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The green is taking over..help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok its bad but not that bad. As you can see in the pic my sand bed is getting covered in area's with what looks like algae with fine hair. Never had this issue this bad till I added an Evergro 2012 and its really took off. I have about 12 nassarius snails, bunch of crabs and other snails (dont know names) My Nitrate is around 5, ammonia zero. I do 15% water changes weekly. I bought this tank off another fellow in town and am unsure how long he had it running but I have had it running well for 4 months. Fish are a yellow tang, 2 clowns and a dwarf lion. I also have a pair of blood red shrimp. All are happy. For corals I have 1 large hammerspawn, zoa colony and a small green cabbage.
Any suggestions on how to control this or is it just part of a cycle?:question: Cheers!! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v4...ps07613db5.jpg |
It was a short part of the cycling process for me.
Get some flow on it |
Just a thought, I experienced a little bloom quite some time ago and ended putting small square pieces of black electrical tape over the red LEDs for a couple weeks. Not sure if that helped at all but it did disappear, took the tape off and haven't seen it since. Could be something to do with the spectrum from the reds.
May be worth a try |
I will give that a try !!
I too like the blocking the red light idea
If that doesn't work for you, try raising your mag a bit I had luck when my mag went from 1350 to 1450 by mistake After I brought it back to 1350 things stayed stable - algae doesn't like high mag Some 'different' algaes showed up, but nothing unmanageable |
i had this alage long time with my RSM130 the lighting was a 150w MH and 4xT5 so i didnt have snail in the tank but i bought a sand sifter star fish and it start cleaning it
We offer a free sample of a breakthrough product being trialed by some aquarists in Canada. The trial ends Apr 30 - check us out on our facebook page or our website - nualgiaquarium
Wanted to share this thread..http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/reef-aq ... ost1829073
Also this you tube video from today...all the way from Manitoba, Canada http://youtu.be/XU5Y3DGaQTY |
I also experienced the same issue when i jacked my whites up to increase growth of coral (it did that but also spurred algae growth as well). In the short term i found that lowering white channel helped a ton until i got my phos under control then slowly raised the white channel back to high.
Cheers!! |
I would attribute your algae to diatoms, which is a normal progression of a cycle during the new-tank-syndrome phase. I'm going to assume your tank is pretty young? |
Algae Control
I've seen some pretty great success with this product, check it out! It works!
http://nualgiaquarium.com?partners=1...b5e6087eb1b2dc |
I had the same stuff for about a year, then it just went away. Don't go crazy trying to get rid of it. It will just go away once it cycles through.
My tank is indeed very young going about 5 months. So how long can I expect this algae cycle? My RO/DI water is reading 2, im doing regular changes. I turned down my lighting and am actually gonna leave my lights off for a few days. I don't over feed. ???? I also have some Nualgi on the way, we will see if it helps.
Cheers!! |
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