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Aquattro 05-27-2014 08:26 PM

Brad's 100 'n Change Cube-like Journal
Ok, I've never done one of these, so can't promise great things. I can't promise that this isn't the only post I'll make :)

As many are aware, I have been hit with AEFW in the 180g. That, along with recent thoughts of a change, have forced my hand and I'm going to downsize a bit into a new build.

I've just ordered a 40l x 30w x 22h tank from H20 Aquariums, a local builder (formerly known as Seastar).
Equipment will be the tank
36x18x18 sump holding a ER RS180 skimmer, Zeo reactor, chiller pump and return pump. Topped off with a heater just for kicks.
Lighting will be a throw back to the good old days, 2 x 400w Radium with 2 T5 super blues for dawn/dusk.
Auto topoff plumbed into house feed.

Flow will be a couple WP40s and 2 Tunze 6055 (I think, the small controllable ones).
All devices will run off the Apex controller.

Still designing stand, but it will likely be about 48" long, black and modular. Going for a clean look.

Stay tuned, I may actually update and post pics :)

Jaws 05-27-2014 09:06 PM

Canopy then?

Aquattro 05-27-2014 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 898701)
Canopy then?

No, I'm thinking a suspended box type thingy. Still in dumb idea stage, so not exactly sure how it will pan out :)

Jaws 05-27-2014 09:14 PM

Ya always tough to make a MH setup look clean. Looking forward to it.

Doug 05-27-2014 11:46 PM


Ryanerickson 05-28-2014 01:13 AM

Got 2 of the 400 watt radium halides couple weeks ago brad great choice best light for sps colour I already see a difrence with my frags only cooked a couple pieces. Haha.

Aquattro 05-28-2014 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Ryanerickson (Post 898714)
Got 2 of the 400 watt radium halides couple weeks ago brad great choice best light for sps colour I already see a difrence with my frags only cooked a couple pieces. Haha.

Yes, I ran them for 10+ years, nothing quite like them!

Aquattro 05-28-2014 03:07 AM

Figured out the light box part

One of more experienced builders :)

Proteus 05-28-2014 03:42 AM

Nice tank dimensions. Looking forward to seeing pics

Jaws 05-28-2014 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 898725)
Figured out the light box part

One of more experienced builders :)

I like it. Shouldn't be hard to build either.

kien 05-28-2014 05:43 AM


..also, if you need any posts in your build thread edited drop me a PM. I'm here to help. That is all, carry on.

Aquattro 05-28-2014 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 898741)

..also, if you need any posts in your build thread edited drop me a PM. I'm here to help. That is all, carry on.

I already knew that, and planned to use your services. It's so damn hard to get anything edited around here. We're lucky to have you.

don.ald 05-28-2014 02:12 PM

How exciting! A new tank in victoria.
Maybe you can grow digitata?

Aquattro 05-28-2014 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by don.ald (Post 898756)
Maybe you can grow digitata?

I sure hope so, it's my dream!

TimT 05-28-2014 03:33 PM

You could make a killing... I heard the brown digitata sells on fleabay for $1000 an inch. LoLZ

Aquattro 05-28-2014 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by TimT (Post 898763)
You could make a killing... I heard the brown digitata sells on fleabay for $1000 an inch. LoLZ

Alas, with my history for digi, I'm going to have to keep my day job.

Jaws 05-28-2014 04:07 PM

So when's this tank set to arrive?

Aquattro 05-28-2014 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 898765)
So when's this tank set to arrive?

Should be a week or two. Just confirmed everything last night. Going to raid a stash of 2x4's I found this coming weekend and get started on the stand.

Jaws 05-28-2014 04:22 PM

Sounds like you're moving pretty fast. I thought tank builds were supposed to take upwards of two to three years???

daplatapus 05-28-2014 04:30 PM

No, that's just mine :(

Jaws 05-28-2014 04:33 PM

You're not alone. lol

StirCrazy 05-29-2014 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 898701)
Canopy then?

with no door probably :mrgreen:

Aquattro 05-29-2014 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by StirCrazy (Post 898895)
with no door probably :mrgreen:

I had a door. Ok, it was made from cardboard, but it was a door.

