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Basile 11-06-2013 11:25 AM

Dear old United States
You can say what ever you want about the States for or againts but in terms of service and supplies they're # 1.

A few things to remember; they're 350 millions we're 31 millions and things cost less with lower taxes .

However; an example of me having to do 100km just to get the right PVC reducing elbow for my aquarium plumbing at Loews in the states that i couldn't find here at are Loews in Canada i find ridiculous. This applies to lots of stuff in are hobbies and not exclusively to are hobby .

Doing this poll i'm curious how many of you find the need to go statewise and why, supplies, service, price, road vote and tell us why.

NU-2reef 11-06-2013 01:15 PM

You should just go live in the states.

IanWR 11-06-2013 01:35 PM

I haven't had the need to look south of the border yet. Either I can get what I need at our lfs and keep the money local, or I have found what I need from online vendors in Canada. There are several dealers that offer free shipping over x amount which is never hard to reach. If I needed something that was unavailable in Canada I would have no problem ordering it from wherever, it just hasn't happened yet.

For those of you that live on the border I can see how you could save money drop shipping stuff and picking it up.

BC564 11-06-2013 02:22 PM

I havent found the need....other than gifts and junk you buy when your on a trip.

reefermadness 11-06-2013 02:25 PM

Im sure you could have found that fitting local if you looked. Maybe not at loews but most decent cities will have a store that carries everything (ie. underground sprinkler suppliers, etc).

I've never absolutely NEEDED to get something from the US. Sometimes I do for various reasons though.

Coasting 11-06-2013 02:43 PM

I go about every 2 months for various non fish related things. Food mainly... They have so much stuff we don't have up here, and its soooo much cheaper. Heck even my dogs Canadian made food, is $20 a bag cheaper down in the states.
As for fish stuff, When I used t5 lighting, I bought all my bulbs down there. They were at least half the price, if not cheaper, then any local or online Canadian dealer.

Basile 11-06-2013 03:23 PM

First i didn't ask for rude answers i asked who was going to the states for supplies, and how many times.
For those who think i go to the states with joy and for the purpose of saving, think again, first its 3 h both ways; i could do something else with my life. Second ; savings gas wise i still burn gas to get trinkets for my tank, as for moving there, thats plain rude. No i'd rather that are stores kept a better stock and a coherent one. And if i hadn't done 12 different hardware stores in the Nation's Capital who's got a pretty descent population and store variety i wonder about the smaller towns i wouldn't have to drive all the way there.Plus the internet is not always convenient when you want it NOW , its leaking, kinda stuff. The point is many stores here don't bother to serves us the way they do it in the states. So to all the managers out there who may be listening , reading or answering rudely pick it up butter cup! Its a sad situation when you have to go to another country to get stuff from the same company who serves both countries but leaves us with the left overs. If you ever visit a plumbing section in the states versus one in Canada you'll see what i mean. And by the way its a subject that is very recurrent from people who do go to the states and shop and see the difference, in price, services and diversity of products. You have to have been there to know what your talking about.......

sphelps 11-06-2013 03:37 PM

Sounds like you just don't know where to look, hardware stores are poor suppliers of PVC fittings the fact you'd expect them to carry odd ball fittings is just silly. Big chain stores don't carry everything for good reason, inventory costs money and higher overhead means higher prices. The type of fitting you're looking doesn't get used in typical "hardware store" applications but that's where specialty stores come in. There are many plumbing stores throughout Canada that carry everything you need, even in small towns I've managed to find pretty much everything. Also not sure why service would be better in the states from Canada, I think we get much better service in our own country.

Reef Pilot 11-06-2013 03:51 PM

The problem in Canada, is the cost of doing business, It is not just taxes, but the regulations that jack up the cost, and much of that is at the local municipal level. That means you need much higher gross margins to make a profit.

I was in retail (big box) my whole career. We used to be able to build a store from land purchase to opening in 2 - 3 years. Then it stretched to 3 - 5 years. Now it is not uncommon 5- 7, and even 10 years to get a large store up and running. And the costs just keep going up. And then it usually takes another 5 years or so, just to break even with the new store.

