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Piscez 2nd go around fresh start 220Gal - no buckets no barrels please
Hello all, well its good to be back after a 5 year absence. Won't bore you all with details but basically I previously had a 120 Gal : http://www.canreef.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=62786 back in 2009, all done with Anthony's help but due to family issues I had to shut it down in May of 2010, the plan was to move it to my new home, but after losing all my fish at a fish sitters place, it kind of killed my spirit so I sold the complete tank to a fellow Canreefer. Back to present day... I have a co worker who also used to be in the saltwater game and we got chatting and we both decided to get nano's. So out I went and got a 24gal, I had been poking around the forum looking and Anthony noticed asking if I was coming back. When I told him I was getting a nano he humorously knew that wasn't going to cut it and asked what I would really like! I told him since it would be going in my dining room in place of the buffet I really wanted a large viewing pane so a 220gal 72"x30"x24" with emphasis on the 30" height and ideally on a stand that would be 40" high as I have 10 foot ceilings and would like to do a wainscot paneling all the way around the dining room with drop out panels covering the stand to give to a clean finished look. Well Anthony doesn't mess around, the same day I picked up my Nano he calls me to tell me he has a friend selling the exact setup, so I purchased this:
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psvudzf5pf.jpg Even the stand was a close to perfect 39.5"!!! So what a great start, I had a one other requirement if I was going to make this happen and this system fit the bill. I wanted a large sump as I wanted to section off a 50 gallon portion to use as my water change and ATO reservoir. Low and behold this system had a 125 gallon sump. Other supplied equipment was a 6 Ft T5 lighting with built in timer and moonlights, Euroreef RC-250 skimmer, Titanium 1000watt heater , tunze powerhead, Vortech MP40 wavemaker, plumbing etc, all the live rock and sand. I had a custom home builder friend come over to see about the weight issue being this was going on the 2nd floor of my 3 level home. The wall behind the tank is a 3 level load baring one as well as the outside wall to the right of the tank and even better it is all over the garage with steel girders running underneath... perfect! The next plan was to get my plumber pal over to run me a water line and a drain system, I decided buckets and barrels were not going to be part of my water change regime :idea: I've got say this was mean't to be everything just fell into place even the drain setup ran perfectly a turn of a ball valve to stop the flow into the sump and another to direct it into the drain from the dining room into the garage out the garage though the ceiling into the gutter down pipe!.... sweet. To add the 50 gal new water I just turn off one return pump turn the ball valve, open another ball valve which is connected to a 3rd return pump sitting in my reservoir and the job is done :biggrin: The reservoir then once again becomes my ATO. I know there is a bit of a debate about using tap and Prime VS R/O water, but I just went with the easier route and trusted the advice I was given from a couple of seasoned reefers they have been using tap and Prime for over 4 years ( since the pre Olympics GVRD water treatment upgrade) with no issues so I'm good with that. I will post up pics of my tap and drain system very soon stay tuned, thanks! |
On the move, sure pays to have friends and family, especially those with a truck!!!!
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...sevryvgws.jpeg Prep for position: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...ssbnzurjw.jpeg Setting up: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...ps6y2u5xdq.jpg Getting ready for placement: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psklk8q5y7.jpg Tank in place: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psv0kzpnie.jpg Sump baffle build: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...pszuwmwlto.jpg |
Looks like a great re-start! I'll be tagging along for the ride.
yeah I ran into Anthony too and he helps me out a lot, and he close to my house :). They said salt water tank is easy to upkeep once its running but I find that its not, beside the water change, salt have to get mix and dosing and testing for coral. Your sump is nice, it do multi things and save space as well.
Looks like a great start! You might learn to dislike the 30" depth though once you realize you have to use tongs to do anything. :D I'm looking forward to seeing the finished renovations though. It looks like a nice tank - Aqueon/AGA mega flow? I like the trim on it. Although I imagine you're going to cover up all the trim with your renovation...?
Fwiw, your tank is 72 x 24 x 30" (not the other way around). Length x width x height. |
Saw this tank yesterday, looking awesome, Andrew! Take a pic of the majestic when he comes out :wink:
Here's the water line and drain in the garage:
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...ps1e7xy5h5.jpg and the drain coming out of the garage into the downspout outside, nice and clean :biggrin:: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psmuyjmpcc.jpg Once the panel is back up the PVC is barely seen, as you can see there is about 1/4" showing in the downspout, with a bit more wrangling I'm sure I could hide that too. |
Water line and drain ( just to the right of the ATO), plumbing connected:
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...ps9n1aqwph.jpg |
Finally some up and running tank shots:
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...srulxlbil.jpeg http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...shlrv7mnf.jpeg http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...sjpgfljze.jpeg My two favourite fish! both equal beauties sorry for the blurry shots taken with my android: Majestic Angel http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...sonpxkkig.jpeg Purple Tang http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psq4xtcgte.jpg More great fish to come, I'll post some daylight full room shots soon, next is to work on the wainscoting and quartz counter top to finish it off. |
Looks good! Great idea putting the drain into the down spout. That goes out to the storm drain, right? I hope it's not going onto your lawn (the saltwater will kill it). You will get really ugly salt stains on your driveway too if it's running on the driveway.
