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asylumdown 03-03-2014 07:34 PM

Approaching total coral wipe-out
Hey guys,

I know i posted about this in another thread, but I'm absolutely beside myself. My coral has been dying for weeks now, but I went out of town on Wednesday until yesterday and came home to 40-50% coral loss. I can't figure out what's happening. Fish and inverts are all fine.

The coral damage began when I fixed a malfunctioning biopellet reactor, and switched GFO and calcium brands My alk spiked, which I thought was the initial cause, but now I'm thinking the alk spike was a symptom of the corals all ceasing to grow. What started out as burnt tips has devolved to full out colony loss in many cases, and nothing is the right colour.

Has anyone in Calgary experienced problems with coral after a switch in GFO or calcium brands recently? Can nitrogen deficiency cause this? My tank has always had biopellets, it's just working better now than it has in the past. I have a cluster of halimeda growing in the tank and macro algae is still growing in the overflows where my fish can't get to it, so there's obviously enough nutrients to support them.

Randomly, a couple of millepora colonies are still growing, while their next door neighbours almost completely dead.

With a complete stop in most coral growth, my levels are obviously not exactly where they should be, I can't seem to adjust the dosing rate enough. Alk is still around 8, when I'd ideally like it to be 7.5.

If I can't figure out a way to solve this, I don't think I'm going to stick with the hobby. In the past two weeks I've watched 2 years worth of work and several thousand dollars in previously vital coral disintegrate. On top of it I'm at a critical point in my thesis and I'm working 17 hours a day to try and finish it. I barely have enough time to feed my fish every day.

Basically this is the lowest I've been in my reefing career.

sphelps 03-03-2014 07:58 PM

Explain the malfunctioning bio-pellet reactor. If left dormant and then re-fired pretty sure they'll nuke a tank pretty easily.

asylumdown 03-03-2014 08:07 PM

The effluent line of the reactor clogged for a couple of days. It's a recirculating model though so I the pellets kept tumbling and I didn't notice. The entire reactor died, when I opened it, it smelled like a major gas leak had just erupted in my house. I removed the reactor, cleaned it out completely and rinsed pellets in fresh water until they stopped smelling. I then let them stand in fresh water that I replaced a couple of time for several days. During that time I modified the effluent line of the reactor to make it bigger so that it couldn't clog up with biofilm so easily.

When I got it all set back up I used the same pellets, which had no odour of any kind by then. I dosed the reactor with MB7 to get it going again, and it was very rapidly producing mulm again. With the larger effluent line, more water can transit through the reactor now, but it still moves way less water per minute through it than a non-recirculating model would.

monza 03-03-2014 08:57 PM

Sounds rough, sorry to hear.

Maybe a pest? Flatworms, red bugs or other? 03-03-2014 09:38 PM

Try pulling the biopellets off for awhile until things settle down

Myka 03-03-2014 09:58 PM

Sorry to hear about your trouble. :(

Have you tested for stray voltage? How exactly are the corals dying? Sliming? Slowly receding? Quickly receding? Is the water or cloudy or has it been?

I would be taking both biopellets and GFO offline until the tank settles down. I would continue to run carbon. Which brands to you switch from and to?

Delphinus 03-03-2014 10:10 PM

FWIW I am sorry to hear this. I sympathize, there are so many frustrations in this hobby.

Apart from the above advice, I would also look to the Ca and Alk parameters in particular and have them double-checked with different test kits if possible.

Are you dosing manually or using a calcium reactor? Do you use kalk? I might also be tempted to suspend any automatic dosing for the time being until things settle out.

How new and how much gfo is there? In particular with "mysterious SPS death" PO4 plays a significant role (too much of it, too much change with it, and so on). Have you tested for PO4, and what was the value? And what test kit or tester are you using?

If you had significant nitrate, I think you would see other symptoms, so I think we can rule out NO3, but it might still be worthwhile getting a trustworthy reading of that as well in the meantime even if only for ruling it out.

dudley moray 03-03-2014 11:49 PM

That gas leak smell was likely hydrogen sulphide and probably what nuked your corals it doesn't take much

iceman86 03-04-2014 12:14 AM

Sounds like parameter swings wich new gfo will cause if adding too much. Gfo will greatly decrease your alk when freshly introduced. Happened to me recently and I lost most of my sps.

