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Alberta_madcow 01-27-2015 05:54 PM

What are these Hitchhikers? :)
I know the aiptasia, but what are the other guys??

gobytron 01-27-2015 06:16 PM

Can't make out what you are referring to in that pic...

Alberta_madcow 01-27-2015 06:20 PM

Maybe someone who's not blind will have a look then.. Thanks.

gobytron 01-27-2015 06:22 PM

Or maybe you can rotate the pic so it's the right way up, then indicate in some way shape or form what it is in that pic you are referring to.

generally, you'll find this board a pretty helpful bunch...even us blind guys.

it sure doesn't seem like those with the gift of sight are lining up to give you a hand here.

Sorry for trying.

Alberta_madcow 01-27-2015 06:23 PM

Here this may help sorry all I have is a cell phone for a camera I'm poor!

gobytron 01-27-2015 06:27 PM

The big things look like hairy mushrooms to me.

the whiteish stuff is hard to make out but almost looks like a stalk for a recently dead or new, growing softy.

The Codfather 01-27-2015 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Alberta_madcow (Post 932399)
Maybe someone who's not blind will have a look then.. Thanks.

You are a complete ignoramus....
Ask for help with a picture that's not clear and then whine when someone wants clearification.

Alberta_madcow 01-27-2015 06:30 PM

The pic is clear enough and he was being a jerk!!

Alberta_madcow 01-27-2015 06:33 PM

I can see I'm not going to fit in here.. Good day!

gobytron 01-27-2015 06:45 PM

For the record, I was not being a jerk.

You posted a pic that I felt it was unclear which organisms in the pic you were referring to.

I asked for clarification, that's it.

I guess Madcow is not just a clever name?

davej 01-27-2015 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Alberta_madcow (Post 932405)
The pic is clear enough and he was being a jerk!!

Afraid not
You were.


Originally Posted by Alberta_madcow (Post 932407)
I can see I'm not going to fit in here.. Good day!


Wow :pop2:

Alberta_madcow 01-27-2015 07:03 PM

I'm sorry.. I'll try and get a better picture this evening... I am a madcow today apparently. Sorry for calling you blind and a jerk.. Your not ,I am. :(

reefwars 01-27-2015 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Alberta_madcow (Post 932407)
I can see I'm not going to fit in here.. Good day!

:welcome: was nice having you , drop in again soon!!!:wave:

gobytron 01-27-2015 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Alberta_madcow (Post 932417)
I'm sorry.. I'll try and get a better picture this evening... I am a madcow today apparently. Sorry for calling you blind and a jerk.. Your not ,I am. :(

Hey man.
We can all misconstrue things we see written on online forums.

I know I've done it.

Welcome to the board.

Here are some pics of hairy mushrooms, I think they look a lot like the larger things in the pic you posted.

Hairy Mushrooms

Riptide 01-30-2015 02:11 AM

As Goby said, welcome to the site. Im tempted as well to lean towards hairy mushrooms.

gregzz4 01-30-2015 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Alberta_madcow (Post 932407)
I can see I'm not going to fit in here.. Good day!

Ya, probably not the best start here ... best reserve this attitude for Reef Central :wink:


Originally Posted by gobytron (Post 932412)
I guess Madcow is not just a clever name?



Originally Posted by Alberta_madcow (Post 932417)
I'm sorry.. I'll try and get a better picture this evening... I am a madcow today apparently. Sorry for calling you blind and a jerk.. Your not ,I am. :(

Good on you for stepping up :rockon:
You'll find a great bunch of reefers here with a deep wealth of knowledge and much willingness to help. Sometimes you'll have to filter through the info, but that's the web for ya.

Play nice, but also have fun (ya jerk :boink:) :biggrin:

And welcome to Canreef

Alberta_madcow 02-01-2015 04:26 PM

Thanks everyone.. I'll get some better pics up as soon as I get ahold a camera!! The tanks just cycling now and everything's goin good.. Tested water yesterday everything was good :)

Alberta_madcow 02-06-2015 12:39 AM

They have doubled in size and the little whitish glow in the dark things underneath look good as well. :) I got pods all over the glass to..

