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duncangweller 04-03-2014 06:14 PM

Dunc's 'I've moved house again so it would be rude not to buy another tank' 93 cube
Hi all,

So I've moved in with the missus and decided that there wasn't room for my beloved 4ft 75 gallon with all her furniture so I managed to convince her that a cube tank would be a better fit and voila I have a Marine land 93 gallon rimless RR cube. Mmmmmmmm!

Im going to be keeping most of my current equipment from my 75 as I bought bigger than I needed in case I one day upgraded to a larger tank.

Its been a hectic week with moving and getting my tenants settled into my condo but I've taken pics as I go so watch this space and I'll keep it updated best I can.

Thanks for looking,

duncangweller 04-03-2014 06:15 PM

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hillegom 04-03-2014 06:29 PM

following along
Love cubes

lastlight 04-03-2014 07:34 PM

they make a trimless? cool let's see it =)

my trimmed marineland is pretty thin at 3/8" glass... that one must be thicker.

duncangweller 04-03-2014 08:16 PM


Stand minus skin

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Ryanerickson 04-03-2014 08:23 PM

Stand Looks good so far nice tank

duncangweller 04-03-2014 09:35 PM

Pretty level I reckon

In situe

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SeaHorse_Fanatic 04-03-2014 10:13 PM

The new cube looks even more awesome than mine. Very clean looking. Looking forward to more pics.

duncangweller 04-03-2014 10:24 PM

Yeah its a great looking tank. I just wish that Mr Marineland wasn't so sloppy with his silicone-ing. The stuff is all over the glass everywhere

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duncangweller 04-03-2014 11:08 PM

I bought one of these:

To give me some sort of control over one of these:

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kobelka 04-03-2014 11:14 PM

Wow this has the makings of a sick reef. Can I ask how much a tank like that runs $? I built a 2' cube which in only a month has become too small!

duncangweller 04-03-2014 11:15 PM

The tank cost $601.97 I believe. Its 30x30x24. Its a lot bigger than I thought it would be (even though I knew the measurements).

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SeaHorse_Fanatic 04-04-2014 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by duncangweller (Post 890210)
The tank cost $601.97 I believe. Its 30x30x24. Its a lot bigger than I thought it would be (even though I knew the measurements).

Haha. Mine is a lot smaller than my wife thought it would be even though she saw in sitting in the carport for a month before I could set it up. It replaces a RSM 130 and sits in the same spot but because it has 4 sides viewing, it doesn't seem as intrusive as the much smaller RSM with its black background.

The Guy 04-04-2014 12:39 AM

:pop2:Hey Dunc, keep the tank build pictures coming. So far it's looking good.

Reef Pilot 04-04-2014 12:44 AM

Looks like a great location for a cube. Were you able to confirm the joist direction under the floor?

duncangweller 04-04-2014 01:43 AM

Yeah I got a stud finder and found out they run perpendicular to the partition wall.

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duncangweller 04-04-2014 01:59 AM

This make my apex wireless.

Hydra FiftyTwo

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bonsaidave 04-04-2014 04:57 AM

Great looking set up . I can't wait to see it completed. I picked up a 93 gallon cube a few months ago but I have not had the time to set it. Keep up the good work..

duncangweller 04-04-2014 07:46 AM

I bought the 48" ext mount system so it looks pretty sleek over my tank. Here's a pix of when I first turned it on. This is with AI pre-programmed settings at 20%

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chef 04-04-2014 12:52 PM

Looks great. I have the same tank but with rim. I run an AI sol with 2x 24w t5. I built a canopy and enclosed the T5's, rested the ai on top. Best configuration so far. Can't wait to see how you scape it!!

duncangweller 04-05-2014 06:48 PM

Unfortunately, due to the rushed nature of my build I lost a good chunk of my SPS corals, most of them in fact! A real shame as I and a few nice pieces. So at the moment the tank is looking all a bit grey. Lucky for me, all the pieces I lost came from either Kelly, Walter or Ryan, who are all local. So expect me to be knocking on your door when everything gets settled down over here fellas.

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Reef Pilot 04-05-2014 07:03 PM

Sorry to hear about your SPS not making it. As soon as you're ready, though, let me know. I'm sure I can help you out. Will do some fresh clips if necessary.

duncangweller 04-07-2014 01:32 PM

Thanks Walter, that would be great.

Here's a pic of the Hydra mounted above the tank with the 48" EXT mount and 12" EXT rail.

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Ryanerickson 04-07-2014 02:27 PM

Tank is looking great sorry to hear about the sps I always have more also when the tank is ready I'm also interested in your light as I am thinking of upgrading my ai sol lights to hydras,keep up the good work man.

duncangweller 04-07-2014 02:32 PM

The light has a great spread. Unfortunately I can't really give much info on it at the mo as I can only run it at about 25% for fear of cooking what I have left. I'll keep you posted over the next month or so.

