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Isn't it wonderful when you have to pay for another's mistake?!
Well over the long weekend, I got into an accident:
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5570/...6cc36c22_c.jpg https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5551/...296718c0_c.jpg Story: I was on EB glenmore and was behind a truck, preparing to take the exit to Deefoot SB. All off a sudden, a bloody SUV cut off the truck infront of me and the truck had to come to a dead stop. As soon as I realized that, I stomped on the break too but well, I ended up rear ending the truck, deployed the airbag. Luckily, no one was hurt other than my friend on the passenger sit who got his right hand scratched due to the airbag. Nothing happened to the suv and it didn't even bother to stop to damage was caused due to his/her ignorant driving. The lady who was driving the pickup was really nice and cooperated extremely well; she even agreed that I wasn't responsible to the whole incident (despite being "technically" responsible; once again, thank you suv) and as a result (and out of the good heart of the police officer), I didn't get any ticket. P.S. I wasn't over speeding, had my eyes on the road, maintained enough distance but not "enough" to come to a dead stop in a sec and I reacted asap. How I am paying for this incident: Well since my car only worth $2000, I didn't bother taking the comprehensive for my car; just 3rd party liability. So the insurance is going to cover the dent (nothing major) to the metal bumper of the F150 (2014 model). On the other hand, my car is a complete wreck and I will have to throw it away. It was towed to the municipal lot and have been sitting there since 30th evening, waiting for the insurance company to write it off. But since the insurance won't cover anything related to the car, I have to pay off the towing bill + the storage fee and IT IS GETTING ACCUMULATED EVERYDAY at $28/hr! The adjusted started working on the case since yesterday due to long weekend and I am already at $220+. I didn't even know about the "storage fee". Towing fee is understandable. Now I am trying to reach the adjusted as soon as possible so that I can just throw away the car to the junk so that I don't have to pay $28/day for storing a wasted car but no luck yet. I thought about not claiming the vehicle but I will need the registration plate to cancel the registration so I will have to claim it no matter what. With no job and eating up my savings, this incident just made it worse. But I strongly believe in karma and it will get to that suv which is the primary cause of all these problems I am facing. If anyone has any insight, please share :) |
I'm sure you can call the impound yard and tell them you want to forfeit your car to them to exempt you from any charges of towing / storing.
if not - best pay right away and find someone steel scrap guy who will pick up your car for free. Perhaps Alberta is different (like many things) but if you rear end someone, your fault 100%. which makes sense, because you have little to no control of avoiding someone rear ending you, but you have more control of avoiding whats in front of you. You have to be prepared that a vehicle in front of you, can stop a lot faster than you as well as most people don't react immediately, so leave some space! |
Yah I am at 100% fault over here and I am not arguing about that. It's just that this wouldn't have happened if that bloody suv didn't cut off the truck infront of me. And like I said, I did have enough space; just not enough to come to dead stop from 80 on a highway within a sec. And on that road, even if I try to maintain a good enough space, someone will get in between eventually; especially during heavy traffic. |
Situations like this, are the reason I bought a dash cam this summer. I see way to many people driving like a-holes everyday, it's only a matter of time before an accident happens. This way I'll at least have a complete record of any incidents that happen. You would have caught the guy on camera that made the unsafe lane change, complete with license plate, and been able to submit that to police. Money well spent in my mind.
Not to sound unsympathetic but it's your responsibility to leave enough room between yourself and the vehicle in front of you to react and stop in the event of an emergency. Now if the truck in front of you had hit the SUV that made an unsafe lane change in front of it then that truck driver might have a case. But you simply hit the person in front of you who had to stop quickly. So that one is sadly your fault :(
North Americans really don't know how to drive and I have seen very few that leave enough room between themselves and the vehicle in front. I remember being tailgated in my old Porsche by people in SUVs and trucks etc. if I had to brake hard due to some circumstance there was no way they were going to stop as quickly as I could. I would often then be forced to slow down significantly due to their dangerous driving or would sometimes brake check them to make a point (also not really safe but hopefully woke them up a bit). |
****ty deal, your fault in the end, enough about that.
To the good part! You should call some wreckers and see what you can get for the car. Once you have a price you can get them to pick it up and pay the tow company out of that. Technically you must still own the car since the insurance company hasn't paid you out for it yet? Glad no one got hurt! |
But since you have no coverage what does the adjuster have to do with it? It's not like they are going to give you anything for it correct?
FYI safe/proper distance is 1 car length per 10mph or 16kph so for 80kph you need 5 car lengths not 2. Not that anybody really does it but that's what it is if you were curious. Sorry about your loss, I remember you were pretty proud of that car when you got it.
Well, it was my very first car that I owned. I even paid $260 for repairing the steering pressure hose only 2 days before the accident and filled the tank too; and not to mention the amount of money that just vanished due to my stupid decision of taking it to Canadian Tire. Thanks :) |
I loved my first car a lot more than my first girlfriend so I get it. Sucks.
