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Reef Supplies 11-18-2013 09:19 PM

WTF is wrong with this guy! Rob Ford AGAIN!
This guys life HAS to be scripted!


Ryan_Lap 11-18-2013 09:30 PM

Id love to see a film crew follow him around and air it on A&E.

Madreefer 11-18-2013 10:04 PM

Ummm who voted him in?
Awesome skit on SNL:lol:
And I thought crackheads were skinny??

reefermadness 11-18-2013 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 859740)
Ummm who voted him in?
Awesome skit on SNL:lol:
And I thought crackheads were skinny??

it was pretty easy. All he had to do was say....taxpayers....mumble mumble, save money, mumble mumble cut taxes mumble mumble, crack!

I guess the crack part came later though.

jorjef 11-18-2013 11:53 PM

This guy is gold. He's the reason I started to watch the news again. :lol:

jorjef 11-18-2013 11:58 PM

Oops double post

Reef Supplies 11-19-2013 12:54 AM

Our comedic version of G. W. Bush.!

rburns24 11-19-2013 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Reef Supplies (Post 859778)
Our comedic version of G. W. Bush.!

I wouldn't go that far. "Is our children learning" was one of a kind.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 11-19-2013 03:55 AM

He's auditioning to be on SNL (Saturday Night Live) when his stint as Mayor of the Center of the World is over:wink:

Reef Pilot 11-19-2013 03:59 AM

Hmmm, Toronto, isn't this the Center of the Universe?... LOL

He keeps throwing them (the media) a piece of meat every day,... and they keep coming back for more??.... Who is playing who here?

There is a saying, "Don't wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it."

Reef Pilot 11-19-2013 04:01 AM


Originally Posted by SeaHorse_Fanatic (Post 859822)
He's auditioning to be on SNL (Saturday Night Live) when his stint as Mayor of the Center of the World is over:wink:

I think he wants to be the Howard Stern of Canada,... and getting lots of help there.

HaZRaTTy 11-19-2013 04:47 AM

Like him or hate him in what he does in his personal life but the guy knew and was Very successful mayor. I don't live in T.O but from what I have read and seen he is one of the very few that stays with his budget and even decreases his expenses. He knew his books.

Hell in the hearing today the guy gave out his personal car phone and cell number for work.

The guy made a mistake? Without starting a war. I'm not defending him but why was drug testing shot down so quickly. Point is we don't know a lot of the "hidden" story.

Also alcohol was just proved to be the drug that causes the most harm
And worst to buy and because it's legal it's half ok for these suit pushers to get a DUI say sorry and continue on? Come on..

Reef Pilot 11-19-2013 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by HaZRaTTy (Post 859840)
Like him or hate him in what he does in his personal life but the guy knew and was Very successful mayor. I don't live in T.O but from what I have read and seen he is one of the very few that stays with his budget and even decreases his expenses. He knew his books.

I didn't know much about him or TO politics, just what the media fed us about his outrageous antics and from the comedy shows. He certainly comes across as a nutcase.

But last night he and his brother were on The National with Peter Mansbridge. Not sure what can be believed, but apparently he saved them a lot of money. He still looks like a nutcase to me. But can see why he might have some appeal there with the ordinary guy and his disdain for political correctness.

But honestly, I would rather not see this crap on TV. Torontonians, please keep your dirty laundry in your own house. We don't need to see it...

Fesso 11-19-2013 02:55 PM

The Guy 11-19-2013 03:33 PM

Can you say "Primeminister" his next quest according to him!!!!! :silly:

Slyguy00 11-19-2013 05:36 PM

Any publicity is good publicity lol:mrgreen:

ScubaSteve 11-19-2013 06:18 PM

I was supposed to have an interview on CTV National regarding the typhoon last week (during primetime no less), but my flippin' spot got bumped because Dough Boy pulled some crazy **** in the council chambers that day.

Let me get this straight: Thousands of people are dead and many others have had their life shattered by a natural disaster. Our country can help.

But... that is way less important than Fat Boy Ford acting like a douche.

Ford: Pull your **** together, bud.
Media: You really need to reassess your priorities...

Misses.ReefWars 11-19-2013 06:35 PM

omg...busting my gut right here hahaha!!!

saltcreep 11-19-2013 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by HaZRaTTy (Post 859840)
Like him or hate him in what he does in his personal life but the guy knew and was Very successful mayor. I don't live in T.O but from what I have read and seen he is one of the very few that stays with his budget and even decreases his expenses. He knew his books.

Hell in the hearing today the guy gave out his personal car phone and cell number for work.

The guy made a mistake? Without starting a war. I'm not defending him but why was drug testing shot down so quickly. Point is we don't know a lot of the "hidden" story.

