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2014 tank resolution
I know it might be early for Christmas presents but a person could wish and make dreams come true

What is your plans towards your tank for 2014.
upgrades or downgrades
things you want to change...

For me is the start of a total reno of my system and my man cave :biggrin: as my glass is waiting for me to start...:biggrin: going to be a long build of my 10 footer...

kien 11-26-2013 03:09 PM

I resolve to..

1. Still have a tank by the end of 2014
2. Not crash my tank in 2014.

Anything else beyond that is icing on the cake.

Leah 11-26-2013 03:18 PM

Hope to get my sump going once again...with no leaks.

FishyFishy! 11-26-2013 03:19 PM

To actually buy a new tank from concept instead of screwing around with used crap!


Finish my new build

toytech 11-26-2013 03:30 PM

To actually have a tank by 2014 , and if its crammed full of sps by the end of 2014 that would be a bonus !

kien 11-26-2013 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by FishyFishy! (Post 861588)
To actually buy a new tank from concept instead of screwing around with used crap!


Finish my new build

I'll believe it when I see it..

FishyFishy! 11-26-2013 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 861592)
I'll believe it when I see it..

Hahaha I know right! I just finished the gym portion of that room... so now onto saving for a new glass box!

If it wasn't a 7.5 footer it would be way more affordable lol.

Skimmerking 11-26-2013 04:35 PM

To get a new sump built from Denny this year.

to go the balling method.

denny_C 11-26-2013 04:41 PM

to actually " own " a display again lol....while its only been since summer i miss it already and a frag tank isnt the same enjoyment:)

asylumdown 11-26-2013 04:51 PM

hmmm, if we sell this house soon, my resolution is to have a baller new tank built at concept, then slowly stock it with only high end SPS because I'm becoming a coral snob. If we don't sell this house soon, I'll continue trying to replace my more common corals with higher end 'designer' corals.

It will be cool to start from scratch again. I'm hoping for bigger because I'd love to keep my cowfish, but in all likelihood it will be smaller. I guess that will give me a chance to explore the small reef fish for once!

Delphinus 11-26-2013 05:04 PM

I'd kind of like to redo some the aquascaping in my tank and possibly replace some of the rocks. Kind of like how 1/3rd of the tank ended up but never been hugely enamored with the centre or the right hand side. Not sure what I'd like to go with instead, just ... "something other than what's there now."

Kind of tempted to DIY a new calcium reactor and put that back on my tank. I'll stick with the 2-part dosing as the main level maintainer but a small reactor on the side could be fun.

Also kind of miss a kalk reactor for that matter. Got rid of my old one because supposely kalk is incompatible with zeovit but seeing as I've given up on zeo there's no reason not to try kalk again. Other than the nuisance of sourcing good quality kalk and cleaning the reactor periodically, it seemed to do a good job of helping maintain good levels AND help attack PO4.

I'd love to setup a frag tank inline with my system. Have all the hardward to pull it off .. just not the space or the time. With the basement reno nearing its end I might have the time ... so first step is reorg the tank room to make space for a frag tank.

A dedicated QT setup wouldn't hurt. I pass on buying new fish all the time now for fear of introducing something to the current inhabitants because I don't have a running QT. I once tried setting up a QT on demand, it was a total disaster, I'll never do it again. But having a running QT up all the time ready to take on a few fish here or there could open up some fun possibilities.

Dunno how much of this I'll actually tackle ... just some fun ideas at this point. :)

Reef Pilot 11-26-2013 05:25 PM

For 2014, I want to get my phosphates down to zero consistently, and get rid of my algae problems once and for all.

Also, toying with the idea of getting a 2nd chiller, so I can run 2 sumps again, one for each tank.

Doug 11-27-2013 04:17 AM

I would just like to get my overflow done without cutting my fingers off. :lol:

Actually looking forward to building an Eli reef rock structure in the new tank, while awaiting my Feb. build of my Lifereef sump, skimmer, reactor and refuge. And then the transfer once the rock is established.

My clowns saying, " again, for crap sakes man", as they just get into my hand for the move. :lol:

Dez 11-27-2013 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 861582)
I resolve to..

1. Still have a tank by the end of 2014
2. Not crash my tank in 2014.

Anything else beyond that is icing on the cake.

That's my plan too.

Seriak 11-27-2013 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by asylumdown (Post 861603)
hmmm, if we sell this house soon, my resolution is to have a baller new tank built at concept, then slowly stock it with only high end SPS because I'm becoming a coral snob. If we don't sell this house soon, I'll continue trying to replace my more common corals with higher end 'designer' corals.

It will be cool to start from scratch again. I'm hoping for bigger because I'd love to keep my cowfish, but in all likelihood it will be smaller. I guess that will give me a chance to explore the small reef fish for once!

