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kien 04-07-2015 12:15 AM

April 2015 POTM - Myka's Choice.
April 2015 POTM

This month's subject: Myka's Choice ! April shows bring May flowers! (which actually has nothing to do with this month's POTM subject BTW) So that there is no confusion, for April the first picture that Myka posts will set the theme for the month!

================================================== =====

Entries will be accepted until midnight on Sunday April 30th (ish), 2015.

Entries to be posted in this thread, if you have troubles posting please either pm or email me the photo and I will help you post it.

Voting to take place once the submission thread has been closed. .

Contest Rules are as follows:

1) You must follow the guidelines given for each contest.

2) ALL members including vendors can enter.

3) Photos should be submitted no larger than 1024 x 768 and a max ppi of 300.

4) The photo must be taken by you, and as long as it fits the subject you're in!

5) Each member can post as many pictures as they want, but only ONE can be entered. Please specify which one when posting multiple pictures or it will be chosen for you.

6) Photos that have previously won Photo of the Month can not be resubmitted for contest consideration.

7) Please do not solicit votes from random forum members. This is bad netiquette and is frowned upon.

8) Have Fun!

Snappy 04-07-2015 12:50 AM

Come on Mindy - your loyal subjects are waiting for your subject although we hope it's not too subjective. :biggrin:

gregzz4 04-07-2015 02:41 AM

Subjective is good, but 'reef related' would probably be better

Myka 04-07-2015 08:50 AM

Haha!! Ok, the subject is "Squatters! ". Critters that are "in" something. Try to be more creative than anemones and Clownfish. :p

It took me this long to talk Tapatalk into posting this for me - I'm not at home. :)

zoapaly 04-07-2015 11:13 PM

May flowers :D

FishyFishy! 04-08-2015 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by zoapaly (Post 944393)
May flowers :D

Lol...nice pic. but you should have kept reading after the "may flowers" part

Coasting 04-08-2015 02:57 AM

Does this count? Their sorta squatting.. Or hitchhiking... 1 Limpet squatting off another that's squatting of a Star Astrea snail?

kien 04-08-2015 03:13 AM

Awesome topic idea Mindy!

Can you spot my coral squatter ?!

kien 04-08-2015 03:16 AM

Or how about these two squatters ??

brandonpauley 04-08-2015 03:23 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Two Spot Blenny

Snappy 04-08-2015 03:49 AM

Brittle stars overrunning a gorgonian coral in a reef in Puerto Vallarta.
Definite squatters!

Added this shot for perspective.

Sharkbait-huhaha 04-08-2015 04:16 AM

^ WOW!

gregzz4 04-08-2015 04:21 AM

I don't have any fancy camera gear ... but I'll try again

Taipan 04-08-2015 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 944291)
.....Haha!! Ok, the subject is "Squatters! ". Critters that are "in" something. Try to be more creative than anemones and Clownfish. :p .....

.....What about a pair of clownfish "squatting" in an anemone that is "squatting" in a clam shell? ;) .....

kien 04-08-2015 05:06 AM

^haha, nice one Red!

gregzz4 04-08-2015 06:19 AM

I may have to stop playing as my pics just don't seem to compare .. ever :smile:

kien 04-08-2015 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 944471)
I may have to stop playing as my pics just don't seem to compare .. ever :smile:

Now where's the fun in that? :-). Share! Don't compare!

Myka 04-08-2015 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 944471)
I may have to stop playing as my pics just don't seem to compare .. ever :smile:

Ya, like my pic is super awesome. It's just a cell pic. :lol:

Doug 04-08-2015 03:49 PM

Dearth 04-08-2015 08:50 PM

Here is an old one of my long gong Bi-colour Blenny

reefmandan 04-10-2015 12:02 PM

It's a snail orgy, or a snorgy!

Roskoreef 04-11-2015 01:40 AM

clown goby in neon clove polyp colony, with pipefish photobomb

mike31154 04-11-2015 02:48 AM

Some dandys for this month. This will be my first submission for potm and the picture is from a few years back. Such a cool idea for a theme from Mindy though & I have something that qualifies. Out of focus & hair algae all over, but here it is FWIW.

A small blue legged hermy squatting (more like hitching a ride) on a huge white spot hermy. The "squat" wasn't all that long, but what the hey, it was what it was. The white spot is long gone. Although it was the greatest sand sifter I ever had, it grew too large and when it wasn't sifting sand, it was a roaming wrecking machine. I returned it to the LFS. Besides the havoc it was wreaking in my tank, it was getting difficult finding large enough shells for it to grow into!


Snailpuffer 04-14-2015 06:53 AM

Squatter Clown
This clown is literally "squatting" on my brain coral.

They love how soft and fluffy the brain coral is and literally "squat" on it to sleep.

They love to "squat" on the brain and wait to get fed.

reefmandan 04-14-2015 05:27 PM

Snapped this just now. Rocky Balboa is always ready for a glam-shot

sewerman45 04-14-2015 06:41 PM

Pretty typical but I've always really liked this photo.

Misses.ReefWars 04-16-2015 03:27 PM

found this little squatter this morning , like a soft fluffy pillow ride!!!


Skimmer Juice 04-16-2015 03:41 PM

cool pic Ruth , dont think I have seen a nem crab chilling in dendro before I like it :biggrin:

Misses.ReefWars 04-16-2015 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer Juice (Post 945929)
cool pic Ruth , dont think I have seen a nem crab chilling in dendro before I like it :biggrin:

Haha yea we spotted him just chilling out this morning, he is a neat little crab, thanks Cody :mrgreen:

lockrookie 04-16-2015 04:07 PM

Old pic but my lawnmower Benny loved to lounge in the toadstool. He did this on a regular basis

misty s 04-19-2015 11:04 PM

My clown goby squatting in my fuzzy shrooms

Slyguy00 04-19-2015 11:41 PM

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