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reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 06:34 AM

The why, oh why, 38 stair, 290 gal build revised
So I messed up the beginning of my first attempt at a tank thread, so I am starting it over...

My original post was.....

Why did I do this to myself..Ugh I could not just leave well enough alone. I saw Dusty16s 290 gal for sale on here and the twofootitis disease hit me...For those wondering what twofootitis is, it is a term boaters use when seeing/wanting a larger boat, as boat 2 ft longer makes a huge difference to the size inside etc. I actually, for good reasons, talked myself out of buying this tank twice, before succumbing to the the price and twofootitis.

So three of us hauled into the back of the truck yesterday. That was the easy work...

Hmmm, how the hell am I going to get this up to the house, was the burning question that I had been asking myself since seeing it for sale on Canreef....Not only that, but who would even consider helping me...Friends and family would picture the front of my house and think to themselves, "Not a chance in hell", but politely tell me they had prior commitments or else they would certainly be there for me! Uh-huh...sure...

Yep, that is the front of my house...38 stairs, and 3 landings from the street to my front door...Now you know why I talked myself out of this twice!

Now you know why the title states "why oh why"!!

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 06:44 AM

and this is the tank to haul up those stairs...

This is her. a 290 gallon, starphire glass, and Eurobraced. Dusty16 had it made by concept, but the brace got broke and was sent another one. So he put this one up for sale.

This tank is sweet.

I am going to use the Bean animal drain system.

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 06:56 AM

I have a 180 gal Oceanic bowfront mixed reef tank set up already.
I have only been in this hobby for about a year now. The girlfriend wanted a saltwater tank and I was...Hmmm, lets say..gullible. My endeavor to find a tank had begun.
Little did I know that after reading for two months to learn what I could, I would still know nothing...
Anyways. I originally bought three running saltwater tanks from three different folks. I took what I wanted from each setup and built one with the best of the equipment etc and came up with this

I think the tank was about 1.5 months old when I took this pic.

Of course i had to tear down the wall first. There used to be a wall that went straight up to the ceiling, where the tank sits now. Ripped out everything and lowered the wall and widened it for an aquarium to sit on.

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 06:58 AM

and this is what I did in the sump room which is below the tank in the basement.

The pic only shows the sump tank, there is a 75 gal refugium beside it as well.

You can probably see that I failed neatness class 101. a neat freak I am not.

I did all the plumbing and electrical myself and Paul from Oceanic came and drilled the tanks for me. Thanks Paul.

I explained to Paul what my plans were for the tanks and how I was going to set everything up in the sump room. Paul had some suggestions for me and of course I was arrogant enough to think I knew everything there was to know and pretty much just said "uh Huh" and ignored him...After all, I just spent 2 months reading hundreds and hundreds of articles...

Needless to say, I ended up ripping down the whole sump room setup a week later. I guess Pauls suggestions were not so bad after The sump tank was originally up against the wall where the dosers are and the refugium was where the sump was. Ripped it all down and moved it over the weekend.

First lesson learned? Take heed to an experienced reefer advice...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:16 AM

Mr ReeferFulton had this comment for me....

ohh sounds fun.
Call me if ya need a hand with moving this one..

oh Sorry I live on Vancouver island..Its the thought that counts right ? lol

going to do a full build thread ?
Reeferfulton 110 gallon semi cube build

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:18 AM

and my reply was.....

lol, Yes, just what I imagined my friends and family would say when I begged for help Mr reeferfulton .
But that is why I lend my son and his friends money. I never expect the money repaid in cash, but they know they will have to pay and pay dearly they will this time (says with a sinister tone). Oh son.... remember when I lent you and your buddy a few hundred to pay rent?
Huh? When was that Dad? he replies.
Oh about 6 months ago... Time to pay up son..I have a simple way for you guys to repay me. hehe

So the three of us get to Dustys house in Surrey and haul it into the back of the truck and up the stairs. Not so bad, but an all day job it was...Finished in time to see the Seahawks kick the Panthers butts...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:23 AM

Have you heard the old saying "big and dumb"? Well the three of us probably thought that as we carried the tank up by hand. No winch, no sled. Just brawn and a great fear of dying... It was rather

Here it is in the front entrance..

