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Oh NoOooooooooooooo NOT AGAIN
Ok so im not feeling the best right now i seriously want to get out of this hobby right now. This morning i woke up found a diamond goby on the floor as many of you know. And now i came home to find my FAVORITE Carpenter Flasher Wrasse laying on the floor D: I seriously want to die. Ive never killed a single thing in the last 8 months of doing this hobby NOT EVEN A CORAL and now 2 fish dead in 1 day. Both went right through egg crate. I just added a Naso yesterday but he is SUPER peaceful. Im starting to think its my yellow tang chasing my Trigger and naso and when he chases them its scaring all the little fish.
What should i do i feel like a serial killer. I can't believe this is happening. ANY ADVICE would be SOOOO very very appreciated. Please help me to find out what my problem is. Thanks Hayden |
Is it just me or is the clear and obvious answer to use something with smaller wholes then egg crate? Wrasses and gobys are infamous for jumping. Will continue to happen if you dont use something smaller
i have been searching for a couple days for something smaller but i can't find anything i have asked many people on can reef about this smaller holes chicken wire. And I don't know if any one else agrees with me but just getting a lid with smaller holes IS NOT going to help my fish from getting scared by something. I don't want them ramming there poor heads into something every day. Please i asked for advice not criticism |
We are all here to help you, so be patient and deal with it as it comes |
I would go to Home Depot or a hardware store. Buy some plastic bug screen and some plastic tie straps and attach that to the egg crate.
Bulk reef supply sells clear netting and a window frame kit. I think its $24. People have said on here before that they have found the clear netting elsewhere but I can't remember where.
Even with the screen kit, I had my favorite orange back wrasse slither through a hole where my return entered the tank. It really sucks but I'm not sure if there is a reefer that exists that hasn't had a fish go crispy on them, so don't get too freaked out. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk |
But 2 in one day? Would the yellow tang be scaring them? |
Wrasses and gobies are naturally "nervous" and skittish. Sudden movements and vibrations can make them dart around. An assortment of rocks, crevices, and substrate helps.
The Bulk Reef Supply 1/4" Netting is ideal in my opinion to help prevent jumpers and carpet surfing. It also allows for much better light penetration than light diffusing egg crate. Egg crate tends to cast larger shadows. This plastic netting has been known to be available at Home Hardware stores and some Garden Nurseries. It is possible that your Tang is scaring them; but there may also be other variables as well. As an example: If your display is in a low traffic area where not a lot of people/pets pass by it; your inhabitants will be used to that. Any sudden movements or vibration may startle them. P.S. - Jawfish.....great jumpers - out of the display, into overflows, and into sumps. |
Ok I'm trying to find some of that 1/4 inch chicken wire but no one seems to carry it. Right now I'm using window screens instead of the egg crate for temporary use
Thanks Greg I appreciate that! Thanks for understanding what I meant lol:mrgreen: |
Try hardware stores and livestock stores for the chicken mesh. It will be by the metal chicken wire. I have found it here at Peavey Mart. Do you have Peavey Mart there?
Your fish ramming into a plastic mesh will be fine. They will bounce back into the tank like a reverse trampoline. My fish do that constantly. I have a very busy tank with a lot of skittish wrasses. Some fish will jump even if they are startled by lights turning on, or a sudden thud of someone's foot on the floor, or a door closing. That glass box of there's is quite a good amplifier of sound.
As Red said, goby's and wrasses are notoriously skittish and their natural defense mechanism when they are startled (for whatever reason) is to bolt in the the direction with the least obstruction. In the tank that direction is usually straight up. I wouldn't say that you are doing anything wrong. Sadly, it happens. In fact, I've seen all manner of fish jump out of the tank from tangs to angelfish. Fish like to dart in all directions. And if we want to drill deeper into this discussion (pun kinda intended), our tanks are not actually that deep. We may think that 24 or even 30" is a fairly deep tank but in the wild, that's a shallow tide pool that many of these fish would never naturally swim in, unless they enjoy living on the edge.. As for the mesh, try UFA up in Airdrie. They sell farming supplies and equipment specifically. |
Your still looking? Did you read my text wrong? I said I'd send you some if you paid the shipping
Got my plastic netting at Canadian Tire about a month ago. All different sizes. I opted for the thinner gauge half inch mesh. They had a bunch of different sizes available. The thinner gauge allows almost all light through. I did,t think any of my fish would get through the half inch, but they always seem to surprise me what they are capable of. Sorry for your loss, same happened to me with one of my expensive clowns, and of course the other guy was still there wondering where his buddy was. Crappy feeling for sure.
Think the netting was in the gardening section. Hal |
I would like to apologize for what i said yesterday I wasn't having a great day to start with. Atitude Thoughts and feelings are hard to interpret when on a forum.
I would also like to thank everybody for there help I am going to be running out to canadian tire this morning as i have heard from plenty of people that they have it. Thanks and Sorry Hayden |
I think the problem was adding the Naso. I had the same thing happen to me, went 6 months without any problems with fish. I added a naso and within days my kole tang jumped. Naso's can be b****es I would say.
I agree with what everyone else has put forward. I guess a guy could grab some plexi too and either drill out some holes if desired, or leave solid to control evap. Your Trigger may be the root cause. Cant remember where but read somewhere a long time ago Triggers and Tangs dont always mix well. If push came to shove I will take a Tang over a Trigger any day. Yellows are known to b agressive although mine is a bloody pussy cat and only gets ****ed if someone goes near "HIS" veggie clip. |
Hard to have fish in a glass box that come from around the world live in harmony together all the time. My old blue tang made my trigger jump out of the tank, thankfully I was sitting in front of it when it happened and got him back in.
Good luck with the mesh, hopefully that works for you. |
Two pieces of eggcrate offset one on top of the other for now until u find a suitable replacement? I've had scooter blennies jump, gobies, and even a wierd littel clownfish who really liked doing it cuz i managed to catch him twice befroe his demise on the third.
This hobby has endless trials, which makes it rad cuz its a "kinder-suprise" all the time!!! Cant control everything. the best we can do is communicate these trials together and formulate a reasonable solution that everybody benefits from. I've fabbed a custom fit chunk of acrylic with some smaller holes placed here and there for "breathing" purposes. Good Luck |
I went out and got the smallest plastic chicken wire i could find which was 1/2 inch i doubled it up so the hole are now 1/8 wide. My dad will be going to UFA tomorrow ro find 1/4 inch plastic chicken wire. The new lid is built and on top of my tank i will snap a couple photos tonight. And update my build thread |
wow sorry for your loss, you have a beautiful setup
Having fish jump sucks, glad you found a cover. I've also used plastic needle point mesh screen and zip tied it to egg create to make cover for nano tanks. You can find the plastic needle point sheets at walmart for cheap.
Image below to give you an idea http://minaku.sandwich.net/fish/neptune_tanklid.jpg |
I ended up getting a half inch plastic chicken wire and doubling it up so the holes are 1/8 inch |
I used screen door material, got it from Rona and the DIY metal system to normally attach it to windows. I custom built mine to fit the dimensions of the tank. I thought I had photos here but apparently not. Fish can fit through any hole that their head will fit through and believe me, some of them are really determined to get through that hole even if they have to try several times (it seems that way anyways). I ended up giving up on gobies and blennies for that very reason.
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