Riptide 02-06-2015 12:51 AM

Those are definately hairy mushrooms from that pic. If you bring them a little closer to the light they could possibly become a little more phosphorescent (colorful). It looks like it might be splitting as it looks like there might be two mouths although I could be wrong.

Bayside Corals 02-06-2015 02:07 AM

That's a much better picture. I don't think they are hairy mushrooms. I am going to guess rhodactis mushroom or bullseye mushroom.


gobytron 02-06-2015 03:15 PM

Hairy Mushroom IS a Rhodactis...

That is definitely what you have there.

Riptide 02-06-2015 04:26 PM

Goby if he brings them up a bit higher in the tank they should color up a bit more correct? They look pretty big almost like they are "searching" for light. Perhaps im wrong?

gobytron 02-06-2015 05:35 PM

Like most mushrooms, they don;t require a tonne of light.

Without knowing the depth or what kind of lighting he is running, it's impossible to say.

The look like they are coloring up nicely to me and quite happy.

Alberta_madcow 02-08-2015 12:30 AM

Thanks for the responses everyone. Water depth is 8" light is a 10 watt dual spectrum cfl for saltwater got it at big Al's. I know it's not the best light and will upgrade eventually.also found two tiny snails :) and what I think is a tiny mushroom

Riptide 02-08-2015 04:12 PM

Yes its a mushroom ;). On the far left of the pic middle point looks like you might have some aptasia. I could be wrong kinda blurred. I used to stare at my tank in amazement of all the new crittersI would find almost every other day something new that I had missed the day before would pop up

Alberta_madcow 02-08-2015 04:26 PM

Hi riptide, thanks for the reply! Yeah I have one giant aptasia and about 5 or 6 tiny ones. I plan on getting a peppermint shrimp once the cycle is complete. I'm finding new critters all the time and in such a tiny tank!!! Only 3 lbs of live rock, I went crazy with the sand and have way to much.. But I'm going to leave it and see how it goes...maybe get a tiny jaw fish or somthig more suited for a nano that still utilizes the deep sand...?¿ any thoughts of nano fish that love deep sand ?? Sorry if that's a dumb question I'm pretty new at this only have had one 10 gallong tank in the past and I knew nothing then,only to change the water that's what kept it alive so long.. I know a lot more now but still am a total noob !! :) thanks everyone any help you can give is greatly appreciated!

Riptide 02-10-2015 04:19 PM

When it comes to nano's Im a total newb. I wouldnt honestly know what you could put in a small tank like that for livestock. Maybe poke around the nano forum looking at pic's? I have heard nano's are/can be more difficult to deal with as when stuff goes south it goes fast. I have always chosen a slightly larger tank just for that reason as it gives a little more forgiveness in regards to time.

I do think some higher end zoa's would look pretty sweet in there, keep your mushrooms although the hairy mushrooms can get pretty huge.

Alberta_madcow 02-10-2015 05:20 PM

Ya 50% water changes every 2 days... It's been ok so far. Ph is perfect, ammonia 0 ppm, nitrite 0 ppm, nitrate still at about 10 ppm it should go down after tomorrows water change. Almost ready for a few critters! Everything that came on the live rock is still alive too!!

reef-keeper 02-10-2015 05:38 PM

I have a 5.5 running. 50% WC weekly. Right now I'm battling high phosphates. At 0.06 and getting lower. All I have in it is two clowns and a couple snails. Notice last night I have a brisle worm in there. No idea how it got there. The only live thing I put in was sand.

Alberta_madcow 02-10-2015 05:43 PM

Oh weird.. Ya I've got a big bristle worm and a small one. That's kinda neat you got one tho. I've read nothing but good about them and how they actually help clean your tank.

reef-keeper 02-10-2015 07:36 PM

When I first saw it I'm thinking "what the beep is that. To the internet I go. Found it and left it in there.

Alberta_madcow 02-15-2015 02:16 PM

Found a 3rd snail. :) this one is even smaller then ther other two and I think it's a different species it's almost pure white.. To small to get a pic I don't think I'll buy any snails seeing as I have 3 and can watch them grow !! :)

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