decided to snap a few new pics

Today I also picked up 2 new chalice frags, 3 sexy shrimp and a ruby red dragonet

shiftline 08-09-2015 10:28 PM

Shiftlines Nuvo 30l build
Some shots of yesterday's new additions!
Ruby red dragonet

Sexy shrimp hanging out on my carpet nem

Two new chalice frags

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