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Azilla 07-05-2004 09:36 PM

Looseing the battle.
hehe well been around 2 weeks with my battle with cyno i think its winning. i clean the rock and sand daily within hours its back i have been puttin a capfull or kents redslime remover in daily and seems not to be helping i do 12gal water changes. But yet after all this BAM its back Uglier then ever. What else can i do to stop this?????

I do not have a skimmer since i ordered one and never got it. Money is tight. I have some carbon in my sump.
Turning my lights off for a day thing that will help??? like if i suck out all the alge and such and kill the lights?? I will continue to battle until i win and yes im usin RO water.

Mother Reefer 07-05-2004 09:41 PM

I've read that many people have great results with this
you should also try to figure out where/why this is starting. Are you using r/o water? how old is the unit if so?

IMO you need to pinpoint where to problem is and solve that because no matter how much you dose if you keep re-infecting the tank you'll keep having the problem.

Azilla 07-05-2004 09:48 PM

My RO unit is 3months old or less. I only take maybe 20gals a week out of it. My Handheld TDS meter read 2 sometimes 3 but thats it. But my tank is also new like month old maybe little more.

Beverly 07-05-2004 10:15 PM


Great that you're using RO :smile:

Was the rock now in the tank cured before it was put in, or is the rock still curing? You might have a lot of dead stuff on the rock that is producing phosphate that is fueling the cyano.

Does your tank have enough water flow to all or most portions of the tank, including the back?

If you have mechanical filtration, do you clean it weekly or more often? Crud that builds up in foams or other filter media will also fuel cyano outbreaks.

bear27 07-05-2004 10:18 PM

I have used Chemi clean as stated above and it worked like a charm for me

UnderWorldAquatics 07-05-2004 10:37 PM

send me your address and Ill greyhound ship you some algone, it will take care of it very nicely.... ask reefhawk, worked for him too....
the algone is on me, you just need to cover the shipping, Ill send it collect, should be a couple bucks max....

I agree with others that you need to address the cause of the problem, but this will solve the unsightly part of your dilema for you...

let me know....

Jason McK 07-05-2004 10:43 PM

I know you have prob been asked this before but how long has the tank been up and running?


Azilla 07-05-2004 11:13 PM

tank is new been like month and a half maybe, Some Rock was cured and alot wasn't. As for Flow i am running 4 maxi Jets 1200's on a wave master pro and have a MAG 950 for my return. Question is Are my Light fueling the problem too???

Azilla 07-05-2004 11:21 PM

here are some pictures of my problem Keep in mind i do clean this daily.

AJ_77 07-05-2004 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Azilla
tank is new been like month and a half maybe, Some Rock was cured and alot wasn't. As for Flow i am running 4 maxi Jets 1200's on a wave master pro and have a MAG 950 for my return. Question is Are my Light fueling the problem too???

Pretty normal for a brand-new tank. Try to keep it from suffocating your corals (blow it off/syphon it out) and it should run its course. Your lighting probably isn't the culprit as this stuff seems to grow no matter what in new systems. That's why it's sometimes tough to keep things until these algae/cyano cycles are completed.

Jason McK 07-05-2004 11:33 PM

Azilla, It's quite normal to have this problem with such a young tank. Both mine went through it. It doesn't look as bad as mine. My second tank is just finishing it's bad bloom and now it is clean as a whistle. My suggestion is to blow it off your corals and put some pressure on the people you bought the skimmer from to get it to you faster. this is just part of the maturation period of your tank and will pass.


Azilla 07-05-2004 11:34 PM

LMAO man i bought that skimmer in march and now its July. I dont think im getting it or my money back. :cry: But thanks guys ill keep fighting it just seem like the more i clean the more it spreads. :cry:

Jason McK 07-05-2004 11:47 PM

Feel like sharing who you purchased it from?

I know how you feel. It's just such a horrible mess, but it will go away


Bob I 07-06-2004 12:49 AM

As AJ_77 states"allow it to run its course". It is very common to get Cyano in new tanks. It appears to feed on some unknown nutrient produced by new tanks. Once it has run its course it will disappear. If you can't stand the look you could get Chemiclean. That worked well for me and others. Contrary to common belief it is not caused bt Phosphates, and a skimmer will not help. :rolleyes:

klam 07-06-2004 01:21 AM

red slime
I am getting the same problem like yours. My 90 gal new tank has been running for about 2 months. since the last several weeks, those red slime macro algae are growing very fast. Even though I change water in the Morning with RO water, it will come right back at the evening.
Someone from Gold Aquarium told me to setup a Refuge tank. I am not sure whether it will do the work or not. I am still searching for the article to talk about this problem. Does anyone whether setting up the refuge tank solve this problem?


Azilla 07-06-2004 01:33 AM

Naw i have a fuge running it isnt doing nothing for me. But as all my Buds here at canreef say ill let it do its thing ill just worry about my corals and care for them and keep my glass clean.
Thank you all so much for the response and help on yet another subjet.

Azilla 07-06-2004 02:48 AM


Originally Posted by UnderWorldAquatics
send me your address and Ill greyhound ship you some algone, it will take care of it very nicely.... ask reefhawk, worked for him too....
the algone is on me, you just need to cover the shipping, Ill send it collect, should be a couple bucks max....

I agree with others that you need to address the cause of the problem, but this will solve the unsightly part of your dilema for you...

let me know....

You have a PM THANKS

Mother Reefer 07-06-2004 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by Bob_I
Contrary to common belief it is not caused bt Phosphates, and a skimmer will not help. :rolleyes:

If not phosphates then what? There are many reasons out there but I'm not sure I'd agree with all of them

I personally think my recent outbreak was due to my not changing in lights soon enough. I've heard it could be caused by low circulation but IME that (circulation) caused me hair algae and once increased the circulation the h.a. disappeared so I'm not sure I'd blame circulation as often as it's blamed.

If your tank is new then that could be the problem, since I've never experienced this I can't say if I'd use anything (because I'm not sure it would keep it away) or wait it out, best take advise from those who've experienced this.

kris_willard 07-06-2004 05:44 AM

I had an out break in my 90gal that was as bad if not worse and i dosed poly ox by Kent Marine and it was gone in just over a week. Now im on to the hair alge... the battle pushes on.

reefhawk 07-06-2004 05:58 AM

had the same problem. Ran int kyle one day and he said hey try this algone, it will fix it. I thought how can it be that easy when i have seen so many posts with tanks suffering the same ordeal. I thought for $5.00 how can i go wrong if it even helps a little i will be happy. It was like magic it cleared up in like 3 or 4 days and i could'nt believe it. Give it a try.

johnny rock 07-06-2004 10:49 AM

Don't do water changes! its a waste and won't help at this point. let you tank settle and go thru its growing pains. Syphon of what you can and it will disappear eventually. what fish and how much do you feed?

Azilla 07-06-2004 11:14 AM

i have a small clown and firefish and thats it. i usally hand feed 2x a week well have been

Beverly 07-06-2004 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bob_I
Contrary to common belief it is not caused bt Phosphates

Some nutrient(s) in a tank feeds cyano. If not phosphate, which nutrient(s) feed it?

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