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christyf5 01-06-2014 11:03 PM

most tolerable brand of epoxy?
note that I didn't say "best" as I dunno if there is really a best one out there. I'm currently using deltec and I am not appreciating it as much as I used to. Its kind of slimy and doesn't actually nail down the frag unless you use a huge ball of it (then again, the rock does have some biologicals on it so maybe thats part of the problem). Also it makes my hands purple.

anyway, I'd post a poll but I'm feeling brain dead and really I don't even know what brands out there anymore. The last time I bought epoxy was 2 years ago (perhaps thats part of the problem as well but I don't ever remember being in love with the deltec stuff, it was just better than other brands I had tried) and I don't even know if Deltec is making it anymore as I ordered a whack of it from OA because Wendell wasn't carrying it at the time and special ordered it for me.

Reef Pilot 01-06-2014 11:11 PM

I have been using this stuff all along. Does the trick for me...

Borderjumper 01-06-2014 11:24 PM

I use the same stuff as reef pilot, Aquascape Milliput Epoxy.

I always put a big dollap of superglue on both sides of the putty ball.

Kmarrs 01-06-2014 11:33 PM

I have always had good Results with the Tailored Aquatics Epoxy. The Aquascapes stuff looks interesting though.

lpsreefer 01-06-2014 11:42 PM

The only one I know that works well, and underwater (noted I mean mixing underwater) is the tunze gum exopy instant. The stuff is amazing!

albert_dao 01-06-2014 11:51 PM

Jakegr 01-07-2014 12:05 AM

most tolerable brand of epoxy?
I have tried TLF, Deltec, Tunze coral fix and coral flex, Vertex and Instant Ocean holdfast over the last year. By far the best is Vertex V-colla. It is also pretty cheap to. Didn't see a major difference between TLF, IO, and Deltec. Tunze coral fix was horrible. It stopped skimmate production for a day and clouded up the water. Tunze coral flex is pretty good, but it costs about twice as much as Vertex v-colla.

Overall, I would say they all suck... But v-colla is the least worst of the group. There is definitely room in the market for a sticky, fast hardening, under water epoxy.

christyf5 01-07-2014 12:10 AM

turns out I use the aquascape milliput stuff too, I thought the DD part was deltec, I have no idea what it stands for then :razz: regardless, I'm still not a fan. Guess I'll look into the vertex stuff. Me and superglue are like this >< so bad idea there :wink:

sphelps 01-07-2014 12:13 AM

^ Haven't tried this yet but looks interesting.

Currently I use a combination of vertex epoxy and ecotech coral glue and it's been awesome. Night and day compared to my previous methods.

Reef Pilot 01-07-2014 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 871679)
turns out I use the aquascape milliput stuff too, I thought the DD part was deltec, I have no idea what it stands for then :razz: regardless, I'm still not a fan. Guess I'll look into the vertex stuff. Me and superglue are like this >< so bad idea there :wink:

The trick with the milliput is to throw it into the microwave for 5 sec or so (depending on size of piece), knead it good, and then apply it underwater immediately afterwards. Mine always sticks real good.

christyf5 01-07-2014 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 871684)
The trick with the milliput is to throw it into the microwave for 5 sec or so (depending on size of piece), knead it good, and then apply it underwater immediately afterwards. Mine always sticks real good.

both bits or do I have to mix them first? the green part is horribly hard to mix while the purple is like chewed gum.

Reef Pilot 01-07-2014 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 871686)
both bits or do I have to mix them first? the green part is horribly hard to mix while the purple is like chewed gum.

Both together in the microwave, then mix (knead). Softens them up and goes together much easier.

Aquattro 01-07-2014 12:23 AM

I'm using the Vertex stuff now, although I find it the same as any other I've used. I haven't used one I didn't like. I don't think :)

nerdz 01-07-2014 02:25 AM

Been using Vertex and find it to be noticeably better then others. Softer and sets up better:lol: and a lighter color

gregzz4 01-07-2014 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 871679)
Me and superglue are like this >< so bad idea there :wink:

I'm with ya on that, but I've never liked the 'blend before use' stuff as it turns my skimmer into Ol' Faithful and my equipment always gets covered in a 'goo'

