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Aqua-Digital 11-07-2013 06:23 PM

Not long now!!!!

The original system developed by Hans Werner balling, the system everyone tried to copy simplify and never really get it right!

we will be launching kits in December to include the GHL doser, bubble magus fluid chambers and tube brackets, there will also be break down kits for those that want to mix and match.


Aqua-Digital 11-07-2013 06:36 PM

Here are some initial pricing for the salts (subject to change based on shipping rates)

starter set of 3 x 1kg ABC = $49.99
individual salts @ 1kg = $18.99

1kg = 5L of mix. To give an example in testing on our tank 5L dosing ALK at 40ml a day = 4 months. ALK is the highest draw, NACL with MG is not far behind as it has the trace elements in it so needs an equally high dose.

pre mixed liquid 1000ml x 3 (ABC, separate bottle for each) = $34.99

Aqua-Digital 11-07-2013 06:40 PM

Here is a link explaining the importance of the bio actif system that goes along with the balling system

H2o2 11-07-2013 08:14 PM

And the GHL stand alone doser 3 and 4 price is ? drum roll please

Aqua-Digital 11-07-2013 08:40 PM

the SA3 current price is $399 and $489 for the SA4

we have not yet worked out the pack pricing this will come next week

H2o2 11-08-2013 05:32 AM

Thanks and will watch for the pac price also

Doug 11-08-2013 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by H2o2 (Post 857441)
Thanks and will watch for the pac price also

Me to

mr_alberta 11-08-2013 04:33 PM

I am down for this Michael! Keep me posted.


mrhasan 11-08-2013 06:48 PM

Count me in :)

janey 11-09-2013 02:46 AM

Is it comin to the USA too ??

Aqua-Digital 11-10-2013 10:52 PM

Not sure yet, if we decide to ship via our USA warehouse then yes, if not then we will do the same deal minus the salts and line you up with a retailer of ours in the USA that sells Tropic Marin.

Aqua-Digital 11-10-2013 10:55 PM

Quick update - been working today on pricing, but we need to wait for our shipper to quote on shipping from Atlanta to our new york warehouse, we will then have it road hauled up to Ottawa. Once we get these quotes we can release pricing.

we have ordered approx 500kg to start ;)

H2o2 11-11-2013 05:27 AM

Standing by ....

Aqua-Digital 11-11-2013 11:37 AM

The GHL Balling starter Kits will include

1 x SA3 (slave doser an option)
1 x 3kg set of A,B,C balling minerals from Tropic Marin
3 x 5L or 2.5L high quality acrylic cylinder fluid containers
1 x tube holder.
1 x set of Pro coral A and K elements

Mix and match options also available where equipment options can be removed if not required.

Contact your retailer in USA or Canada for pricing

BlueTang<3 11-11-2013 01:59 PM

Just when I was geting sick of my calcium reactor :lol:

Looks like Christmas will be a p3 a doser.

H2o2 11-11-2013 02:28 PM

Me to HO HO HO

Aqua-Digital 11-25-2013 09:07 PM

So here you have it pricing announced!!!!!!!

Balling salt only starter set A,B,C
= $49.99

Basic set 2.5L - includes, A,B,C set, coral A elements 200ml, Coral K elements 200ml, dosing tube holder, 3 x 2.5L BM fluid chambers
= $174.00

Basic set 5L - includes, A,B,C set, coral A elements 500ml, Coral K elements 500ml, dosing tube holder, 3 x 5L BM fluid chambers
= $199.00

Starter set 2.5L - includes, GHL SA3 doser, A,B,C set, coral A elements 200ml, Coral K elements 200ml, dosing tube holder, 3 x 2.5L BM fluid chambers

Starter set 5L - includes, GHL SA3 doser, A,B,C set, coral A elements 500ml, Coral K elements 500ml, dosing tube holder, 3 x 2.5L BM fluid chambers

Please note we are taking pre orders for the kits with the dosers as distribution got cleared out of stock before the salts arrived, we are waiting for the new shipment from Germany, approx 3 weeks.

each of either A,B,C per 1kg = $19.99 each

Coral A Elements 200ml = $18.95
Coral K elements 500ml = $28.95

Cost example. I have been running my fully stocked 120gallon on one set for 6 months, I have 1.5L of ALK left, 2L of Ca, and 2.0L of NACL with elements. I have not done a water change in 6 months as an experiment and the tank is thriving, the salinity has not changed. Due to usining the proper balling method and not a cut down version the system replensihes daily all the elements you find in sea salt without adding any sodium chloride. This test has been very informative how using the original balling method does put back into the water what a water change does however on a balanced daily amount. Note - I am not advocating not to do water changes this is just as an example of the effectiveness of using a proper balanced 3 part system and why Hans Werner Balling system works.

Aqua-Digital 11-25-2013 10:27 PM

Typo - the 5L Starter kit does come with 5L chambers not as wrongly posted.

BlueTang<3 11-26-2013 02:47 AM

Where is the best place to find info on this. Mixing the product and what not, from what I assume its for ca, all and mag. Are your running a complete tropic marine system now as opposed to zeo? Would I be better with a non stand alone doser of I buy a controller package.

Aqua-Digital 11-26-2013 11:27 AM

Yep its for dosing ca, mg and ALK but along with it all the trace elements found in sea water without adding any sodium chloride.

