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Aquattro 04-03-2015 04:19 PM

Anyone force feed a 2" fish??
Trying to get my new small majestic eating, not going well at all. Thinking syringe with baby formula :)

Slyguy00 04-03-2015 05:10 PM

Have you tried soaking the food in brightwell garlic concentrate? I had a tang that wouldnt eat at first and I tried that and actually had good success with it. Eats like a champ now. 04-03-2015 05:21 PM

How long has it been?

gregzz4 04-03-2015 05:42 PM

What are you attempting to feed ?

straightrazorguy 04-03-2015 06:05 PM

Wow, the things I learn on this forum. I wasn't even aware force feeding was possible until I read this thread. Then I found this:

Anyway, keep us posted on your progress....

Aquattro 04-03-2015 06:07 PM

I figure from the time it was caught till now is about 2 weeks. So far I've tried everything dead, going to try and get some live brine and black worms shortly. I'm afraid he may be past that point, he's not even showing interest now.

Aquattro 04-03-2015 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by straightrazorguy (Post 943728)
Wow, the things I learn on this forum. I wasn't even aware force feeding was possible until I read this thread. Then I found this:

Anyway, keep us posted on your progress....

If he were bigger, I might try, but this guy is about 2 inches. Probably do more harm than good

gregzz4 04-03-2015 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 943729)
So far I've tried everything dead

Including sponge-based angel foods I take it ?

Aquattro 04-03-2015 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 943733)
Including sponge-based angel foods I take it ?

No, not available here.

But tried pellets, pellets in selcon, pellets in garlic, mysis, plankton, other mysis, brine shrimp, cyclopeze, scallop, fish roe, nori, nori in garlic. Rock with sponge on it, zoas, feather dusters. If live worms or brine doesn't do it, he's done.

gregzz4 04-03-2015 06:39 PM

Defrost a whole pack of food in a gallon of water and stuff him in there for an hour or two :silly:

I hope he takes the live food

gregzz4 04-03-2015 06:43 PM

Since you're going shopping anyway, you could pick up some Wardley's liquid fry food/Hikari first bites. Long shot, but if he's on the way out anyway ...

Aquattro 04-03-2015 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 943747)
Since you're going shopping anyway, you could pick up some Wardley's liquid fry food/Hikari first bites. Long shot, but if he's on the way out anyway ...

Have you been to Victoria?? :) Tough enough to find flake food.

Wretch 04-03-2015 07:31 PM

I know its a bit late but fish are supposed to love Doc eco eggs. Might be good to try on next fish if this one doesn't make it.

Wheelman76 04-03-2015 07:40 PM

My regal angel gobbles up docs Eco eggs

gregzz4 04-03-2015 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 943753)
Have you been to Victoria?? :) Tough enough to find flake food.

The ones I mentioned are freshwater foods

PetSmart, Creatures, A Pets Life, Pets West ....
Someone must carry fry food

Aquattro 04-03-2015 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 943757)
The ones I mentioned are freshwater foods

PetSmart, Creatures, A Pets Life, Pets West ....
Someone must carry fry food

My only real LFS is J&L, so kinda hooped.

I've moved this guy to the DT in hopes he can forage for stuff, black worms didn't even get a second look.

Lesson, don't buy fish that isn't eating yet, even if it means you don't get the fish at all.

gregzz4 04-03-2015 09:00 PM

Maybe you'll get lucky and him seeing the others eat will help 04-03-2015 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 943765)
Maybe you'll get lucky and him seeing the others eat will help

sit in front of the tank and eat a baconator, maybe he'll get hungry

Aquattro 04-03-2015 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 943774)
sit in front of the tank and eat a baconator, maybe he'll get hungry

I don't know what that is, but I don't think I eat those lol 04-03-2015 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 943776)
I don't know what that is, but I don't think I eat those lol

the ultimate heart attack burger from wendies

gregzz4 04-03-2015 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 943776)
I don't know what that is, but I don't think I eat those lol

Your taste buds don't know what they're missing !!
Gluten, grease, fat, carbs, salt ... mmmm
John Pinette swore by these food items, right to the end :wink:

Aquattro 04-03-2015 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 943778)
the ultimate heart attack burger from wendies