My issue was that my alk kit was reading 1.5 dkh too high and I thought I had it at 7.5 when really it was at 6 and then I introduced the gfo and it lowered it way more wich caused my corals to bleach.

Ive also had similar issues when raising calcium too fast.

Make sure your test kits are reading correctly and try to keep levels as stable as possible to prevent further damage.

Seriak 03-04-2014 12:58 AM

I lost most of my tank when I was overdosing my Alk. It got above 8 and the SPS started to get burnt tips due to my bio pellet reactor, then it approached 10-11 and the LPS receeded and the SPS all died. Then I started to lose head after head of LPS. I really watch my Alk now.

Something else may have sent your Alk through the roof, but your Alk swing probably had a big impact in the death of your corals.

brotherd 03-04-2014 01:36 AM

This scares the crap out of me. For you to be baffled is disturbing for sure. I wish I had the knowledge or experience to help you.

jason604 03-04-2014 06:24 AM

Terrible!! I can't imagine what will happen if this happened to me.

Spyd 03-04-2014 02:27 PM

Time to go old school and keep things simple as you try to get through this. Take the pellets off line completely. Run carbon and do plenty of water changes.

The ALK spike can definitely hit corals hard. Really watch your levels in the mean time. I would check for ammonia as well. When things rapidly die off nitrates and ammonia can spike. Only way to fix these levels are through large water changes.

asylumdown 03-06-2014 02:46 AM

Thanks for the responses guys.

Since I posted the last message I've pulled 4, 19 hours work days trying to get a paper finished and ready for publication, and I'm giving a talk at a conference on Friday, so my tank has had to sit there slowly dying while I try to attend to the busiest time in my life so far. Murphy's law I suppose. 6 months ago I had all the time in the world to deal with something like this.

My phosphate levels were 0.06ppm last time I measured as checked by the hanna ULR test, which was last Tuesday.

The other thing that I did shortly before this carnage began was switch salt brands to a cheaper option. I started using the fluval brand of reef salt because it was $25 cheaper.

One of the things that I've been terrified of is that I'm not 100% confident on my alk readings. Many a moon ago when I had my first tank and I knew nothing about reef chemistry, I was stupidly using seachem reef buffer without understanding what the product was or what it really did. At the time I kept getting 'normal' alk readings for a high nutrient tank of around 9, and I dosed accordingly. What I didn't realize was that 'reef buffer' is a borate salt, which contributes to total alkalinity, but is effectively useless from a coral's point of view. I had similar SPS problems then, and when I bought the Seachem test kit that allowed you to test for borate alk vs. total alk, I discovered that my carbonate alk (the only alk corals care about) was 4.5.

As far as I know, seachem doesn't make that test kit anymore. Part of me has been wondering if the fluval brand of salt has a high percentage of borate salts in it, which has been making me think my alk is normal, as the only test kits I have access to now test total alkalinity.

I went back to H2Ocean because I figure it's one less variable.

Myka - as to your question, it's not sliming, it's burnt tips one day (as in I wake up and all the tissue on the growth tips is just gone), then over the following days, more and more tissue just sloughs off. My worst hit coral now has one piece of one branch left living, the rest of the previously dinner plate sized colony is a white skeleton, with cyano starting to take hold in places. In one case a coral that never even had burnt tips looked fine, with normal polyp extension one day, then the next day literally half it's tissue was hanging off it in sheets. Other corals that have a different colour growth tip from the main body have turned monochromatic over the course of a couple of weeks, and once the whole piece is exhibiting zero signs of growth, the tissue closest to the tips starts to slough off.

Water is clear, fish are fine, snails and crabs are fine.

What I'm considering doing is taking every piece of equipment except the skimmer and water pumps offline and doing a 100% water change using H2Ocean salt. The other thing that's making me think there's some sort of contaminant in this tank (or disastrously lower alk levels than what my test kits are showing me) is that I have a 4 gallon pico tank. It has been doing fantastic with 100% water changes, but I've been using my display tank water as it's water change water. Shortly before I went out of town, as a test, I did a 'normal' 100% water change on the pico using my display tank water. 9 days later every single coral in that tank is exhibiting serious tissue recession, I'm going to lose one acan frag for sure, and probably a medium sized open brain. There's prolific brown 'slime algae' (the kind your snails would normally eat, but the mantis shrimp that tank was set up for eats all the snails) growing, so I know it's not a nutrient problem.

