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GoFish 03-27-2015 09:00 PM

Are all Wrasses jumpers?
I'd love to have a wrasse in 60 gallon tank but really don't wanna put a top on it. Water level is about 2" below the rim

Any wrasses that are known non-jumpers?

Thanks in advance

duncangweller 03-27-2015 09:39 PM

My 93 is uncovered and I have 3 wrasseseseses. Neither of them have gone airborne yet (touch wood). Clown fish has hit the hard wood before though.

straightrazorguy 03-27-2015 09:48 PM

In my experience wrasses and gobies don't jump until they do. They may be OK for years and then, one day they carpet surf. Then you wish you had a cover....

corpusse 03-28-2015 03:12 AM

Assuming your uncovered tank is disease free carpet surfing will likely be their cause of death.

Dearth 03-28-2015 04:08 AM

I've lost 3 wrasse to suicide by carpet and I have had a lid on if something spooks them they will jump lid or not I've had a lawnmower blennie and a lubbocks wrasse break the egg crate over top my aquarium.

Now the nasty part is over generally speaking if you have a ton of uncontested hiding spots or a deep sanded your wrasse will most likely be fine hiding is their first option when scared and second option is generally another hiding spot the last resort generally is to jump.

christyf5 03-28-2015 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by straightrazorguy (Post 942765)
In my experience wrasses and gobies don't jump until they do. They may be OK for years and then, one day they carpet surf. Then you wish you had a cover....

pretty much says it all. I had some jump, some not jump for years until they jumped. If you get a wrasse, get a lid or you'll have fish jerky on the floor.

gregzz4 03-28-2015 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 942789)
the last resort generally is to jump.

My wrasses only jump. They don't go for cover, just straight out of the water and 'bam' into the light cover. Sometimes its a simple thing such as feeding, sometimes it's 'cause they don't like their own reflection


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 942790)
If you get a wrasse, get a lid or you'll have fish jerky on the floor.

Pretty much sums it up for all wrasses
I've had them for coming up on 3 years now and have noticed some hit the light that never did any 'spooked' things in the past

It would appear that they just shoot 'straight up' when spooked, so there's nothing you can do about it

BTW, I had a 2" Lubbock's go straight through regular eggcrate :surprise::surprise::surprise:
The flapping on top of the crate woke me up and I put her (well actually him) back in the tank before she flopped her way to the edge of the tank.
That was enough to cause me to build a light (pseudo canopy) surround that protects the fish and blocks light bleed. It's in my build thread if you can find it

Aquattro 03-28-2015 04:33 AM

I've always wondered, do wrasses do this in the wild? It would seem counter intuitive to run out into the open vs ducking for cover. Better take a trip to research this...:)

christyf5 03-28-2015 04:34 AM

well I would imagine that any ejection from the water would just land them right back in unless they did it next to an exposed rock or something. A lot of watery landscape in comparison to our tanks :wink:

But you go check, just to make sure :razz:

Aquattro 03-28-2015 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 942796)
well I would imagine that any ejection from the water would just land them right back in unless they did it next to an exposed rock or something. A lot of watery landscape in comparison to our tanks :wink:

But you go check, just to make sure :razz:

Ya, not saying they beach themselves, but leaving the water to escape a predator just lands them fairly close back in the water with said predator. No?

gregzz4 03-28-2015 05:01 AM

OK, all fun aside as I can't come up with something witty ....

Maybe in the wild they bolt in whatever direction is away from the threat, or away from the rocks, or whatever, instead of just straight up.
Maybe in the wild they bolt 'into' the rocks but can't do so in our little glass boxes....

I feel that, in our tanks, theres nowhere else to go but up as we haven't given them enough places to hide ???

It'd be interesting to see a diver show us their environment and spook some ...

GoFish 03-28-2015 06:27 AM

All input appreciated so far, thanks...
Duncan, what type of Wrasses do you have and is there a sand bed and or much rock for hiding?

The Wrasses I've caught while fishing have all been close to the bottom. And while diving have seen them in shallow and deep water. If they sleep in the sand and rock work of our tanks they must do the same thing thing in the wild, so assuming that's somewhere they'd consider safe it would makes sense they would escape predators by hiding instead of jumping

Of the 3 I've had only 1 has jumped (Secretive wrasse). It just sucks when something can be done, for the most part, to prevent this from happening

Aquattro 03-28-2015 02:12 PM

FWIW, I've lost almost every wrasse I've kept to jumping. Just recently a secretive, which worked out ok because I was trying very hard to get it out of the tank. Currently have a pair of cleaners that have jumped in the past, but so far in my tank have stayed in the water. I may build a lid one day.

acanthurus 03-28-2015 03:04 PM

I have a yellow coris living in the rear chambers of my biocube.. Can't get him out, been a week.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

GoFish 03-28-2015 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 942833)
I may build a lid one day.

I'm sure the same thought has come to mind of many current, former, and potential wrasse keepers. :)

Had a Cleaner a couple years ago, traded it back into J+L after downsizing tanks, never jumped, model citizen. There was an article in 2013 about successfully breeding them in captivity, has anyone seen any of these pop up for sale anywhere?

Do fish stores that keep them put lids on their tanks when they close shop? If not I wonder what their success rates are. I'll ask Katie next trip J+L

duncangweller 03-28-2015 04:21 PM

I have a Lubbock's, blue sided and a carpenters flasher at the moment. Also had a melanarus and he stayed put too.

Just remembered that I did have a solar wrasse and he found a tiny hole in my screen top and went tanning under my t5s. He was well done when I found him in the AM.

There are lots of hiding spots in my tank, but no more than anyone else's I shouldn't think

Aquattro 03-28-2015 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Vancity (Post 942848)
Had a Cleaner a couple years ago, traded it back into J+L after downsizing tanks, never jumped, model citizen. There was an article in 2013 about successfully breeding them in captivity, has anyone seen any of these pop up for sale anywhere?

Do fish stores that keep them put lids on their tanks when they close shop? If not I wonder what their success rates are. I'll ask Katie next trip J+L

Mine haven't spawned yet, maybe I'm playing the wrong music??

My (old) LFS would often find wrasses on the floor or in adjoining tanks. So ya, they jump just for fun :)

GoFish 03-28-2015 04:33 PM

Thanks Dunc I'll do some research on those....
2 words Brad, "More cowbell!"

Aquattro 03-28-2015 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Vancity (Post 942854)
2 words Brad, "More cowbell!"

I'll try that. I just happen to have a cowbell near the tank. Don't ask.

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