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reefwars 01-01-2015 07:43 PM

What's your new years reef resolution?
Happy new years all :)

This year I'm gonna pay a bit more attention to maintenance schedule as well try to stock more of the day to day things I use as where as now I wait for stuff to run out then procrastinate for a week or two on getting it lol:mrgreen:

Slyguy00 01-01-2015 07:58 PM

My resolution this year is to cram as many sps into my tank as possible.:mrgreen:

lockrookie 01-01-2015 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 927864)
Happy new years all :)

This year I'm gonna pay a bit more attention to maintenance schedule as well try to stock more of the day to day things I use as where as now I wait for stuff to run out then procrastinate for a week or two on getting it lol:mrgreen:

I'm going with the same as you my tanks have been neglected to much and isn't what I want it to be at. so I am going to war with my issues going to attempt to get it to the caliber ive dreamed it to be instead of waiting and watching things die. I can't even bring myself to post pics and have been discouraged for too long.

WarDog 01-01-2015 08:26 PM

Just to get my tank running and start making the mistakes everyone makes!

brotherd 01-01-2015 09:57 PM

My resolution is to stop tweaking and tinkering with the tank and let it stabilize.I'm soooo tired of losing sps!

Cody 01-01-2015 10:15 PM

My resolution is to 'tidy' up my whole system. I have an in wall display where the tank is essentially sitting in my mechanical room but displays in my theater room. The sump is a few feet away in the mechanical room and right now its a rats nest of electrical, and flexible tubing. It was a quick set up to get the system cycling when we first moved into the house and it hindsight I wish I would have taken more time. I have been struggling to find the time to get at anything, but I hope that changes quickly.

Happy New Years, everyone! Cheers

Jordon 01-01-2015 10:21 PM

Similar to brother's resolution, I just need to 'let it be' I'm always babying the crap out of everything, and need to let go every now and then, and let nature do it's thing.

I am probably doing more harm than good a lot of the time.

Myka 01-01-2015 10:27 PM

My New Year's resolution is to make my system more aesthetically pleasing by getting rid of frag racks and frags in the sand bed. That means I'm going to have to move the whole system to the warehouse so it can be a frag system, and that means I will have to get a pimp new system for at home to keep all the aesthetically pleasing colonies in.

Kellyscoral 01-01-2015 10:36 PM

I am going to upgrade in 2015 - step one figuring out what size and shape tank. Actually if the the "reef war family" could just deliver their awesome tank to my house it would be excellent!!

SeaHorse_Fanatic 01-01-2015 10:41 PM

I resolve to stay on track with my big water changes every 1.5 months (i.e. 55g each for both 165g & 93g systems). Tanks are looking happy and healthy under this maintenance schedule so I have to make sure that even if life/work/home gets busy, I need to make time for the water changes.

Doug 01-02-2015 12:31 AM

To finally make it all the way to Concepts after trying three times now. :lol:

theokie 01-02-2015 02:25 AM

To organize my wiring and get my stands skinned

hunggi74 01-02-2015 02:40 AM

To not buy anymore frags and to let stuff grow out.
Oh wait, I'm already in for an MJC order...
So much for that.

H2o2 01-02-2015 03:22 AM

Going back to try T5s and some led strips for pop from full led as most of the nicest color tanks I have seen are running T5s

kien 01-02-2015 03:42 AM

my New Years resolution is to try to do the same things I did in 2014. :biggrin:

Coralgurl 01-02-2015 03:57 AM

Try to find a solid maintenance routine. This year is going to be a busy one, I have 5 courses to take for work, my boss has quit and I have to hire new staff, or carry the work myself... I see loads of OT in January already. we have 2 trips in the spring and 3 grads this year.

corpusse 01-02-2015 01:15 PM

Spend more on equipment and skin my stands add doors ect instead of just focusing on livestock.

Dearth 01-02-2015 02:51 PM

To stop spending so much money on my tank that is ever going to happen but it's a goal to shoot for:mrgreen:

Reef Pilot 01-02-2015 02:58 PM

I should have a resolution to be neater with all my reef stuff, especially my downstairs sump and storage rooms. Would make my wife happy... But that is going to be hard to do,... really, really hard... Same goes with my office,...haha.

Skimmer Juice 01-02-2015 04:07 PM

new years resolution is to get a boxfish and to spend more money on better corals , also to build a new shallow reef

BC564 01-02-2015 07:51 PM

Doing the new tank build, 155 Half Circle, after I return from Playa del Carmen.....complete with new sumps, pumps, lights, fish room in basement. New RO system with auto water changes......February will be a good month.

Happy New Year Everyone.

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