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Myka 02-02-2015 01:45 AM

LF: American DJ Powerbars
I ordered 4 of these from Long and McQuade in November and I went in on Friday they said maybe I would see them at the end of March. Anyone know where else to buy these? I see some on for about $65 +shipping. At L&M they are $38. Any ideas??

xenon 02-02-2015 02:11 AM

I just ordered one of these a few days ago:

Same as the American DJ but different brand.

Myka 02-02-2015 02:24 AM

^ Awesome. I saw that one offered by a different company for around the $65 mark too (and $150 lol). I didn't see this vendor for cheaper. Thanks!

davej 02-02-2015 02:27 AM

I have a Technical Pro PS9U bar that I bought and never ended up using.
Band new in box.
Willing to sell it for the $50 I paid for it.
Amazon one kills you with the shipping. $32.79 for bar and $20.30 for shipping.
Oooppss, Just noticed you were in Sakabush, sorry shipping kills it again.

Myka 02-02-2015 03:14 AM

Hey Dave, I was looking at that one too. Are the plugs on the backside far enough apart though? I seem to remember that one has close outlets.

davej 02-02-2015 03:40 AM

GoFish 02-02-2015 06:32 AM

I bought the last American DJ power bar last week at a local L+M, the sticker on the box said $31.50 so they honoured it :)
There are apparently 81 on order across Canada and was also told March. Did they make you pay up front? I was told I had to.

Myka 02-02-2015 12:55 PM

Thanks for the pic Dave. Yes, those outlets are pretty close - won't be able to plug any adapters into it without blocking the next outlet. I like the blue switched on it better than the red ones though. :D


Originally Posted by Vancity (Post 933344)
I bought the last American DJ power bar last week at a local L+M, the sticker on the box said $31.50 so they honoured it :)
There are apparently 81 on order across Canada and was also told March. Did they make you pay up front? I was told I had to.

Nice deal! Yes, they are all paid for.

xenon 02-02-2015 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 933355)
Thanks for the pic Dave. Yes, those outlets are pretty close - won't be able to plug any adapters into it without blocking the next outlet. I like the blue switched on it better than the red ones though. :D

You could just get 12" extension cords for those larger adapters...

ScubaSteve 02-02-2015 02:44 PM

Man, for the price you could just build your own... In fact, that's what I'd do and what I've done in the past. I'd heavily consider it.

Other option is, if you don't live too far from the USA border, you can buy it on amazon.COM for a big discount and have it shipped to a mailbox on the other side. Go for a weeknd drive and pick it up. "Oh, but it's such a long drive and the gas would off set the cost!"... Sign up for a free trial of Amazon Prime, get free 2-day shipping, buy a year's supplies at 50% of what would cost and your save yourself a bundle.

I'll qualify this by recognizing the dollar makes this a little less sweet these days...

That said, even with the state of the dollar I saved about 40% the other week when ordering from

lastlight 02-02-2015 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 933369)
Man, for the price you could just build your own... In fact, that's what I'd do and what I've done in the past. I'd heavily consider it.

same form factor or with standard outlets and switches? please elaborate.

CM125 02-02-2015 07:08 PM

It wouldn't be too hard to build your own, those switches and plug blanks are easy to get. Just need some metal and paint

Myka 02-03-2015 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by CM125 (Post 933401)
It wouldn't be too hard to build your own, those switches and plug blanks are easy to get. Just need some metal and paint

I'm interested. :) Where? What? How? :lol:

mikewe05 02-03-2015 11:58 PM

I got mine at axe music is a chauvet 8 independent switches. Cost $40ish

brandonpauley 02-04-2015 04:55 AM
$39 Canadian. I just ordered two of them, was 9 bucks for shipping via Canada Post.

lastlight 02-04-2015 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by mikewe05 (Post 933571)
I got mine at axe music is a chauvet 8 independent switches. Cost $40ish

These are far more reliable than the American DJ in my experience.