Some places are better than others. Alberta is still not too bad. But BC is very bad, and getting worse, especially in the Metro Vancouver area. And I know Ontario is bad, too.

It is very hard for a Canadian retail chain to grow organically (store by store). It is much easier to buy a dying chain (like Zellers and others gone by) and then get a head start with a bunch of stores. But that takes a lot of capital, which the struggling Canadian retailers don't have. As a result, American chains, with their massive economies of scale can come in and set up shop here, much easier than us locals.

Having said that, they all don't get it right either from the start. Target is a good example. And they can't sell the stuff here either for the same price as they do in the US.

But like I said, the real culprit is the municipal fiefdoms, called planning depts, that are really only there to serve themselves, not the tax paying public and consumers. As a result we are doomed to keep buying from the US whenever we can.

The Codfather 11-06-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Basile (Post 856956)
So to all the managers out there who may be listening , reading or answering rudely pick it up butter cup! Its a sad situation when you have to go to another country to get stuff from the same company who serves both countries but leaves us with the left overs. If you ever visit a plumbing section in the states versus one in Canada you'll see what i mean.

First of all, theres a thing called a phone. Maybe use that first before driving all over the country side looking for a fitting. Second, I cannot imagine that there was nothing available that couldnt be used. Ive been to a wholesale a couple times, and they could always find a fitting or fittings that could be used instead of. Third, and probably should have mentioned first. A fitting. One? A manager/company/wholesale is not going to, and never will, bend over backwards to fill an order of one fitting. The cost of which was what? $1.50?? Tops??
Im sorry, but I laughed when I read this. This is called poor planning on your part. You mentioned "a leak, and you need it now".....Sorry, but pvc fittings and pipe dont just spring a leak. If anyone is planning on doing something serious on their tank that involves the plumbing, you had better have a plan and a good one.
Now before you complain at my answer, which I know is coming. Tell me this. Did you reasearch this at all? Again, the phone and computer in front of you would have solved your problem faster. And for the record, I shop local.

Madreefer 11-06-2013 04:02 PM

Maybe polls on this site should be reef related.:wink:

Aquattro 11-06-2013 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 856962)
Maybe polls on this site should be reef related.:wink:

Maybe you could make a salt poll...:)

Magickiwi 11-06-2013 04:13 PM

I worked in retail for MANY years before finding my path in life and I've managed and worked with the supply chain for much of that time. When it comes to delivery and stock companies consider US orders before fulfilling Canadian orders. This isn't always the case but in general that's the way it goes. A Lowes store in the US can order the same parts at the same time and if the distributor only has one on hand the US order is fulfilled first.

In Canada the distribution of inventory tends to flow from Ontario and then fan out from there. BCE is horrible for this, the buyers would get what they can from the distributors, BCE will fulfill Ontario orders and then distribute what was left to other markets. For the longest time Calgary was dead last in priority so they'd be putting items on sale that NEVER made it to the stores. Imagine how happy people are with that.

It was an issue that we just couldn't resolve with the distribution chain.

So being a Canadian and finding that a Canadian retail store doesn't have an item that they are supposed to have or dealing with frustrating shortages of what are supposed to be common materials I know where it's coming from. Big box stores discontinuing very popular products because they didn't sell well in Toronto etc. It just sucks being a secondary market.

Treebeard 11-06-2013 04:20 PM

I am reserving judgement until someone can tell me where I can find this in Strathmore or Calgary.

Clear netting

Not interested in the garden variety gray or green stuff with 1/2 holes. Hell, for that matter, tell me where I can order it from an online Canadian shop.

Alberta-newb 11-06-2013 04:26 PM

Well keeping on topic and reef related, I haven't shopped in the US yet except for chloroquine phosphate. I have now got a local vet to write a prescription so I can purchase locally. I would like to travel south for fish food IF I can find a way to get it across the border without ending up in jail. It seems the Canadian government had now made mixed frozen fish foods virtually impossible or unprofitable to import. Specifically I've been looking for Pro-Salt's Angel Diet. I have used this successfully for very finicky new fish as a first food where everything else has failed. Now I can not get it anywhere :(

The new rules also seem to apply to Ocean Nutritions Angel Blend as well.

