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Doug 11-27-2013 04:38 AM

Lights for my new 3ft...50g
I,m down to the 36in. 6 bulb Sunpower from Concepts

or the 2080, 32in. almost 300w multiple spectrum leds from Reef Supply Canda

BuschWacker 11-27-2013 04:51 AM

I had to vote for the sunpower, seeing as how I ordered it from concepts this past weekend.

Doug 11-27-2013 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by BuschWacker (Post 861814)
I had to vote for the sunpower, seeing as how I ordered it from concepts this past weekend.


ponokareefer 11-27-2013 07:23 PM

If you go with T-5's, be prepared to replace your bulbs often. If you don't like the look of LED's though, your best to go with T-5's.

Doug 11-27-2013 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by ponokareefer (Post 861922)
If you go with T-5's, be prepared to replace your bulbs often. If you don't like the look of LED's though, your best to go with T-5's.

You dont agree that with Sunpower or Powermodule, active cooling can give you almost a year with the bulbs?

BlueTang<3 11-27-2013 07:41 PM

I ran the power module for years, bought a par meter the bulbs last for years before noticeable drops in par levels, it is the spectrum that shifts and you can notice a different colour. My vote would be ati absolutely loved my light miss it as can't get no where near the growth and colour with led.

Coasting 11-27-2013 07:46 PM

I think its Evergrow not evergreen. :wink:
But my Evergrow lights are the bomb :D I run mine about 30% or so, and I cant get stuff to stop growing.. (and im not sure if that's a good thing or not....) Awesome colour, quiet, pretty, way less power consumption then my 4bulb t5, especially since their never at 100%. And stuff just wasn't growing under those in comparison, since switching last year, I cant keep up.

Doug 11-27-2013 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Coasting (Post 861930)
I think its Evergrow not evergreen. :wink:
But my Evergrow lights are the bomb :D I run mine about 30% or so, and I cant get stuff to stop growing.. (and im not sure if that's a good thing or not....) Awesome colour, quiet, pretty, way less power consumption then my 4bulb t5, especially since their never at 100%. And stuff just wasn't growing under those in comparison, since switching last year, I cant keep up.

Yes you're correct. I will get a staff guy to fix that. Thanks.

Im running their smaller unit over my 20g and happy with it. Just white and blue though.

As for wattage, guess it depends on what power they run at. The 2080 at full power is more wattage then a 6 bulb T-5. Which unit are you running?

Coasting 11-27-2013 08:04 PM

I bought one of their other fixtures directly from them (evergrow) last year. Went with the Nova A8 as I didn't want to muck around with multiple fixtures. They didn't have this 32" one last year. Its stunningly blinding at 100%. I custom picked my bulb colours as I wanted more darker blues, as well as a mix of whites and making sure I included red and green.
Not a single problem with it so far, and im always leaving stuff on top of the light and getting it wet. But mines also simple, 2 dimmers vs computer run.

Doug 11-27-2013 08:17 PM

Thanks for posting that info. Appreciated.

tim the toolman 11-27-2013 11:35 PM

I've got 2 of the it2080 on my 180 right now and I really do enjoy them. One of the main things I liked was the 3 year warranty. Also they come with all the fixing to mount them quite easily. I do see a small amount of disco ball effect where the light concentrates through the rockwork but it's minimal and I don't even notice it unless I get to staring for a while. I don't run much as far as sps is concerned but I do have a large quantity of lps and zoas/plays. They all seem to love the lighting and some have never looked better.
I am still yet to run the lights at 100% and even at 80% some of my fish were hesitant to go all the way to the surface for food.

That is all

nrosdal 11-28-2013 01:54 AM

T5s... Ewww:mrgreen:

Doug 11-28-2013 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by nrosdal (Post 862017)
T5s... Ewww:mrgreen:


Doug 11-28-2013 03:12 AM


Originally Posted by tim the toolman (Post 861979)
I've got 2 of the it2080 on my 180 right now and I really do enjoy them. One of the main things I liked was the 3 year warranty. Also they come with all the fixing to mount them quite easily. I do see a small amount of disco ball effect where the light concentrates through the rockwork but it's minimal and I don't even notice it unless I get to staring for a while. I don't run much as far as sps is concerned but I do have a large quantity of lps and zoas/plays. They all seem to love the lighting and some have never looked better.
I am still yet to run the lights at 100% and even at 80% some of my fish were hesitant to go all the way to the surface for food.

