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matt_C 11-30-2013 11:03 PM

How many Fish do you own?
its just for fun. no one needs to be a TANG POLICE!
i own 32 fishies!
goal this year is to hit over 100 fishies! 11-30-2013 11:46 PM

I have one

sphelps 11-30-2013 11:57 PM

When you say "goal this year" you mean 68 more fish within a month?

matt_C 11-30-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 862851)
When you say "goal this year" you mean 68 more fish within a month?

you caught that eh?
but yes! 68 fish prolly all anthias!

BuschWacker 12-01-2013 12:02 AM

I've got 10 between 2 tanks. 8 in my bowfront, and 2 in my nuvo 8.

matt_C 12-01-2013 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 862849)
I have one

i know for a fact you have over 20 fish ELI!

darkreef 12-01-2013 12:07 AM

I have one fish ! I'm a coral girl. Dwarf zebra lion :)

Proteus 12-01-2013 12:16 AM

I have 4 fish

wayner 12-01-2013 12:35 AM

I'd would kinda like a small convict tang to help out with maintenance- then I'd have 2 fish - being very selective 12-01-2013 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by darkreef (Post 862856)
I have one fish ! I'm a coral girl. Dwarf zebra lion :)

I am a coal guy as I had maybe 3 fish in a 180glns in few years as being afraid to introduce more fish and ne er really liked fish....Until I met red
Over 20 healthy I got to add maybe another 100 that for my new build..

Doug 12-01-2013 12:58 AM

Two 13yr. old percs and a two yr. old green mandarin

monocus 12-01-2013 02:12 AM

28 in 4 tanks-also have about 200 jellyfish in one tank

intarsiabox 12-01-2013 02:33 AM

3, clown, firefish and yellow wrasse

Aquattro 12-01-2013 03:12 AM

I have 17 fish.

wreck 12-01-2013 03:28 AM

I have 4. 2 clowns, a chromis, and a melanarus wrasse.

Coralgurl 12-01-2013 03:50 AM

I have 19.

mike31154 12-01-2013 04:12 AM

I look at the situation somewhat differently, I don't own any fish, they own me, or perhaps more appropriately are guests in my 77 gal glass box. Glass box has been operative for almost 7 years and there have been casualties. At the moment I have 6 guests, a Maroon Clownfish pair, Yellow Tang, Singapore Angelfish, Mandarin Dragonet & Yellowtail Damselfish.

Casualties have been 3 Lawnmower Blennies, a Blue Devil Damselfish, a group of Blue/Green Chromis & a Copperband Butterfly fish. At one point I added a second Mandarin thinking it was a female. Turned out to be another male but I was able to capture it & pass it on to another hobbyist.

toytech 12-01-2013 04:26 AM

Zero and that makes me sad.

Doug 12-01-2013 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by mike31154 (Post 862925)
I look at the situation somewhat differently, I don't own any fish, they own me, or perhaps more appropriately are guests in my 77 gal glass box. Glass box has been operative for almost 7 years and there have been casualties. At the moment I have 6 guests, a Maroon Clownfish pair, Yellow Tang, Singapore Angelfish, Mandarin Dragonet & Yellowtail Damselfish.

Casualties have been 3 Lawnmower Blennies, a Blue Devil Damselfish, a group of Blue/Green Chromis & a Copperband Butterfly fish. At one point I added a second Mandarin thinking it was a female. Turned out to be another male but I was able to capture it & pass it on to another hobbyist.

Yup, my clowns like my wiener dog. They only let me think Im the boss.

Dearth 12-01-2013 06:01 AM

12 fish in my tank would like to add a few more still

Azzkr 12-01-2013 06:34 AM

I have 31 fish in my 230 gal tank. Lots are small fish like 11 green chromis. There are 4 tangs, 10 inch orange shoulder, 8 inch sailfin, 7 inch regal and a yellow tang. 1 potters angel, 1 flame angel, 1 bi colour, 1 juvi queen. 4 gobies, mandarin, 3 anthis, 2 maroon clowns, 2 blennys, That's all the fish that I will own. My list is complete. there is a couple that I would like to change like the clowns. 12-01-2013 07:06 AM

3 fish
1 chromis in my frag tank (soon to be transfered to the 45g cube as the frag tank is getting sold)
1 yellow coris wrasse in the 45
1 filefish in the 45

fish suck
sticks ftw

Leah 12-01-2013 10:29 AM

22 in my 120
1 in my 95
8 in my 77

Leah 12-01-2013 10:34 AM


The Grizz 12-01-2013 04:39 PM

46 + 5 seahorses

neoh 12-01-2013 05:27 PM

9 in my 77, 3 in the 15 and 2 in the 26.

saltyair 12-02-2013 02:33 PM

I have 15 in my 180

Seriak 12-02-2013 02:40 PM

10 in the 120 and 1 in the frag.

Ross 12-02-2013 03:06 PM

9 in the 67 gallon
3 in the 9 gallon
2 in the biocube 14
30 in a 15 gallon
and 35 in a 5 gallon.

kien 12-02-2013 03:27 PM

I go through cycles that can put my fish population anywhere from 20 fish to to maybe 2000+ fish, every 4 weeks or so.

tim the toolman 12-02-2013 03:33 PM

11 fish in my 180 and that's hopefully final.
Looking at upgrading to a big tank soon though, so I'm sure that number will grow.

Doug's fish 12-02-2013 08:21 PM

How many fish !!!
Well, other than my 20 year old yellow tang, neons, firefish and other fish. My friend and I have hundreds of clownfish and neon gobies as we breed and raise them.:biggrin::biggrin:

FWC 12-02-2013 09:40 PM

Well are we talking about salt or can we include fish as well ?

If only salt, 5.

If we include fresh water too, its like 38, I think.

Coralgurl 12-02-2013 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by Doug's fish (Post 863269)
Well, other than my 20 year old yellow tang, neons, firefish and other fish. My friend and I have hundreds of clownfish and neon gobies as we breed and raise them.:biggrin::biggrin:

20 years old??? That's amazing!! Have you had him for that long????

BC564 12-02-2013 10:21 PM

I have 14 fish....but they eat like 30.

JTang 12-06-2013 06:52 PM

They are already listed under my signature. :)

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