So yes, I will cross border shop if I can find a way to import for personal use.

Madreefer 11-06-2013 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Treebeard (Post 856969)
I am reserving judgement until someone can tell me where I can find this in Strathmore or Calgary.

Clear netting

Not interested in the garden variety gray or green stuff with 1/2 holes. Hell, for that matter, tell me where I can order it from an online Canadian shop.

Have you seen the stuff that your not interested in? Many have used it.

Madreefer 11-06-2013 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 856964)
Maybe you could make a salt poll...:)

Oh if I was'nt so computer illiterate.:lol:

kien 11-06-2013 04:30 PM

I don't travel to the United States specifically to find things that I can't find here. It's the 20th century, that's what the Internet is for. I've found a lot of stuff online from various vendors across Canada.

Also, none of those polls options seem to apply to me! There should be another option it seems. "None of the above"

jorjef 11-06-2013 04:39 PM

The "poll" option on this site needs to DIE..........Except for pretty pictures and tanks.. The next poll should be about killing polls

Magickiwi 11-06-2013 05:09 PM

I voted I want to move there but I specifically have the Virgin Islands or Hawaii in mind :D

lastlight 11-06-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 856959)
Sounds like you just don't know where to look, hardware stores are poor suppliers of PVC fittings the fact you'd expect them to carry odd ball fittings is just silly. Big chain stores don't carry everything for good reason, inventory costs money and higher overhead means higher prices. The type of fitting you're looking doesn't get used in typical "hardware store" applications but that's where specialty stores come in. There are many plumbing stores throughout Canada that carry everything you need, even in small towns I've managed to find pretty much everything. Also not sure why service would be better in the states from Canada, I think we get much better service in our own country.

^ this. Western pump at least here in calgary is just that. Cheaper than the big box stores too. Save money and pretty much any part you could ever need.

AdamsB 11-06-2013 06:17 PM

I shop online mostly, I spend probably 25% in the states. Mostly BRS but recently used Dr fosters for salt as well as being able to get dog and cat things all in one place. My first purchase was a light unit from fish need it in the states for my 20 gallon, cost was the only factor. 24 inch 4 bulb t5ho with bulbs was $180 I believe. Locally I could get a 2 bulb for 150.

Now I shop online for what I need and as long as it's not a huge % difference I don't consider the price to be a determining factor to pick state or canada side. I like J&L for a very fast and free delivery. Recently ordered DI resin and gfo from reef and soon will be getting a wp40 from Nick at reefsupplycanada. Not to mention the money I drop on MJC :D

But for me online is the only way to go. I spend at most 5% of my reefing dollars locally because of price, selection and quality. Occasionally I see something nice but very seldom.

Aquattro 11-06-2013 07:30 PM

I ordered 8 pairs of runners out of the US last year, my preferred shoe was on sale for about 30% of cost here, so well worth it. Purely a cost issue. Well, that color was also only available in the US..

Starry 11-06-2013 07:46 PM

I dont actually GO there. But I do usually hit the boxing day sales online for certain items.

Parker 11-06-2013 08:25 PM

I don't typically order reef related items online, I'm more of a right now kind of guy. I tend to support one store ( when the tank is running ) and they have always treated me fair with pricing and service.

neoh 11-06-2013 08:41 PM

Corix Water Products
2446 Leitrim Rd, Gloucester, ON K1T 3V3 ‎

They have a walk-in wholesale joint to get just one or two pieces of any kind of plumbing you need. Gate valves, the works. And it's a couple minutes out of Ottawa.

Call them and make sure they do it - they do here in Richmond, but - who knows.

monocus 11-07-2013 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by Treebeard View Post
I am reserving judgement until someone can tell me where I can find this in Strathmore or Calgary.

Clear netting

Not interested in the garden variety gray or green stuff with 1/2 holes. Hell, for that matter, tell me where I can order it from an online Canadian shop.

try a hobby store for hook carpets.just because we are into a specific hobby ,doesn't mean we can't utilize other materials.

paddyob 11-07-2013 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by sphelps (Post 856959)
Sounds like you just don't know where to look, hardware stores are poor suppliers of PVC fittings the fact you'd expect them to carry odd ball fittings is just silly. Big chain stores don't carry everything for good reason, inventory costs money and higher overhead means higher prices. The type of fitting you're looking doesn't get used in typical "hardware store" applications but that's where specialty stores come in. There are many plumbing stores throughout Canada that carry everything you need, even in small towns I've managed to find pretty much everything. Also not sure why service would be better in the states from Canada, I think we get much better service in our own country.