I swear the brace was broken before I got it...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:25 AM

It took me about 20 mins to cut out the silicone and remove the broken brace and replace it.
Tank all fixed up and ready

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:29 AM

Now to get my 180 DT taken apart and sold with the stand. Which I do have advertised on here.
Now of course, if you listen to my wife, I do not do anything in life the easy way.
I never thought I would be dumb enough to want a bigger tank! I learned my lessen with boats...or so I thought. Anyways, since I thought nothing of the future when building my first ever saltwater tank last year, I used the the stand for my 180 bowfront DT, to set the 90 gal refugium on.
Of course it was a wise idea to use up the extra space on the stand to set half the 75 gallon sump on as well. I would never think that one day, I may need that stand back..UGH!! So now I have to break down these tanks to get stand....

Pay attentions kids, you may learn alot of what not to do from me...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:37 AM

Sooo, anyone want to help lift this sucker into place?
I think the tank only weighs about 85 lbs , but it has to be raised about 5 ft to get it up there...

I have to lift it into place from there as the 290 is too big to get it around the to the front of wall, where it is only 3 feet off the ground instead of 5.5 feet.

Always easy...

just in case any one ever moves a tank. I suggest renting a few sets of glaziers suction cup lifters. You can rent them for cheap at most rental stores and make lifting big tanks easier...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:43 AM

Haha, Yesssss. My lil package came today.
I can not believe it got here so quick. I have ordered from some of the more well known online stores in the USA and every time it has taken a minimum of 10 days to get to Sumas WA, where I go and pick it up. One time I tried having it delivered to my door and it took over three weeks to arrive and it was only an impeller for my Red Dragon skimmer pump.

This stuff was shipped from Hong Kong Last Monday and it was at my local post office yesterday!!! WOW! Pretty impressive

So these are the goods and the prices..

Jebao Twins Linkage Controller
Select Controller: Package RW-20 (+ $140.00) $140.00 This is 2 RW20ps and the twin controller for 140 bucks!

Jebao RW/ FS/ RW20 Replacement Kits
Extension Cord (100cm) $10.00

Boyu Water Level Alarm $4.00

Liquid Box 3 Room $22.50

Apex / GHL to Jebao RW DC WP Pump $34.99

I have some Tunze powerheads and waveboxes, but at this price, I figured would try these out.

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:54 AM

So this is about where my original thread ended and I never added to it.
Life got busy and the tank sat at my entryway for about 2 months.
Of course the wife had much to say about this, but I reminded her that she was the one who talked me into setting up a saltwater tank for her in the first place, which has lead to this addiction...

The 2 months gave me time to think about how I was going to set up the new tank and change the sump room.

So I organized the endeavor, had my daughters friends come by and help me out for all the food they had eaten over the years...

Of course I was not going to lift this sucker up by hand, so off to the rental store to pick up this...

What is this you ask? It is a Genie, material lifter. It will lift 600lbs 18ft in the air...I call it a blessing!!!

Needless to say I had to bring it up all the damn stairs! good thing it was a rental, cause I gave it a push down the stairs, when I was done with it. Amazing how fast one of those can go down 20 stairs...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 07:59 AM

Unfortunately, I forgot to take pics of us lifting the tank into place with the material lifter....We never would have gotten it up there without it and it was so easy to do...

Anyways, this is where I kept my lil friends while exchanging the tanks out.

and this is some of the plumbing needed to set up the new tank with the Bean Animal...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 08:06 AM

Ripped out the old plumbing

put the 180 gal bowfront out on the lawn
It is for sale....7000.00 with the stand.

I felt sooo bad...One of the cardinals went missing about 4 days before do the tank swap. Figured it was just his time and he became crab food. After getting the tank out on the lawn, I started to take the bulkheads off an hour or so later. guess who I saw laying at the bottom of the tank, inside the overflow box? Yep...Mr Cardinal and he did not look none to healthy

Lesson learned, forgotten and remembered....Remember to look in the overflow box if you are missing a critter...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 08:23 AM

WooHooo! Tank in place and ready for action...

Hmmm, damn it..I knew I forgot to do something! never cleaned the inside of the tank before lifting it in place!! aaaargh!!

Lesson# 3 or 5, maybe 10...When you make a list detailing each thing needing to be done. listing each task to be done in order, so that you do not forget anything while rushing around...Maybe try reading it when completing a task or two..!! Ugh...

Thank goodness for skinny folks...