Ugh. The worst. I didn't even have time to type this reply.

Does anyone in calgary have rubber maid bins totalling 300 gallons that I can borrow? I don't have that much water holding capacity and I'd like to have all the new water mixed in advance.

Reef Pilot 03-06-2014 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by asylumdown (Post 884448)
One of the things that I've been terrified of is that I'm not 100% confident on my alk readings. Many a moon ago when I had my first tank and I knew nothing about reef chemistry, I was stupidly using seachem reef buffer without understanding what the product was or what it really did. At the time I kept getting 'normal' alk readings for a high nutrient tank of around 9, and I dosed accordingly. What I didn't realize was that 'reef buffer' is a borate salt, which contributes to total alkalinity, but is effectively useless from a coral's point of view. I had similar SPS problems then, and when I bought the Seachem test kit that allowed you to test for borate alk vs. total alk, I discovered that my carbonate alk (the only alk corals care about) was 4.5.

As far as I know, seachem doesn't make that test kit anymore. Part of me has been wondering if the fluval brand of salt has a high percentage of borate salts in it, which has been making me think my alk is normal, as the only test kits I have access to now test total alkalinity.

With all your chemical mixing and dosing, are you sure you are ending up with the correct ionic balances?

Also, your comments re Seachem Reef Buffer are a surprise to me! I have been using that all along for my alk dosing, and the Seachem Advantage Calcium. My only complaints have been they are expensive and am looking for a replacement. But my SPS growth and colour couldn't be better.

Seachem also has/had Marine Buffer and Reef Builder, which I don't use.

And I just use Instant Ocean salt. Cheap, and seems to work well for me. I did use H2Ocean salt a long time ago (before I had SPS), but didn't like the expense.

From what you've said so far, can't say what your problem might be. Sounds almost like they are being poisoned by something. So would certainly confirm all your chemical parameters.

Reef Pilot 03-06-2014 03:08 PM

Also, what brand carbon are you using? I remember people having corals dying a year or two ago, because of some impurities that got into the supply. I think Kent carbon was one example, with copper.

Reef Pilot 03-06-2014 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Magickiwi (Post 884542)
As to seachems reef buffer it is only to adjust pH and it says it contributes to Alk. You need to use reef builder to boost your carbonate Alk. I think it evens says on the label that it doesn't boost carbonate.

Don't know where you get that from?? The only difference between reef buffer and marine buffer (which only boosts carbonate alk) is that it has a higher pK buffering agent which provides better pH stability in heavy bio load systems. But it still has the same carbonate alk as the others.
It does say if pH is not an issue, then you can get away with just using the carbonate only buffers.

I do measure my alk (and other parameters) religiously and adjust my dosing as required to keep them in the desired range (and maintain the ionic balances). And as mentioned, my SPS has done great using the Reef Buffer, so can't argue with that. I don't know how important pH is to good coral growth, but it certainly can't hurt, I figure.

Magickiwi 03-06-2014 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 884549)
Don't know where you get that from?? The only difference between reef buffer and marine buffer (which only boosts carbonate alk) is that it has a higher pK buffering agent which provides better pH stability in heavy bio load systems. But it still has the same carbonate alk as the others.
It does say if pH is not an issue, then you can get away with just using the carbonate only buffers.

I do measure my alk (and other parameters) religiously and adjust my dosing as required to keep them in the desired range (and maintain the ionic balances). And as mentioned, my SPS has done great using the Reef Buffer, so can't argue with that. I don't know how important pH is to good coral growth, but it certainly can't hurt, I figure.