Mixing is simple, add 4.5L per 1kg of water to the bucket then pour in the powder and give it a swirl. You will be left with some residual in the ALK container as it is designed to reach saturation.

Depends on your needs really, most people to be honest will opt for the stand alone doser as its the cheapest option.

Here is my dosing regime

Balling system as above
Prodibio biodigest 1 vial for up to 250 gallon every two weeks
Prodibio BioPtim 1 vial per every 50 gallon of tank water every two weeks
1 scoop mixed of TM BioActif once a week
TM pro coral A and K mixed in with the ca and ALK balling salts so it doses with the salts

TM Coral reef snow 100ml mixed with TM phyton and zooton once a day

BlueTang<3 11-26-2013 12:23 PM

The pro bio is a different low nutrient system, I have thousands of dollars in zeo stuff are they compatible? As for the controller I have been on the fence for a few years just haven't pulled the trigger, it's kinda overwhelming when I try and research about it. I have the mitras and don't have a computer so I am not utilizing them properly.

Aqua-Digital 11-26-2013 02:15 PM

Yes the balling system is A,B,C have nothing to do with ULNS

also still add the A,K elements

BlueTang<3 11-26-2013 09:54 PM

So for the 5 l kit it's get 4.5 l ro water and dump in the salts and adjust the amount of daily addition. Sounds easy, do we preorder with you or a dealer.

Aqua-Digital 11-26-2013 10:03 PM

Dealer only we don't sell direct just ask your dealer to get it in if they have not got it coming already.

Aqua-Digital 11-27-2013 06:52 PM

Dealers now receiving the first wave of balling kits! contact us if you need help finding supply but it is quite wide spread.

Chase31 11-27-2013 08:43 PM

I know i probably wont be able to get my hands on this right away but where in edmonton or online would this be avalible?

Aqua-Digital 11-27-2013 08:49 PM

Edmonton is loaded with dealers of our including the large chain Pet Pros

marine aquaria
red corals

These are the two other big boys up there.

BlueTang<3 11-28-2013 03:39 AM

More questions

Does it include tubing or do we need that extra? If so how much does it include?

Chase31 11-28-2013 03:51 AM

Wes, are you thinking of going with this system? Where are you planning to purchase it? I was thinking of using it as my first dosing system As I'd like to try Sps and start getting my mag and cal up.

Aqua-Digital 11-28-2013 11:13 AM

tubing is not included as everyones requirements in length would be different.

BlueTang<3 11-30-2013 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by Chase31 (Post 862059)
Wes, are you thinking of going with this system? Where are you planning to purchase it? I was thinking of using it as my first dosing system As I'd like to try Sps and start getting my mag and cal up.

Where ever I can get one, pricing will be the same everywhere. I will probally go harass Harvey

Aqua-Digital 11-30-2013 04:53 PM

Yep it should be, we do our best to keep pricing stability so the end user does not have to waste hours trying to find deals. ;)

Just an Fyi the 5L BM containers flew out and are now on back order however anyone ordering a 5L can use temporarily other containers and we will ship once they come in.

I am getting air freighted a batch of 5L to see us through.

2.5L are in stock.

BlueTang<3 11-30-2013 10:42 PM

With mixing on the 5 l kit would it be 2 boxes of A or 1 box ? Or does 1 box of A make a lot. Sorry for all the questions.

Aqua-Digital 11-30-2013 10:47 PM

one box of each makes 5L of mineral so if you are opting for the 2.5L container you just use 500g of each of the 1kg box.

A - Alkalinity
B - Calcium
C - NACL + elements including Magnesium.

Aqua-Digital 11-30-2013 10:49 PM

Due to the high mineral content of Tropic Marin Balling in my personal experience used less than any of the attempted copies I have tried, so it works out cheaper in use also.

Smudge 12-01-2013 12:50 AM

I am currently dosing BRS cal, alk at about 300ml a day. If I were to change to the balling system would the rates stay the same? Currently running 150g main 70g sump mixed reef leaning towards sps.

Aqua-Digital 12-01-2013 11:55 AM

100% impossible to determine, every tank needs are different. however this system is not about how little it will use but instead doing balling (or 3 part) correctly.

BRS adds none of the elements that are associated with real 3 part dosing and it also adds sodium chloride to the tank, furthermore inexpensive mineral mixes are inexpensive for a reason.

You just can not judge the two systems together. These systems at best do the bare minimum to your tank that balling (or true 3 part) should be doing, at worst creating ionic imbalances.

Aqua-Digital 12-03-2013 10:12 PM

WoW demand has been huge, all doser kits sold out through dealers in days.

next doser shipment in 2 weeks so get your pro orders in for the original balling system designed and produced by the man who invented it! Coupled with the GHL doser the original and best.

No point buying a cut down copy when you can have the real thing cheaper :)

monza 06-06-2014 04:42 AM

When dosing part C is there a relation to how much to dose based on how much of parts A and B are being dosed. Or is C dosed strictly measuring and testing Mag.?


Aqua-Digital 06-06-2014 11:30 AM

If the system was started with all parameters in check then C should equal B however life is never that simple, so in the beginning of dosing while you are balancing you will get a difference, once in balance you "should be able" to get C pretty close to the same dosing as B. If you notice the Mag is out of balance then add Mg as a different element, but this should not be required.

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