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acepumping 03-01-2015 05:50 AM

This is pretty bad that I have to post this. But it needs to be brought up..
It was brought to my attention and it just pi$$3|] ME OFF

To whom who thought they can steal a gold hammer and ultra yellow torch frag from the swap. These were floating In the big frag tank, you are never welcome again.. small community means we will find out, your pathetic, you low life!! You have to steal from people who take soo much time into setting this event up. These guys work their butts to host a event that we can truly enjoy. Then we get some idiot that wants to ruin it for the rest..

Hope we find this person or the frags..

I also hope you have your fingers broken!!!

lockrookie 03-01-2015 05:52 AM

Maybe it was taken by mistake and if returned all is forgiven?

albert_dao 03-01-2015 05:53 AM

It's pretty ridiculous that this even has to be brought up!

I really hope that this was just a misunderstanding and that some clarity can be brought to the situation....

acepumping 03-01-2015 05:56 AM


Bubbles_ 03-01-2015 05:57 AM

+1 on that. super unfortunate to hear. hope things works out.

thanks again to all those who helped organized the meet and greet frag swap

acepumping 03-01-2015 05:58 AM

Agreed. If you have the bag. Return and let's clear it up please

acepumping 03-01-2015 06:02 AM

I'm not meaning to be harsh. But seriously!! You know u got 2 extra things from that tank when you got home. If it was wrong doing.. Contact people and make it right!

Then all is forgiven

jhj0112 03-01-2015 06:03 AM

I really hope it was misunderstanding.. these guys put so much effort into this swap.. they deserve better than this.....

Sharkbait-huhaha 03-01-2015 06:04 AM

Damn. That's a bummer

Galizio 03-01-2015 06:06 AM

That's insane, hopefully was just a mistake.... Is bad if you have to steal stuff from people that put so much time in the hobby and provide you with some nice frags close to home..... Feel really bad about this, hopefully was an honest mistake and everything get returned to the owner, or I hope you lose your finger

brittanyk 03-01-2015 06:07 AM

This is an expensive hobby to be in, we all know this.
This hobby takes a lot of dedication, time and knowledge... BUT thanks to canreef and some of the amazing guys on here, we have a huge support group.

This frag swap (although I couldn't make it :( ) adds a sense of community and support to this forum, both for experts and newbs alike.

Maybe this was a mistake, but for everyone in this forum's sake, and the wonderful guys & gals who go to and organized this swap... Please just make it right.

Thanks to everyone who organized the swap, it's an amazing thing u do, even if some ppl don't appreciate it!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

seabreeze 03-01-2015 06:30 AM

When I arrived at 1230 there were soooooo many people pouring over the frag tanks that I have to believe someone must have taken the bags by mistake... thinking they had THEIR stuff.... RIGHT?????

But then when you got home, you see your corals have morphed... :crazy:

Maybe you didn't have a phone to call and mention your mistake?

Or you had a really long trip home...

Still hoping this was just a simple mistake... after all we all are human and things happen...

But if this is not the case, there is the law of what goes around, comes around... :mad2::nono:

And to those that put so much time and effort in putting this frag swap together, your hard work was much appreciated! Another AWESOME event.. (except for the above mentioned)

crimper 03-01-2015 06:33 AM

That's a bummer! :surprise:

Return it, you must!

Do the right thing.

F.H 03-01-2015 06:52 AM


I can't even fathom someone would do this on purpose, given the fact that literally EVERY single person I've met in my short time on this forum has turned out to be one amazing person after the other.

I really, really hope this was all a misunderstanding, and that this incident in no way ever puts doubt in the organizers minds to re-think about hosting another one.

lockrookie 03-01-2015 07:13 AM

Mistakes happen I did a group order once that I accidentally gave the wrong corals to the wrong person. You gave a lot of ppl blood it pumping about your treasures. Ppl get talking distracted little after here. Oops wife's going to kill me I'm Kate getting home. But oooo another interesting topic. No have to grab bags. Bags got shifted grabbed wrong ones. So on and so on.

Before ppl go all lynch mob and accusing wait it out may be acclimating and not realize it right away. If nothing comes of it by the way of a mistake. Then you have to rethink the holding tank idea. Bring your own bucket/ cooler keep it close and trades are done on one on one basis.

Travillion 03-01-2015 03:01 PM

Sucks to hear something like this happened, knowing how tight this community is. It was so jam packed in there that something like this can happen in the blink of an eye.
A couple years ago I volunteer vended at the BC Reptile Expo at my friends table. Beside us was a vender from Alberta selling rare morph snakes. He had one stolen and took nearly a 1500 dollar loss. Hopefully things work out. I got to meet many people for the first time yesterday, including Albert. Class act guy, didn't deserve this.