From Seachem's website:


Reef Buffer™ will also raise carbonate alkalinity; however, it is intended primarily for use as a buffer in a reef system where the maintenance of a pH of 8.3 is often difficult. When pH is not an issue, Reef Builder™ or Reef Carbonate™ should be your first choice for a carbonate alkalinity supplement.
Second, I didn't reference a product name Marine Buffer, I said Reef Builder, which is a carbonate supplement. And I don't know exactly what you're disagreeing with? Your post said you were surprised that Reef Buffer doesn't manage your carbonate levels?

canadianbudz604 03-06-2014 06:41 PM

I've been searching the interweb a bit to try and help out, but haven't come up with really anything. I did run across a thread about bad batches of fluval sea salt but they ended up going nowhere. One thing I noticed that whenever someone's bio pellets failed, they're tank crashed not long after. Any progress with the tank?

Reef Pilot 03-06-2014 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Magickiwi (Post 884552)
From Seachem's website:
Second, I didn't reference a product name Marine Buffer, I said Reef Builder, which is a carbonate supplement. And I don't know exactly what you're disagreeing with? Your post said you were surprised that Reef Buffer doesn't manage your carbonate levels?

Well, when you said this "You need to use reef builder to boost your carbonate Alk. I think it evens says on the label that it doesn't boost carbonate.", that is what I disagreed with. It does not say that on the label or on any of the directions, that it doesn't boost carbonate alk. It indeed does add carbonate alk. Like I said it does both, adds carbonate alk and a pK agent to stabilize pH.

And if you look at the Reef Builder instructions, it says to use Reef Buffer in higher bio load systems where you also want to stablize pH. Here is the quote from their directions. "Use Reef Builder™ to raise carbonate alkalinity without affecting pH. Use Reef Buffer™ to raise carbonate alkalinity and pH". It also says you can use both together, but nowhere does it say that you have to use both to boost alkalinity or that reef buffer does not boost carbonate alk.

hfp75 03-06-2014 07:27 PM

the hydrogen sulphide from the plugged reactor is my first guess.....

second is all the additives......

Scythanith 03-06-2014 07:59 PM

My google Fu is weak right now but I recently read an article from Sanjay Joshi about the collapse of his 500g SPS dominated tank. Similar issues, burnt tips then total tissue release within hours. After all of his analytical thinking and methodology he deduces that one of the best things he could have done was larger initial water changes. All the tricks and tips from the pro's he knows were considered, but in the end he lost a large portion of his SPS.

If anyone knows of the article I am speaking of please put up a link!

Magickiwi 03-06-2014 08:34 PM

Whatever is causing the loss it must be heartbreaking.

GoFish 03-06-2014 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Scythanith (Post 884573)
My google Fu is weak right now but I recently read an article from Sanjay Joshi about the collapse of his 500g SPS dominated tank. Similar issues, burnt tips then total tissue release within hours. After all of his analytical thinking and methodology he deduces that one of the best things he could have done was larger initial water changes. All the tricks and tips from the pro's he knows were considered, but in the end he lost a large portion of his SPS.

If anyone knows of the article I am speaking of please put up a link!


Sorry to hear about your problems! I hope it all works out for you

Scythanith 03-06-2014 09:21 PM

Almost. There was one with lots of pictures and a longer write up.

GoFish 03-06-2014 09:33 PM

Ahhh herrr it is...

Delphinus 03-06-2014 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by asylumdown (Post 884448)
My phosphate levels were 0.06ppm last time I measured as checked by the hanna ULR test, which was last Tuesday.

I want to drill a little into this. I can't remember if you mentioned this already, so if you did sorry for asking again, but ... apart from the readings, what are you doing for PO4 control? Are you using GFO, if so, how much, and how often are you changing it out?

The reason I ask is that I use the same Hanna tester for PO4. The tested results always show nominal values for PO4 in the end (the Hanna ULR tester reports in ppb of P, to convert to PO4 you have to divide the reading by 1000 and then multiply by 3.0666) but even so, I notice problems with SPS when I let my GFO get too old.

As far as PO4 goes, I am absolutely convinced of 2 things:
1) Most SPS problems we see and especially those that we can't easily rationalize away to something else .... are usually PO4 related.
2) Testing for PO4 is just something we do to make ourselves busy but the results are meaningless. You might as well dip your finger in the tank, taste it, then emphatically state the first random number that comes to your mind. (It's important that you state it emphatically, otherwise you have to do the test again.)

