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jlaquatics 11-11-2014 02:36 AM

Exciting! The Maxspect Gyre
We are super excited about the Maxspect Gyre pump and wanted to make sure you knew about it. The type of water flow this unit creates will be extremely beneficial to reefs everywhere!

Check out these excellent video's giving an idea of the power and uniformity of the flow!

KZ Coral Snow shows the flow well at 2:48.

Good illustration of the different power levels.

Pre-order your Maxspect Gyre pump with J&L Aquatics Ltd.

Let me know if you have any questions.

kien 11-11-2014 02:47 AM

I saw one of these demoed over the weekend. Best thing since sliced bread! So awesome !

Aquattro 11-11-2014 03:03 AM

Interesting, but I don't think I could fit one in my tank. I'd have to mount on overflow and aim it at the front glass, 26" away.

kien 11-11-2014 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 920663)
Interesting, but I don't think I could fit one in my tank. I'd have to mount on overflow and aim it at the front glass, 26" away.

That was actually what was demoed to me. The store had it mounted onto their overflow right under their weir. Then they had it on surge simulation mode where it does a huge surge and pushed a nice long and wide stream of water across the top of the tank, just like a surf surge! It was awesome. I also saw one mounted vertically along the side of the tank. When I get my hands one one I plan to mount one right under my overflow weird as well and do the same thing.

Wheelman76 11-11-2014 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 920664)
That was actually what was demoed to me. The store had it mounted onto their overflow right under their weir. Then they had it on surge simulation mode where it does a huge surge and pushed a nice long and wide stream of water across the top of the tank, just like a surf surge! It was awesome. I also saw one mounted vertically along the side of the tank. When I get my hands one one I plan to mount one right under my overflow weird as well and do the same thing.

I was originally thinking about mounting one on the overflow directly beneath the teeth but was reading someone's opinion on reef central ,that it would be pushing leftover food /detritus etc away from the overflow instead of allowing it to go down the overflow and caught by the sock or skimmed out. I guess everything would make it through the overflow eventually though , so not sure if that would really be a concern or not.

kien 11-11-2014 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Wheelman76 (Post 920667)
I was originally thinking about mounting one on the overflow directly beneath the teeth but was reading someone's opinion on reef central ,that it would be pushing leftover food /detritus etc away from the overflow instead of allowing it to go down the overflow and caught by the sock or skimmed out. I guess everything would make it through the overflow eventually though , so not sure if that would really be a concern or not.

I personally wouldn't leave it on continuous flow if it is mounted under the overflow weir. Although, as you said, I suspect eventually stuff will make its way down the weir one way or another. It (food and deteitus) might take a little longer to get down as it would have to travel around the Gyre's flow pattern. I would use it to send a periodic surge (if mounted under the weir).

Stinktooth 11-11-2014 05:06 PM

When are you expecting the pre orders to arrive?

Slick Fork 11-11-2014 05:43 PM

I'm curious to see if you'd get a deadzone type build-up underneath the Gyre pump. In the video it looked like the power was impressive across the top but pretty slow right under the pump. Especially noticeable to me in the coral snow demo at the end.

Bblinks 11-11-2014 07:02 PM

Got one on ordered...been reading up on them for a while now. There is a good thread on rc for the fresh release reviews and it does show really promising results, but like all innovative new designs it does raise some questions about longevity of the pump and maintenance schedule.

One thing is for certain that these pumps move water in a linear flow and creates a gyre effect which acts almost like what a wavemaker would do to shift water, almost eliminating anydead spot in the tank. For all those sps tanks out there it's a no brainer this is what you need.

The uncertainties, at least for me are the tight tolerances on the pump, seems it can easily be clogged up by small organisms or maybe even sand but I guess that's why they recommend monthly clean up with 3-6 month total disassemble for maintenance. I know it doesn't sound too bad but we all know life is too busy for that. I barely clean my power heads as it is not along monthly service, that's crazy talk. Another thing is the placement of is enough for one side? ..... Is that gonna create a leaning tower look once the corals starts to grow? Are people getting a cramped neck looking at your tank?! Lol I don't know, guess time will tell. Noise level also were brought to attention but the consensus were after the itinitial breaking period, up to 4 weeks it will be quiter than tunzes which I was hoping for.

Don't get me wrong, after all, I did order one. It has the protential to become the next greatest leap in water movement in our tanks. I think it will take a few months of good feed back from different setups to perfect it but I have faith. Price is fairly decent too at 319. I hope you all get one and try it out. JL's service is second to none, I know the boys there will take care of us on the west coast if there is any problems.

I will do a review once my tank is up and running with the gyre. The plan is hopefully I can eliminate all the propeller pumps in the tank to create the true clean look.