Aquattro 03-01-2015 03:06 PM

I know of a guy that stole fish out of an acclimating bin at the LFS while the manager was helping a customer. This kind of stuff happens all the time!

seabreeze 03-01-2015 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 938559)
I know of a guy that stole fish out of an acclimating bin at the LFS while the manager was helping a customer. This kind of stuff happens all the time!

Hope he also stole a bag to put the fish into! ...and opps, water too!!!!!!!!

Aquattro 03-01-2015 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by seabreeze (Post 938568)
Hope he also stole a bag to put the fish into! ...and opps, water too!!!!!!!!

small container. Ya, he thought of everything. I know the guy too, has more money than I could ever spend! Sad really

seabreeze 03-01-2015 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 938569)
small container. Ya, he thought of everything. I know the guy too, has more money than I could ever spend! Sad really

Hopefully what he did cost him much more than that fish... by banning him from every LFS around!!!!!!!

Aquattro 03-01-2015 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by seabreeze (Post 938571)
Hopefully what he did cost him much more than that fish... by banning him from every LFS around!!!!!!!

No, can't prove it, so what ya gonna do?

RMC 03-01-2015 03:44 PM

Ok. We're there two extra unclaimed bagged corals at the end of the swap? There should be if it was accidental, if not then it was likely stollen:twised:
It's disheartenning to think their are people in this community who would do this.

To the thief; not cool.. Not cool at all

reefwars 03-01-2015 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 938559)
I know of a guy that stole fish out of an acclimating bin at the LFS while the manager was helping a customer. This kind of stuff happens all the time!

It's a sad fact but it happens , we had cameras installed in the store simply because we knew people were taking things , asking staff to go out back for items they knew weren't out front and then putting things in their pockets , we had an idea who but can't call someone out without proof so now we have film if it were to happen again

When we did the fragfest thing in sept we had a friend of mine (works with law enforcement ) check receipts and bags as People were going out the door , we had around 400 people in and around the store and only 5 employees. It's sad that trust becomes so much of an issue that when you host something that's supposed to be a benefit to the community that a very small few decide to ruin it for everyone , the reason we had someone check the bags was during the previous boxing day sale we were missing a lot of sps frags and smalerr dry goods , so basically people we dipping in and putting frags in there pocket or just grabbing an item and walking out the door.

I'm sure it's 1 in a 100 but sure sucks that you can't host an event without some kind of babysitting or security

Hope you guys get it all sorted out I do also like to think maybe a mistake but my own experiences say it prop was taken as those who watch the stuff are busy chatting and it only takes one bad apple

kamloops_reefer 03-01-2015 03:57 PM

for what could be a mistake - the start of this thread is all but the right way to address it. have some class guys.

best to let time go by, find out who it is and openly share who it was to give other reefers a heads up. To me, that goes a lot farther than this.

best to have other people decide if they want to deal with that person at that time, or else a legitimate thief who knows what they will be jeopardizing will return it, and go along with the story of "oops a mistake was made" and benefit no one.

acepumping 03-01-2015 03:59 PM

This event happend at the beginning of night. There was a big purchase according to someone I know. Right before he made his.. the guy grabbed his stuff then left quickly. Apparently it was next to impossible for him to mistaken it..thats when they all realized the 2 bags were gone..
but all in all, it was a wicked swap, nothing we can do.. maybe we may just have to have someone standing at the door next time and then you will get a ticket with the amount of corals purchased..
but we dont wanna be like that. This is supppose to be fun a Event

Aquattro 03-01-2015 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer (Post 938583)
or else a legitimate thief who knows what they will be jeopardizing will return it

Ya, that's probably what will happen :)

acepumping 03-01-2015 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer (Post 938583)
for what could be a mistake - the start of this thread is all but the right way to address it. have some class guys.

best to let time go by, find out who it is and openly share who it was to give other reefers a heads up. To me, that goes a lot farther than this.

best to have other people decide if they want to deal with that person at that time, or else a legitimate thief who knows what they will be jeopardizing will return it, and go along with the story of "oops a mistake was made" and benefit no one.

You can put the start of the thread on me.. I have no patience for stuff like this... like I said, you would have gone home and realized you have 2 BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS extra pieces..
later that night, I went to the monster trucks with kids and wife.. then I had someone go truck, make a mess and then stole the $4.00 in change and my kids iphone. They left everything else including $50 in gift cards, wife's armani shades etc

so my patience was very short last night

MrLahey 03-01-2015 04:10 PM

That is such a bummer.

This was my first frag swap and I truely enjoyed myself! I hope they find the corals or the thief and that this experience doesn't stop an cool event from happening again.

This is the first time I also finally decided to dive into sps coral ( thanks for the awesome corals Ryan!)

