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Trigger Man 04-06-2015 08:08 PM

Do you treat your corals first
I was just wondering what some of you guys do for adding new lps and sps into your tanks? Do you treat them with anything, and if so what and for how long? I used to add corals into my old display tank and it seemed to work fine years ago. However I ran my new tank empty for 72 days and all the fish I have been getting are getting a full QT cycle with preventative treatment of copper and prazi-pro, so I assume my tank is currently disease free. Will the addition of coral if drip acclimatized and then moved to a container with tank water then to the DT keep it that way?

Aquattro 04-06-2015 08:10 PM

I treat coral with coral dip, but only for the standard pests. Dipping won't guarantee no ich gets in as a hitchhiker. Probably not a very common thing, but could happen I guess.

Bblinks 04-06-2015 08:48 PM

Revive with turkey baster than iodine dip follow by a rinse. Its a must do.

Trigger Man 04-07-2015 03:06 PM

Thanks guys for the recommendations. I think I am going to try the Bayer advanced Complete insect killer. I went on many forums and there is a good utube video on it being used. I am going to use 10-15 ml of Bayer in a plastic cup for a total of 10 minutes, as that seems to be the most common practice used.

sdeschutter 12-27-2015 07:07 AM

Dam I never dipped my corals I just bought today. Is it to Late? Never new that had to be done. Also what did Bblinks mean by revive with Turkey baster?

dcw1sfu 12-27-2015 07:15 AM

I use Bayer as well as revive and also blast with a turkey baster.

Coasting 12-27-2015 07:15 AM

I just use revive in an ice cream pail after acclimating in the pail... Then just kinda dump tank water on them to rinse until im happy and pop them in the tank.


Also what did Bblinks mean by revive with Turkey baster?
Probably that he uses a turkey baster with (im assuming properly diluted?) revive and tank water and sprays the frag with that.

This is Revive. It kinda smells like PineSol.

Some people use CoralRx as another common one.

Wheelman76 12-27-2015 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by sdeschutter (Post 975673)
Dam I never dipped my corals I just bought today. Is it to Late? Never new that had to be done. Also what did Bblinks mean by revive with Turkey baster?

Revive is a coral dip made by "two little fishes" and then blow water at the coral with a turkey baster while its in the dip.

iamfrontosa 12-27-2015 10:46 AM

Bayer works well for me

Reefer Rob 12-27-2015 03:14 PM

Bayer at 5ml per liter of tank water for coral pests. Make sure to shake the container well as it settles out.

I don't think this will work for ick. Removing the frags from the plugs before you place them in your tank may help, though I'm not sure if tomonts can adhere to corals.

sdeschutter 12-27-2015 04:29 PM

So I'm guessing there is no point to dipping and blasting the corals now that I've put them in the display tank. Any input?

Reefer Rob 12-27-2015 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by sdeschutter (Post 975693)
So I'm guessing there is no point to dipping and blasting the corals now that I've put them in the display tank. Any input?

You would need to dip all your corals, and observe them as if you were treating for an actual outbreak. Pest like red planaria will already be in your system if they were on the corals, so you'll want to treat your tank quickly if you see any of those.

Nothing like an outbreak of AEFW to make sure you dip all your corals in the future :redface:

Aquattro 12-27-2015 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by sdeschutter (Post 975693)
So I'm guessing there is no point to dipping and blasting the corals now that I've put them in the display tank. Any input?

At this point, I'd leave it and just hope that nothing got in there. Some things are easy do deal with if they did, others, not so much.

Aquattro 12-27-2015 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Reefer Rob (Post 975697)
Nothing like an outbreak of AEFW to make sure you dip all your corals in the future :redface:

Even then, hard to avoid. I started a whole new tank, took small frags of each piece, dipped three times and still transferred them to the new tank. Persistent little monsters.

Korralen 12-27-2015 04:50 PM

What type of iodine do you recommend?

Reefer Rob 12-27-2015 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Christina Mae (Post 975703)
What type of iodine do you recommend?

Iodine is pretty harsh for some corals. Bayer is the most coral friendly and effective dip I've used, if you can get it. Corals will start to extend polyps almost immediately after being replaced in the tank. Even sensitive ones like A Echinata.

sdeschutter 12-27-2015 06:16 PM

What product should I use to treat red plantaria in my tank? Btw thanks for the input.

Reefer Rob 12-27-2015 06:22 PM

Flatworm Exit if you can get it. I haven't used it for years, so I don't know about availability.

It's very important to do your research before using it, flatworms are extremely toxic!

sdeschutter 12-27-2015 06:54 PM

Thanks.!Now that you say that I'm not sure if I'll treat the tank, kind of scares me. Probably just wait and see what happens. But I'm going to do a dip on them today for sure. Btw what is the best site to learn about corals and what they like for their environment?

Reefer Rob 12-27-2015 07:09 PM


Aquattro 12-27-2015 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Reefer Rob (Post 975733)

Bonus points for Rob!! :)

e46er 12-27-2015 07:29 PM

Where do you Guys get bayers??

WarDog 12-27-2015 07:37 PM

Home Hardware carries Bayer products, although I don't know which one others are using for coral.

Flatworm Exit, Revive, Coral RX and Lugol's Solution (Iodine) are all available at J&L.

Reefer Rob 12-27-2015 08:01 PM

Bayer Advanced Complete Insect Killer. You will need to pick it up in The States as far as I know.

Please don't use it in Your garden! The chemicals in it have been link to the decrease in bee populations.

A product for coral dipping came out a couple of years ago that looked to use the same active ingredients. Perhaps someone remembers the name :redface:

shiftline 12-27-2015 08:24 PM

I give everything a dip in a special blend of coralRx and revive

Myka 12-28-2015 02:43 AM

I bought Bayer from for $17.99 with free shipping earlier this year. I just went to order another bottle, and can no longer find it listed on :(

dcw1sfu 12-28-2015 04:36 AM

Also bought my Bayer Advanced from

reeferious 12-28-2015 05:53 AM

coral pests
a while ago bought a zoa rock from a local lfs didn't think much about it until noticing zoas were disappearing from tank zoa rock was placed in. took out and flipped one of the rocks over there were bunch of ethreal looking nudibranchs on underside. these nuds were so fairy looking i wouldn't have hesitate to keep them going if i had infinite zoas to feed them with. long story short finished off zoas and they starved into history.

Jordon 12-28-2015 07:10 AM

Bayer dip for 20 minutes baste a few times really well, soak in fresh salt water for about 10 minutes then add to tank. Never had any corals suffer from it, and all open up same day or next day. Definitely continuing this method from now on.

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