Aquattro 11-11-2014 07:05 PM

I agree that they would add a clean look, but I can't mount anything on the sides, just the back. So that really shortens the distance, and I'd have to dial it back to not remove sand from the front of my tank. Maybe....I dunno, I guess I'll have to come see yours when you get it going :)

Bblinks 11-11-2014 07:13 PM

Well, maybe be vertically in the corner somewhere. From the specs, you should be able to run the 30w version which is half the size but obviously the bigger the better...:mrgreen:

Aquattro 11-11-2014 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bblinks (Post 920767)
Well, maybe be vertically in the corner somewhere.

hmm. Hadn't thought of that. Wonder how that would affect flow?

Bblinks 11-11-2014 07:27 PM

I think it will be amazing, let's try it on mine once I get it and I'll let you know.

Here is the maintenance link from coral vue.

jlaquatics 11-12-2014 12:10 AM

I thought this pump would be of interest! lol


hmm. Hadn't thought of that. Wonder how that would affect flow?
- Vertical gyres are great too. I know Jake Adams is a fan :wink:
- I always loved the article about water flow and gyre flow that he wrote years ago.

We expect our shipment to arrive on the 23rd! These things are going extremely fast so if you are on the fence, now is the time to get that order in!

Thanks to all.


christyf5 11-12-2014 01:59 AM

Wow, these look pretty impressive. Frankly after all the excitement of the whole gyre thing I'm surprised it took this long for them to be mass produced. Anyone seen any videos of it mounted vertically? I don't think my tank could handle the horizontal, thats a lot of surface ripple.

jlaquatics 11-12-2014 03:22 AM



Anyone seen any videos of it mounted vertically?
- There is one photo on our Facebook page.


I don't think my tank could handle the horizontal, thats a lot of surface ripple.
- Keep in mind it has the controller, so you can dial in that perfect amount of flow! :wink:


duncangweller 11-12-2014 03:57 AM

There is a video from interzoo of it mounted vertically. I'm not sure the folks at J&L would appreciate me saying which site I saw it on though.

Apparently it works just as well vertically.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

jordsyke 11-12-2014 01:37 PM

I got mine and love it! easily replace both my jebao wp40s and still have more flow! only have miNE AT 40% and it creates a gyre in my 4' 120gallon

duncangweller 11-12-2014 01:43 PM

I'm curious as to how the gyre would work on a cube tank. I have a 30" x 30" tank. I have tried researching it bit haven't found any info.

If its looking good then it could be a Christmas treat for myself.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

christyf5 11-12-2014 09:04 PM

ok so pardon my ignorance, is this supposed replace powerheads, lessen the need for so many powerheads or work in accordance with powerheads?

ronau 11-12-2014 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 920914)
ok so pardon my ignorance, is this supposed replace powerheads, lessen the need for so many powerheads or work in accordance with powerheads?

I think replace powerheads.

FragIt Dan 11-12-2014 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 920914)
ok so pardon my ignorance, is this supposed replace powerheads, lessen the need for so many powerheads or work in accordance with powerheads?

It comes with a pump and power supply so I understand it to replace powerheads.

christyf5 11-12-2014 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by FragIt Dan (Post 920917)
It comes with a pump and power supply so I understand it to replace powerheads.

Yes, I just see it being demonstrated in bare tanks (ie. sales pitches) with no powerheads but in fully stocked "mature tanks" with powerheads

hunggi74 11-12-2014 11:19 PM

Jeff, I assume you will have one on demo at the store? Would love to see one "live" before committing :biggrin: i wonder if some people will have to rescape their tanks to make full use of the gyre current?

jlaquatics 11-13-2014 01:28 AM

We plan on putting one on display but we're just not sure exactly when at the moment. We are going to satisfy preorders first!

J&L Aquatics

andestang 11-13-2014 04:48 PM

So unless I'm missing something with these, they really only cause a circular flow in one direction, thus on one side of towering/large aquascaping and larger pieces there will be dead/slow spots plus corals only getting the unnatural flow/current from one direction vs a set-up of vortechs or tunzes set up on opposite ends. How is this going to effect growth patterns ? Just when you consider how the tides coming in and then back out or currents change. I suppose you could mount one on each side/end to get this effect. For the dead spots a guess you could use power heads but then you are disrupting the flow effect that you are trying to achieve.

ronau 11-13-2014 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by andestang (Post 921027)
So unless I'm missing something with these, they really only cause a circular flow in one direction, thus on one side of towering/large aquascaping and larger pieces there will be dead/slow spots plus corals only getting the unnatural flow/current from one direction vs a set-up of vortechs or tunzes set up on opposite ends. How is this going to effect growth patterns ? Just when you consider how the tides coming in and then back out or currents change. I suppose you could mount one on each side/end to get this effect. For the dead spots a guess you could use power heads but then you are disrupting the flow effect that you are trying to achieve.

