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lockrookie 03-26-2015 03:13 AM

Very expensive mistake
I am posting this with a heavy heart I am so beside myself and wish I had done thinks differently but hindsight is 50/50 right.

So posting this for future ppl to beware. I just received today a very very beautiful batfish enjoyed it within its bag excited to add it to my tank. Acclimate admire for the whole two hours. I released my foxface my yellow tang all is well my trigger popped by to say hello to both. Released the batfish and in less than 10 seconds my trigger had a full belly.

Sigh I should have put it in my 50g but wanted to enjoy it in my main display. The trigger has never ever once gone after any other fish in the tank. Anyways today sucks I didn't see that coming and am now going to tend to my wounds


hillegom 03-26-2015 03:15 AM

Sorry to hear that. Was the batfish really small compared to the trigger?

Aquattro 03-26-2015 03:17 AM

Learned that lesson with a goby years ago. Didn't make it 5 seconds.

TimT 03-26-2015 03:28 AM

Sorry to hear that Jeff. It sucks when that happens.

Sometimes fish are hardened criminals and can never be taught that other "fish are friends not food".

lockrookie 03-26-2015 03:42 AM

Yes the batfish was small but I've added chromis in the past no issue. He didn't even batt an eye at the yellow tang or foxface just said hi to both swam over to the bad fish and devoured. After the initial shock and helplessness I felt. It really was kinda impressive

Bayside Corals 03-26-2015 04:06 AM

That sucks big time! That batfish was an impressive eater and that's fairly rare for them.

Were your lights on when you put him in the tank? I always turn the lights off before I even float the bags in the aquarium. It usually helps with aggression towards the new fish.


jorjef 03-26-2015 04:11 AM

R.I.P little fishy. I saw him in the bag just hours ago.

lockrookie 03-26-2015 04:11 AM

Lights where off colby... And 50% of tank covered to darken it more.. It's my bad I should have added him to my 50. I had a feeling and should have listened to it.. Just feel bad for the poor fish it was so beautiful. And had no chance.

Bayside Corals 03-26-2015 04:25 AM

Yeah sometimes it just happens.

I once saw a frogfish eat a lionfish that was in the same tank. The lion was roughly the same size as the frogfish and thought there is no way they would bother eachother. Within seconds that lion was in the frogfish's mouth and gone forever.......

I like how jorjef likes to rub salt in the freshly open wound :D

jorjef 03-26-2015 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Colby Bay (Post 942541)

I like how jorjef likes to rub salt in the freshly open wound :D

Waa cha mean... If you can't laugh at another man's misery what can you laugh at? :lol: like I said its in the code book.

jorjef 03-26-2015 04:48 AM

It is unfortunate because lockrookie is one of the nicest guys out there. He would and does bend over backwards to help people.

gregzz4 03-26-2015 05:06 AM

Wholee crap Jeff
Sorry to hear about it dude. That was a pretty fish according to other Jeff's pic :sad:

I made a booboo in front of the wife last week that I'll never hear the end of ...
We've always had peppermint shrimp in our tank, so our wrasses were cool with them.

When our big pepp disappeared last month I decided to get another, not thinking anything about it (size wise) as we have both a cleaner and a fire shrimp.
Brought home the pepp and an emerald crab.
After acclimation introduced both to the DT after dinner.
Placed the emerald crab on the LR near some algae, and the shrimp inside my 8" x 8" birdsnest colony.
Duh dun .... duh dun ... (jaws theme song)
Wrasses are curious, wrasses are stalking, shrimp is receding, wrasses are stalking and pecking, crab is enjoying having his back picked at, pepp is nervous, BAM pepp is in my Melanurus mouth, smashed against the rocks and the whole crew had a $10 snack.
The whole thing took less than 20-30 seconds :surprise:

Hope to see a batfish in one of your tanks soon :biggrin:

gregzz4 03-26-2015 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 942545)
It is unfortunate because lockrookie is one of the nicest guys out there. He would and does bend over backwards to help people.

I always had a feeling you were a bit soft inside :wink:

jorjef 03-26-2015 05:22 AM

Yep I'm busted. No sense continuing the portrayal of something I'm not. Its all nice guy from now on.

gregzz4 03-26-2015 05:26 AM

You said the same thing years ago, and you still made me choke on my beer now when I read this ...

jorjef 03-26-2015 05:32 AM

Well Gregory it's not for my lack of trying. Did you not see my empathetic sentiment I posted along with the picture?

lockrookie 03-26-2015 05:32 AM

Very expensive mistake
It's always the pretty things or the most expensive and if you want a list of do not's I can give you one lol

From Angels eating dendros to never clean a power head while it's still running Murphy will get you and mow the tenticals off that pretty plate coral. It sucks but you move on.

I am a little worried for the foxface too was breathing heavy and went into hiding only time will tell but every other addition is doing good so far.

Thank you Jeff for the kind words. I only do for others as others have done for me. We have a great community of refers in sask

gregzz4 03-26-2015 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by jorjef (Post 942559)
Well Gregory it's not for my lack of trying. Did you not see my empathetic sentiment I posted along with the picture?

Well now I'm going to read your posts in a whole new light, you big softie you ... :hug:


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 942560)
I am a little worried for the foxface too was breathing heavy and went into hiding only time will tell but every other addition is doing good so far.

Breathing heavy, just freaked out ? Try some surface agitation just in case he wants to use up extra O2 for a day or so ... just a thought. I've lost SO many freshwater fish in the past due to O2 deprivation (lack of knowledge in my freshwater days) ...
And you know to watch your ammo levels when adding new fishies, right ?
Sorry, but I have to ask as you mentioned the heavy breathing thing :biggrin:

So the tang is faring well ?

Thanks for the post Jeff. Good for others to know 'who eats who'
Honestly, I was shocked to read your post and will refer to it when the wife pipes up about wanting a bigger tank with 'bigger' fish

Bayside Corals 03-26-2015 05:54 AM

Don't worry about the foxface, they are notorious for being scaredy cat's and getting stressed when first introduced. He will be fine in a couple days.


gregzz4 03-26-2015 05:57 AM

True about the foxface
My one spot was eating like a pig the same night he came home, but he was never breathing heavy ....

lockrookie 03-26-2015 07:06 AM

Yeah I guess I'm just on edge now lol to be expected. I've always wanted a foxface and this one was to cool to pass up

In light of the events thanks colby for every thing. Sorry that batfish got eaten

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