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Aquattro 02-27-2015 02:35 PM

How far would you go?
To buy something you wanted for your tank? Gear, frags, fish, whatever. I see awesome deals posted, some guy in Burnaby is all like "Man, too bad you're in Richmond!!"

So, when you see something for sale you'd like, how far would you go?

To the corner, mom gets nervous if I leave the street?

Take a bus all the way 'cross town to get me some dealz?

Go the ends of the earth to get me some frags??

How far would YOU go??

Piscez 02-27-2015 02:48 PM

Depends on the equipment or what ever it is and the savings to justify the time and expense, I'm just getting back in the game and recently bought a 220gal only 20 mins away but was considering going to Alberta for the right set up, but thats just me. I get equipment shipped to Point Roberts from the US all the time and pick it up which is a 45min drive each way. Not only do I save on the equipment and get exactly what I want I also save usually between $30 and $50 on gas purchasing it there, assuming people have a car! If not that's a different ball game, also to some time is more precious than money, not me I'm cheap :biggrin:

chef 02-27-2015 02:50 PM

I have no problem driving an hour or 2 for something I'm psyched on. Especially if there is a nice reef to look at. But I live in whistler and everything is an hour or 2 away!

Aquattro 02-27-2015 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by chef (Post 937975)
But I live in whistler and everything is an hour or 2 away!

I live on an island!! I have to pay gas and boat to get to anything nice :) Heading to J&L is a real bitch for me!!! But I do it anyways :)

Sharkbait-huhaha 02-27-2015 03:18 PM

I will in maple ridge, so everywhere I go is atleast an hour. I don't mind the drive for some cool corals/fish

Madreefer 02-27-2015 03:19 PM

I sold my tank to a guy in Calgary and I met him in Jasper. So I guess that's how far I would go. We both ended up in a pub for the day and half the night and are now freinds.

kamloops_reefer 02-27-2015 03:32 PM

to another province if it was that rare / good of deal etc.

internet, kijiji, craigslist has truly made people lazy and inconsiderate buyers. For anyone who used to read the "buy and sell" you would read ads, call, view and then offer.

now adays people just blurt out stupid offers and lame comments. In this town, people think 10 minute drive is far!

I blame it on the way society is now, lazy and no sense of adventure

Proteus 02-27-2015 03:40 PM

I try to stay local (city and area) to help support the local community but will travel if there if what I really need is out of area

chef 02-27-2015 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 937976)
I live on an island!! I have to pay gas and boat to get to anything nice :) Heading to J&L is a real bitch for me!!! But I do it anyways :)

I hear ya Brad. I can happily spend a whole day traveling to get a few things, but the ferry $$ would bum me out. Hell, I'd even rationalize a plane to macna if it was in an interesting city!!

gobytron 02-27-2015 05:07 PM

When I was in my buying prime and working in the stock market (up at 4, work at 6 and off by 2) I would literally scour CL, kijiji, canreef and bc aquaria for people selling their full systems off and then low ball them by telling them I would come with a truck and a friend and take care of all the break down and cleanup and they wouldn;t have to lift a finger.

People who were just done with their tanks or under pressure from a reno, move or significant other would be very amendable to this.

I drove to Hope once and Kamloops once.

Aldergrove, Abby and Richmond innumerable times.

Now I just have a 300 sq ft room in my basement literally full of old equipment...I don't even know whats there but am slowly working through it and keeping anything I really want in storage.

Now, I wouldn't leave the tri cities.

reefwars 02-27-2015 05:33 PM

ill send money to a random guy ive never met , in another country, with no site or personal info, usually large amounts of cash with little as a couple emails ............just to get that one polyp i want lol

its sad really lol

straightrazorguy 02-27-2015 05:42 PM

I think the laziness is a big city issue, because people are used to having lots of choices locally. I feel for the guys on the island, in the BC interior or small places anywhere, as they always have to drive or have stuff shipped to them.

I have gone from New West to Abbotsford, West Vancouver, White Rock, etc. many times for the right frag or equipment, but that's just me...

christyf5 02-27-2015 06:06 PM

I used to travel all over the place, ahh freedom. With two little kids my financials and time have been greatly reduced as well as my interest in the tank. The interest is getting better but sadly the time and financial have not. Now I'm more of an opportunist and coordinate better if I'm going somewhere that has stuff available.

Samw 02-27-2015 06:11 PM

Why isn't this a poll?

gobytron 02-27-2015 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 938025)
ill send money to a random guy ive never met , in another country, with no site or personal info, usually large amounts of cash with little as a couple emails ............just to get that one polyp i want lol

its sad really lol

take some solace in the fact that for some people, YOU are that random guy they have never met they are sending cash too...

Aquattro 02-27-2015 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Samw (Post 938043)
Why isn't this a poll?

Too much typing

Too early

not enough coffee

couldn't be bothered.

reefwars 02-27-2015 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by gobytron (Post 938047)
take some solace in the fact that for some people, YOU are that random guy they have never met they are sending cash too...

oh for sure it goes both ways. i guess i like to believe that most folks are honest and trust is a two way bridge:)

Samw 02-27-2015 07:00 PM

Well, I've been to Aldergrove from Vancouver only to find that the coral I went there to buy was taken by a guy who showed up an hour before me.

kien 02-27-2015 07:15 PM

It's the 21st century. Have it shipped right to your door!

#ProTip. Thank me later.

Ryanerickson 02-27-2015 07:37 PM

I will drive hour + if I really want something I get people coming by from richmond and complain about how long the drive was a entire 20 minutes never have understood this. Guess people don't get out much when I was younger I drove from white rock to vancouver every day no big deal just a part of life.

