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asylumdown 02-02-2015 03:06 AM

Roommate's friend's kid scratched the hell out of my tank. Must vent before I scream.
I was out of town all week. My roommate's had a bunch of friends over for for the super bowl. One set brought their 2 year old who is obsessed with using the magnet to wipe the glass.

Every time he's here I stop him from plowing it through the sand because the glass is starphire. Every time he's here, I explicitly tell his parents and my roommate why he needs to keep the magnet out of the sand.

I didn't get home until a couple of hours ago. The kid was here all day. 4 feet of the bottom 6 inches of my tank's dining room side viewing pane looks like it's been keyed. Aggressively. He did more damage to my glass in one afternoon than in 2.5 years of the abuse I've subjected it to.

I am posting this here in an attempt to calm myself enough to be able to have a calm conversation with my roommates about this.

ronau 02-02-2015 03:12 AM

That would set me off.

They would be out and if they put down a damage deposit., it would be considered spent to replace the tank.

Myka 02-02-2015 03:12 AM

Ugh...I feel for you man. I would be having a fit. A loud fit. Maybe it's time to find a new roomie? Or keep the cleaner magnet out of the tank? Pomatoceros shells tend to grow on the magnet and scratch the glass anyway.

asylumdown 02-02-2015 03:15 AM

Replacing the box itself would require re-doing several thousand dollars in custom finishing carpentry. I'm going to have to just learn to live with them.

Thankfully they are low down, but as soon as algae starts growing in them you're going to be able to see them from across the house.

Slyguy00 02-02-2015 03:15 AM

I would be asking them to replace it, and if they didn't they would not be welcome back. That is so brutal, sorry to hear.

asylumdown 02-02-2015 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 933298)
Ugh...I feel for you man. I would be having a fit. A loud fit. Maybe it's time to find a new roomie? Or keep the cleaner magnet out of the tank? Pomatoceros shells tend to grow on the magnet and scratch the glass anyway.

yah, they're normally kept right at the water line, with about the top third out of water, and I rotate the side that's above the water every day to keep the accumulation of life off of them. I also soak them in vinegar a couple of times a month, but I definitely have a couple of scratches here and there from the shells that I didn't notice in time. Nothing compared to what a 2 year old did in 5 minutes. A two year old who can only reach the glass when being held up by an adult who knows better.

asylumdown 02-02-2015 03:23 AM

Does anyone know if scratches can be polished out of glass? Part of my 2015 tank plan is a major re-do of the main display so I can get rid of my internal overflows and all the monti-caps that are sucking up an entire box of baking soda's worth of alkalinity every week. I will have to get the display completely empty to do it.

ronau 02-02-2015 03:32 AM

It can be done, have a look in The Grizz's build thread. I believe he buffed out a scratch on his starphire panel.

H2o2 02-02-2015 03:36 AM

Deep Deep breath as like the Super ball game who made the call to go for a pass hope we can all come up with ideas to help u through this so first one maybe deep sand bed on that side or design a little low shallow rock shelf to hide the worst . But the worst is u have asked them before Sorry

kamloops_reefer 02-02-2015 05:22 AM

time to get a new tank and make the room mate pay for a realistic replacement. its like some parent not watching their kid outside while they scrub your immaculate black car with a sponge that keeps falling into sand.

its not just an "ooops sorry" - and even worse when you've been clear about it. no patience for people with no respect or ****ty parenting capabilities when it comes to making sure their kids learn respect"

trilinearmipmap 02-02-2015 05:31 AM

Take photos

Then small claims court

brotherd 02-02-2015 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer (Post 933326)
time to get a new tank and make the room mate pay for a realistic replacement. its like some parent not watching their kid outside while they scrub your immaculate black car with a sponge that keeps falling into sand.

its not just an "ooops sorry" - and even worse when you've been clear about it. no patience for people with no respect or ****ty parenting capabilities when it comes to making sure their kids learn respect"

+1 kids will be kids but if this was an issue before. And it still happened. I hope they give you the good cc #

brotherd 02-02-2015 05:43 AM

For what it's worth, we inevitably have kids of all ages over from time to time, sometimes when I'm at work or out of town which causes me concern . I've never encountered your situation. I would be choked too.

lastlight 02-02-2015 05:49 AM

I'd be equally as angry with the roommate. If he wants friends over they're his responsibility. And this has been brought up before! I'm getting angry here myself! I'd have totally flipped out youre a better friend than I am.

