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Skimmin 10-22-2014 05:06 AM

Help me decide
I'm in the middle of designing a new tank. I'm going to have it dividing my kitchen and living room. I'm not too sure of the overall dimensions yet. I have it narrowed down to 5 or 6 feet long, 24-30" wide, 20" high, eurobraced, 3 sides starphire. I'm trying to decide on whether I want a center overflow or a coast to coast on the short end of the tank against the wall. Also... how far from the top of the tank not including the eurobracing should I have the weir of the overflow? I was thinking 1/2 because I'm not planning huge flow to my sump and the eurobracing would also add another half inch of height too. I would like the tank to be as full as possible without the danger of an inevitable flood. Any recommendations or thoughts would be appreciated.

Stinktooth 10-22-2014 05:22 AM

My vote goes for overflow against the wall and I would go at least 1"-1.5" 10-22-2014 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Stinktooth (Post 917856)
My vote goes for overflow against the wall and I would go at least 1"-1.5"

2nd that and would go with 30" Deep if not in the way of anything as more depth makes the tank look and feel bigger to you and the fish,more room to create a 3D scape.

Skimmin 10-22-2014 06:31 PM

Hey stinktooth your tank is awesome! How long have you had it running and are you happy with the dimensions? Can you post some sump pics? How tall is your stand? I think I might go with your dimensions. Maybe 30 wide if I go with a center overflow. My tank is gonna be viewable from both long sides and one short side.

asylumdown 10-22-2014 07:15 PM

My vote after hating internal overflows for years: coast to coast on the end against the wall. Internal overflows are the devil. They mess up flow patterns, create dead spots, are ugly as sin, make aquascaping harder, and make your tank look smaller.

Also, go with the biggest tank you can afford to maintain. If you get a 5 footer, you'll probably wish you got a 6 footer after a year.

I'm also partial to wide tanks. 30 inches gives you a lot more floor space to play with

Skimmin 10-23-2014 02:19 AM

Been messing around on sketchup. I'm a noob but these are two rough sketches I came up with. The size would be 66"x24"wx20h. The overflow is 6". eurobraced

This is the other design. 72"x30"wx20h 10x5overflow eurobraced 10-23-2014 02:33 AM

I like the 1st design with the 2nd dimensions of course given that you have the space for it.
Who is building your tank? ,...if its Concept Aquariums they will do the designs for you.

Skimmin 10-23-2014 03:08 AM

I had a custom built by Gary Lou(not sure if thats how to spell his last name)about six years ago. It turned out great and the craftsmanship was bang on top notch. I was thinking I might go with him again. In regards to the dimensions... Here's the reason I'm considering these sizes. I have two gen 2 xr30w's and really don't want to drop another wad of cash on another one. Also with these being an older model I'm gonna be more inclined to sell these and buy three new ones. The other thing is in a 24" deep tank, anything above 60% I could scortch the flesh off softies. I have always had tanks with lots of coral and a few fish. This time I would like to go with more fish and a few choice coral to let grow in. I guess im trying to use some of what I have and not break the bank with this upgrade :) I know... its not possible... by the time i add powerheads, skimmer, etc.............

Stinktooth 10-23-2014 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Skimmin (Post 917903)
Hey stinktooth your tank is awesome! How long have you had it running and are you happy with the dimensions? Can you post some sump pics? How tall is your stand? I think I might go with your dimensions. Maybe 30 wide if I go with a center overflow. My tank is gonna be viewable from both long sides and one short side.

Thanks for the kind words.
I have only had my tank running since about August 20th. I transferred my old tanks to this one when I moved. I'm very happy with the dimensions 72l x 28w x 18h. Stand is 78l x 40w x 32h. Leaves a 6" ledge around 3 sides of the tank. I can reach the bottom anywhere in the tank without standing on anything. I prefer the look of a shallow tank. I can also keep acros on the sand.
For your tank I wouldn't consider a center overflow. Asylumdown hit the nail on the head. You should also consider what you will be using for powerheads. With a coast to coast you wouldn't be able to use a vortech pumps on that end.

Myka 10-23-2014 04:03 PM

Personally, peninsula tanks are my favourite, and because of the flow challenges I would be considering a closed loop or two rather than powerheads.

Are you planning a canopy or open top?

I would not ruin the clean, open look of a peninsula tank by putting a central overflow in the tank. Corals have a tendency to get "windswept" looking in peninsula tanks with the overflow on one end though because it tends to get a gyre flow - especially when you're trying to get any surface scum to come back to the overflow. Peninsula tanks always look best with no powerheads on the glass, and only positioned on the overflow end, but this makes random flow even tougher. This is why I would suggest the closed loop.

Skimmin 10-23-2014 05:13 PM

Thats a really good point. I was considering trying two of the maxspect gyres or tunzes again. I've always ran vortechs or tunzes. With coast to coast i think i could mount the gyres or tunzes with the magnets inside the overflow. I really like the vortechs but I want this tank to be quiet as possible. No vortech 'whirring'. It's been a few years now so I'm not sure if the vortechs are quieter then they used to be. I've never had a closed loop but the holes in the bottom of the tank for it makes me kind of nervous. Also all the extra plumbing that could potentially leak. I'm not sure if that is a legitimate concern or not. I absolutely agree that I don't want any water movers/powerheads anywhere but on the back glass. I want totally unobstructed views from all three sides which would be great for a closed loop. I don't think im gonna close off the top of the tank. I might make a small 'shroud' on the rails for around the radions so theres no blinding light spillage from the sides or just below them.

Myka 10-23-2014 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmin (Post 918060)
I've never had a closed loop but the holes in the bottom of the tank for it makes me kind of nervous. Also all the extra plumbing that could potentially leak. I'm not sure if that is a legitimate concern or not.

