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darkreef 03-22-2014 08:47 PM

experince with your cowfish
Tell me your experience with these lovely fish <3
Pictures are welcome ..
How did you get him use to your tank
What's his favorite food
Does he spit at you ? Lol

darkreef 03-22-2014 09:19 PM

Dez 03-22-2014 09:22 PM

I got mine quite a few months ago. It loves flake food, and frozen mysis. But it's favourite food is the Marine Grazer rings. It's in a full sps tank and it follows you or your finger around all the time.

darkreef 03-23-2014 01:02 AM

I got mine last night .
He is stressed though .
Black patchs and staying near the top .
He is swimming and did show interest in one pellet today
No other tank mates are bothering him at all

He's in with a leaflip soapfish , sailfin tang , dwarf zebra lion

I'm wondering how long does it take for them to come accustomed to the new tank ?

tlhood 03-23-2014 01:14 AM

Awe he is adorable! I think they are the cutest and coolest fish I have seen. When I get a bigger tank I definitely want one. Hope he settles in well for you :biggrin:

trilinearmipmap 03-23-2014 07:11 AM

I have always wanted one, my two main questions are, how well do they handle high flow in an sps tank, and will they always eat zoanthids or is it 50/50?

Dez 03-23-2014 02:34 PM

Mine likes to hang out at the fulcrum of the wave. At least that's where he sleeps every night. Other than that he swims all over in the upper half of the aquarium. I have about 5000 gph plus the wavebox for flow in my 5x2x2 tank.

darkreef 03-23-2014 03:56 PM

Mine sleeps on my wave pump at night .
Iv heard of them in a all sps tank but that's curel if he's not the first fish in
Because he has the flow to get use to plus the fish .
My return is 1200 gph split . And a w25 .

They do not touch any corals , but my hit up your sponges if you can't feed him 3x daily .

Mine showed more interested in food last night mysis .
Going to buy marine grazers today .

He was starting to yellow up last night but now seems just as black .

Really hope I don't loose him :) he's so cute

darkreef 03-24-2014 05:16 PM

I bought him marine grazers and he wouldn't leave it for two seconds , even slept on it. I think there a must for any cow and box fish as it is stationary and they don't have to chase it .

Later that night I swaped the rest of my tank over . When I put a rock with algae in he went nuts and is now grooming every rock competely clean <3

Safe to say he is going to do well ! And he's loosing his black color .
Can't wait till he's all yellow and blue spots !

Madreefer 03-24-2014 05:49 PM

Cool fish. I've always wanted one but too chicken s**t. Worried about the effects on my other fish if it happens to die. 03-24-2014 06:06 PM

I unpacked your box fish myself the night it arrived and man was I tempted to take it home with me..

darkreef 03-24-2014 08:18 PM

Yah I did a lot of humming and hawwing ...
They only release poisen if attacked by fish . Defense
There are lots of reports saying if they die naturally or by getting stuck nothing happens
Its extremely rare in a aquarium . (Unlike the box fish if it dies everything else does)

Yes I'm surprised you didn't take one for that big of tank .
Maybe when mine needs a new home when he's 2 feet long il message you eli lol .
Also I need some rock (small pieces not much 20 ish lbs ) concepts is looking pretty dry ! 03-24-2014 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by darkreef (Post 888260)
Yah I did a lot of humming and hawwing ...
They only release poisen if attacked by fish . Defense
There are lots of reports saying if they die naturally or by getting stuck nothing happens
Its extremely rare in a aquarium . (Unlike the box fish if it dies everything else does)

Yes I'm surprised you didn't take one for that big of tank .
Maybe when mine needs a new home when he's 2 feet long il message you eli lol .
Also I need some rock (small pieces not much 20 ish lbs ) concepts is looking pretty dry !

I will eventually get a box home...I like them medium to small size so I grow them for years to come...:wink:
Let me know your timing and when you are ready for rock as then we will meets to rock your tank..

lastlight 03-24-2014 10:40 PM

anyone in town still wanting one... saw one left at oceans.

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