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gregzz4 03-14-2014 03:50 AM

Looking for dosing container ideas
I'm looking for single containers that can be rinsed out, and not interested in big and bulky things that take up space
I would prefer square-sided stuff so I can 'bookend' them for my Big 3

I kinda like this style, although it's a bit difficult to rinse out
If it's all I can find, so be it
These are 5l jugs, so perfect

I saw a post on RC where someone had bought similar jugs from Walmart but I haven't seen them

Thanks for any help

hillegom 03-14-2014 03:56 AM

Greg have you seen the kirkland square milk containers from costco in states?
They are square, all the way up to the approx 1.5 in screw cap. One US gal.
My neighbour puts them out from time to time.

Reefer Rob 03-14-2014 04:18 AM

Check out Industrial Plastics.

FishingGoalie 03-14-2014 04:22 AM

You can get the ones that are used for water that sit in your fridge I think some of them have spouts for pouring as we'll.

gregzz4 03-14-2014 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by hillegom (Post 886017)
Greg have you seen the kirkland square milk containers from costco in states?
They are square, all the way up to the approx 1.5 in screw cap. One US gal.
My neighbour puts them out from time to time.

I buy milk by the gallon, but don't trust the jugs to hold up to the heat from Ca and Mg


Originally Posted by Reefer Rob (Post 886027)
Check out Industrial Plastics.

Looking there now. Thanks Rob


Originally Posted by FishinGoalie (Post 886030)
You can get the ones that are used for water that sit in your fridge I think some of them have spouts for pouring as we'll.

Do you mean the collapsible camping ones that are totally square ? I don't want those

I'm looking for tall, long, slender ones that can be 'bookended', as in stacked left to right on a shelf

The ones I linked are 9-1/4" x 2-5/8" x 14-5/8"
A very nice rectangle that would fit well on a shelf
I don't specifically need those measurements, bit it gives you an idea of what I'm looking for;
Tall, slender, longish

Think of it as a card slot :wink:
Slip in a jug, slip out a jug ...

FishingGoalie 03-14-2014 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 886037)

Do you mean the collapsible camping ones that are totally square ? I don't want those

No not those these one just sit in your fridge exactly like the containers that BRS sells that are labeled something like "take up little space dosing containers".
Hope this helps

gregzz4 03-14-2014 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by FishinGoalie (Post 886039)
No not those these one just sit in your fridge exactly like the containers that BRS sells that are labeled something like "take up little space dosing containers".
Hope this helps

So can you give me some info on where to buy them ? Or a link or something ... I'm looking for local suppliers
Thanks Hayden

gregzz4 03-14-2014 05:03 AM

Industrial Plastics doesn't appear to produce what I'm looking for

FishingGoalie 03-14-2014 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 886041)
So can you give me some info on where to buy them ? Or a link or something ... I'm looking for local suppliers
Thanks Hayden

Something like this. They are all over amazon or eBay but if you want to buy them locally I would think that Walmart would have them.

Reefer Rob 03-14-2014 05:10 AM

These are what I use. Hopefully the pic comes through.

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gregzz4 03-14-2014 05:14 AM

Thanks Rob, but I don't currently have space for those

I need the slender style
My space constraints dictate what I will buy
I have a base space of 12 x 12" for all 3 containers, so I'm looking for the tall and slender ones

gregzz4 03-14-2014 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by FishinGoalie (Post 886043)
Something like this. They are all over amazon or eBay but if you want to buy them locally I would think that Walmart would have them.

They don't ship to my address, but thanks for trying

I'm hoping to find something that is HDPE
And hope it will stand up

H2o2 03-14-2014 05:39 AM
These are the ones I bought they are great and with the side dimple it also makes them strong

msjboy 03-14-2014 05:42 AM

I think Safeway sells them smaller water jugs (like the picture above,)where you normally buy the RO water for oneself. It has a spout as well.

You can also just order from the USA sending it to Point Roberts Letter Carrier or a place like that too....only 35 minutes from Burnaby you know... and gas up to save you the trip.

Lastly, you can make it yourself if you buy some cyclindrical PVC, or clear Acrylic tubing and cap it off.... might be a bit more to do it this way.

Wheelman76 03-14-2014 06:06 AM

jason604 03-14-2014 06:58 AM

I just use 2L pop bottles lol. Refill them up once a week.

1eyedjyde 03-14-2014 07:11 AM

You could also try the 4 liter vinegar jugs they are tall and narrow, and they seem to be fairly sturdy so the heat shouldn't affect them

The Guy 03-14-2014 07:44 AM

I use the gallon distilled water jugs from Shoppers drugs they are rectangular 5x11.5

gregzz4 03-14-2014 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by H2o2 (Post 886048)
These are the ones I bought they are great and with the side dimple it also makes them strong

Thanks Harry!
Those are the exact ones I am looking for
Twice the cost as the manufacturer but that's life

Douglas 03-14-2014 08:22 PM

I use these...

5$ each at walmart. Work like a charm, 1 gal containers.

duncangweller 03-14-2014 08:40 PM

Greg. I've been looking for the same thing for ages. Can't find them locally at all. I need slim ones for my stand too. Seems excessive to spend $14 per jug plus shipping. I have tried perusing the supermarket for something similar and a vinegar jug seems about as close as I can get

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

gregzz4 03-14-2014 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by duncangweller (Post 886215)
Greg. I've been looking for the same thing for ages. Can't find them locally at all. I need slim ones for my stand too. Seems excessive to spend $14 per jug plus shipping. I have tried perusing the supermarket for something similar and a vinegar jug seems about as close as I can get

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk

$14 is still cheaper than $50 for some others

duncangweller 03-14-2014 10:22 PM

You are in fact correct, but who in their right mind would spend $50 on a jug for dosing!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

gregzz4 03-15-2014 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by duncangweller (Post 886247)
You are in fact correct, but who in their right mind would spend $50 on a jug for dosing!

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

Not me this time around :silly: :smile:
I'm ordering the ones Harry linked as they fit my needs

gregzz4 03-15-2014 02:50 AM

Thanks for everyones input

I just placed my order for the ones Harry linked
4 litres is big enough for my needs and I like the dimensions
14 7/8" x 9 1/4" x 2 5/8"

H2o2 03-15-2014 03:55 AM

No kidding they are a great jug and I cant remember if you are running T5 but when u order them from Ray ( great guy ) try some ATI purple plus nice bulb

The Grizz 03-15-2014 04:12 AM

Those are the exact ones I got from Ray, bought 5 for around $60 are something cant remember. Great size and shape in a compact design.

mike31154 03-15-2014 04:10 PM

Shouldn't have to order something like this. Most any place that sells purified water, including your local big box grocery store should have the slim refrigerator containers for sale. I have a 2 gallon, slightly wider one in the basement to store RO water.

gregzz4 03-15-2014 04:23 PM

I looked at that kind of container Mike, but I'd be concerned about them becoming brittle over time and leaking

mark 03-15-2014 05:09 PM

Free (got as samples) and been using the same ones for years. Plus they also fit on a 13" shelf with a inch left over.

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