BubblesUp 03-01-2015 04:21 PM

I'm sorry to hear this happened. I did notice, though, that the floating bags were spinning around the tank floating to the front and Thomas's colleague was attempting to keep them at the back. Maybe have them clipped to a beam at the back or the back of the tank somehow.

kamloops_reefer 03-01-2015 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by acepumping (Post 938587)
You can put the start of the thread on me.. I have no patience for stuff like this... like I said, you would have gone home and realized you have 2 BEAUTIFUL GORGEOUS extra pieces..
later that night, I went to the monster trucks with kids and wife.. then I had someone go truck, make a mess and then stole the $4.00 in change and my kids iphone. They left everything else including $50 in gift cards, wife's armani shades etc

so my patience was very short last night

I was blaming you lol -

that totally sucks, I understand why your short.... and all that stuff ****es me off too! but its more gratifying exposing a theif for what they are with no way for them to back out of doing it, than to call em out - all I'm saying :)

because there are some pretty weird rules on this site, public identifying of the person might not be accepted by Admins. But I do encourage you to send me the person's name and screen name - I already have a "list" of good guys bad guys

Aquattro 03-01-2015 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer (Post 938596)
because there are some pretty weird rules on this site, public identifying of the person might not be accepted by Admins.

Rules aren't "weird". You can't post the name of someone unless they've been charged and convicted of the crime. Or it gets ugly. FOI is an ugly mess to jump into :)

acepumping 03-01-2015 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer (Post 938596)
I was blaming you lol -

that totally sucks, I understand why your short.... and all that stuff ****es me off too! but its more gratifying exposing a theif for what they are with no way for them to back out of doing it, than to call em out - all I'm saying :)

because there are some pretty weird rules on this site, public identifying of the person might not be accepted by Admins. But I do encourage you to send me the person's name and screen name - I already have a "list" of good guys bad guys

AGREED.!! either way, THOMAS AND ALBERT When's the next one??????


neoh 03-01-2015 04:51 PM

I have a massive security camera system setup at my business. I love finding thieves, especially catching them when they are still in the building. Cops are rarely called.

Theft, though a victimless crime for the most part, has to be one of the lowest forms of criminality, that takes only the lowest people to commit.

I am quite certain the person whom did it is reading this. You'll get yours.

kamloops_reefer 03-01-2015 04:54 PM

so can reef is worried about liability is what your saying?

I've been on other boards non reef related where names are always used - no legal things come of it, and its of my opinion that especially in the case of bad ethics, I endorse it.

my opinion is obviously different then yours, so yes... it will remain weird to me - because its an opinion. You can back up with what you believe might be the law, and I can back up with what i think is the law (the law is just that...not clearly defined)

just like the dress is blue and black :wink:

so for curiosity sake I'm open ears in the message box in knowing not who the thief is.... but who was the person known accidentally taking two bags of corals they didn't pay for :wink:

Aquattro 03-01-2015 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer (Post 938611)
so can reef is worried about liability is what your saying?

I've been on other boards non reef related where names are always used - no legal things come of it, and its of my opinion that especially in the case of bad ethics, I endorse it.

my opinion is obviously different then yours, so yes... it will remain weird to me - because its an opinion. You can back up with what you believe might be the law, and I can back up with what i think is the law (the law is just that...not clearly defined)

just like the dress is blue and black :wink:

so for curiosity sake I'm open ears in the message box in knowing not who the thief is.... but who was the person known accidentally taking two bags of corals they didn't pay for :wink:

The point being, neither of us knows the law, the only lawyer I know hates me right now, and in light of that, we, as a board, err on the side of caution.

kamloops_reefer 03-01-2015 05:51 PM

totally understand

e46er 03-01-2015 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 938613)
the only lawyer I know hates me right now,

start breaking the law then so he can make some money off your dumb decisions and finally get that pool!!

On the topic of the original post, I hate thieves what comes around goes around .

daplatapus 03-01-2015 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer (Post 938596)
I already have a "list" of good guys bad guys

Hmmm, says Dom as he quietly wonders where he lands, lol.

Samw 03-01-2015 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 938559)
I know of a guy that stole fish out of an acclimating bin at the LFS while the manager was helping a customer. This kind of stuff happens all the time!

Was at LFS in Richmond a few years ago. A couple with child was in the store and later we saw the lady later climb down from a ladder in the fish room and walk out of the store ASAP holding her jacket closed. We looked at the tank and saw that the Flowerhorn cichlid was taken. Yes, the staff saw it and actions were taken.

frd72 03-01-2015 06:57 PM

Too bad.. I attended few years ago and everyone seems to know somebody..
But i guess the saying sometimes is true, on every bunch there will always be a spoiler.. Hope to be there on the next one...

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