Well you are missing the fact you can set it to surge and reverse gyre.

jordsyke 11-13-2014 06:45 PM

they flow in reverse is only maybe 10% of the flow forward but u can set it to 100% and it will make somewhat of a reverse flow, but even when in forward direction u have it above all ur corals and rocks , the lfow hits the other side of the tank and comes back around but some of it goes in random directions which causes good flow around the whole tank IMO. One thing you can also do is use the extra rotors and cages to have one side of the pump strong in forward and the other side strong in revers. this will give you a good gyre in both directions.

andestang 11-13-2014 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by ronau (Post 921029)
Well you are missing the fact you can set it to surge and reverse gyre.

If you think I'm dissing the pump, I'm not. Just sorting out the pro's and con's. As for the reverse gyre I would think this is not going to be anywhere near as effective as the normal flow. It will be hitting bottom almost right away and then trying to build momentum with a lot more restricted area along the bottom (rocks and all things typically placed/starting on the bottom) vs the surface let alone the sand that will be blown away/around at the initial contact point of the bottom (if you use sand).

jlaquatics 11-13-2014 08:15 PM

It's important to note that the Maxspect Gyre doesn't have to be the only flow providing device in the aquarium. I can see it working out well alongside a Tunze Stream pump or Vortech pump.

The type of water motion this device creates is perhaps it's biggest asset. A wide "blade like" flow mimics surge flow over shallow reefs.

ronau 11-13-2014 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by andestang (Post 921040)
If you think I'm dissing the pump, I'm not. Just sorting out the pro's and con's. As for the reverse gyre I would think this is not going to be anywhere near as effective as the normal flow. It will be hitting bottom almost right away and then trying to build momentum with a lot more restricted area along the bottom (rocks and all things typically placed/starting on the bottom) vs the surface let alone the sand that will be blown away/around at the initial contact point of the bottom (if you use sand).

You asked if you were missing anything and I answered, I phrased it like you asked it, I didn't mean to have any negative connotation to my reply.

andestang 11-13-2014 10:13 PM

From a few other threads on different boards some are hoping it will be on it's own. Are they able to be synced if you have more than one ?

Slick Fork 11-14-2014 03:05 AM

I wonder how it would work with a wavebox as opposed to additional powerheads

jlaquatics 11-14-2014 03:28 AM



Are they able to be synced if you have more than one ?
- I had a quick look in the manual and at this time it doesn't mention having a second gyre unit connected to the controller. I hope this is something they offer in the future, as to enable fine control of two units.

Slick Fork,


I wonder how it would work with a wavebox as opposed to additional powerheads
- I've been wondering the same thing. I think it would be an excellent addition opposite a Wavebox, if you had slow pulse timing on the Gyre, or perhaps a vertical installation of the gyre. I have a hunch that between a Wavebox and a Gyre you wouldn't need anything else in many cases.

jlaquatics 11-24-2014 09:44 PM

The pumps are now at the store!

I can't promise when the display model will go up but that is the plan at some point.

J&L Aquatics Ltd.

kengeroo 11-25-2014 03:45 AM

maxspect gyre 150
final opinion ... you need 2 of them,,, there claim of reverse gyre by running in A-A mode does not create a freindly-current when running in reverse... the power needed to push down the depth of the tank to create a full reverse gyre would kick up too much sand....

Wheelman76 11-25-2014 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by kengeroo (Post 922523)
final opinion ... you need 2 of them,,, there claim of reverse gyre by running in A-A mode does not create a freindly-current when running in reverse... the power needed to push down the depth of the tank to create a full reverse gyre would kick up too much sand....

Beautiful Naoko wrasse!!

Skimmin 11-25-2014 07:45 PM

I recieved a email recently from the maxspect rep Jason that said in the first half of 2015 the multi-controller is going to be released. Im gonna hold out to see if they will sell it with multiple pumps at a discount. Two is usually cheaper then one.

jordsyke 11-25-2014 08:39 PM

Love mine, i use it in addition to one jebao wp40 on my 120 and have tons of flow everywhere in the tank. I use my gyre on pulse mode at 60%. Wish there is an "Else" mode on these like the Jebaos

Tn23 11-25-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by kengeroo (Post 922523)
final opinion ... you need 2 of them,,, there claim of reverse gyre by running in A-A mode does not create a freindly-current when running in reverse... the power needed to push down the depth of the tank to create a full reverse gyre would kick up too much sand....

how big is your tank? That's a surprise!

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