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duncangweller 04-10-2014 06:48 PM

Quick update, fish ate doing well, corals continue to disappear. I seen to be having STN on my SPS at the mo. I have some big colonies that are disappearing before my eyes. My params seem good. The only thing I can think is that my lack of sump/skimmer is causing it to happen. As I have also changed from t5 to LED perhaps this is contributing.

Its frustrating as I have moved many times and never lost anything

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mrhasan 04-10-2014 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by duncangweller (Post 891499)
Quick update, fish ate doing well, corals continue to disappear. I seen to be having STN on my SPS at the mo. I have some big colonies that are disappearing before my eyes. My params seem good. The only thing I can think is that my lack of sump/skimmer is causing it to happen. As I have also changed from t5 to LED perhaps this is contributing.

Its frustrating as I have moved many times and never lost anything

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Sorry to hear about the problem :( I don't know whether it will be of any help but I have stopped RTN twice using furan 2 dip. Maybe try dipping the corals that's STNing to see if it helps?

BTW new tank looks awesome :)

duncangweller 04-10-2014 07:24 PM

Thanks for the info. Its a real shame as things were really growing well in my old tank. I'll get this one going well and before I know it I'll be rocking again.

Its a little bit depressing to see it all die before you though.

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duncangweller 04-13-2014 09:05 PM

Started mounting my apex controller and other electronics to a pa el that I screwed to the inside of the legs of my stand. It keeps any water away from the expensive stuff and serves as a nice brain to my tank.

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duncangweller 04-13-2014 10:12 PM

All done.

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ReEf BoSs 04-14-2014 12:21 AM

Looking good ! love the AI mounted !

duncangweller 04-16-2014 10:29 PM

Just picked up my new sump. Simple in design and I hope it will stay nice and clean.

Water testing. So far so good.

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The Guy 04-17-2014 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by duncangweller (Post 892375)
Just picked up my new sump. Simple in design and I hope it will stay nice and clean.

Water testing. So far so good.

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Hey good looking sump Duncan, what kind is it?

duncangweller 04-17-2014 04:42 PM

I had it made at a plastics place in Langley. It measures 23x20. Fits in my stand nicely and gives me way more water volume than the little 25 gallon I had under there before. There's also a lot more room for goodies in there which make maintenance 10x easier.

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duncangweller 04-22-2014 06:45 PM

The sump is now up and running

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duncangweller 05-02-2014 10:49 PM

My new Jebao twin controller arrived today. I ordered it from fish-street on Tuesday afternoon and it was here by Thursday. I removed the previous two controllers and installed the new one to my electrical panel. Its not quite as tidy due to the bulky connectors but it'll do the trick.

The controller has a few cool features including alternating the pumps, the various wave modes plus the ability to change the interval and wave strength from 30-100%.

Of course I couldn't even dream of cranking it up as the living room would become a puddle.

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The Guy 05-03-2014 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by duncangweller (Post 895151)
My new Jebao twin controller arrived today. I ordered it from fish-street on Tuesday afternoon and it was here by Thursday. I removed the previous two controllers and installed the new one to my electrical panel. Its not quite as tidy due to the bulky connectors but it'll do the trick.

The controller has a few cool features including alternating the pumps, the various wave modes plus the ability to change the interval and wave strength from 30-100%.

Of course I couldn't even dream of cranking it up as the living room would become a puddle.

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Wow fast delivery, I'll talk to you about it at the frag meet on the 10th if your attending. Nice looking set up I have 2 wp 25's looks interesting.

duncangweller 05-10-2014 06:12 PM

Its getting there:

Top down:

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Kait 05-10-2014 06:57 PM

Beauty! That's amazing.

duncangweller 08-30-2014 08:10 PM

There have been a few changes to the tank since I last posted. I had to redo the rock work as there were too many dead spots. I also quickly found out that with a 'pillar' type lay out there is very little space for corals, well anything that requires high light and flow.

I moved the rocks around and now have a kind of cavern with lots of swim throughs and lots of places for corals.

I have been busy visiting a few of the local SPS suppliers around here and picked up some big frags which have settled in nicely.

I've also added a couple of fish including a Bartlett anthia, mandarin and a blue side fairy wrasse which are all healthy and doing well.

I seem to have dialed in my dosing quite nicely and my parameters stay very stable.

Any of the corals that survived the move are doing superb, they have colored up beautifully and are growing quite fast and the birdsnest is huge.

I took a couple of pics on my phone, I really should bust out the DSLR for a few shots....maybe next time, I have to go test params.


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