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FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 03:51 AM

150 Tank Journal/Build Finally!!!
Finally my tank is close to being done.

A few weeks ago my exams finished and i had a exam break(3 weeks) so i decided it would be a good time to do an upgrade. I currently am running a Biocube 29 with T5Ho lights, media basket, and skimmer. I am only 15 years old so its always been my dream to get a saltwater aquarium(started when i started diving when i was 8). But my dad never gave in until september, my mom has always been all for a saltwater tank. I pay for almost everything my self as i have a summer job working at a marina in manitoba where my cottage is.(i was born in manitoba and still have most family out there) I also shovel our neighbours driveways. I am also parent sponsored for a few things.

any ways on to the tank:
150 Gallons
Full starfire with start fire euro brace
Back Left corner overflow as it will be in the corner of our basement
36" stand height
ATI power module hybrid lights 8 bulb 48" fixture
sump(Unsure of size as dave@concept designed it for easy water changes and a frag tank section)
Vertex Omega 150 skimmer
2 TLF reactors Carbon and GFO
2 WP40s
1 MP10 from existing Biocube
Mag 12 return pump
Also a APEX which my parents are paying for as we travel quite often:lol::biggrin::surprise:
All ordered from Concept in Calgary

Here is what i am thinking for fish

Yellow Tang
Purple or Sailfin Tang not sure which one
Flame Angel
Anthias not sure how many probably 3-5
Copperband Butterfly
Lawnmower Blennie
Longnose Hawkfish
Candy hogfish
Royal Gramma
Fairy Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse

And also the fish being transfered from my biocube

2 Clownfish
3 Blue Green Reef Chromis
1 Purple Firefish
Target Mandarin

I am also transfering lots of corals.

Here are some pictures of where it is going and the fish room

where the tank is going behind that wall is a fish room


Tank will be on right

Our Bar any ideas for finishing this tank so it will look good?

On the way down from stairs

If anyone has any ideas please feel free to share them

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 04:04 AM

Ok so the pictures didnt work so ill just post there links and then maybe someone would be super awesome and post them as a reply for me

Scuba Diver Gal 01-30-2014 04:13 AM

Lucky to have parents like that :)

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 04:22 AM

Finally figured out how to post photos...
Where the tank will go, behind the wall is my fish room (my dad has to move his platinum album)

From above, looking from main floor kitchen/foyer/dining room
Tank will be on the right
Our bar - any ideas for finishing the stand to match the basement?
The whole basement:


Scythanith 01-30-2014 04:59 AM

Check out untamed's 400g build (Link). He used wood as a "bar" surround around the tank that goes with your bar top theme.

Looks like a great start! Side note, what's your dads platinum record for?!

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 05:05 AM

His uncle was manager of The Guess Who. It's a Guess Who platinum album...

gregzz4 01-30-2014 05:13 AM

Can't wait to see what you come up with for your tank to fit that epic space
What a great area to work with !

Do us proud - Welcome to Canreef :lol:

Madreefer 01-30-2014 05:15 AM

Yea what Greg said.
That looks like a sweet shack your living in. I'd make the stand to match the cabinets of the bar.

lastlight 01-30-2014 05:41 AM

that is one awesome looking basement. your dad is WAY cooler than mine for letting you toss 150 gallons in there wow!

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 876892)
Can't wait to see what you come up with for your tank to fit that epic space
What a great area to work with !

Do us proud - Welcome to Canreef :lol:

Thank you I am very excited

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 876894)
Yea what Greg said.
That looks like a sweet shack your living in. I'd make the stand to match the cabinets of the bar.

Ya that's a good idea I also still have some of the wood from the bar countertop left over in the garage just would have to find someone who could mill it for us:biggrin:

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 876898)
that is one awesome looking basement. your dad is WAY cooler than mine for letting you toss 150 gallons in there wow!

Hahahh I don't think he knows the shear size of this tank it will be funny when he gets home from to work to find it sitting there

gregzz4 01-30-2014 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by FishinGoalie (Post 876888)
His uncle was manager of The Guess Who. It's a Guess Who platinum album...

I think that went past most of us .... Kool :smile:

gregzz4 01-30-2014 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by FishinGoalie (Post 876901)
Hahahh I don't think he knows the shear size of this tank it will be funny when he gets home from to work to find it sitting there

So, are you sayin' that it's not fully planned out yet :sad:
Or did I mis-understand you ... ?

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 876904)
So, are you sayin' that it's not fully planned out yet :sad:
Or did I mis-understand you ... ?

No it's fully planned out but he's never really took much interest unless it's watching the tank as it progresses. My grandpa came over little while ago for a party we were having(we won esso minor hockey week) and he kept telling my dad what a fantastic hobby it was. My dad then was all for the new tank and even installed a laundry sink in the basement for me. But I just don't think he knows how big it is.

explor3r 01-30-2014 12:28 PM

Sounds like you have a plan and the list of the equipment you using rocks.
Just sharing my experience I would think about twice about the flame angel with hit guys is a hit or miss I have one that nips on my sps and I hate him but he is so beautiful...
Anyways good luck with the build and great place you chose to put the tank.

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by explor3r (Post 876926)
Sounds like you have a plan and the list of the equipment you using rocks.
Just sharing my experience I would think about twice about the flame angel with hit guys is a hit or miss I have one that nips on my sps and I hate him but he is so beautiful...
Anyways good luck with the build and great place you chose to put the tank.

