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tlhood 12-10-2014 05:02 AM

Canada coral group buy
anyone interested in doing a group buy with Canada coral, to help save with shipping costs?

Kellyscoral 12-10-2014 05:25 AM

I might be depending on when you are thinking about ordering?

Skimmer Juice 12-10-2014 04:07 PM

I'm definitely in .

tlhood 12-10-2014 04:37 PM

I was thinking of having it ship out after the new year, since a lot of people will be going out of town for the holidays (incl me).

If there is enough interest I will see if I can set something up.

shiftline 12-10-2014 05:43 PM

Where are you guys locates?

sphelps 12-10-2014 05:56 PM

I'll probably jump in as well, keep me in the loop.

Cody 12-10-2014 06:44 PM

Where would pick up location be?

Ryancw 12-10-2014 07:19 PM

In aswell

tlhood 12-10-2014 07:47 PM

Pick up would probably be at my house, I am located in the inner SW, Killarney area.

Cody 12-10-2014 07:57 PM

I'm very interested as well it's just difficult for me to know when exactly I can get to Calgary. Would you require same day pick up?

Skimmer Juice 12-10-2014 08:15 PM


Originally Posted by Cody (Post 924649)
I'm very interested as well it's just difficult for me to know when exactly I can get to Calgary. Would you require same day pick up?

If you cant make it the same day I could house them for you till you can make it in:biggrin:

btuck887 12-10-2014 08:29 PM

I'd be interested, depending on when your planning on getting them shipped

tlhood 12-10-2014 10:36 PM

Planning on getting them shipped after the new year.

I can provide some more info later.

DomG 12-11-2014 12:06 AM

I might be in as well depends on what they have to offer! :)

tlhood 12-11-2014 03:13 AM

Ho'kay so, here is the informationnnnez for the group buy.

Aiming for delivery to be on the 6th or 7th, still figuring that out, but it will be just after the New Year. If anyone has a day that doesn't work for them (like they are on vacation) please let me know so that I can find something that works for most of us.

1) if the order is above 400$, its free shipping.
2) you can make as many orders as you want between now and the delivery date that will give "free shipping" with the CODE! This will give us time to see new stock and such between now and the shipping date.
3)pickup will be @ my home. Those who participate can PM me and I will give you my address and phone number.

I will provide the code tomorrow once I get in touch with Canada corals to make sure the stuff won't ship until January.

Treebeard 12-11-2014 02:00 PM

I am interested in some frags.

tlhood 12-11-2014 10:17 PM

Some additional info. We can start ordering now and they will hold the orders for us and ship in January, HOWEVER, if we order something now they CAN NOT give us the boxing day sale price on that item, even though it is shipping after boxing day. So you can either wait for the boxing day sale, or order now. Waiting for the sale risks the item going out of stock, HOWEVER you can contact Canada Corals to see if they have a lot of a particular item in stock, in which case it may be better to wait for the sale.

Please let me know if you want to start ordering now or wait until boxing day, so I can pass that onto Canada Corals and then send out the group code.

btuck887 12-11-2014 11:08 PM

I'll have a look tonight, probably wait until Boxing Day. When does their Boxing Day sale start? On Boxing Day or a few days before?

Treebeard 12-11-2014 11:56 PM

I would prefer to start ordering now to ensure I get the stuff I really want. I can always add to the order on Boxing Day if anything else looks good.

Kellyscoral 12-12-2014 12:50 AM

I would like to start ordering now too - would rather get specific items now and then add more later.

notclear 12-12-2014 01:06 AM

Only low end frags and very few were on sale on last year's boxing day. Hopefully there are more items on sale.

Sent from my Z30 using Tapatalk

tlhood 12-12-2014 11:06 PM

Ok guys, we can start ordering now, delivery will be January 6 or 7th.

You can go to the website and order, and use the group code

Kellyscoral 12-13-2014 12:54 AM

Thanks for organizing this! Ready !!

Treebeard 12-13-2014 01:54 AM

Done shopping and my order is in.

Eouen 12-15-2014 04:00 AM

if it is not to late i would like to put in a small order as well please.

tlhood 12-15-2014 04:34 PM

You can make as many orders as you want until the day it ships out.

btuck887 12-26-2014 07:29 AM

Any idea what the total order is at? If it's not over the $400, do you have what the shipping would be per person?

Eouen 12-26-2014 03:51 PM

Anyone know what the code for the group order is? i seem to have not been able to find that information

Treebeard 12-26-2014 03:52 PM



Originally Posted by Eouen (Post 926804)
Anyone know what the code for the group order is? i seem to have not been able to find that information

Eouen 12-26-2014 03:57 PM

Thank you so much! finally i can see if i can order.. but turns out the coral i wanted most is sold out. dang

tlhood 12-26-2014 04:05 PM

Email or call them, they may have some in stock in their thanks and haven't updated their website. That's what I did for the coral I wanted, and they hadone left that they put in stock for me today.

Group code as stated is GroupTabitha

I have emailed Canada Corals to see what the current sum of the order is.

btuck887 12-26-2014 05:05 PM


tlhood 12-28-2014 02:34 AM

We have hit the 400$ threshold so there is no shipping cost. We still have a lot of time to get more orders in too!

miuYH 12-28-2014 06:50 PM


Thanks for organizing this! May I still get in on this?

Also, what will the pick up be like? Pick up at someone's house?


tlhood 12-28-2014 07:34 PM

You sure can, orders can be made until they ship out. Pickup will be at my home.

miuYH 12-28-2014 07:36 PM

Where are you located? :)

tlhood 12-28-2014 07:47 PM


tlhood 12-31-2014 11:03 PM

Hey everyone, happy new year!

The delivery date will be January 6 (barring complications). My number is 4035405430, please shoot me a text and I can let you know my address and when the delivery arrives.

Skimmer Juice 12-31-2014 11:10 PM

so we can order up till the 5th? I already ordered stuff but if they update the site again I might want more

tlhood 12-31-2014 11:15 PM

I would say yes, they told me we can order up until the order ships. I am hoping. The site updates before then too!

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