Also alcohol was just proved to be the drug that causes the most harm
And worst to buy and because it's legal it's half ok for these suit pushers to get a DUI say sorry and continue on? Come on..

The story isn't hidden. The focus has been misdirected on the gong show that is Rob Ford. The more important story is the one that is his relationship to Alexander Lisi and all that comes with it. Ford is simply hiding behind the police investigation so that he doesn't have to answer the real questions. When those are answered, either by him or others, I'm quite confident he will lose his moral authority to retain the highest public office in the city of Toronto...if he hasn't done so already.

SanguinesDream 11-20-2013 01:35 AM

The medias' obsession with Rob Ford is the reason I finally left Facebook a week ago and after reading this thread, I have no desire to return.

What a person chooses to do on their personal time is their personal choice. If they act like an @$$, then they have to pay the consequences. But as long as dude did not spend cashola from the public coffers or perform any public duty in an altered state, then it be none of anyones' business.

The papparazzi approach to newcasting is unpalatable particularly when foreign correspondents are risking life and limb to bring real news to the world.

Madreefer 11-20-2013 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Reef Pilot (Post 859825)
I think he wants to be the Howard Stern of Canada,... and getting lots of help there.

Thats an insult to Stern.

Treebeard 11-20-2013 02:30 AM

Bang on.
Meanwhile, the shiny pony Justin Trudeau admits to smoking pot but gets completely forgiven by the masses and mainstream media. Don't get me wrong, I am not opposed to decriminalizing pot, but as it stands now, smoking crack and pot are both inditable, and all politicians should be expected to respect the law and be treated the same if they don't, especially those hoping to become PM.


Originally Posted by SanguinesDream (Post 860045)
The medias' obsession with Rob Ford is the reason I finally left Facebook a week ago and after reading this thread, I have no desire to return.

What a person chooses to do on their personal time is their personal choice. If they act like an @$$, then they have to pay the consequences. But as long as dude did not spend cashola from the public coffers or perform any public duty in an altered state, then it be none of anyones' business.

The papparazzi approach to newcasting is unpalatable particularly when foreign correspondents are risking life and limb to bring real news to the world.

Fesso 11-20-2013 03:11 AM

Actually not bang on at all....
Just for starters - under oath Ford's staffers have stated to the Toronto police that were frequently tasked with buying the mayor vodka approximately 10 times per month during work hours because Ford didn't want to be seen at the LCBO. That's tax dollars well spent.

Personal life vs Public life argument eh?
In the private sector that argument would never wash and any CEO would have been history 6 months ago when the allegations were just allegations let alone admitted truths.

SanguinesDream 11-20-2013 03:40 AM


Originally Posted by Fesso (Post 860092)
Actually not bang on at all....
Just for starters - under oath Ford's staffers have stated to the Toronto police that were frequently tasked with buying the mayor vodka approximately 10 times per month during work hours because Ford didn't want to be seen at the LCBO. That's tax dollars well spent.

Personal life vs Public life argument eh?
In the private sector that argument would never wash and any CEO would have been history 6 months ago when the allegations were just allegations let alone admitted truths.

Did you miss the "But as long as dude did not spend cashola from the public coffers or perform any public duty in an altered state, then it be none of anyones' business." part?

As for CEO, CFO, CAO, Directors, Board members, et al and allegations???? I spat my gin out on the screen of my corporate phone. Thanks for the laugh, I am still wiping away the tears.

Fesso 11-20-2013 04:06 AM


Originally Posted by SanguinesDream (Post 860096)
Did you miss the "But as long as dude did not spend cashola from the public coffers or perform any public duty in an altered state, then it be none of anyones' business." part?

Nope didn't miss that at all, Ford's staffers are payed from public coffers.

So your telling me that a CEO of a multi billion corporation wouldn't take a leave of absence or be forced to resign after admitting to smoking crack (only after denying it and getting caught) and being involved in a police investigation involving murder and extortion that he refuses to comment on? Maybe you're right and he is just waiting for the Golden Parachute he is so entitled to before he moves on and lets us have our city back. Enjoy your gin. :mrgreen:

SanguinesDream 11-20-2013 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Treebeard (Post 860076)
Meanwhile, the shiny pony Justin Trudeau

How to put this tactfully.....if you are calling JT "the shiny pony" you may want to turn of the Sun "News" Network and stop listening to anything Ezra Levant tries to sell you. There was a reason that the Sun didn't achieve mandatory carriage or cannot sustain itself in the free market it so vehemently purports to defend.

reefermadness 11-20-2013 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by SanguinesDream (Post 860096)
Did you miss the "But as long as dude did not spend cashola from the public coffers or perform any public duty in an altered state, then it be none of anyones' business." part?