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 08:29 AM

Getting to be late by the time this picture was taken. Started at 8:00 am by picking up material lift, then emptying tank of criiters etc. Started swapping tanks at 12ish and finished by 2 ish...Spent the rest of the time setting up the rock..Gawd my arms needed to be 3 inches longer...

i think it was about 9ish when the pic was taken..

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 08:51 AM

I kept about 75% of the water from the bowfront setup and had another 150 gals mixed up downstairs to fill the DT, sump and refugium.

The water is pretty murky all said and done, but the critters were all fine. corals started coming out about 20 mins after placing them in the tank.

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 08:57 AM

Now that I think about it, I did the move on the family day long weekend..Not a bad way to spend some time with the family..Right?

This is how the tank looked the next morning....

No loss of critters...:)

just in case you are wondering...No, that is not how I am leaving the aquascaping. We just threw everything in there for the nite, so the critters did not get stressed out.

Bought the Hawaian black substrate online from Drs fosters and whoever. Good timing as it was on sale for 12 bucks a bag, regular 20.00, so i bought 8 bags, had it shipped for free to Pic It Up in Sumas Wa and then brought it across the border 5 days later. Substrate is bagged by Caribsea and comes live...It is quite nice. Has black, with white and red specks.

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 09:38 AM

A week passed by, before I had the time or energy to revamp some of the sump room. The wires to the apex etc were a mess.

I have an apex with 2 EB8s and a EB4. They power the Bubble king mini 180 (which is now too small for a 400 gal system, so it is for sale), three schlobster dosers from J&L, three metal halides, 4 t5s and some moonlights, the two return pumps, Tunze ATO, 2 x 300w heaters, 1/2 HP chiller,Waste water pump and a new salt water pump, a few power bars and some misc stuff.

I have the Fluval, carbon reactor, GFO reactor and 40 watt UV running off the return pump, so there are not individual pumps for each of them. The return pumps are a Pan world 250PS and a 150PS.

At this time I am dosing Calcium, magnesium and Sodium carbonate. I buy bulk schlobster from J&L and mix it up , following Randy Holmes 2 part mix. Being new to the hobby, I am not sure if this is better than buying ready made 2 part or not. I am happy how my critters are doing so, no reason to change it up yet.

I was using regulat IO salt but started using the IO reef salt when I swapped tanks. Figured it was easier to keep up parameters with a reef salt. Time will tell.

This is the refugium. I have the DT tank drain into here, the water is mechanically filtered thru a 100 micron fabric, 200 micron carbon filter, a lime filter, and some other 2/3 stage filters, then to the refugium, which is full of pods. It is then siphoned into the sump, thru 2, 1 1/2" outlets, where the skimmer and reactors are. The water goes thru another set of mechanical filters and finally back up to the DT.

I have the Apex AFS drop pellets just above the return pump inlet, where they are sucked up and pushed into the the DT, twice a day. There are 6 return nozzles/loc lines that have shut off valves on them to control the waterflow from each one. The food gets dispersed thru them all, so all the critters get a fair chance at the pellets. I feed my own mixture of frozen blood worms, mysis, clams, oysters, and plankton once a day in the morning time.
I have just about completed my top secret auto frozen fish food feeder. I have a super mini freezer that keeps a 2 weeks supply of frozen food in it and then spits out a cube once a day into a small container, where it can un thaw and be pushed out a lil at a time by the powerheads...It is about 12' x 1.5 inches x 3 inches...

This is the before pic of the sump room, not a lot different, just a little less mess of wires and pipes etc

daplatapus 03-05-2015 02:11 PM

Holy cow dude, what a ton of work!!! But it looks great, congrats on the upgrade. My one suggestion is look into a Ca reactor and contemplate ditching the Ca and Alk dosing. With a tank that big and the inevitable growth of corals, you're going to tire of dosing pretty quick.

reefwithareefer 03-05-2015 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 939309)
Holy cow dude, what a ton of work!!! But it looks great, congrats on the upgrade. My one suggestion is look into a Ca reactor and contemplate ditching the Ca and Alk dosing. With a tank that big and the inevitable growth of corals, you're going to tire of dosing pretty quick.