It might not be THAT bad but OTOH, I think it's closer to the truth than we'd care to admit. I think it's getting into the territory of inorganic phosphate versus organic phosphate and how our test kits and testers can only give you readings of one of those (I forget which), but the SPS are inhibited by the one we can't test (we just hope that if we test for one, that the other is going to be reasonably close).

I notice a definite correlation in how well my corals are doing if I change out my GFO every week, versus at slower change out intervals. Unfortunately the cost of GFO and especially at my tank size (280g) it is quite cost prohibitive to be changing it out every week, so this is something I tend to get an "opportunity" to observe repeatedly. If I get all gung-ho and change it out every week, my SPS grows well. If I don't then .. not only do they not grow well, many will recede or let go altogether. It can be as little as letting it go one or two extra weeks between changing out my GFO.

And yet, the Hanna tester will repeatedly tell me that PO4 is not a concern because it will be 0.02 or something so low that it's in the "it can't be PO4 that is the problem" category. But like I said, I'm convinced that it probably is to blame for a large majority of otherwise-unexplainable SPS problems seen in the hobby.

kien 03-07-2014 01:07 AM

Sorry to hear of your issues Adam. I feel for ya. Been there, done that, got the (wet) t-shirt, a couple of times over even. Other than another shoulder to cry on, I don't have much more to offer that hasn't already been mentioned.

At the end of the day, we are all trying to recreate a very very very very (did I mention very?) delicate natural balance that even Mother Nature herself struggles with at times.

Madreefer 03-07-2014 04:00 AM


Scythanith 03-07-2014 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Vancity (Post 884598)

Thank you! I couldn't find it for the life of me. Asylum, have you had a chance to read through this article yet? I know you said you were pretty busy but I figured it would maybe help to calm you down about the whole situation. Yes, it's heartbreaking but sometimes you just have to ride it out and look at it as an opportunity to re do your aqua-scaping.

Sorry I can't be more help.

Magickiwi 03-07-2014 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Magickiwi (Post 884706)

I thought we were talking about trash bins from CTire ? Doesn't that mean we are trash talking ??

Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week.

Remember to tip your server and take a taxi if you've been drinking. And I'm really starting to think the drinking is a good idea...

Doug 03-07-2014 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 884653)

Yes please.

Wheelman76 03-07-2014 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 884606)
I want to drill a little into this. I can't remember if you mentioned this already, so if you did sorry for asking again, but ... apart from the readings, what are you doing for PO4 control? Are you using GFO, if so, how much, and how often are you changing it out?

The reason I ask is that I use the same Hanna tester for PO4. The tested results always show nominal values for PO4 in the end (the Hanna ULR tester reports in ppb of P, to convert to PO4 you have to divide the reading by 1000 and then multiply by 3.0666) but even so, I notice problems with SPS when I let my GFO get too old.

As far as PO4 goes, I am absolutely convinced of 2 things:
1) Most SPS problems we see and especially those that we can't easily rationalize away to something else .... are usually PO4 related.
2) Testing for PO4 is just something we do to make ourselves busy but the results are meaningless. You might as well dip your finger in the tank, taste it, then emphatically state the first random number that comes to your mind. (It's important that you state it emphatically, otherwise you have to do the test again.)

It might not be THAT bad but OTOH, I think it's closer to the truth than we'd care to admit. I think it's getting into the territory of inorganic phosphate versus organic phosphate and how our test kits and testers can only give you readings of one of those (I forget which), but the SPS are inhibited by the one we can't test (we just hope that if we test for one, that the other is going to be reasonably close).

I notice a definite correlation in how well my corals are doing if I change out my GFO every week, versus at slower change out intervals. Unfortunately the cost of GFO and especially at my tank size (280g) it is quite cost prohibitive to be changing it out every week, so this is something I tend to get an "opportunity" to observe repeatedly. If I get all gung-ho and change it out every week, my SPS grows well. If I don't then .. not only do they not grow well, many will recede or let go altogether. It can be as little as letting it go one or two extra weeks between changing out my GFO.