As for CEO, CFO, CAO, Directors, Board members, et al and allegations???? I spat my gin out on the screen of my corporate phone. Thanks for the laugh, I am still wiping away the tears.

He is right. Any CEO would be forced out. Only problem with being a publically elected mayor apparently is that he can't be forced out.

And as far as the Trudeau admitting to smoking pot. Rob Ford got his pass on smoking pot too because he came out unprovoked and admitted pot use as well.

Crack > worse than pot. People from all walks of life use pot but I can tell you that generally its only people who make poor choices use crack. People who would do things like hire a prostitute, drive under the influence, snort cocaine etc. All things Ford is alleged to do.

Treebeard 11-20-2013 03:13 PM

Ezra Levant has an opinion, you have yours. The truth is somewhere in between. If you rely on CBC or CTV as your sole information source you are only getting one side.

And speaking of surviving in the free market, I wonder how long the CBC would last without the billion or so taxpayer dollars we generously give them every year? I don't watch Sun News or CBC by the way.


Originally Posted by SanguinesDream (Post 860140)
How to put this tactfully.....if you are calling JT "the shiny pony" you may want to turn of the Sun "News" Network and stop listening to anything Ezra Levant tries to sell you. There was a reason that the Sun didn't achieve mandatory carriage or cannot sustain itself in the free market it so vehemently purports to defend.

SanguinesDream 11-20-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by reefermadness (Post 860179)
He is right. Any CEO would be forced out.

Evidence please.

And please don't get me wrong, I am NOT defending Ford. All of his illegal behaviours should be proven before a court of law and punished accordingly, that is what "consequences" mean.

But this court of public opinion that is media driven has its' own drivers too, and THAT should be exposed for what it is before being accepted as fact.

SanguinesDream 11-20-2013 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Treebeard (Post 860183)
Ezra Levant has an opinion, you have yours. The truth is somewhere in between. If you rely on CBC or CTV as your sole information source you are only getting one side.

And speaking of surviving in the free market, I wonder how long the CBC would last without the billion or so taxpayer dollars we generously give them every year? I don't watch Sun News or CBC by the way.

I don't watch cable or satellite TV. Direct stream internet all the way, baby.

Coralgurl 11-20-2013 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by SanguinesDream (Post 860293)
Evidence please.

And please don't get me wrong, I am NOT defending Ford. All of his illegal behaviours should be proven before a court of law and punished accordingly, that is what "consequences" mean.

But this court of public opinion that is media driven has its' own drivers too, and THAT should be exposed for what it is before being accepted as fact.

Are you stating that CEO's, employees etc are not forced out if it is deemed they have a problem with substance abuse whether at home or work???? I know for a fact this is true - most employers when confronted with someone who's personal life is interfering with work life will indeed step in. Most will offer the employee, CEO etc the opportunity to get help, some even dictate what that help looks like and can force drug/alcohol testing to substantiate claims and dictate how long said CEO/employee has to adhere to this program. If the employee/CEO makes it the employers problem again, they have every right to terminate. I KNOW as my ex was given a paid leave of absence to voluntarily attend a rehab program. He also signed an agreement that said further incidences were grounds for immediate termination. A few months later, owner of business could smell the booze on him from the night before and he was escorted off the lot, personal items sent later. By the way - he died from his addictions.

Do you not see this guy on TV, you don't even have to listen to the reporters - just watch him. Nothing he is doing is normal behavior, the guy has taken a reality break regardless of the allegations he's facing and needs to step away. OH YA, do you not think these things happen??? I have a family member who was hospitalized for 2 months last year after all the drugs and alcohol. Docs don't know if the issues came before the abuse or were a result of. Almost 2 years later and he's still not stable.

Do you have any experience with these types of issues?????? Its completely clear this guy has lost it. And for reference purposes - CHARLIE SHEEN. Exact same behavior. Rob Ford has lied repeatedly to everyone about whether he uses, until confronted with a video, oh, then let's fess up. He's lied about everything, typical of an addict and you think the staffers are making these allegations for no reason????? Typical response of someone in denial, its everyone else's issue, no way this is happening. Pretty sure if it smells like s@#$, looks like s*&^, then it probably is S#*&.

Why does this need to go to court??? The city has to prove their mayor is a crack smoking, driving drunk, whore mongerer to actually lose his job(which is a consequence btw)??? ARE YOU SERIOUS???? Cool, we'll all sit back and watch as he continues to embarrass the rest of the country with his antics!! Awesomeness!!!!