I like Eco Tech Coral Glue

Ron99 01-07-2014 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 871765)
I'm with ya on that, but I've never liked the 'blend before use' stuff as it turns my skimmer into Ol' Faithful and my equipment always gets covered in a 'goo'

I like Eco Tech Coral Glue

I've used the Vertex epoxy lately and the skimmer doesn't seem to react to it at all.

mike31154 01-07-2014 05:28 PM

I've been using ELMER'S Marine Epoxy Putty stick & it works fine. No need to special order or visit LFS for this stuff, it's available at most hardware stores & even discount $$$ stores, usually for $10 or less. Outer part of stick is a greenish colour while the core is white. It mixes up off white, which is fine by me. A little patience & coralline will do the job & make it blend into the surroundings. I would guess most of the epoxy stick formulations 'specifically' made for our hobby are much the same. Epoxy is epoxy, the only thing to watch out for is that some of the sticks made for automotive or certain type of plumbing repairs contain copper or other funky metallic additives not suitable for our tanks. Even so, once the epoxy cures, anything in the mixture is pretty much locked in, forever.

EITI: Ok, so after posting this I watched the YouTube on the Tunze stuff. I guess not all epoxy is created equal, but they did say it costs more.... How much I wonder & is the cost worth it? While features like mixing under water are impressive, is that something I typically do, no. It also doesn't take a lot of effort to dry my hands before mixing my cheap stuff. I suppose if you're doing A LOT of fragging or major rock building, the extra cost may be worth it

gqlmao 01-07-2014 05:41 PM

I always disliked working with epoxy, I have tried a bunch of them and noticed that they all are very similar. I hate the DD epoxy, it literally turns your skimmer crazy and water murky. The Vertex epoxy is slightly better without the long curing times and microwaving, a big bonus is that it doesn't turn the water murky or mess with the skimmer. I always used super glue gel with epoxy to get the initial mold and allow for curing to occur.

wreck 01-07-2014 06:48 PM

im currently using fluval epoxy. no complaints.

albert_dao 01-07-2014 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by mike31154 (Post 871874)
Epoxy is epoxy

Vertex went through over 70 different compositions before they arrived at the current offering... Sorta like saying a car is a car :P

lastlight 01-07-2014 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 871916)
Vertex went through over 70 different compositions before they arrived at the current offering... Sorta like saying a car is a car :P

plus the included gloves keep your hands soft and supple for those promo vids you're famous for.

mike31154 01-07-2014 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 871916)
Vertex went through over 70 different compositions before they arrived at the current offering... Sorta like saying a car is a car :P

Sure it is. But it also depends on what you're looking to accomplish. A Hyundai will get you to the grocery store and a Ferrari will get you to the grocery store. If money is no object & convenience is at the top of your priority list, then the expensive epoxy is a great way to travel.:wink: Not sure Enzo will give you a free pair of driving gloves with your Ferrari though.

albert_dao 01-07-2014 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by mike31154 (Post 871927)
Sure it is. But it also depends on what you're looking to accomplish. A Hyundai will get you to the grocery store and a Ferrari will get you to the grocery store. If money is no object & convenience is at the top of your priority list, then the expensive epoxy is a great way to travel.:wink: Not sure Enzo will give you a free pair of driving gloves with your Ferrari though.

... Internet people...

albert_dao 01-07-2014 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 871925)
plus the included gloves keep your hands soft and supple for those promo vids you're famous for.

I don't like you anymore Brett. From this point on, I will only refer to you in derogatory fashion. En gaurde! 01-07-2014 09:22 PM

I like the box

allie_san 01-07-2014 09:28 PM

I'm not liking the vertex stuff. It cures quickly.. But way to quick for me.
It smells disgusting too. Think I'm just gonna stick to ecotech and the other brand of epoxy I was using.

sphelps 01-07-2014 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by mike31154 (Post 871927)
Sure it is. But it also depends on what you're looking to accomplish. A Hyundai will get you to the grocery store and a Ferrari will get you to the grocery store. If money is no object & convenience is at the top of your priority list, then the expensive epoxy is a great way to travel.:wink: Not sure Enzo will give you a free pair of driving gloves with your Ferrari though.

