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reefnut 08-01-2004 03:29 PM

anyone ever keep any kind of clams under pc lights?will they survive or is mh the only way?

bear27 08-01-2004 03:46 PM

It totally depends on the type of clam you get and the amount of PC lighting
maxima's and crocea need bright light while derasas and squamosas will do OK under PC

I emphasize only doing OK because the growth rates will be slow
I kept my derasas under PC for a long time with very minimal growth but when i switched to MH I got better growth rates

bluetang 08-01-2004 04:41 PM

Kept a Blue Maxima under PC's for roughly about 8 months. It unfortuatly died last week, i beleive to a heat issue and a combined lighting issue. It was doing awsome when it was young but as soon as the heat kicked in and it got bigger it stopped opening as big as normal. It was only sick for about a week and died real quickly. I probably wouldnt get another until I upgrade to MH lighting. My experiment is over..... :cry:

reefnut 08-01-2004 04:50 PM

thanks guys. Anyone else with experience keeping clams under pc only?Dont want to go mh allready having heat issues on hot days but am really interested in keeping a clam.TIA

EmilyB 08-01-2004 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by bear27
It totally depends on the type of clam you get and the amount of PC lighting
maxima's and crocea need bright light while derasas and squamosas will do OK under PC

I agree.

Actually, I kept a crocea once under PC for about four months. I thought it was doing splendidly, it had attached to the rock and never gaped. It wasn't until I took a picture and compared it to the picture I had taken when I bought it that I realized the clam's colors were definitely "browning".

Then I moved the clam and probably foolishly gave it too much light too fast, because it kept jumping and falling, and eventually perished. :redface:

I really think all clams look best under MH tho.

reefnut 08-01-2004 10:24 PM

ok besides appearence does the browning also mean that it is slowly dying or is it just a cosmetic thing.

Namscam 08-02-2004 04:56 PM

the browning just means that the clam is producing more photosynthetic symbiont so that it can get more energy due to the lack of light. it doesnt mean that its dying

megatron_55 01-01-2005 10:38 AM

Clams under PC
Hey, I have kept a blue maxima under T5's for about 7-8 months now (about 4 - 4.5 watts per gallon) . . .it did lose its blue colors though . . unfortunately I'm color blind and I can't tell if its brown or red now. . . but I just switched to PC lighting about a month ago and Im starting to see blue color again. . . (but now im running it on 7.2 watts per gallon)

reefnut 02-18-2005 02:08 PM

well im running a pc t5 combo at about 10 watts per gallon on a ten gallon tank.i tried a mh and couldnt control the heat.clams and longhorned cowfish are what drew me to this hobby and since ive got my cowfish im goind to attempt a clam aswell.the only fish that will be in the clam tank is a six line.ill keep my fingers crossed.\

Willow 02-18-2005 04:11 PM

seahorse keeps dursas in his tank with pc's and they look great.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 02-18-2005 05:52 PM

Thank you Willow. Yes, I have mine placed high up in the water column, attached to oyster shells & resting on an algae covered flat rock. I'm getting good growth (approx. 8mm since the fall) & it's colours are outstanding. I now also have a blue/green rimmed Squamosa & a new Hippo clam next to it. 10000k 96w PC with 2@3' 20000k T-5

Top view of Derasa & Squamosa

Front view of same clams

I use Liquid Reactor for calcium & feed rotifers/phyto mix several times a week.

Would they be happier under MH? Probably. Would BC Hydro be happier if I went with MH? Definitely :evil: But your question was if it is possible to have success with clams under PC so "Yes" under the right conditions.



PS. I'll try to take some clearer pics with my new camera.

reefnut 02-22-2005 01:08 AM

wow those look awesome seahorse.i have a ten gallon tank with sump.and i am thinkinmg about a derasa or lighting is 55 watt 10000k cf with a 6400k t5 and a 20000k actinic t5.i think that i have enough light evn though my brown digi turned white within days of getting it.

BCOrchidGuy 02-23-2005 03:06 AM

I had a derasa under PC I found it did better under MH but it did well under PC and it had amazing colour. Once I got MH for it I started to see even nicer colour.


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