And yet, the Hanna tester will repeatedly tell me that PO4 is not a concern because it will be 0.02 or something so low that it's in the "it can't be PO4 that is the problem" category. But like I said, I'm convinced that it probably is to blame for a large majority of otherwise-unexplainable SPS problems seen in the hobby.

Not arguing with you about po4 levels , and I change my gfo every month and my Hanna checker always reads less than 0.02. But here is an interesting article for everyone to read on the subject of po4.

cuz 03-15-2014 12:43 AM

any updates?

asylumdown 03-16-2014 09:21 PM

The only update I have is that I'm probably done with reefing. I've lost about a third of my colonies, the rest are on their way. Even the few that seemed to have avoided the initial round of damage are now falling apart. Cyano has taken hold everywhere dead skeletons are exposed, and the tank generally looks like garbage.

I was never able to do a 100% water change, I'm just not set up to do that logistically. Starting today I'll be doing 50 gallon water changes every day until I've replaced the total tank volume 3 times over. I don't know what else to do.

I can't make sense of my test results. When this started, my alk spiked up past 9. I thought maybe that was why the tips were burning, though now I think it was a symptom, not a cause. I reduced the rate at which I dose alk solution by 40% over the next couple of weeks and my alk has stabilized at exactly 8. However, my calcium simply will not budge. One of the changes that preceded this carnage was a switch to bulk calcium that I picked up from Eli. I'm now dosing 180 ml of that dissolved at 1 cup/gallon day, which is 20ml more per day than I was dosing when my tank was robust, healthy, and growing rapidly, but the calcium levels won't move above 355ppm.

Mag is 1300.

So, while these levels aren't perfect, an alk of 8, calcium of 355, and mag of 1300 should not also equal this much carnage. Even a swing of alk from 7 to 9 or 9 to 8 shouldn't be enough to slow motion kill an entire aquarium.


Originally Posted by Delphinus (Post 884606)
I want to drill a little into this. I can't remember if you mentioned this already, so if you did sorry for asking again, but ... apart from the readings, what are you doing for PO4 control? Are you using GFO, if so, how much, and how often are you changing it out?

The reason I ask is that I use the same Hanna tester for PO4. The tested results always show nominal values for PO4 in the end (the Hanna ULR tester reports in ppb of P, to convert to PO4 you have to divide the reading by 1000 and then multiply by 3.0666) but even so, I notice problems with SPS when I let my GFO get too old.

As far as PO4 goes, I am absolutely convinced of 2 things:
1) Most SPS problems we see and especially those that we can't easily rationalize away to something else .... are usually PO4 related.
2) Testing for PO4 is just something we do to make ourselves busy but the results are meaningless. You might as well dip your finger in the tank, taste it, then emphatically state the first random number that comes to your mind. (It's important that you state it emphatically, otherwise you have to do the test again.)

It might not be THAT bad but OTOH, I think it's closer to the truth than we'd care to admit. I think it's getting into the territory of inorganic phosphate versus organic phosphate and how our test kits and testers can only give you readings of one of those (I forget which), but the SPS are inhibited by the one we can't test (we just hope that if we test for one, that the other is going to be reasonably close).

I notice a definite correlation in how well my corals are doing if I change out my GFO every week, versus at slower change out intervals. Unfortunately the cost of GFO and especially at my tank size (280g) it is quite cost prohibitive to be changing it out every week, so this is something I tend to get an "opportunity" to observe repeatedly. If I get all gung-ho and change it out every week, my SPS grows well. If I don't then .. not only do they not grow well, many will recede or let go altogether. It can be as little as letting it go one or two extra weeks between changing out my GFO.

And yet, the Hanna tester will repeatedly tell me that PO4 is not a concern because it will be 0.02 or something so low that it's in the "it can't be PO4 that is the problem" category. But like I said, I'm convinced that it probably is to blame for a large majority of otherwise-unexplainable SPS problems seen in the hobby.

I was previously changing my GFO every two weeks to 1 month, and had been doing it that was for nearly 2 years. A switch in brands to bulk high capacity GFO is on the list of changes that took place immediately prior to the damage taking place. Since this started I've changed the GFO once, and the next day three new colonies that hadn't been damaged before suddenly had huge chunks of flesh hanging off them in tatters. It's likely correlated and not causal, and I know other people who've used GFO from this same batch with no problems, but it's made me afraid to try changing it again.