Sorry, I am from Saskatchewan and don't understand the no coverage thing :)
There's no need for the adjuster to look at your car. There only concern is the other truck. Go get your plate. And ask to give up the car alot of towing company will sell it for scrap which would cover the storage
You could have it towed to private property and let the adjuster know where it is. My girlfriend hit a post in a parking lot and bent the engine in 2. We have a friend who works for AMA, so he towed it to her house and they inspected then towed it away once it was confirmed a write off. Sucks to have more fees but if you paid them now, got it moved, could save you in the long run.
With airbags deployed, yours is a goner. could you not just report the plate stolen? Sorry this happened to you and glad that you and your friend are ok! |
I know exactly what your going through Raied I rear ended a lady 18 yrs ago truck vs car I was driving the truck minimal damage but her car was heavily damaged she took full blame for the accident but ICBC said it was my fault and I paid dearly for it. Still ****es me off to this day
As to your car as Proteus said grab your plates and give up the car to the towing company they will make all the impound fees back selling it for scrap. |
I could report the plate stolen but that might complicate the whole thing since its already under a case number now. I am not sure though. This whole thing is new to me; it was the first time I had conversation with a police officer so I just nodded to everything he said. Quote:
I will wait until tomorrow afternoon and then will go to the lot to settle it. |
I may be wrong |
Bummer. No one wins in an accident, even fender benders some times. Take comfort in that there were no serious injuries. That whole scenario could have ended much worse!
I needed to run some errands this afternoon & I swear I should have stayed home. I decided to ride my motorcycle instead of the truck. Not sure what was up, but it seems like many drivers were not paying attention or were in a crazy hurry. Really, in the bustling metropolis of Vernon? You big city boys are dealing with a whole different ball game. Anyhow, I did manage to make it home in one piece. I've been cut off over the years like anyone else (I've been known to mess up & cut off other drivers too), but this afternoon I got cut off 4 times! First was a lady making a right turn on a red light, she didn't even stop or look! From what I recall a right turn on red is legal in every province except Quebec, but you do need to stop and only proceed when it's safe to do so. I had been waiting for the opposing traffic left turn advance green and once I finally got the green, proceeded across the intersection. Fortunately I reacted quickly enough & hit the brakes. The pickup behind me gave her the horn big time & when she realized what she had done, hit the brakes & moved over to the curb. I had no time to hit the horn, just the brakes to save my butt. When you ride a motorcycle for as long as I have, you almost get a 6th sense to survive.... either that, or you become a statistic pretty quick. On a motorbike you tend to be invisible to many drivers, but this lady didn't even look my way when she made that turn without stopping. Next 3 close calls were all folks making a left turn in front of me when I had the right of way. Right of way is well & good, but means little when you're on a bike & end up t-boning an impatient car or truck driver that cuts in front of you. No air bags or seat belt for me, I'll just go flying & hit the pavement. All this happened within a space of less than an hour. Hey, but I'm still here & so are you, posting & ranting away on a fish forum about poor driving habits. |
Edmonton roads are bad but everytime im in Calgary im glad I live here . Its brutal driving there . Word of note on new cars with abs press the brake pedal as if your trying to break it off , don't stomp on it just press it fricken hard . Theres a lot of stopping power people never use because the abs ecu never sees max demand .
At any rate, glad to hear you're safe! It could have been much worse. |
I was in a collision in about 2001. The rear left wheel of an oncoming '79 Ford truck came off its axle. The wheel bounced off the road once and landed square into the grill of my newish '99 GMC Sonoma. Since this was at highway speed with a closure rate of at least 180 kph, it destroyed the front end, and almost killed me.
Be happy things were not worse. |
Yeah I think realistically, especially here in Calgary, if you left 5 car lengths in front you would literally never move. The secret is to get a car with low weight and big brakes ;)
awd and big brakes is a good combo too , buddie of mine has big brembos on his Subaru and the car can stop so fast your face comes off.
All wheel drive vehicles still only have 4 brakes. Same as a 2wd. Yes, Big brakes help. This is why so many 4x4s end up in the ditch in the winter. Drivers feel that because they have added traction of 4 wheels while under acceleration that they have the same advantage stopping. Engine braking yes, emergency braking not so much. Sorry to hear of your vehicle loss Raied. Not that it helps, but, your situation could have been much worse. I'm playing the waiting game with the insurance company after a hail storm and its frustrating not having control over your own property. |
A hard downshift in an awd car is way different than in other cars all 4 tires slow down and provide a ton of braking , but that's in the dry . In the snow ya all cars stop the same or not at all. Most 4x4 split power differently than an awd car , they have open center diffs and send power to the wheels that are slipping usually the back wheels . When you have limited slip center diff it sends power to the wheels with grip and is also usually front wheel biased 60front 40 rear spilt for example . In my Subaru I have a heck of a time getting the rear to swing out in the snow , it just grips and takes off in a straight line , no fun at all.
And I love swinging out my back end, rwd in the snow -can't resist...lol. Comes in handy for tailgaters, drop a gear, back goes out and they back off....of course at lower speeds, but traction control and stalitytrac keeps things to a minimum. |
Thanks everyone for the kind words and the great info :)
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