Thanks. It has been and will always be a ton of work.
Funny you say that. I had just sold my CA reactor a few months before upgrading. so far dosing has not been a real issue with the apex controlling certainly was less work when not having to mix up stuff and cheaper.

reefwithareefer 03-07-2015 12:03 AM

After the aquascaping is mainly done for now...

reefwithareefer 03-07-2015 12:06 AM

Looking from the end...

reefwithareefer 03-07-2015 12:07 AM

and the front side

reefwithareefer 03-21-2015 03:14 AM

So I sold my BK mini 180 to One_Divided today, which worked out pretty good, as I was able to buy Jasons BK 250 External.

My GAWD. I meet up with Jason in Aldergrove to swap the moola for the merch and he begins hauling out this piece of plastic that is as big as my house...Geesus, this thing is huge. Not what I was expecting at all.

I mean look at how impressed the Missus is! ;) Hmmm, I think that is a look if impression.....

This thing is probably able to be a carwash and skimmer. If it does not help improve my nutrient issue, I am selling the house and moving into the BK Hotel.

Anyways, off to set the new house up...Gawd how did I get into this hobby...ugh...

gregzz4 03-21-2015 03:31 AM

O..M..G.. that thing's huge :smile:
Hope your GF is accommodating your reef habit

Good luck fitting that monster into your sump

reefwithareefer 03-21-2015 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 941775)
O..M..G.. that thing's huge :smile:
Hope your GF is accommodating your reef habit

Good luck fitting that monster into your sump

I know, it is like stupid size. But it is meant for 400 gals...
As for the GF...I am not sure. her expression leaves me wondering WTF is going on with this "hobby".

Anyways BK bros sayin bye over a beer or

The 250 is up and runnin like a charm.

reefwithareefer 03-23-2015 06:44 PM

Another lesson learned the hard way...

When I first set up the sump room, I decided to use the DT bowfront stand to set the tanks on top off. I never gave it a second thought, that I may need it later on..I set one tank, half on and half off, as that is how everything fit.

So of course, i upgraded to a larger tank and in order to sell the bowfront and stand, I needed to get it out of the sump room. This required moving the sump/refugium tanks etc. A huge process...ugh!

Anyways to make a long story short, I started the move last weekend. Of course my lazy and cocky attitude came out when deciding to not empty the tank that was half on the black bowfront stand. I convinced myself that I could "wiggle" the stand from under the tank with no issues...

This is what happens when I get lazy and cocky

That big hole is where the little hole once housed my bulkhead...

reefwithareefer 03-23-2015 06:50 PM

Needless to say, this brought an onslaught of grief to my Saturday...
I did not bother taking pictures of the ensuing mayhem, being as I found myself rather busy admiring my new wavemaker and how useful it was to wash the floors with....

It was about the same time that the wife happened to come by to see how things were going. She was a little curious as to why I was washing the floor with so much water. Needless to say, I explained it all away by outright lying and pretending it was business as usual.

reefwithareefer 03-23-2015 06:51 PM

Thanks to all who answered my emergency request for a new tank...

daplatapus 03-23-2015 07:00 PM

Ugh, that sucks dude. Funny how we can totally explain things away to our loving and patient spouses :D
Somehow I have a feeling they (at least my wife) just lets us get away with stuff because she knows just how bad we feel when stuff like that happens and figures there's no use adding to it. Gotta love 'em :kiss:

reefwithareefer 03-30-2015 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by daplatapus (Post 942157)
Ugh, that sucks dude. Funny how we can totally explain things away to our loving and patient spouses :D
Somehow I have a feeling they (at least my wife) just lets us get away with stuff because she knows just how bad we feel when stuff like that happens and figures there's no use adding to it. Gotta love 'em :kiss:

Agreed! I am just the plumber for this operation, the good woman looks after the "pretty" stuff so she puts up with my "experiments" pretty well.

reefwithareefer 03-30-2015 01:26 AM

Spent the last few weekend renovating the sump room.

I have a spare tank if anyone is interested in buying it....

reefwithareefer 03-30-2015 01:35 AM

So I found this aluminum stand for sale out in Chilliwack. I could not go wrong for $50.00. Well built and the perfect size for my room. I also found a 135 gal tank for $100.00 bucks and Albert and company at Oceanic helped out by drilling the bottom for me on short notice..Thanks guys, much appreciated!

