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christyf5 12-22-2013 12:44 AM

are these what I think they are?

and any tips on getting rid of them? The clam looks fine (as clams usually do until they're dead), its the only one in the tank. Not overly surprising that i have them really as every other clam died over a 4 month span last spring.

gregzz4 12-22-2013 12:51 AM


Basically you have to remove them with some tools and keep checking/cleaning daily until all the eggs are hatched
Good luck !!

Some reading for you

Proteus 12-22-2013 01:21 AM

I had a run in with these. Daily removal with tweezers and brush the shell with a toothbrush. Of coarse not over your tank

christyf5 12-22-2013 01:30 AM

oh yay. guess I've got my work cut out for me :sad: Thanks for the links Greg!

christyf5 12-22-2013 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Proteus (Post 868187)
I had a run in with these. Daily removal with tweezers and brush the shell with a toothbrush. Of coarse not over your tank

how long do you figure it took before you felt you were free of them?

Aquattro 12-22-2013 01:46 AM

Can you remove the clam? If so, dump it in a bucket of RO for 20 minutes.

Aquattro 12-22-2013 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 868197)
Can you remove the clam? If so, dump it in a bucket of RO for 20 minutes.

Wait. That's for pinched mantle. But I suppose it might kill off some snails too.

Doug 12-22-2013 02:14 AM

Sheez Christy. Guess I had better check mine.

christyf5 12-22-2013 02:16 AM

Easy peasy. Scrubbed off about 100-150 of the little buggers. No egg masses that I noticed but they got scrubbed off too and I went after the scutes with a little pick. Clam is clean for now and its business as usual in the tank. Guess I should feed the fish more, one of my tangs tried to take a chunk out of my arm :razz:

Now to attempt to do this every second night. Should be interesting...

gregzz4 12-22-2013 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 868208)
Guess I should feed the fish more, one of my tangs tried to take a chunk out of my arm :razz:


I couldn't find info on the web to nail down the incubation period of these little buggers

Did it say anything in one of the links ? I must have missed it

From what I can find on the web, they can take anywhere from 3-18 days to hatch - temp dependant ....

darkreef 12-22-2013 02:27 AM

Put your clam in a small dish with some sand . The snails burrow in the sand in the daytime . Throw out the sand come day time and scrub and remove them nighttime . Do this until there are no more ! :)

(Also the snails may lay eggs on the sand next to the clam by accident )

Takes about a month to get rid of them but always keep checking

paddyob 12-22-2013 02:27 AM

Won't certain wrasses help with this?

gregzz4 12-22-2013 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by darkreef (Post 868213)
Put your clam in a small dish with some sand . The snails burrow in the sand in the daytime . Throw out the sand come day time and scrub and remove them nighttime . Do this until there are no more ! :)

Good point for anyone who hasn't read the links :wink:

There are lots of wrasses that eat these little terrors, but they can't get them all from deep inside

darkreef 12-22-2013 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 868216)
Good point for anyone who hasn't read the links :wink:

There are lots of wrasses that eat these little terrors, but they can't get them all from deep inside

:p just making sure he didn't miss that ! Or you could be fighting a loosing battle hehe

gregzz4 12-22-2013 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by darkreef (Post 868217)
:p just making sure he didn't miss that ! Or you could be fighting a loosing battle hehe

As I said, good point
You did a good thing :p

christyf5 12-22-2013 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by darkreef (Post 868213)
Put your clam in a small dish with some sand . The snails burrow in the sand in the daytime . Throw out the sand come day time and scrub and remove them nighttime . Do this until there are no more ! :)

(Also the snails may lay eggs on the sand next to the clam by accident )

Takes about a month to get rid of them but always keep checking

I don't have any sand in my tank. It would get blown all over the place anyways.

christyf5 12-22-2013 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 868212)

I couldn't find info on the web to nail down the incubation period of these little buggers

Did it say anything in one of the links ? I must have missed it

From what I can find on the web, they can take anywhere from 3-18 days to hatch - temp dependant ....

The OP in one of those threads said they did it for a month. I was hoping maybe they were just OCD or something but ya I guess if you're watching for the eggs to hatch and then the snails get big enough to see, it takes awhile :neutral:

gregzz4 12-22-2013 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 868222)
The OP in one of those threads said they did it for a month. I was hoping maybe they were just OCD or something but ya I guess if you're watching for the eggs to hatch and then the snails get big enough to see, it takes awhile :neutral:

Does this mean you will have to scrub your clam every day for up to 3 weeks ?

I guess it'll be very clean by then :smile:

christyf5 12-22-2013 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 868224)
Does this mean you will have to scrub your clam every day for up to 3 weeks ?

I guess it'll be very clean by then :smile:

Lol. Im surprised this thread got to page 2 without that kind of comment :wink:

Wheelman76 12-22-2013 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 868224)
Does this mean you will have to scrub your clam every day for up to 3 weeks ?

I guess it'll be very clean by then :smile:


gregzz4 12-22-2013 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 868224)
Does this mean you will have to scrub your clam every day for up to 3 weeks ?

I guess it'll be very clean by then :smile:

That was a very innocent question aimed at your dilemma


Originally Posted by christyf5 (Post 868226)
Lol. Im surprised this thread got to page 2 without that kind of comment :wink:

I was gonna add something to the end of my previous post asking that we don't go there .... but I didn't want to encourage it :surprise:

So, now that the 'box' has been opened, I wanna be the first to say that I'm sorry to hear your 'critter' is infected and I wish you all the best throughout your 3 week regimen to rid yourself of the 'infestation'

At least it's not an infection you have to carry with you :wink:

All the best and a Merry Christmas :lol:

craigwmiller 12-22-2013 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by gregzz4 (Post 868234)
That was a very innocent question aimed at your dilemma

I was gonna add something to the end of my previous post asking that we don't go there .... but I didn't want to encourage it :surprise:

So, now that the 'box' has been opened, I wanna be the first to say that I'm sorry to hear your 'critter' is infected and I wish you all the best throughout your 3 week regimen to rid yourself of the 'infestation'

At least it's not an infection you have to carry with you :wink:

All the best and a Merry Christmas :lol:

Thread successfully derailed :D ...... CN couldn't have done a better job :lol:

Coral Hoarder 12-22-2013 06:35 AM

wow this sucks sory to hear this is hapining to bad u caant dip clams huh
well i wish u luck on ur quest to rid the sanils

Delphinus 12-22-2013 04:52 PM

Oh wow, nasty!! Good luck.

I'd take the occasion as an excuse to go get a canary wrasse or radiant wrasse though.

Where did they come from if you haven't added anything recently? Guess they've been around for a while..

Is it just the one clam in the tank atm?

PoonTang 12-22-2013 07:55 PM

I bought a green corus wrasse to take care of mine and it worked like a charm.

TimT 12-23-2013 12:00 AM

Hi Christy,

I used to use a toothbrush with a glass of freshwater to clean the shell. They do like to hide in the scutes as well so a dental pick is useful there. Sometimes they will even go inside the clam, in the area before where the mantle tissue attaches to the inside of the shell.

I have seen the snails active at night as well so wrasses are probably of limited effect and may not completely eradicate the problem on their own. They would however stop an infection from reaching plague proportions.


reefwars 12-23-2013 12:22 AM

you could go the starve them out route , get someone with a qt or yourself if ones running to babysit your clam/s and without a food source like anything will die out in time.they dont need sand , and on top of that they are very good hunters , in order to starve the food source has to be gone.!pyramid-snails/c1ds1

Magickiwi 12-23-2013 01:17 AM

Get a six-line wrasse?

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