StirCrazy 05-29-2014 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 898768)
Sounds like you're moving pretty fast. I thought tank builds were supposed to take upwards of two to three years???

no thats the average life span on one of Brads tanks befor its upgrade time. :mrgreen:

SeaHorse_Fanatic 05-29-2014 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jaws (Post 898768)
Sounds like you're moving pretty fast. I thought tank builds were supposed to take upwards of two to three years???

Seen that with quite a few Canreef builds but I've always had mine up within weeks or a couple of months from conception.


Sorry the outbreak forced your hand but hope this new tank gives you the extra time and freedom to do stuff besides reefing with your family.


Aquattro 05-29-2014 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 898911)
Seen that with quite a few Canreef builds but I've always had mine up within weeks or a couple of months from conception.


Sorry the outbreak forced your hand but hope this new tank gives you the extra time and freedom to do stuff besides reefing with your family.


My builds typically take under 6 weeks. I don't have patience for messing around. This time I may actually finish my stand before I add the tank though :)
This new build will simply allow me to reach inside without a stool. It also cuts costs a bit and reduces humidity. I don't spend much time now, and anything I do with the tank generally involves Elise anyway, so lots of family time :)

Aquattro 06-03-2014 05:44 AM

non update update. Tank will be ready in about 2 weeks. Stand underway. Equipment all gathered.
50g sump
Zeo Reactor
Ca Reactor
ER RS180 Skimmer
2 wp40
2 Tunze little controllable guys
2 x 400w Radium in lumenarc reflectors
300w Heater
Quiet One 4000 return pump
Apex to control it all.

Lighting supplementation TBD (T5 actinic or LED strip?)

Going for open scape with large rocks, lots of tabling pieces.

Dez 06-03-2014 12:21 PM

Is your current tank Zeo? I didn't realize that it was zeo if it is.

Aquattro 06-03-2014 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dez (Post 899970)
Is your current tank Zeo? I didn't realize that it was zeo if it is.

Sort of. I have a reactor with rocks of unknown age and I keep a bunch of blue bottles under the stand :)

However, I did start this tank using it and was able to fully stock it from day 1. Not sure if it helped, but didn't hurt, so figure since I have it, might has well use it.
Starting with mostly dead rock has me a bit concerned, so anything I can do to alleviate nutrient issues will make me feel better.

craigwmiller 06-03-2014 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 899971)
Sort of. I have a reactor with rocks of unknown age and I keep a bunch of blue bottles under the stand :)

Zeo by osmosis :)

Aquattro 06-03-2014 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by craigwmiller (Post 899985)
Zeo by osmosis :)


Aquattro 06-05-2014 02:28 AM

A bit of progress. Frame for the stand is built. Mostly.

WarDog 06-05-2014 03:53 AM

Nice!! Wanna have a race to see who finishes their build first?... Oh wait,... 6 weeks?... you win. :first:

gregzz4 06-05-2014 03:59 AM

Hey look, a picture :lol:

Curious why you put verticles in the back center ?

Aquattro 06-05-2014 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by WarDog (Post 900214)
Nice!! Wanna have a race to see who finishes their build first?... Oh wait,... 6 weeks?... you win. :first:

Based on the narrowest part of my stand and my largest door, you may have an advantage -hehe

Aquattro 06-05-2014 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 900216)
Hey look, a picture :lol:

Curious why you put verticles in the back center ?

I'm going to mount the plywood for the light assembly do these braces. The board will extend above the tank and the light box will mount to it.

Look at the link I posted earlier to one of Brett's builds, I'm going to use a similar method for my lights

gregzz4 06-05-2014 04:04 AM

And not to be nit-picky (I know you used to work construction), but also wondering why you didn't criss-cross the outer corner verticles over the base runs

Am I not seeing something in your pic ?

gregzz4 06-05-2014 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 900218)
I'm going to mount the plywood for the light assembly do these braces. The board will extend above the tank and the light box will mount to it.

Look at the link I posted earlier to one of Brett's builds, I'm going to use a similar method for my lights

Cool, some planning is involved
I thought that only happened in the epic long-term builds

I looked at the link you have, but it only went to his empty tank with nothing else for hardware showing ...

gregzz4 06-05-2014 04:07 AM

This is the only pic I found on the page you linked

Aquattro 06-05-2014 04:09 AM

Go to the next page, where he shows his light slides.

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