Anyways, my weekend project begins...again.... I miss dirt biking..

reefwithareefer 03-30-2015 01:44 AM

This pump will feed the 3/4" manifold, that feeds my reactors and UV. I did not want them to run of the main return pump. This pump is good for around 1200 GPH. Enough to feed my UV properly and the reactors.

and these are the Panworld pumps. I decided to run the 250 full time and the 150 as a backup. This way I can always use the Apex to start the backup, should the main one quit while not home. They are plumbed together, but I need to get an electric shut off valve to have the setup work properly..

reefwithareefer 03-30-2015 01:48 AM

Installed my own baffles to suit my needs. Been using SCS 1200 silicone with no issues. Oceanic and concept use it as well as sell it.

reefwithareefer 03-30-2015 02:18 AM

Finished setting up the Apx AFS. The feeder drops into the top funnel and goes down the pipe to the next funnel. The return pump sucks it down from the 2nd funnel and up to the DT. The manifold pump shuts down when the AFS foes on. This way no food gets sent to the reactors etc.

Finished re-wiring the dosers, ATO and the ATO bucket shut offs
This pic shows the AFS funnel set up at the top a little better.

Have not decided if I am going to use the ozone generator or not...My ORP is always low (300), but not sure it it is worthwhile.

reefwithareefer 03-30-2015 02:31 AM

The mess of wires etc still to deal with....getting better, but man, I can see how this "hobby" consumes so much time, energy and moola...

I kept the reefkeeper that came with one of the original tanks I bought and use it to run the sump lights etc. Can't get much money for them anymore, so might as well use it for something.

I bought a used "cheap" brand LED light and tried it beside my halide/T5 fixture to see how it would do. After 3 weeks, my zoa garden looked pretty bad, softies were so so. I do not have a par/pur meter so not sure if it was set right for the depth or etc etc. I tied a few different settings but to no avail, so down to the sump room it went

reefwithareefer 04-05-2015 07:48 PM

I have been contemplating to install a Red Sea ozonator for sometime, as my ORP never got higher than 300 and hovers around the 275 mark. I started to do some research and scared the hell out of me... The complexity of what ORP is and how science does not really understand it did not help.. There is a 40 watt UV running, but research has said it does not do as well as ozone and does a different job than ozone.

I kept up the research and 8 months later I have decided to set it up ...Mainly because I got bored and wanted something to do.

Buying an ozone reactor was out of the question as the Missus had her eye on the bank acct, so a DIY solution was in order...

It was decided to run the ozone thru my newly acquired BK 250. Research said the ozone would not damage the plastic, so all good.
I took the silica from the air dryers and baked them in the oven at 350 for 10 minutes and they turned to a dark blue just like the articles said they would.

Since my BK is external, I assumed this is why it did not have anything for an ozone tube at the venturi. The only thing that made sense was to drill into the top of the silencer and shove the norprene tubing down the silencer tube that is inside the silencer, which is what the air intake tubing attached to. A test hole was drilled in some old piece of acrylic laying around, to make sure the tube would fit very tightly. I want to be able to take the tube out when doing maintenance, so silicone was not an option.

I shoved the norprene thru thru the silencer and down the intake tubing, to the venturi.

The research I saw said that it was wise to have the skimmer "gasses" run thru carbon as this is where the leftover ozone will go. I saw a video of some guy who made a carbon reactor/container from a Zip Loc food container. He drilled holes in it , ran tubes from the holes in the skimmer lid to container. The idea was to fill the container full of carbon, and the gasses from the skimmer would then filter thru the carbon and out.

I began making the container, when it dawned on me that there was a tube coming from outside to where I had it hooked up to my old BK 180 venturi. It made sense to just vent the gasses to the outside instead of having one more container to change (it did look something ugly..) or take the chances of the ozone being released into the house

I siliconed all the holes in the skimmer lid, put the existing tube thru the last one, and velcroed the lid to keep it shut tightly. All done for the skimmer and generator

They say you are suppose to ran the exhausted skimmer water thru carbon to make sure there is no OPOs that will kill your critters before it goes back into the tank. Out of all my research, not one article told you how much carbon you should run it thru. No minimum or maximum amounts were ever spoken about.

Anyone know how much carbon to use?

The idea of running it thru my vertex reactor was short lived as the back pressure would mess with the skimmer, I went with my own design of using a 2 ft long piece of 2" ABS pipe, with a cap at one end, drilled full of 1/4" holes. At the other end I would put a 90 with a 3" to 2" reducer to act like a funnel. My outlet pipe would drop the skimmed water into the 3" "funnel", The pipe would be filled 1/2 way with caron and there would be a filter pad at the cap to make sure the carbon did not plug the holes or escape...