You should have put your house add here on canreef. Maybe someone needs a new house to go with their new fish tank.

TheMikey 11-27-2013 03:10 PM

Finally getting around to finishing my nano rebuild and getting back into the hobby!

gqlmao 11-27-2013 03:11 PM

I want my acros to grow... especially the really expensive ones. So I can frag and break even on the initial frag cost by hopefully after 2 more new year resolutions :cry:. Granted a disaster doesn't hit me first. Knock on wood.

michika 11-27-2013 03:13 PM

1. Finish the panneling around my tank
2. New Ca Reactor and new Kalk reactors (2-part then covers the extra)
3. Acquire Clams
4. Add more livestock (fish, refugium diversity, SPS, bigger clean up crew)
5. Finally start stocking the SPS side of things en masse
6. Finish upgrading/adjusting my lighting - MHs, LEDs and T5s are too much on one tank.
7. Replace a broken Ocean Motions
8. Enjoy my tank
9. Continue with weekly 150g WCs
10. Not throw in the towel.

The Grizz 11-27-2013 03:27 PM

Just have the new system finished before 2014 is my goal atm.

ashr 11-27-2013 06:22 PM

Id like to have some rare SPS growing and start fragging more if I can :)

New pumps and a skimmer would also be great

silverjfk 11-27-2013 06:46 PM

I will start up my first reef tank and have it running smooth by the end of 2014. Got a used 70 gal with all the equipment and some solid mentoring from my buddy Zoaelite. Just needs a good, make that ridiculous, cleaning and a new stand. Can't wait! 11-27-2013 09:06 PM

1 sell my frag tank

2 get concept to build me a 36x24x18 tank with external overflow and get totm with it

3 finish my diy led build

matt_C 11-28-2013 06:00 PM

i do not know if the store counts or not...
if it does , then
have the 16 footer clean of algae! maybe with more tangs!
finish panelling it.
hook up a gfo and carbon reactor
try to catch the lion fish!
get more schooling fish, once the lionfish is caught.

Skimmerking 11-28-2013 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by matt@concept (Post 862226)
i do not know if the store counts or not...
if it does , then
have the 16 footer clean of algae! maybe with more tangs!
finish panelling it.
hook up a gfo and carbon reactor
try to catch the lion fish!
get more schooling fish, once the lionfish is caught.

Matt the easiest way to catch the lionfish is to hook a fish like a gold fish or a molly and let the Lionfish eat it and taddd dahhhhhh 11-28-2013 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Skimmer King (Post 862230)
Matt the easiest way to catch the lionfish is to hook a fish like a gold fish or a molly and let the Lionfish eat it and taddd dahhhhhh

Big piece of krill on a hook that's big enough not to go down to far as they tend to swallow stuff whole... Just make sure it's barbless

Dearth 11-28-2013 06:36 PM

My 2014 wishlist is

1) completely relandscape my tank with all new rock
2) put even more brain corals in the tank
3) get coral with colour instead of green 11-28-2013 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 862235)
My 2014 wishlist is

1) completely relandscape my tank with all new rock
2) put even more brain corals in the tank
3) get coral with colour instead of green

That reminds me

4) get my wife a brain

kien 11-28-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 862237)
That reminds me

4) get my wife a brain

whoa, that's a bit harsh isn't it ? Wait, is she blonde ?

thmh 11-28-2013 07:43 PM

Become a Pokemon master .... Gotta catch them all!!

-Tony 11-28-2013 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 862248)
whoa, that's a bit harsh isn't it ? Wait, is she blonde ?

Yup, she says she wants a pink one

Or green

rickcasa 11-28-2013 11:36 PM

Get an Apex!! So it can be a better husband to my tank...and likewise I'll have more time to spend with the wife (feeling neglected) and be a better husband. :laluot_26:

Of course, I'll have to learn how to program it to automate everything beyond what my finger can lift or press....esp water changing. 11-28-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by rickcasa (Post 862321)
Get an Apex!! So it can be a better husband to my tank...and likewise I'll have more time to spend with the wife (feeling neglected) and be a better husband. :laluot_26:

Of course, I'll have to learn how to program it to automate everything beyond what my finger can lift or press....esp water changing.

When you get one lmk if you need any help programming it, it's pretty simple tbh

Auto water change might be a bit difficult but defiantly possible

I'm currently working on figuring out what all I'll need to build one

IMO go with the full system tho or at least the lite

lpsreefer 11-29-2013 08:03 AM

Finish aquascaping.
Finished the filtration.
Finish the fish room
Finish panelling the big tank
Enjoy display more!
And since I had some one give me an awesome idea today.
Automate the rest of my system.
As in automatic water change.
Automatic ro/di (no float switches or sensors)
It's a sweet idea!
Also thought it might be cool to hook up a fish feeder to it. Feed your fish when ever you want.

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