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Beverly 09-14-2004 03:53 PM

October Edmonton Meeting/Open House
Me and my big mouth :rolleyes: Yes, over the summer I promised an open house meeting and in another thread boB reminded me of this promise. Thanks, boB :agrue:

Looking at the calendar, I'm thinking of either October 17 or 24 (both are Sundays) in the afternoon, say between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm. How does that sound?

Bob I 09-14-2004 04:18 PM

That certainly sounds fine with me. That gives me enough time to make some pictures of my currently available zoos so that people can tell me what to bring up. :biggrin:

Quinn 09-14-2004 04:40 PM

I move you hold it a week earlier if possible, over the Thanksgiving weekend. :cool:

Then I can come!

Beverly 09-14-2004 04:43 PM

Okay, to accommodate Quinn, I'd be willing to look at Sunday the 10th as well :smile: It'll be up to everyone to decide which Sunday is the best for everyone.

Bob I 09-14-2004 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by teevee
I move you hold it a week earlier if possible, over the Thanksgiving weekend. :cool:

Then I can come!

Then you could pick me up :razz: :question:

Richer 09-14-2004 04:58 PM

The earlier the better, thats midterm month for me :eek:

So put me down for the 10th.


kuatto 09-14-2004 04:58 PM

:cry: I'll be in Wainwright for the month of October playing with the Army,so I guess I'l miss this one,unless I can convince the Major"sir,I cant go because I have a reef meet :mrgreen: "

fortheloveofcrabs 09-14-2004 05:19 PM

OOOooo! I'm itching to come! Never been to a meet (didn't really have much of tank the last time one was held!) I am down for any time, anywhere, I will do my best to be there. Just to meet the whole 'gang' face-to-face would be fantastic!

Count me in!~ :lol:


Nemain 09-14-2004 05:48 PM

I can do the 3rd, 17th, or 31st.

Beverly 09-14-2004 06:17 PM

Hmmmmmm.... Is there a long weekend in November so Quinn can make it? I'd be open for an early November Sunday so Jim can come too.

Did you folks see my thread pleading to rent an emerald crab -

Nemain 09-14-2004 06:29 PM

semi long weekend in nov for rememberance day.. I cant make that either, I am in san francisco =)


Pisces 09-14-2004 06:49 PM

I can't make Thanksgiving weekend or the 17th :confused: ....other than that, I think things are pretty open. :biggrin:


Beverly 09-14-2004 08:26 PM

To make things a little more interesting, how about November 7 or 21, both Sundays? That way Jim can make it, exams will be over, Beth can probably come, though, Quinn may not be able to make it :frown: In November, we might have our Christmas tree up :biggrin:

Quinn 09-14-2004 08:27 PM

Yeah would have to be Thanksgiving or Christmas for me. But don't put yourselves out.

Nemain 09-14-2004 08:40 PM

I can't do either in November. And the 3rd is out.. forgott I am doing the run for the cure that day....


Richer 09-15-2004 12:38 AM

November 7th would be fine for me... not sure if I'd be able to make it on the 21st.


jess128 09-15-2004 01:06 AM

I've never been to a meet so I might have to come to this one! I have no life so any day works for me, although November would be better, I might actually have a tank that I can call a reef by then...

Quinn 09-15-2004 02:39 AM

Having a reef is not a requirement. At this point in time all I have is a bucket of dead sand and a lot of equipment I no longer need.

Beverly 09-15-2004 03:07 PM

Okay, let's start again because I am getting confused :rolleyes:

The following are dates that are possible for us to host. Let me know all possible dates, in order of preference, that are best for each of you. I'll tally them up and the date that has the most people who can come will be the day we meet :smile: All are Sundays between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm:

Oct 10
Oct 17
Oct 24
Nov 7
Nov 21
Nov 28

And Quinn is correct that you don't have to have a reef to attend :cool:

Richer 09-15-2004 03:18 PM

In order of preference:

Nov 7
Nov 28
Oct 10
Nov 21
Oct 17
Oct 24


Nemain 09-15-2004 03:29 PM

Oct 17 & Nov 28 - no preference.

Bob I 09-15-2004 03:52 PM

No real preference for me except that earlier is probably better due to the possibility of snow. The early dates may not be good as I have to get pictures up of the zoos I can bring. I expect to do that this weekend. :rolleyes:

Quinn 09-15-2004 05:10 PM

Oct 10...

...Or sometime within a week and a half or so of Christmas... maybe that's a new thread...

Beverly 09-15-2004 06:26 PM


I'd like to think I can read minds, but realistically, I am unable :mrgreen: Please pick some dates, in order of preference, to give me some kind of idea of what you'd like.

fortheloveofcrabs 09-15-2004 10:33 PM

Okay Bev,

I am flexible, but I will give you an order just to help with things:

Oct 24
Oct 17
Nov 7
Nov 21
Oct 10
Nov 28


jess128 09-16-2004 03:31 AM

November 7 sounds good for me at the moment, I'm flexible though.

kuatto 09-16-2004 03:42 AM

Because I'll be in Wainwright for the month of October,
Nov 7
Nov 21
Nov 28

Bob I 09-16-2004 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Beverly

I'd like to think I can read minds, but realistically, I am unable :mrgreen: Please pick some dates, in order of preference, to give me some kind of idea of what you'd like.

OK, OK, just to give you some input I will go with Jim's dates. :biggrin:

shotzee 09-16-2004 05:32 PM

I'm open for any of those dates


Beverly 09-16-2004 05:49 PM

Rory, you're trying to pull a boB :razz: Please help me to decide which is the best date for everyone by listing the ones that are best for you.

shotzee 09-16-2004 11:47 PM

It really doesn't matter that much because the meeting won't take the entire day, so would be able to at least stop in any of those dates. It just seems like everyone can't pick the same date, so I don't want to put up another order of dates in another preference to confuse things.

Bob I 09-17-2004 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by Beverly
Rory, you're trying to pull a boB :razz: Please help me to decide which is the best date for everyone by listing the ones that are best for you.

How dare you accusing me of pulling something. :question: :rolleyes: . It must be remembered that I have no life thus I have no real preference. :biggrin:

Beverly 09-17-2004 02:18 AM

Me too. No life either :mrgreen:

Nemain 09-17-2004 02:34 PM

I don't have a life either, but my kids do :biggrin:

Skimmerking 09-17-2004 04:21 PM

Man, I will miss this one too. Oh well I guess I have to get transfered there.


Beverly 09-17-2004 05:04 PM


How easy is it to get a transfer in your organization?

Skimmerking 09-17-2004 07:18 PM

Bev it's going to depend on your job and job title. Where i'm in the Artillery and there is no place for the Artillery in Edmonton.!

But I'm looking at the side of DP detention Barracks for the Army is in Edmonton. There I can go to work and get transfrd there to the City of champions..


Quinn 09-17-2004 07:32 PM

Detention barracks? As in, military prison?

sleeman 09-17-2004 07:46 PM

Bev, Any Sunday in November except the 7th, I am on day shift then.

Mike, you want work at the DB or be client? One of by buds in in the PPCLI was psted for 2 or 3 years at the old DB and loved it. That was about 10 years ago, so not sure if much has changed.


Beverly 09-19-2004 08:59 PM

There are a few people who are not available in October, so I'm thinking November 28 might be the best date so Beth, who hosted the last meet, can join us :smile:

How does November 28 sound to all of you? Only hope the weather is good for boB to make it up with his zoos.

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