You're missing the point completely... The Ferrari will get you to that grocery store at least twice as fast and when that drive involves you balancing one footed on a wobbly stool, while reaching shoulder deep into an aquarium attempting to reaming perfectly still, speed becomes very important. That and the fact the Ferrari only costs $2 more makes it the obvious car for the job.

gregzz4 01-07-2014 11:57 PM

I used Tunze Coral Fix 104.74 and that's the stuff I don't like
I used the green and white stuff from Marineland and it wasn't as messy, but doesn't stick as well. And quite frankly I'm sure it's just the Mighty Putty that Billy Mays used to push

I'll have to give the Vertex V-Colla a try sometime - just so I can get some free gloves :rolleyes:

Coral Hoarder 01-08-2014 12:01 AM

i use this works best i have used 3 kinds so far

Ron99 01-08-2014 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 871946)
You're missing the point completely... The Ferrari will get you to that grocery store at least twice as fast and when that drive involves you balancing one footed on a wobbly stool, while reaching shoulder deep into an aquarium attempting to reaming perfectly still, speed becomes very important. That and the fact the Ferrari only costs $2 more makes it the obvious car for the job.

+1 on that brother :smile:

Jakegr 01-08-2014 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 871965)
I used Tunze Coral Fix 104.74 and that's the stuff I don't like

I have used coral fix as well and agree that it just isn't a good epoxy. I can't stress enough that other hobbyists should stay away from it.

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christyf5 01-13-2014 03:21 AM

Ended up buying some of the vertex epoxy. wow that is on my top 5 list of worst smells ever. The gloves were crap and I got some on my hands. I think I've scrubbed my hands like 10x and they still smell awful. Guess I'll have to have some thicker gloves on hand for the next round. As epoxies go, it worked better than the other couple brands I have used. I'd give it two thumbs up but one is pinching my nose shut :razz:

byee 07-10-2014 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 873100)
Ended up buying some of the vertex epoxy. wow that is on my top 5 list of worst smells ever. The gloves were crap and I got some on my hands. I think I've scrubbed my hands like 10x and they still smell awful. Guess I'll have to have some thicker gloves on hand for the next round. As epoxies go, it worked better than the other couple brands I have used. I'd give it two thumbs up but one is pinching my nose shut :razz:

I'm in the process of aquascaping with the DD AquaScape Milliput epoxy and not liking the set time.

How quickly does the Vertex epoxy set? Was it difficult getting the smell out of your fingers ?


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Reef Pilot 07-10-2014 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by byee (Post 905492)
I'm in the process of aquascaping with the DD AquaScape Milliput epoxy and not liking the set time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk.

Did you put it in the microwave first? That makes it easier to mix and sets faster.

I have been using milliput to place frags for a long time, and works great for me.

byee 07-10-2014 04:36 PM

Thanks for the quick response.

No I did not microwave the epoxy. How quick will it set after its been microwaved?

I'm also looking for opinions between the Vertex and Milliput epoxies for aquascaping.

AquaPin 07-10-2014 04:46 PM

Switched to Vertex last year and love it. Sets faster, but still ample time to get it molded and set in place before it becomes to hard. Sticks well under water and colour blends well with the rocks. Yep, stinks...but no worse then a dead snail or overdue skimmer clean : )

JmeJReefer 07-10-2014 08:43 PM

I use the vertex epoxy as well. It has a really quick set time, around the minute mark. And it won't make ur water cloudy or mess with your skimmer. Great stuff. Holds like a mofo too!!!

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riceboy 07-10-2014 09:13 PM

I will never use the vertex one ever again. My skimmer overflowed for a week. It only stopped after I did a water change. I use the redsea stuff from petsmart at 8 dollars best deal and I use the hobby store super glue. Best combo for me so far.

albert_dao 07-10-2014 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by riceboy (Post 905550)
I will never use the vertex one ever again. My skimmer overflowed for a week. It only stopped after I did a water change. I use the redsea stuff from petsmart at 8 dollars best deal and I use the hobby store super glue. Best combo for me so far.


Bro..... Having used 15 tubes in a 70 gallon tank one, I find this hard to comprehend unless you didn't thoroughly mix the components. Did the product heat up in your hands while you were mixing it? LMK, this stuff rocks and I'd hate for you to quit on it without having first sorting through the issue!

globaldesigns 07-11-2014 04:16 AM

I find vertex horrible, it isn't tacky enough and really doesn't hold well. I am on my second tube and find it bad. I really like d&d , very sticky, glues well and is manageable. In future I will be buying d&d

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