I went to Home Depot, bought the stuff at a cost of 40 bucks, made it, and installed it with an hour..I was pretty proud of myself until I turned the skimmer on and instantly the water backed up and into the sump. I drilled more holes, then larger ones in the cap and no change. I ran to J&L and bought the pellet type carbon, figuring it would allow the water to flow thru it better...Waste of a trip that was, as it did not help...Ugh, back the the drawing board.

Alot of guys said they just dropped the skimmed water over a bag of carbon. I could do this, but felt I had too much money invested to take a chance on ANY OPOs getting into the tank and killing everything.

Man I love my Apex. As I sit here and write this long winded account of events, the alarm goes off. I ignore it, as I have it set to go off when my feeder goes on, so I can monitor how it works for a few days, and I think this is why the alarm is going off. The Apex then sends an email to me and BAM...Oh crap...The Apex has sent me an IDIOT reminder. I forgot my float valve for my salt mix barrel was broken. I had turned on the water to fill it before writing this and it started to flood the basement, it set the leak detector off and is why the alarm is going...Note to self....PAY ATTENTION TO ALARMS.....


I thought maybe a bigger pipe would work, but realized that the carbon, compacting itself and not allowing enough water to flow thu it was the issue. I either had to pump the skimmed water thru a reactor or??? Pumping it was to much work and could I ever precisely pump the same amount coming out of pipe, as going in without running pump dry or tempting a flood etc etc...

I came up with this....

I had had acrylic pieces laying around and it only took 2 hours to makes.

The idea is to have the water drain thru the perforated sheets of acrylic, over the carbon and thru another perforated sheet of acrylic, then out the one end. I put an old cap, upside down at the outlet pipe so that the water was dispersed evenly over the acrylic and not straight down thru one area. If done right, the carbon would not compact itself, thereby allowing a great flow rate

1" from the bottom of the acrylic box is a sheet of perforated acrylic, on top of that is a sheet of filter pad to support the carbon, so it does not run thru holes or plug them. I put egg crate on top of filter pad to keep carbon from moving to one end of box or another, added about 6 cups (1.5 inches) of carbon, and finally the top sheet of perf acrylic. The egg crate helped keep the top sheet from crushing the carbon and compacting it with the weight of the water on top of it.

The sides of the box are 3' above the top sheet of acrylic, in case the carbon gets plugged/compacted over time and does not allow water to flow thru it as quickly. There is also a float switch to shut down the ozonator in case the water overflows the sides, without going thru the carbon first...

I put a plastic cap under the outlet to allow water to be dispersed more even over the acrylic sheet and not straight down one area.

I set it all up and voila' , works like a charm. The water flows thru without filling the box at all, the carbon does not compact, skimmer works great and no ozone smell. etc etc..

My ORP was 279 at 9PM last night when I got the ozone running. I set the apex to shut down the ozonator at 385 and send an alarm. Woke up this morning and all was good. No issues with any of the equipment. The orp had climbed steadily all night and at 12 today it is at 320. Not sure if it is just me or...but the water certainly looks cleare. It could be that it is also running thru carbon and the ozone is doing nothing...Time will tell I suppose.

I do wonder though... If ozone is heavier than air, will it actually vent outside? Can the air pressure from the skimmer be enough to force it out or is it sitting in the cup and draining down the tube that goes to the bucket that holds my skimmate? The bucket has a lid on it and the tubing going into it is very tight, but I do have a small pressure relief hole in the lid..Should I be worried?

Myka 04-05-2015 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by reefwithareefer (Post 944053)
I do wonder though... If ozone is heavier than air, will it actually vent outside? Can the air pressure from the skimmer be enough to force it out or is it sitting in the cup and draining down the tube that goes to the bucket that holds my skimmate? The bucket has a lid on it and the tubing going into it is very tight, but I do have a small pressure relief hole in the lid..Should I be worried?

Sniff it. Ozone has a particular smell to it, and once you know that smell you can easily recognize it. I'm not sure I could smell ozone over some stinky skimmate though. Use a new bucket in place of the skimmate bucket for 10 mins, then sniff the bucket.

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