That is all


Doug 11-28-2013 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by nrosdal (Post 862017)
T5s... Ewww:mrgreen:

Wellllllllllllllllllllll. You better come for coffee with a 2080 before I order the T-5, then its done.......:lol:

Doug 11-28-2013 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by tim the toolman (Post 861979)
I've got 2 of the it2080 on my 180 right now and I really do enjoy them. One of the main things I liked was the 3 year warranty. Also they come with all the fixing to mount them quite easily. I do see a small amount of disco ball effect where the light concentrates through the rockwork but it's minimal and I don't even notice it unless I get to staring for a while. I don't run much as far as sps is concerned but I do have a large quantity of lps and zoas/plays. They all seem to love the lighting and some have never looked better.
I am still yet to run the lights at 100% and even at 80% some of my fish were hesitant to go all the way to the surface for food.

That is all

Does the ballast get warm? Are they cooled or require cooling

Skimmerking 11-28-2013 01:46 PM

Doug I would seriously talk with Coasting I talked to her on the phone a awhile back and what a amazing person to talk to and great advice from the LED light that she has.

Aquattro 11-28-2013 02:07 PM

You need to decide on what you really want out of lighting. Control or coral color. LED will give you better control. T5, better color. Ya, so you have to replace bulbs. Suck it up, cost of doing business.

reefwars 11-28-2013 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 862115)
You need to decide on what you really want out of lighting. Control or coral color. LED will give you better control. T5, better color. Ya, so you have to replace bulbs. Suck it up, cost of doing business.

+1 to this

Skimmerking 11-28-2013 03:27 PM

i have the Mitras 6100 and I truely love it for what i can do to it the colors are loving my light it took a bit to get the corals used to it. But the Scollies love it and the Acans

kien 11-28-2013 03:29 PM

tank lighting is sort of like dating. You gotta try a bunch of them before you can make an informed decision on which one is best for you. You can't always rely on what your buddy or your mom tells you because she/he/it may not be right for you.

Skimmerking 11-28-2013 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 862144)
tank lighting is sort of like dating. You gotta try a bunch of them before you can make an informed decision on which one is best for you. You can't always rely on what your buddy or your mom tells you because she/he/it may not be right for you.

Doug 11-28-2013 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 862115)
You need to decide on what you really want out of lighting. Control or coral color. LED will give you better control. T5, better color. Ya, so you have to replace bulbs. Suck it up, cost of doing business.

Actually control is the least thing I want. Does not serve much purpose for me and I just screw it up anyways..:lol:

And like you, bulb replacement is a non issue, as long as its not on a 6 month basis or something stupid like that.

I basically want the best light for my.......SPS....tank. And roughly in the price range of both the listed fixtures. And both, one being 36in. and one being 32in. should provide good coverage for my 36 by 18 tank.

And as I have time to decide, I seek all possible information from other users. :D.. I prefer the 2080 leds but then besides the many I know on RC, I see well seasoned aquarists on here like yourself and others dumping their leds to get better colour in their sps corals or even growth and colour, as some have mentioned.

Sooooooooo, there must be something to that, regardless of the successful led lit sps tanks.

Is that not correct. And the t-5 vote is almost twice that of leds vote....interesting.

I should just suck it up as you say and buy the powermodule combo unit and be done with it....:lol:

Doug 11-28-2013 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 862144)
tank lighting is sort of like dating. You gotta try a bunch of them before you can make an informed decision on which one is best for you. You can't always rely on what your buddy or your mom tells you because she/he/it may not be right for you.

That is a fact for sure, but thats kind of expensive. I have run every kind over the many years. Not exact models but halide, pc, t-5 and leds.

AND, I only dated one woman and I married her.