Ah! Ya, not on the menu here :)

Gooly001 04-04-2015 03:07 AM

Try this
Brad try these things:

1. Prazipro dip. If it has flukes it won't eat and flukes are hard to see.
2. Live Manila clams in a half shell, spear the meat with a knife so that the juices cause the fish to attract to it.
3. Go to sushi restaurant and ask them to sell you fish roe that they use for their sushi. Flying fish roe is good size. I sometimes use them as a treat for anthias and wrasses.

gregzz4 04-04-2015 03:41 AM

Great ideas Paul :wink:

Aquattro 04-04-2015 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Gooly001 (Post 943823)
Brad try these things:

1. Prazipro dip. If it has flukes it won't eat and flukes are hard to see.
2. Live Manila clams in a half shell, spear the meat with a knife so that the juices cause the fish to attract to it.
3. Go to sushi restaurant and ask them to sell you fish roe that they use for their sushi. Flying fish roe is good size. I sometimes use them as a treat for anthias and wrasses.

Tried all those, except prazi, which I find suppresses appetite for longer than I figured I had.
I've added him to the DT in hopes he grazes on something and builds an appetite. But I'm not hopeful.

Aquattro 04-04-2015 03:47 AM

Although, I should have gone to the sushi place for roe instead of the market. Could have grabbed some tuna rolls :)

gregzz4 04-04-2015 05:11 AM

So, any luck yet ?

Next time you're on the Mainland you'll have to pick up some of my leftover freshwater stuff.
I've some Hikari fresh bites and Wardley's (probably expired) for you :biggrin:
It's all free big guy.

Plus you'll need to grab some of my extra special cubes of Greg's Ultra Marine Food.
This can be had for frags ... full of lots of fishy goodness for your critters to feed on !
I use PE and Hikari mysis, rotifers, fresh shrimps, fresh clams, regular brine and gut-loaded spirulina brine, baby brine, mega marine regular, mega marine angel with sponges, Ocean Plankton ... I think that's all
Oh, and I also add lots of AminOmega and GarlicPower to half of all my mixes; half regular, half dosed.
Doesn't matter what brand you use, just what I bought last time. Lasts a long time.

LMK when you're coming to town Brad and I'll set you up with some food :biggrin:
It takes some time to process, so I need a little advance warning, or you can have stuff out of my freezer if need be

Makes a great cube for anything finicky

J&L will bring in all kinds of stuff if you need something shipped

Aquattro 04-04-2015 05:21 AM

I don't usually buy fish that aren't eating, but with J&L you buy it or lose it, so I took a chance. Bad choice.
Fish is rummaging around behind the rock work in the DT, hopefully eating something. If not, shrimps will have a buffet in a couple days.

Jaws 04-04-2015 05:56 AM

I'll bring by some New Era food to try tomorrow. I've had good luck with that food on some finicky fish because of the smell. Worth a shot anyways.

Aquattro 04-04-2015 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 943853)
I'll bring by some New Era food to try tomorrow. I've had good luck with that food on some finicky fish because of the smell. Worth a shot anyways.

Ok. He's in the DT, so not sure it will get to him, but worth a shot.

Wheelman76 04-04-2015 06:33 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 943837)
Tried all those, except prazi, which I find suppresses appetite for longer than I figured I had.
I've added him to the DT in hopes he grazes on something and builds an appetite. But I'm not hopeful.

I've seen prazi pro suppress appetite in certain fish , but what Gooly recommended was a prazipro dip , which shouldn't affect the fish appetite. Mind you I guess i doesnt really matter now that he's in the dt.

Aquattro 04-04-2015 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Wheelman76 (Post 943858)
I've seen prazi pro suppress appetite in certain fish , but what Gooly recommended was a prazipro dip

Ya, I hadn't thought of that. Might have been a good idea :)

gregzz4 04-07-2015 02:56 AM

Update ?

Aquattro 04-07-2015 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 944267)
Update ?

Didn't make it.

straightrazorguy 04-07-2015 02:50 PM

Bummer. Sorry to hear, man.

Aquattro 04-07-2015 02:51 PM

It was a poor purchase, I should have known better.

kien 04-07-2015 03:18 PM

We've all been there. Sorry to hear :-(

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