I had jay (built my 225) come over with his pro polishing machine. Cerium oxide etc. he could make the scratches in the 97 I bought off him better but not gone. It creates thinner parts in the glass which can then start to create distortions. Sounds like you'd have to thin down a lot of glass

andestang 02-02-2015 07:27 AM

I can relate to this. Some old timers here might remember when I lost my whole tank from when some kid(s) dumped some kind of substance into my tank while guests were over and lost everything. Never did receive any kind of compensation over it except for some kind help from a few members here to help clean it up. Lots of should of, could of done this or that from both sides when you share a space with someone. Hope all works out for you.

jason604 02-02-2015 08:25 AM

Awe man seems like u been having a lot of bad luck with ur tank lately. Yea take them to small claims court

Myka 02-02-2015 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by kamloops_reefer (Post 933326)
time to get a new tank and make the room mate pay for a realistic replacement. its like some parent not watching their kid outside while they scrub your immaculate black car with a sponge that keeps falling into sand.

I didn't think of it that way, that's a good point. You can invite the parents over to help you move the new tank in and transfer it all too so they understand the size of the problem. Then you can send them a bill 6 months later for the livestock you lost in the move. So many people think "oh it's just a fish tank". Yep, just a fish tank until you have to pay for it. ;)

ronau 02-02-2015 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by andestang (Post 933350)
I can relate to this. Some old timers here might remember when I lost my whole tank from when some kid(s) dumped some kind of substance into my tank while guests were over and lost everything. Never did receive any kind of compensation over it except for some kind help from a few members here to help clean it up. Lots of should of, could of done this or that from both sides when you share a space with someone. Hope all works out for you.

That's always a worry I have.

I also keep freshwater dwarf shrimp and some of the stores in Japan let you choose and net your own but I guess it's expected when you're paying $500 for a 1/2" shrimp. If I were the shop owners I would make people scrub up to their elbows before they got a net. It would be tragic if they contaminated a tank with hundreds of these shrimp.

jason604 02-02-2015 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by ronau (Post 933356)
That's always a worry I have.

I also keep freshwater dwarf shrimp and some of the stores in Japan let you choose and net your own but I guess it's expected when you're paying $500 for a 1/2" shrimp. If I were the shop owners I would make people scrub up to their elbows before they got a net. It would be tragic if they contaminated a tank with hundreds of these shrimp.

What kind of shrimp costs $500 each or is this super exaggerated.

ronau 02-02-2015 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by jason604 (Post 933360)
What kind of shrimp costs $500 each or is this super exaggerated.

Pure Line Crystal shrimp and no, $500 in under what they can go for. The top quality shrimp go to auctions and fetch over $1500. Not very common here as there is no market for them. I'm a shrimp freak and the most I would pay would be $300 - $400.

daplatapus 02-02-2015 02:08 PM

Sorry to hear of the tank woes, that sucks. My wife babysits a 3 year old every other Thursday and I'm always worried about mine.

Seriak 02-02-2015 02:22 PM

Man, I can't imagine what I would do. I can't even keep my scraper in my tank as my son gets a little too excited when he sees me using it. Here is hoping they do the right thing.

Simons 02-02-2015 03:03 PM

I you have warned the parents and the roommate of the dangers of using the magnet, which I have no reason to doubt that you did not; then the parents are on the hook for the entire bill. There is no wiggle room and no excuses, parents are responsible for the actions of their underage children.

I see this as not only very disrespectful that a parent would let their kid touch anything like that that wasn't theirs, but also completely and entirely on the hook for it's repair and whatever that would involve. I get pretty upset over this kind of stuff because IMHO it appears that a large number of parents just don't take it seriously enough.

While you are now stuck with 'living with it' as you say just lets the parents off the hook. I would be calling and telling them the seriousness of the issue and be prepared for a significant bill. I had a similar issue years ago (not with a fish tank) where my property was damaged by some kids after repeated warnings to the parents, they refused to pay for the damage so I filed a police report for vandalism. You should see how fast their attitude changed when the cops showed up at there door and they paid up or there kid was going to be charged.

Dearth 02-02-2015 03:05 PM

That sucks....

My nieces and my neighbours kid who looks after my tank when I am out of town all understand the rules and are respectful of my tank unfortunately the adults are not so much and on more than one occasion I have seen my nieces give my brother crap for doing something silly with the tank.

I guess I have been lucky that way

lastlight 02-02-2015 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 933375)
I guess I have been lucky that way

same here. i've had kien watch my tank on a number of occasions and while he has to reach up pretty high on my kids' old bathroom stool to try and get food over the top of the tank, i make sure to not leave any magnets around for him to play with.

Seriak 02-02-2015 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 933381)
same here. i've had kien watch my tank on a number of occasions and while he has to reach up pretty high on my kids' old bathroom stool to try and get food over the top of the tank, i make sure to not leave any magnets around for him to play with.