Aquattro 11-28-2013 05:14 PM

Doug, a lot of people try to defend the growth ability of LED, and I think that's unwarranted. LED will certainly grow SPS, probably as well as MH. I had no complaints with growth. Really didn't have much to complain about in color either, just a difference that was noticeable to me. In the end, you can't go wrong with either, it just comes down to what you want to look at in YOUR tank.

kien 11-28-2013 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 862208)
In the end, you can't go wrong with either

unless you pick the wrong one.

Doug 11-28-2013 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 862211)
unless you pick the wrong one.


Skimmerking 11-28-2013 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 862211)
unless you pick the wrong one.

kien I totally agree with you on that one. Brad I seriously think if yopu had the money and could afford the Mitras you would still be using them. IMHO. I know that you loved your MH for the longest that I can remember. If you took the plunge on the AI sols but deep down I think you should have waited on pulling the trigger on those and went with the Mitras but that is alot of $$$ to fork out. I lucked out and got my unit the black 6100 for a smoking deal it was used for 30 days and the price i couldn't hold back on.

Aquattro 11-28-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 862224)
kien I totally agree with you on that one. Brad I seriously think if yopu had the money and could afford the Mitras you would still be using them.

sorry Mike, crack smoking at it's best :) If I had the money, I would have installed an HRV and kept MH. I would not spend the money on Mitras even if I won the lottery. The only thing I like about them is the quick disconnect. The light itself is crap, IMO.
If I were to start over, I'd seriously look at the ATI hybrid, which would have cost me what I paid for all my AIs originally. Having tried all three types of lighting now, for a SPS tank, I would choose MH, T5 then LED, in that order.

thmh 11-28-2013 06:06 PM

I agree with brad!!! If I was a baller I would do triple threat like Darryl mh+t5+led!!!


Leah 11-28-2013 06:11 PM

Another poll. Yeah! Sunpower all the way. Surely by know you guys have learned you never listen to Mike....gawd!!! :wink:

Doug 11-28-2013 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 862227)
If I had the money, I would have installed an HRV and kept MH.


Nano 11-28-2013 06:20 PM

In my very limited experience but totally accurate opinion ;) jk

I would say go t5. I love leds and the shimmer, and color options but from what i've seen and experienced (again limited) is t5 tanks usually have nice colors then led. I think leds have a better actinic color though if that makes any sense. Fwiw and you know this, as fast as the leds are evolving youll shell out for a fixture that will be T12 compared to t5 in a year. I still think leds have a long way to come before I would use them for coral again. I do love them on my freshy tanks though

thmh 11-28-2013 07:37 PM

Lights for my new 3ft...50g
Nvm just reread the post!! If your chasing sps colours hands down t5 but you soon want some pop pop so you will add some blues and royal blues .


Doug 11-28-2013 08:58 PM

:cry: Im pricing ATI combos now....:doh:

nrosdal 11-28-2013 09:25 PM

maybe you can be the guinea pig for everyone and get the sunpower and run it for a bit then i will give ya a LED to run for a while and if neither is to your liking we can try a hybrid. I just am not sure on how the T5s hold up for resale value as i wouldn't want you to lose money when you sell it at the end :twised:

Doug 11-28-2013 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by nrosdal (Post 862287)
maybe you can be the guinea pig for everyone and get the sunpower and run it for a bit then i will give ya a LED to run for a while and if neither is to your liking we can try a hybrid. I just am not sure on how the T5s hold up for resale value as i wouldn't want you to lose money when you sell it at the end :twised:

Okie doke Nick. But as Kien said its like choosing a girl friend. Nobody believe me anywho. If I tell Brad led is the best he will call me funny names.

kien 11-28-2013 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 862293)
Okie doke Nick. But as Kien said its like choosing a girl friend. Nobogy believe me anywho. If I tell Brad led is the best he will call me funny names.

and we all know how ridiculously expensive "girlfriends" are.. :neutral:

Aquattro 11-28-2013 10:14 PM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 862293)
If I tell Brad led is the best he will call me funny names.

Doug, LED are nice and might be best for you, only you can tell.

Doug 11-28-2013 10:15 PM

Thats not as bad as Brad calling me funny names..:D

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