Bblinks 02-27-2015 08:31 PM

I have done trips down to Seattle, crossing boarders to check out corals and shops. So an hour of driving is definitely not an issue. Peter and I drove out to Chilliwack just for a frag of SSC once. :redface: This is my dedication for this hobby of ours.

crimper 02-27-2015 10:44 PM

I have driven from Burnaby down to Langley just to get frags and will be heading down to Abbotsford in a week for some nems.

I have also driven down to Renton WA to see what Barrier Reef Aquarium has in store last summer.

Yes Imma crazy but I will head to Mars or at the South Pole if I need to just to get an awesome coral or fish. :lol:

StirCrazy 02-27-2015 11:30 PM

I drove from Victoria to Edmonton to get some stuff.


intarsiabox 02-27-2015 11:56 PM

Mostly local (within an hours drive), I haven't come across anything that I can't get shipped or find locally to be worth the cost of going any further. I'm not sure why people are saying not travelling for hours to get something is being lazy. If you think sitting still in a chair for hours is exercise I've got bad news for you...

Samw 02-28-2015 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by intarsiabox (Post 938110)
Mostly local (within an hours drive), I haven't come across anything that I can't get shipped or find locally to be worth the cost of going any further. I'm not sure why people are saying not travelling for hours to get something is being lazy. If you think sitting still in a chair for hours is exercise I've got bad news for you...

That's not what I'm hearing in this thread. It is understandable if someone doesn't want to drive hours. What people are finding amusing or curious I guess is that when something is offered for sale about 20 mins away in the next municipality and then they read someone write that it is too bad that they live in the next municipality. Like if someone is selling something in Burnaby and I say "Too bad you live in Burnaby" when I live in Vancouver, then that is a bit curious. That's what Brad is saying.

intarsiabox 02-28-2015 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Samw (Post 938114)
That's not what I'm hearing in this thread. It is understandable if someone doesn't want to drive hours. What people are finding amusing or curious I guess is that when something is offered for sale about 20 mins away in the next municipality and then they read someone write that it is too bad that they live in the next municipality. Like if someone is selling something in Burnaby and I say "Too bad you live in Burnaby" when I live in Vancouver, then that is a bit curious. That's what Brad is saying.

Wasn't referring to Brad

Aquattro 02-28-2015 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by intarsiabox (Post 938118)
Wasn't referring to Brad

But I am lazy :)

intarsiabox 02-28-2015 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 938120)
But I am lazy :)

I prefer to be called motivationally challenged.

Samw 02-28-2015 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by intarsiabox (Post 938118)
Wasn't referring to Brad

Didn't say you were referring to Brad for saying "not travelling for hours to get something is being lazy". I said Brad is talking about being curious about people who don't want to drive to the next Municipality. I didn't see the part where other people were calling others lazy for not driving hours. So that's all I'm saying.

Aquattro 02-28-2015 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by intarsiabox (Post 938124)
I prefer to be called motivationally challenged.

gonna use that one!

Madreefer 02-28-2015 01:19 AM

Haha ok you guys have nothing to cry about.
Most of us here in PG have to travel to Vancouver for anything we want for our tanks. It's an 8hr drive. It's not the only reason we go but we must stock up on supplies when we do go. I've brought several frags from other canreef members in Vancouver area and have also transported frags from Saskatoon. So your little Sunday drive from let's say Burnaby to Abbotsford is laughable.

lockrookie 02-28-2015 01:25 AM

I'll go as far as the seller is willing to ship. Being on sask we don't get a lot of great forum sales close to us for dry goods as for livestock never shop for in winter unless it's local. And I never order livestock online during winter months

Doug 02-28-2015 02:57 AM

I use to drive back & forth, Thompson to Winnipeg to deliver frags and pick up new stuff.
8 hr. Drive each way.

gregzz4 02-28-2015 03:20 AM

My travelling is based on price

I'll go 15-30mins for a frag (each way), but beyond that it has to be the only place to get it

I'll go anywhere inside the GVRD for larger purchases

What dictates my willingness to travel outside a half hour is my time and my gas pig 8-12 mpg truck

daplatapus 02-28-2015 03:53 AM

Drove to Van from the island to grab my tank. Drove to both ends of the island on my dime just to help fellow reefers. For me, it's part of being in the reef community. I enjoy meeting people, seeing other set ups, drooling over their tanks. If it's more than an hour or two away, I usually like to make it a weekend of it and take the wife somewhere for fun.

Taipan 02-28-2015 04:16 AM

I have issues.....
Some CanReef members out West and out East have traveled to Toronto for things. I've been witness to it. :razz:

My obsessive compulsiveness (I admit it) for a good deal (because I'm cheap - I admit that too :wink: ) has taken me throughout parts of Asia, Germany, Florida, Chicago, Texas, Los Angeles. I still visit J & L when I'm in Vancouver.

Puerto Rico this summer is next on the bucket list for a good deal/find. :crazy:

Samw 02-28-2015 04:28 AM

I did make a special trip to Barrier Reef Aquarium a while back to pick up an ORA Red Sea Pom Pom Xenia and declared it at the border of course. I have brought stuff back from HK but that doesn't count because I didn't go there specifically to buy marine livestock.

gregzz4 02-28-2015 05:55 AM

So, keeping the original thread thought in mind

Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 937969)
To buy something you wanted for your tank? Gear, frags, fish, whatever. I see awesome deals posted, some guy in Burnaby is all like "Man, too bad you're in Richmond!!"

So, when you see something for sale you'd like, how far would you go?

To the corner, mom gets nervous if I leave the street?

Take a bus all the way 'cross town to get me some dealz?

Go the ends of the earth to get me some frags??

How far would YOU go??

How far would you travel ?

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