ScubaSteve 02-04-2015 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 933380)
same form factor or with standard outlets and switches? please elaborate.

Yup, same form factor... or any form factor you wanted really. I'd just order the switches and outlet sockets from Newark, Mouser or Digikey and build an enclosure for it. The wiring is pretty basic but I could post a schematic.

The enclosure is pretty straight forward. A few pieces of acrylic or aluminum, a table saw, a jig saw/dremel and you're done. If you wanted to get fancy, you could find someone local to laser cut the panels for you, then just glue screw them together.

I'd build my own, once my American DJ strip craps out, simply for the ability to have form factor that fit my stand better. Now, I should say that I do have an entire machine shop in my HOUSE dedicated to prototyping (I'm a product designer) and have access to a CNC mill, lathe, 3D printers, etc, so my perspective on the relative ease at which something can be built is different from that of others. That said, to make your own powerstrip is fairly easy project for anyone to muster and which doesn't require a lot of tools, just enthusiasm!

Myka 02-04-2015 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by mikewe05 (Post 933571)
I got mine at axe music is a chauvet 8 independent switches. Cost $40ish

Chauvet SR8?

Appears to be discontinued. :(


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 933624)
These are far more reliable than the American DJ in my experience.

I've never had a problem with the American DJ powerbars, what is the issue?


Originally Posted by brandonpauley (Post 933621)
$39 Canadian. I just ordered two of them, was 9 bucks for shipping via Canada Post.

Awesome, thank you!

lastlight 02-04-2015 02:35 PM

i've had sockets randomly fry on 3 diff units. the red lit switch will be char black inside and it doesn't work anymore. once the switch blew off the unit and i found it across the room.

CM125 02-04-2015 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 933462)
I'm interested. :) Where? What? How? :lol:


That's for 5 switches, the plugs are about that too and available at any electrical store, technically you can make it out of lexan with no metal at all, whole thing would be $50 in materials and custom. you could even build in a gfci for another $20

xenon 02-04-2015 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by CM125 (Post 933663)

That's for 5 switches, the plugs are about that too and available at any electrical store, technically you can make it out of lexan with no metal at all, whole thing would be $50 in materials and custom. you could even build in a gfci for another $20

That eBay link is dead.

CM125 02-04-2015 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by xenon (Post 933665)
That eBay link is dead.

too late to edit here is the updated link

claynelson 02-04-2015 04:15 PM

mindy I have one im not really using if your interested pm me.

ive also built my own with conduit and handy boxes with light switches and wall outlets. put the outlets right where I want them and no worry about spacing.

mikewe05 02-05-2015 12:11 AM

Its the chauvet pc-08

Blink 02-05-2015 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by ScubaSteve (Post 933632)
Yup, same form factor... or any form factor you wanted really. I'd just order the switches and outlet sockets from Newark, Mouser or Digikey and build an enclosure for it. The wiring is pretty basic but I could post a schematic.

The enclosure is pretty straight forward. A few pieces of acrylic or aluminum, a table saw, a jig saw/dremel and you're done. If you wanted to get fancy, you could find someone local to laser cut the panels for you, then just glue screw them together.

I'd build my own, once my American DJ strip craps out, simply for the ability to have form factor that fit my stand better. Now, I should say that I do have an entire machine shop in my HOUSE dedicated to prototyping (I'm a product designer) and have access to a CNC mill, lathe, 3D printers, etc, so my perspective on the relative ease at which something can be built is different from that of others. That said, to make your own powerstrip is fairly easy project for anyone to muster and which doesn't require a lot of tools, just enthusiasm!

If someone needs laser cutting done just fire me a PM, I've got access to a 2500 watt and 4000 watt if you need something like 1" plate cut.

GoFish 02-05-2015 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Blink (Post 933742)
If someone needs laser cutting done just fire me a PM, I've got access to a 2500 watt and 4000 watt if you need something like 1" plate cut.

:laser: :shocked: jeeeeebus

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