CM125 02-02-2015 04:32 PM

This is why I don't trust anyone with my tank

The Grizz 02-02-2015 04:58 PM

Hey Adam that is a real **** off when that happens but the scratches can be polished out if they are not to deep. I used cerium oxide and a glass polishing bonnet to remove several scratches out of my glass on my 300 before i put it together. It take some work and patients but can be done.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 02-02-2015 05:11 PM

Take lots of photographs that show the sections that are all scratched up. Also, place a ruler on the stand to show that it would require an adult holding up the toddler for him to reach the magnet cleaner. Then go see the parents and explain that unless they cover your replacement costs, you will be filing charges against them and their kid for damage to your property. This sucks that some adults are just so irresponsible and if they have been warned several times, then they have no excuse.

gobytron 02-02-2015 06:20 PM

The parents need to be taught a lesson.

they obviously have no respect for other peoples property and have passed that lack onto their kid.

entertaining their child (or keeping it entertained so they can rest easy and just enjoy the game) obviously was held in a higher regard than caring what happened to your tank.

That sense of entitlement would have me losing my ****.


Kids will be kids?

Only if their parents let them.

You should get all their contact info from your roommate. If they won't pay. the responsibility should fall on your roommate.

I would even consider calling the police and reporting destruction of private property just so you have record.

IanWR 02-02-2015 06:48 PM

Wow I just checked Alberta small claims limits, expecting it to be less than replacement. It was raised to 50k!!! Well, if the responsible parties have an assets, this maybe worth it to pursue. They may only award depreciated value, and who knows what that would be. Your tank cost x, it's y years old, therefor undamaged it's worth z. You claim damages, they'll say there were already some scratches, judge will split the diff, you'll win some percentage of z.

I wonder if a better route might be a claim through homeowners insurance, and let the insurance company go after them to recover their loss.

Aquattro 02-02-2015 07:13 PM

Realistically, unless they own up or you have it on camera, you can't prove who did it. Were there others in the house at the time? Maybe they did it. Maybe roomie was drunk and did it and it passing the buck. Maybe the pizza delivery guy did it.
You can't stand in front of a judge and tell them that you're absolutely pretty darn sure it was one of more of someone's kids. If they did, prove it. Can't prove it, then not happening. Will roomie testify against his buddies?

Unless they admit it, it's between you and roomie and/or house insurance.

gobytron 02-02-2015 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 933403)
Realistically, unless they own up or you have it on camera, you can't prove who did it. Were there others in the house at the time? Maybe they did it. Maybe roomie was drunk and did it and it passing the buck. Maybe the pizza delivery guy did it.
You can't stand in front of a judge and tell them that you're absolutely pretty darn sure it was one of more of someone's kids. If they did, prove it. Can't prove it, then not happening. Will roomie testify against his buddies?

Unless they admit it, it's between you and roomie and/or house insurance.

Except if it went to court, ever single person there would be subpoena'd and have to say what happened under oath...

The question isn't whether they would testify, as witnesses to a crime, they would have no choice.

The question is whether you think your roomie likes these people enough to commit perjury and lie about it.

The judge could easily put the responsibility on everyone in attendance if nobody fesses up.

Aquattro 02-02-2015 07:58 PM

Ok, let's say that happens. Let's even go so far as the parents admit it and drop off a brand new tank in the driveway. Then what?? I just reviewed the build thread :) No easy task to replace that tank, house critters and reassemble. It would be months before it looked "normal" again, the work would be several full days, and that's just gonna suck. No happy ending to this, unless you can polish most out in the time you can actually keep a fully stocked tank drained.

gobytron 02-02-2015 08:04 PM

Even so.

SOME compensation is in order.

Even if its not convenient for everyone.

To me, a tank that is horribly scratched in a noticeable way would totally ruin a tank anyways.

I would enjoy it just about as much as i would while it was being rebuilt.

Aquattro 02-02-2015 09:00 PM

Ya, I think someone should pay for damages, but the whole things suck all around!

Dearth 02-02-2015 10:09 PM

Having gone through small claims court to recoup losses before it is not as clear cut or as easy as it seems (it might of changed since I was in it 15 years ago)

You first require proof of incident
You must prove that xx person(s) were there or involved
You must give damages cost
There is no guarantee the courts will help
It can take up to a year for your case to be heard in small claims court
Lawyers are a must unless your knowledgable in legalese

Hate to say it it's much easier to settle out of court and move on with life

gobytron 02-02-2015 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 933417)
Having gone through small claims court to recoup losses before it is not as clear cut or as easy as it seems (it might of changed since I was in it 15 years ago)

You first require proof of incident
You must prove that xx person(s) were there or involved
You must give damages cost
There is no guarantee the courts will help
It can take up to a year for your case to be heard in small claims court
Lawyers are a must unless your knowledgable in legalese

Hate to say it it's much easier to settle out of court and move on with life

isn't that always the case when its possible?

Why would anyone go to court if they didn't have to?

mikellini 02-03-2015 12:01 AM

Damn starphire glass haha. That's all I could think when I read it.

davej 02-03-2015 12:32 AM

Agree with going the insurance route. Court would be expensive and hard to prove who actually did it.

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