I absolutely agree that I don't want any water movers/powerheads anywhere but on the back glass. I want totally unobstructed views from all three sides which would be great for a closed loop.

I don't think im gonna close off the top of the tank. I might make a small 'shroud' on the rails for around the radions so theres no blinding light spillage from the sides or just below them.

You don't need to have a lot of holes for a closed loop. Consider each hole a powerhead. You could easily just have two holes. Ideally, you would have the current switch from one to the other to create a more random flow. Put a Loc-Line swivel end on each hole and you can point them however you want. Then you don't have to clean coralline off powerheads every few weeks, and you don't see that clutter either. A closed loop pump is easy to clean if you position it where it is easy to get to and use unions for easy removal.

When you use powerheads on a 5 or 6' peninsula and only have them on the overflow end you need a powerful powerhead to make that distance to have flow on the far end, and because of that you can't place any corals too close to the powerheads/overflow end or the flesh will get blown off! Not to mention that windswept look...

Btw, the Vortechs are still noisy. I'm a Tunze person myself since they are pointable and quiet.

ponokareefer 10-23-2014 05:39 PM

I just did an upgrade to a 240 gallon, so went through some of the same questions as you are now. My tank is 96x24x24 with the back against the wall, so not the same setup as yours though.

I would go with 30 inches wide if you are going 20 inches high and going to be able to view it from 3 sides. You will be able to reach all spots in the system fairly easily, and with it being a peninsula style tank, your rock work will be limited as you won't really have a "back". If you go with a 24 inch wide tank, your rock work will be pretty "skinny", and your corals/anemones won't have far to got before they come close to the glass.

I would go with a coast to coast on the short end for the overflow. Everything that I read about center overflow's pointed to them being a major pain.

Have you considered Jebao pumps for flow? I picked up 2 for my tank and love the flow. You do get some noise that people have described as less than Vortech's though. For the price though, you can't beat them.

riceboy 10-23-2014 08:18 PM

I would do 6' with 30 wide and coast to coast overflow, have u considered building a wavebox where the overflow is and have a tunze in the wavebox for wave effect? that way you would have less pumps in your tank and a cleaner look.

Skimmin 10-24-2014 05:45 PM

No I hadnt considered jebao. Are they comparable quality wise? Also are the available in Calgary anywhere? I'd like to see one. Never considered the wavebox either. I think the box itself is easy enough to make out of glass. Not sure if I like the quick back and forth shake/wave they make but i have no experiance with them either.

ponokareefer 10-24-2014 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmin (Post 918195)
No I hadnt considered jebao. Are they comparable quality wise? Also are the available in Calgary anywhere? I'd like to see one. Never considered the wavebox either. I think the box itself is easy enough to make out of glass. Not sure if I like the quick back and forth shake/wave they make but i have no experiance with them either.

This canreef sponsor carries them:

I'm not aware of any stores in Alberta that sells them. I'm not sure how they compare quality wise to Tunze's. I researched them on reefcentral first and everyone seemed to love them.

Myka 10-25-2014 04:33 AM

If you do a wave in a peninsula tank you will have a noisy overflow because of the ebb and flow of the wave.

Skimmin 11-03-2014 04:34 AM

Ok well thanks for the input. I've decided I'm going with a 72Lx24Wx22H as pictured in the first picture. The tank will actually be 66 long with the overflow being internal coast to coast on the 24" end. Im going to go with two two inch drains set up as herbies and a one inch return which I am probably going to split into 4 and run down through each corner of the eurobracing. Does anyone know if the jeboa magnets are waterproof? With the style of overflow Im going with the vortechs are out of the question so its down to jeboa or tunze. I would like to try the new maxspect gyres but still dont know if more then one can be ran together opposing on the same controller.

kien 11-04-2014 03:55 AM

Tank journal or it didn't happen. :biggrin:

Skimmin 11-09-2014 07:41 AM

Well slight change of plans:) I went and spoke with the boys at Concept today. I was originally going to go with the 72,24,22... It took me a whole day to decide but thanks to convincing by Matt and Dave, I've been up sold (in a good way). Those guys are great to deal with. So the tank I bought today is a 300gal 72Lx36Wx27H four side Starfire monster with a center overflow!! Lol. I'm really excited about this one! I'm thinking I'm going to try the jebao powerheads with the magnets mounted in the overflow and a jebao DC return pump. The tank is going to be on a 36" stand and I'm not totally sure on all the sump details yet but I'm gonna get that sorted in the next couple days. Thanks again for everyone's input. Much appreciated.

Skimmin 11-09-2014 06:54 PM

Still not 100% sure but I may go with an external overflow

monza 11-09-2014 08:29 PM

My two cents, the best overflow system is at the end of the tank with the return at the opposing end. This gives you end to end flow with no dead spots, minimum friction loss and water is well mixed before surface skimming.

Skimmin 11-11-2014 01:11 AM

OK so it's confirmed. I'm going with an external overflow. That leaves the entire tank open for aquascape and lots of room for fish. Total volume with the sump is approx 400gal. I'm going to give the Jebao powerheads a try. The return pump is going to discharge into the tank opposite the power heads and overflow. Thanks again for all the tips and help deciding. Tank journal/build thread will be starting in the near future!

ponokareefer 11-11-2014 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Skimmin (Post 920645)
OK so it's confirmed. I'm going with an external overflow. That leaves the entire tank open for aquascape and lots of room for fish. Total volume with the sump is approx 400gal. I'm going to give the Jebao powerheads a try. The return pump is going to discharge into the tank opposite the power heads and overflow. Thanks again for all the tips and help deciding. Tank journal/build thread will be starting in the near future!

You won't be dissapointed with the external overflow. I love mine. It makes the interior infinitely better.

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