Originally Posted by Scythanith (Post 884698)
Thank you! I couldn't find it for the life of me. Asylum, have you had a chance to read through this article yet? I know you said you were pretty busy but I figured it would maybe help to calm you down about the whole situation. Yes, it's heartbreaking but sometimes you just have to ride it out and look at it as an opportunity to re do your aqua-scaping.

Sorry I can't be more help.

Yes I did read it. And the pictures and description look and sound exactly like what's happening in my tank, only he had way more time and resources to chase down possible leads. I've been getting 3 hours of sleep a night without even looking at my tank, so I've not been nearly as exhaustive in trouble shooting as I wish I could be.

Whether this has been the result of parameters swinging or getting out of whack in ways that I haven't been able to test or figure out, or a contaminant of some kind, the problem is either with something in the water, or something I'm adding to the water. Today I'm taking my GFO reactor, my biopellet reactor, and my dosing pump offline. I'm throwing out all the new additives that I've been using and going out and buying the more expensive brand name versions of everything. I'm going to do 50 gallon water changes every day until either this improves, or the majority of my corals are so far beyond any hope of saving that this will become a FOWLR tank until I can find new homes for the fish and organize the trades to turn the tank space in to a closet.

If this does improve, I'll add back elements one by one. Starting with a dosing pump dosing brand name "big three" chemicals, followed by brand name GFO, followed by biopellets. What sucks the most is knowing that with this amount of damage, my tank's recovery will be measured in years (if ever), and that's longer than I'm going to live in this house.

And thanks everyone for chiming in. 50% of my unresponsiveness is that I'm too busy to eat most days, and 50% because even thinking about my tank makes me feel sick to my stomach right now.

kien 03-16-2014 10:05 PM

sorry to hear Adam. This hobby can be a rough roller coaster ride of extreme ups and downs. I've been through coral die off a few times.. Most recently just a month ago where my DI had exhausted and I was dumping in poisonous water into my tank for weeks before I figured it out. An immediate removal of my DI and a couple of 50% water changes did the trick in stopping a complete wipe out this time around. But it's still painful.

Scythanith 03-16-2014 10:09 PM

My own personal experience with bulk chemicals is that I have no personal experience with bulk chemicals :) I wanted to go to them for $$$ reasons but my LFS owner highly recommended I don't for the exact reason you may be running into now. He recommended I use either the Tropic Marin of Fauna Marin systems. There is no way I can say the bulk chemicals are what caused your problems, but logically what else did you change that could impact your tank this dramatically?

If you're using a quality brand of salt, it should test pretty well for the big three parameters. Just buy doing frequent large water changes hopefully that can dilute the contaminants and maintain your values. I'd suggest you get back to dosing with commercial products as soon as possible though to promote some stability.

The good thing about this hobby is that once you get knocked down, fellow reefers are usually happy to help you out with frags, etc. to get you back on your feet.

Good luck!

hfp75 03-16-2014 10:12 PM

I sympathize for your situation!!

I tried to save few bucks and used HC-GFO and with a Hanna tester I was able to prove that the same levels of PO4 that went in to that reactor also came out!!! I have switched back to Rowa and we are back on track with total success!!

Sometimes the name brands cost more but they seem to be predictable....

lastlight 03-16-2014 10:17 PM

Really sorry to hear things haven't improved Adam. Can't imagine loss on that scale.


Originally Posted by hfp75 (Post 886672)
I sympathize for your situation!!

I tried to save few bucks and used HC-GFO and with a Hanna tester I was able to prove that the same levels of PO4 that went in to that reactor also came out!!! I have switched back to Rowa and we are back on track with total success!!

Sometimes the name brands cost more but they seem to be predictable....

HC-GFO from where?

I doubt properly working gfo knocks the levels down noticeably with one pass. I always thought it would take a small amount out (too small a change to detect) but it's the continual running of water through it that brings the overall level down in a measurable manner over time?

brotherd 03-16-2014 10:39 PM

Surely there must be someone local that has the knowledge and experience to go to your home and assist with this situation while you attend to your studies?

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