I see you are selling more rock after another change in rock work, did you pick up that copperband butterfly or powder blue tang at OC?
Yep got approx 100lbs now available. The copperbands weren't eating at this stage so I left those alone for now, but did take his Juv Emperor and the powder Blue he'd them since Feb 26th, great fish super healthy funny my purple tang flashed the powder blue maybe 5 times, but the PB didn't seem fazed and now they cruise together, no issues between my Majestic and Emperor of course, how's the coral beauty? |
Well here's the latest tank shot since removing a lot live rock to create more flow and swim room, next is to reduce the sand bed depth as advised by Paul from Oceanic Corals. Also increased my livestock which now consist of Purple Tang, Powder Blue, Majestic and Emperor Angel, Coral beauty, pair of Clowns, baby Hippo Tang, Orange spot sand sifter, clown goby and just added today flame hawkfish!
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...ps65yi9ahu.jpg http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psrh9oe1l5.jpg Starting to drag my behind a little on wainscoting finish.... |
you had me at drain spout.
Awesome build. |
you might want to insulate around your drain from the house.it doesn't get that cold here very often but it can and freeze up your pipe and possibly crack it .better safe than sorry,
Well it's been a while since I've updated, had to deal with a family matter and my time is going to be limited for quite a while, but I have managed to get the wainscoting going and just yesterday converted to LED lighting, the pics aren't best as I took them with the dimmers turned up way too high. All in all I'm really happy with the LED's, we'll see how they perform in the long run. I've still to continue the wainscoting around the dining room, finish the counter top and fascia. Sadly my Majestic passed away.... very timid, but I did pick up a gorgeous Melanurus wrasse and a bonded pair of long nose hawk fish, they love to hangout together which is really cool seeing them side by side. My RBTA's have split again so I now have 5. Here's a couple of pics:
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...sssrac8nf.jpeg http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...s7xnambjl.jpeg |
Very nice!
Looking good, Andrew! The new aquascape is nice, lots of swimming room for them.
Sorry to hear about the majestic, I've had my share of fish deaths lately and it hurts every time. |
Here's a few tank shots in stages from right to left:
My RBTA split twice, can just see my little saddleback hosting, purple tang in the way, trying to grow GSP on my return, frogspawn upper right: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...ssyz5cvnn.jpeg Toadstool, bubble coral, my huge green hairy mushroom, couple my fish hamming it up: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...su8ubpflw.jpeg Multi head torch, Aussie Duncan, White anemone, favia etc: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...sl2qjjyab.jpeg Montecap, another torch, two RBTA's hiding under mont and one GBTA, couple of mushroom and a metallic GSP on return: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...sj1nrct0x.jpeg Kenya tree, another white anemone, a rescue coral far left background, once was a blue sponge hoping it will be again: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...sdawcowxj.jpeg |
I have approx 20 fish, i know heavy bio-load, but I love them all, but my two favourites are the ones with the most character, love watching this guy with his curiosity and antics, gorgeous colours Niger Trigger:
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...sc1ybwcaq.jpeg My second favourite is this copperband he is sweetest guy, I can even stroke him with my finger and he doesn't flinch, only had him a few days from "Morph" got five fish from him and a few corals. http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...shqbetjxb.jpeg Finally one more random fish shot: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...smtpfrdfk.jpeg |
Good looking fish! Glad to see the purple is doing well too :biggrin:
Looking good! Man you have a ton of rock in there! :D
Here my latest day pics, dealing with a little bit of a cyano issue but anyway.
Left side: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psp6heeix5.jpg Center: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psiaidscq7.jpg Right side: http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psrsipmtvf.jpg |
Fish Source
Beautiful fish! I didn't understand where you bought them. It didn't sound like J&L or King Ed. AquaAddict |
Thanks, I bought them all over really some from tank shut downs of other reefers, yes J&L as well as King Ed's, others from former Oceanic corals
A couple of evening shots, finally got around to installing the Granite on the sides and the front facial will take a day pic:
http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psnyao1ryf.jpg http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/l...psmtphh1jf.jpg |
How are the majestic and emperor doing?
Looks very classy now! |
Thanks Brian, Majestic doing well unfortunately the Emperor didn't make it not sure why as he was a tiny tiny baby but was eating and no stress from other fish... Need to get a decent day shot of the finished thing, looks pretty nice IMO
Tanks looking awesome Andrew :biggrin:
What I can see of stand looks great - would love to se a full photo! The tank contents are looking real good too. Sorry about the Emperor.
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