+1. I do not think there is anything you can't get here.

As for Internet. It's called expedited or overnight shipping. You can get your stuff fast.

I only order from the USA when I can't turn my back on a ridiculous low price.

Which is only rarely.

Any shop up here can get you what you need. Otherwise I do not know how they could set up new tanks for customers.

USA = cost saving only. Not supply.

As for plumbing supplies, maybe contact a plumber. They may help you find a distributor.

asylumdown 11-07-2013 09:11 PM

I don't go there specifically for aquarium stuff, but when I go to our place in California I make sure to stock up on anything from BRS or any of the other online vendors that charge you almost the price of the item you want in shipping to send to Canada, when it's more often than not free down there.

Really, it's not the stores in the US that have things that we don't, it's the online stores that I wish I had better access to without having to pay exorbitant shipping and duty fees. This is true for online shopping in the US compared to Canada in general. But especially for things like livestock that US retailers simply will not ship to Canada and are a massive hassle to bring across the border with you... Man do I wish we had access to LiveAquaria in Canada. There were times in my reefing career (not today) where I would have spent 1000 or more on one of the rare fish in the Divers Den.

It's getting better in Canada with store like MadJelly and Canada Corals, making some of the higher end corals more accessible without having to hope that you can find them through the informal frag trade, but there are certain products you just can't get in Canada. There's quite a few brands or lines of fish food that you can't get here because it's onerous for the companies that make them to get it approved for Canadian markets, and I'm pretty sure Otohime is just plain banned in Canada.

hillegom 11-08-2013 01:03 AM

I give up
What is Otohime

asylumdown 11-08-2013 01:45 AM

It's an additive that is apparently really good at stimulating picky fish in to eating pellets. One of the big companies like new era or someone like that makes an otahime coated pellet that I tried to order from marine depot because I want to try and train my anthias on pellets (5 of 8 won't even taste them) and they wouldn't ship here. Not sure if it really works or not, but I'll never know!

Basile 11-08-2013 03:11 AM

Not alone
When i made my visit to the UPS store to pick up the UltraFlex we don't have , or get in Canada, and if you order it you pay a custom fee that double the price,so its better to just order it ,have it sent to the UPS counter and pick it up there. I found myself surrounded by Ontario licence plates and people collecting all sorts of item , stove, TV sets, dresser, you name it. I felt a bit silly with my little bit of plastic i'd just pick up from the american Loews , thats all it was pieces of elementary plumbing for my tank, elbows sch 40, $1,79, which was sold in a Canadian plumber shop for $ 7,49 . When i left the states, i filled up my almost empty gas tank, $ 23 , its $ 40 when i do it home. So the money i save on my pieces of plastic paid for my gas, and if time is money well i gain some, because i didn't have to do 12 stores to find what i needed . As for the service, like most there we exchange stories and i've learned a few. Personnaly in some stores you can play bowling in the alleys because you don't see anybody to help you , and when they see you , no kidding they go and hide, i was comparing stories with some guys while waiting in line. When we talked about Loews in the states they come to you and ask you if you need help , totaly the reverse, and this very familiar in many dep stores all across. So no , i'm not crazy and i'm not alone who thinks like that. Plenty of Canadian fed up with bad shopping experience in Canada go south. I'm not ready to shop for everything yet, i'm just saying for my tank supplies i couldn't find here i'll go to the states and that i found the people services much more expediant and willing. Here they talk about last nights game, before they serve you.....that is factual so much so that i saw a cat fight begin,between a clerk and a woman lol.

PS; some of you are taking this way too seriously, should take a pill or something. Its an opinion , i'm sharing an impression i had while shopping south of the boder with other Canadians as we exchanged stories about why we were there. And like the guy in front of me said; if your excuse for hight price is always the overhead; kill the overhead i want it cheap , lol. we're tired of your excuses for scaming us....cheers.Happy reefing.