Ok thank you I will keep that in mind

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 05:12 PM

I also was wondering what kind of light would be good for the frag section of my sump?
I was thinking maybe a par 38 or one of those celestial lights. Would those be good enough to grow corals.

Ken 01-30-2014 06:27 PM

hi there, sounds like you are on the right track, to match the basement, how about the stand is built with the stonework that is similar to the bar, that bar and basement is beautiful, I would like to spend time down there looking at the fish tank. By the way, sounds like you are a young hobbyist. cheers ken

FishingGoalie 01-30-2014 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Ken (Post 876998)
hi there, sounds like you are on the right track, to match the basement, how about the stand is built with the stonework that is similar to the bar, that bar and basement is beautiful, I would like to spend time down there looking at the fish tank. By the way, sounds like you are a young hobbyist. cheers ken

I was also thinking about that but I think it would be to expensive and heavy if I ever needed to take it off I was hoping to just use magnets to hold it up:neutral:

Scuba Diver Gal 01-30-2014 11:29 PM

Less case he gets evicted ;)

FishingGoalie 01-31-2014 09:59 PM

So while I am sick in bed with the flu, my awesome mom went to Concept to pick up some stuff we needed. She was able to snap a few photos of the tank build in progress. Here are some photos (thanks Matt!):

Here is a photo of the whole tank in progress:

Overflow with wave box:

Stand with brackets for the light hangers:

Light hanger:

Sump and all is being built tomorrow. I am playing in a hockey tournament in Vegas and will be gone for a week. I am hoping I can get my tank cycling before we leave.

Still haven't decided on how to finish the stand - will maybe wait and see once it's up and running. There won't be a rush for that.

gregzz4 02-01-2014 02:08 AM

Obviously I'm missing something in the pics (or something is missing :smile:)

How will the wave box work without holes in it ?
Guess my old eyes can't see it

FishingGoalie 02-01-2014 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 877312)
Obviously I'm missing something in the pics (or something is missing :smile:)

How will the wave box work without holes in it ?
Guess my old eyes can't see it

It's not very much of a wave box as it is a dry box for my mp10 other wise would've had no where else to put it. So I'll call it a Dry Box.

gregzz4 02-01-2014 03:12 AM

Oh, OK
You're just going to put your Vortech anywhere you like on the inside/outside of the box

So it's not a wavebox, but rather a Vortech dry box

Looks great so far !

FishingGoalie 02-01-2014 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 877323)
Oh, OK
You're just going to put your Vortech anywhere you like on the inside/outside of the box

So it's not a wavebox, but rather a Vortech dry box

Looks great so far !

Yes lol and thank you I can't wait for it to be finished

kien 02-01-2014 04:12 PM

ooh.. sexy tank build porn ! :pop2:

Leah 02-01-2014 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 877375)
ooh.. sexy tank build porn ! :pop2:

He is 15. :biggrin:

kien 02-01-2014 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Leah (Post 877377)
He is 15. :biggrin:

And he has 150g thank?!?! Oh man, clearly I did something wrong in my teenage years.

Leah 02-01-2014 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by Scuba Diver Gal (Post 877056)
Less case he gets evicted ;)

If he does... can I come live there... and with the tank of coarse. I do dishes, cleaning, laundy, cooking... whatever you need. :wink:

Scuba Diver Gal 02-01-2014 05:28 PM

I will make sure to notify you all if he gets evicted. I still don't know how we are going to handle this tank when we are gone all summer (leave June 20 back September 1). Wish someone could invent autopilot :) As for him being 15, he's a great kid. And this hobby is way better than the drugs and alcohol his class mates use to keep themselves busy.

But his dad may still have a stroke once he sees the actual size of this tank with his own two eyes. Pictures don't really give him the clear picture (and us saying it's slightly larger than the biocube isn't quite preparing him, haha)

FishingGoalie 02-11-2014 03:03 AM

So the tank was delivered today. It looks fantastic(we had a small problem with the sump). but all is good in the end.

Concept did a great job with the tank and stand.

I am going to Vegas for a hockey tournament tomorrow so im not putting any water in till i get back next tuesday. Its also isn't plumbed yet matt at concept will come back when i get back to plumb it for me

Here are some pictures





FishingGoalie 02-11-2014 03:03 AM

sorry for crappy photos it was taken wih my iPhone

Scuba Diver Gal 02-11-2014 06:14 PM

Oh my your fishies are going to love moving into their new BIG home!

FishingGoalie 02-22-2014 05:20 AM

So the concept guys came today and installed the light as well as move the sump into place. They are coming back tomorrow to plumb it so I can fill it.
I took a few pictures of the tank after we moved it and how i think i want my live rock and also some of the fish room.

riceboy 02-22-2014 06:12 AM

All I can say is wow and I'm jealous lol, great start guys.

mark 02-22-2014 01:37 PM

not only a nice tank but getting a fishroom too!!!

FishingGoalie 02-22-2014 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by riceboy (Post 881986)
All I can say is wow and I'm jealous lol, great start guys.

I will post some pictures tonight for you guys hopefully when it's full

And thank you

FishingGoalie 02-25-2014 11:54 PM

So i got the RODI water in and added salt. I started doing my rockwork today and i am heading out to get more rock as i dont have enough. I am hoing to fill in some epmty spaces with smaller pieces if you guys have any input on the rockwork im all for it

Scuba Diver Gal 02-26-2014 03:08 AM

I think it looks awesome now that it's all done! :)

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