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Madreefer 06-14-2014 11:44 PM

Paly taking over
I have a paly that's decided to really take over my tank. It smothers out zoas and SPS. Other than kalk paste which I know does work, what other methods have you guys used? I'd have to use way too much paste to rid my tank of all of these palys. First it was clove polyps now this:frown:

FishingGoalie 06-14-2014 11:50 PM

Theres a tonne of fish that eat zoas and palys you could take out all good zoos and palys and put the fish in?

Slyguy00 06-15-2014 12:24 AM


Madreefer 06-15-2014 01:53 AM

Thanks Hayden but I have several palys and it's only the one that's taking over and not really smart to put a fish in that can wipe out thousands of dollars in other corals. Plus with a 233G tank it would take several pounds of epoxy

xenon 06-15-2014 01:58 AM

This would work. :)

Madreefer 06-15-2014 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by xenon (Post 901596)

Thanks. I'll give a review soon:lol:
Here's a link if anyone else wants to order one.

Slyguy00 06-15-2014 02:14 AM

Pretty damn cool for sure. I would think though that it would be as efficient as an aptasia zapper that uses electricity. And from personal experiences, all that does is make them multiply a lot faster. But that laser makes dealing with them a lot easier I guess.

corpusse 06-15-2014 02:34 AM

why don't you just cut them off with a razorblade? Maybe a few will grow back but kalk those instead of the whole lot, and sell, trade or give away the frags. Or flush them down the toilet if you really hate them.

Madreefer 06-15-2014 02:58 AM


Originally Posted by corpusse (Post 901602)
why don't you just cut them off with a razorblade? Maybe a few will grow back but kalk those instead of the whole lot, and sell, trade or give away the frags. Or flush them down the toilet if you really hate them.

My tank is 30" deep and stands over 6' tall. I have to stand on a chair to work on it. It's hard to work in and to reach the bottom I always get my tits wet:lol:
Plus I've been to lazy and let them get outta hand. And Slyguy I have an aptasia zapper already and it's kind of a piece of crap

Slyguy00 06-15-2014 03:11 AM

Yea they are a piece of crap, that was kinda my point lol. They work about as well as any other aptasia killer. Just spreads spores everywhere. To avoid getting wet, could always drain water a little bit :wink:

K2Krusher 06-15-2014 04:04 AM

a couple doses of Aiptasia X works for me.

Madreefer 06-16-2014 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Slyguy00 (Post 901609)
Yea they are a piece of crap, that was kinda my point lol. They work about as well as any other aptasia killer. Just spreads spores everywhere. To avoid getting wet, could always drain water a little bit :wink:

What's a piece of crap? The laser or the zapper? The zapper works great from my experience but a piece of crap to me due to the way I built it. I cheaped out on parts. I've been researching the lasers and even joined a forum on laser burners to ask questions. I haven't decided on which model to order yet.

GoFish 06-16-2014 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 901766)
I've been researching the lasers and even joined a forum on laser burners to ask questions. I haven't decided on which model to order yet.

Try searching that forum for "anemone" just a brief read suggests it's been discussed several times there before. Keen to know myself... I ordered a green handheld 5mw laser from eBay a while ago that showed a picture of it lighting a match. Definitley not enough power to even bother a reef pest, I'm sure you know that already too :)
Sounds like you may have another hobby on your hands, let us know what your research finds, I'll try to help find info as well

Madreefer 06-16-2014 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Vancity (Post 901789)
Try searching that forum for "anemone" just a brief read suggests it's been discussed several times there before. Keen to know myself... I ordered a green handheld 5mw laser from eBay a while ago that showed a picture of it lighting a match. Definitley not enough power to even bother a reef pest, I'm sure you know that already too :)
Sounds like you may have another hobby on your hands, let us know what your research finds, I'll try to help find info as well

Yea I never thought that laser pointers were a hobby. To be honest I really don't understand what the hobby part is. I'm too emberassed to ask on there, don't wanna insult anyone. I think it may be a while before I find someone I trust to purchase from. I PMd a member on there from Vancouver and he gave me some suggestions. My budget is no more than $300. But noted I request that it be sent with no batteries, instruction manual, warning labels or safety glasses. I guess customs is really sticky with those things. You also have to be an adult to even be on that forum. Dangerous 5hit those things.

GoFish 06-16-2014 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 901841)
To be honest I really don't understand what the hobby part is. I'm too emberassed to ask on there, don't wanna insult anyone.

I hear ya! I'd want a laser to either engrave something, or burn something, or engrave, or burn, ummmm.... Saw someone on there with 20 lasers they've built in their signature, what would you need 20 lasers for?!!
Safety goggles are definitley a must, makes me feel kinda dumb for trying to burn a ball tip anemone while looking at it, squinting mind you as it was bright!

How about a tiny syringe with muriatic acid to inject them for the time being?

Madreefer 06-16-2014 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Vancity (Post 901870)

How about a tiny syringe with muriatic acid to inject them for the time being?

I started that process this morning. Just don't want to do too much at one time. It's going to have to do until I can find a reliable source for my laser.
This is the paly i'm trying to get rid of

Here's a spot I injected after 2 mins and it took 6ml in a syringe. My ph was'nt effected at all. I have so many more patches to go.

kien 06-17-2014 05:19 AM

I have that exact same paly all over the place (not on purpose). Mine started out as just a few that hitchhiked on some other colony of zoos I think.

My solution to this pest coral was to re-label them as "Kien's High End Designer Palys." I'm currently working on giving them a cool trade name.

Madreefer 06-17-2014 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 902006)
I have that exact same paly all over the place (not on purpose). Mine started out as just a few that hitchhiked on some other colony of zoos I think.

My solution to this pest coral was to re-label them as "Kien's High End Designer Palys." I'm currently working on giving them a cool trade name.

Haha yea they seem to take over all other palys and zoas. PIA
Maybe you can start selling some great Kiener Designer Coral Packs if you group them together with the famous clove polyps everyone wants.

AquaPin 06-17-2014 12:19 PM

Had the same ones hitchhike on a new peice of rock. Spread over the rock quickly. Injected them with lemon juice a few times and that took out most of them. The few remaining I covered with Epoxy.

canadianbudz604 06-17-2014 01:58 PM

Texas trash Palys is what they are, and yep they grow fast, but I also found lemon juice killed them...

toytech 06-17-2014 03:59 PM

also called poisonyoutodeathicus paly so mind yourself they can be dangerous .

Madreefer 07-14-2014 04:33 AM

I'm slowly winning the war. I've been injecting the palys with muriatic acid. I've took out some bigger pieces of rock and traded to my LFS for branching tonga chunks. And as for the laserpointers, well I just don't trust any of the Americans to put the order down. It's a big chance to take with customs seizing laser pointers. There's a lot to learn about them and so far the biggest thing I learned is that there's too many guys claiming their pointers are better than they actually are.

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