Dearth 11-12-2013 03:08 PM

I have gotten everything I require in Canada plus it just doesn't really save you any money to shop south of the border then have it shipped up here cause the shipping costs in most cases is pure murder.

Basile 11-12-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Dearth (Post 858257)
I have gotten everything I require in Canada plus it just doesn't really save you any money to shop south of the border then have it shipped up here cause the shipping costs in most cases is pure murder.

Since you obviously never done it i'm sorry but you don't know whay your talking about. Sorry but you don't.

I and countless Canadians who go there can't be all lunatics at the same times. A full tank of gas here in Canada is $45, there, $ 23 . So when i go i time it to have just about less than a 1/4 left. and fill it there.

And if one of my PVC pieces is $ 1.79 there instead of $7.79 here in Canada times 4 i've got a free tank of gas, get the picture.... yes its cheaper. Do i like it NO. I would rather we had everything and i didn't have to spend my time 3h on the road to get stuff i think are stores should carry, because thats my main reason to go there, they don't have it here and when i ask about it its too expensive for them or they give me an inflated price. So i plan my trips carefully, all the stuff i group them i make a run that make worth the time. And some stuff are much better quality in are hobby down south. Since i've join this club the've showed me al sorts of new brand, better and cheaper too, and with better options. More variety of choices, here its all the same brands. So yes i shop for variety now and access. They've got huge special comming up in November, good brands too. The group is making a group order.

Dearth 11-12-2013 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Basile (Post 858280)
Since you obviously never done it i'm sorry but you don't know whay your talking about. Sorry but you don't.

I and countless Canadians who go there can't be all lunatics at the same times. A full tank of gas here in Canada is $45, there, $ 23 . So when i go i time it to have just about less than a 1/4 left. and fill it there.

And if one of my PVC pieces is $ 1.79 there instead of $7.79 here in Canada times 4 i've got a free tank of gas, get the picture.... yes its cheaper. Do i like it NO. I would rather we had everything and i didn't have to spend my time 3h on the road to get stuff i think are stores should carry, because thats my main reason to go there, they don't have it here and when i ask about it its too expensive for them or they give me an inflated price. So i plan my trips carefully, all the stuff i group them i make a run that make worth the time. And some stuff are much better quality in are hobby down south. Since i've join this club the've showed me al sorts of new brand, better and cheaper too, and with better options. More variety of choices, here its all the same brands. So yes i shop for variety now and access. They've got huge special comming up in November, good brands too. The group is making a group order.

I know exactly how much disparity there is between the two countries and for the record I spent a lot of time down in the good old United States of Retardation so don't school me on prices.

I also have ordered from the US on numerous occasions for various reasons and without fail the shipping was very expensive in every case I am glad you are getting a deal on it but I also would much rather buy in Canada if I can

Madreefer 11-12-2013 06:27 PM

When is this stupid poll gonna be shut down? Spend your money where you want. This poll is by no means at all related to what this site is all about. Nobody gives a chit where you spend your money!! Your money I assume is earned here so keep it here. Go live there on their garbage wages. I couldn't survive, my job here pays 2 1/2 times here as there. And it's the same company.

The Codfather 11-12-2013 06:54 PM

Heres another to add to my ignore list....
right next to saltwaterseahorses and chase31.....
Im sorry basile, but you dont know what youre talking about sometimes.
End of story. Id like to see what youll reply with, but youre on the old ignore list now.

kien 11-12-2013 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by The Codfather (Post 858330)

I miss her/he/they/it/them...

scherzo 11-13-2013 12:40 AM

The Canadian government is supposed to be looking at trying to close the gap between the prices here and in the US.

I hope this link works.

I am a fairly fierce flag waver. We have a US postal box because sometimes we have things repaired in the US or sometimes have to buy something via the internet. Having the box saves us about 2-3 weeks in shipping time. The border is only about 30 mins away from my workplace so I can zip over after work if I need to.

Aquattro 11-13-2013 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Madreefer (Post 858318)
When is this stupid poll gonna be shut down?

Someone needs to start a new poll. Salt is always good. Take care of that, k? lol

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