Madreefer 11-21-2013 12:24 AM

Charlie Sheen was wasy more entertaining. This guys a douchetard.

Treebeard 11-21-2013 01:00 AM

Not sure about that. I thought everyone loves a fat drunk. But Charlie does like the hookers which some may envy because of the cost. :mrgreen:


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 860348)
Charlie Sheen was wasy more entertaining. This guys a douchetard.

Doug 11-21-2013 01:33 AM

Is using the term "fat" in this context is not correct IMO. I was going to close it but if you wish to keep discussing this matter, perhaps keep it within some boundaries. Thanks

SanguinesDream 11-21-2013 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by Coralgurl (Post 860322)
Are you stating that CEO's, employees etc are not forced out if it is deemed they have a problem with substance abuse whether at home or work???? I know for a fact this is true - most employers when confronted with someone who's personal life is interfering with work life will indeed step in. Most will offer the employee, CEO etc the opportunity to get help, some even dictate what that help looks like and can force drug/alcohol testing to substantiate claims and dictate how long said CEO/employee has to adhere to this program. If the employee/CEO makes it the employers problem again, they have every right to terminate. I KNOW as my ex was given a paid leave of absence to voluntarily attend a rehab program. He also signed an agreement that said further incidences were grounds for immediate termination. A few months later, owner of business could smell the booze on him from the night before and he was escorted off the lot, personal items sent later. By the way - he died from his addictions.

Do you not see this guy on TV, you don't even have to listen to the reporters - just watch him. Nothing he is doing is normal behavior, the guy has taken a reality break regardless of the allegations he's facing and needs to step away. OH YA, do you not think these things happen??? I have a family member who was hospitalized for 2 months last year after all the drugs and alcohol. Docs don't know if the issues came before the abuse or were a result of. Almost 2 years later and he's still not stable.

Do you have any experience with these types of issues?????? Its completely clear this guy has lost it. And for reference purposes - CHARLIE SHEEN. Exact same behavior. Rob Ford has lied repeatedly to everyone about whether he uses, until confronted with a video, oh, then let's fess up. He's lied about everything, typical of an addict and you think the staffers are making these allegations for no reason????? Typical response of someone in denial, its everyone else's issue, no way this is happening. Pretty sure if it smells like s@#$, looks like s*&^, then it probably is S#*&.

Why does this need to go to court??? The city has to prove their mayor is a crack smoking, driving drunk, whore mongerer to actually lose his job(which is a consequence btw)??? ARE YOU SERIOUS???? Cool, we'll all sit back and watch as he continues to embarrass the rest of the country with his antics!! Awesomeness!!!!

Oy vey. What part of "I am NOT defending Ford" did you not understand?!? :frusty:

I don't care one way or the other what the guy does. He is responsible for his actions and the resulting consequences, be that be jail time or rehab.

BUT this trial by public opinion in the MEDIA is the thing I take issue with. Let the judiciary system do its' job. From what I understand, the OPP already had a handle on this guy prior to the media involvement. Let them finish their jobs. The Media doesn't need to perpetuate a feeding frenzy as obstructs the current investigation.

SanguinesDream 11-21-2013 02:37 AM


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 860383)
Is using the term "fat" in this context is not correct IMO. I was going to close it but if you wish to keep discussing this matter, perhaps keep it within some boundaries. Thanks

+10 000 000

Keep it classy.

Coralgurl 11-21-2013 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by SanguinesDream (Post 860401)
Oy vey. What part of "I am NOT defending Ford" did you not understand?!? :frusty:

I don't care one way or the other what the guy does. He is responsible for his actions and the resulting consequences, be that be jail time or rehab.

BUT this trial by public opinion in the MEDIA is the thing I take issue with. Let the judiciary system do its' job. From what I understand, the OPP already had a handle on this guy prior to the media involvement. Let them finish their jobs. The Media doesn't need to perpetuate a feeding frenzy as obstructs the current investigation.

But that's what the media does....someone's a train wreck and they focus on all the crazy. Ford is feeding off it just as much as everyone else. Even reporting on tragic natural disasters, especially wars, there are no objective opinions in the media and as long as people watch, it will always be like this.

Treebeard 11-21-2013 02:45 AM

Sorry Doug. But he could most definitely lose a few pounds and he is apparently working on it. I am quite certain Rob knows he is "fat". Please pardon my frankness aka political incorrectness.
I am unsubscribing from this thread. It's going nowhere.


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 860383)
Is using the term "fat" in this context is not correct IMO. I was going to close it but if you wish to keep discussing this matter, perhaps keep it within some boundaries. Thanks

Reef Supplies 11-21-2013 04:21 PM

well, this sure went to s**t :sad:

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