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lockrookie 01-11-2015 06:23 PM

Maxspect gyre current users input appreciated
With all this talk of power heads it forced me to look stronger into this one and I am very tempted to say the least. And I am getting tired of my koralia's

I have watched vids tutorials read all reviews noise complaints but would still like to hear from you if you that have them

From what I've read seen I like the idea of this product but with my internal overflow and rock work it may react different than I'm hoping but all in all my biggest issue is it won't be hidden in my rock work but on my display glass end pane

So please let me know the good the bad the frustrating cause if I do it I'll add it to my current order I have that's back ordered

Stinktooth 01-11-2015 06:44 PM

I really like the gyre but I would not use it as the only powerhead. It would really be nice if they had a random mode. As for noise mine has been really quite. Was louder for about the first week but that still wasn't really loud.

Bblinks 01-11-2015 06:59 PM

I think like most of us reef junkies I have tried almost all of the different types of water movement pumps including the gyre. Imo gyre is one of those innovations that propels this hobby forward and revolutionize the way we view different types of current in our reef tanks.

I have my on the back panel and it's as discrete as it can be and at 40 percent it moves a lot of water, and as described it creates a gyre effect. My buddy wheel man who has his gyre mounted on the side and to be honest with you its really not as intrusive as one might think. And as for the flow if you run it at a hundred percent is will have enough power to create the gyre effect even it's heavily stocked with corals and live rock or in your case overflow box.

Now, the ugly...noise is a factor but it's mixed review. Some good some bad and some just down right unbareable. I am the latter. Dissembly will need extra attention as several reviews reported broken pieces while trying to take it apart, however, it does come with spares.

The last question for me is longevity, but obviously we will have to find that out in the future.

I hope this helps

lockrookie 01-11-2015 07:27 PM

This does help I just have issues when it comes to seeing "equipment" in my tank I know I'd get used to it but still won't like it and I may try to find a better way as such lol

If it's too noisy I guess it can be used as a very expensive salt mixing pump

I look forward to other replies before I decide I'll post a pic of my tank so you can see how it's set up

lockrookie 01-11-2015 07:29 PM

This is an old pic but shows the rock work the best

carnut 01-11-2015 07:47 PM

Mine has been running for about an hour and it's dead silent. Flow seems really good and works right out the box.

Madreefer 01-11-2015 08:36 PM

Mine has been really good for water movement. They are fairly small and not too much of an eyesore. Build quality is not as good as Vortechs or Tunzes. Reverse speed is a bit week, actually really week. Only noisy at 100%

Warranty issues have been a real PIA. Before you choose to buy one ask the retailor who covers warranty problems. If it's not the from the store you purchase from than do not buy it. I have one that was defective right out of the box and been a gong show dealing with the distributor. They are in LA. IMO I should have just been able to exchange for a new unit and the store should worry about dealing with the distributor.

lockrookie 01-11-2015 11:08 PM

Thanks guys this does help a lot actually. My credit card company is gonna love me right now lol.

End all I have to do something. I am not happy with the flow patterns in my tank and this thing looks to be close enough to the answer. I could possibly get away with the 130 if I suppliment with my koralia's but I think for the extra cash the 150 is the best bang for the buck

I may try to mount it differently tho and devise a way to have it mount to my euro brace so that I don't have to mess with it when I scrape the glass.

No I just can't leave things alone lol

Skimmin 01-11-2015 11:33 PM

I have 2 150's in my 6ft 300gal peninsula. 1 mounted horizontal in my overflow box and one mounted vertically next to my overflow box. Horizontal pulsing at 90% for 10 seconds and vertical at 100% for 5 seconds. Seems to be suffecient without blowing the sand around at all. Also they don't communicate so that keeps it pretty random. My return pump is a jebao dct 12000 running at 80% at about 6-8ft of head.

lockrookie 01-12-2015 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Skimmin (Post 929723)
I have 2 150's in my 6ft 300gal peninsula. 1 mounted horizontal in my overflow box and one mounted vertically next to my overflow box. Horizontal pulsing at 90% for 10 seconds and vertical at 100% for 5 seconds. Seems to be suffecient without blowing the sand around at all. Also they don't communicate so that keeps it pretty random. My return pump is a jebao dct 12000 running at 80% at about 6-8ft of head.

Are you happy with it this far?

Skimmin 01-12-2015 02:31 AM

Yah I'm happy with them. They were noisey at first but after about a week of running at 100% they are much quieter. Even when pulsing. I've only been running them a month so I can comment on longivity. They do feel at least decently built to me.

Skimmin 01-12-2015 02:37 AM

One plus with the gyre is for sure the ability to point and adjust the direction of flow.

lockrookie 01-12-2015 02:44 AM

That's good to hear I took the plunge and ordered it may not get it till the week after next.

lockrookie 01-16-2015 12:45 AM

I must say I am kinda impressed at how the gyre us packaged

duncangweller 01-16-2015 02:34 AM

I've had one on my dining table for a week. Haven't even opened the box yet. I thought I'd be more excited when I ordered it.

Craigdillman 01-17-2015 02:30 AM

Just got mine in its sitting on the table and I'm at work dangit!! I will update soon with some flow videos super excited

lockrookie 01-17-2015 03:19 AM

Maxspect gyre current users input appreciated
That's the prob I Am excited for it but want to wait until my tank is clear of dinoflagettes so I don't embarrass myself with pics

gregzz4 01-17-2015 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by lockrookie (Post 930967)
That's the prob I Am excited for it but want to wait until my tank is clear of dinoflagettes so I don't embarrass myself with pics

Bah, you embarrassed yourself long ago Jeff
Just post the pics dammit :smile:

lockrookie 01-17-2015 01:49 PM

Lol there is truth within that but the golden rule in the hobby is patience... :p

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