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reefwars 10-22-2013 06:55 PM

who wants to trade some zooooooosssss
i got some zoas to trade , local only and these are not for sale ,sorry guys,only trade for other zoanthids at this time.

utter chaos
god of war
purple hornets
delightful paly
armor of god
vivid rainbows
true rastas
sunny d's
raptors rainbows

can trade some others as well if theres somthing in particular you are looking for send me a pm i probably got it lol

what im looking for is some of the zoas i lost over the summer:

fruit loops
true la lakers
yellow jackets
purple people eaters
blue hornets
dragon ball z

am also looking for an aussie orange torch , sunset monti and a bonsai acro.

pm me what you have for trade and we can go from there:P

sorry not for sale only trades please

reefwars 10-22-2013 08:16 PM

sorry should mention i am in calgary:P

btuck887 10-22-2013 09:47 PM

If u decide to sell plz let me know :p. I am just starting out so I have nothing to trade ha ha

reefwars 10-22-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by btuck887 (Post 853162)
If u decide to sell plz let me know :p. I am just starting out so I have nothing to trade ha ha

im gonna hold out for a trade for now if nothing comes along ill let you know:)



NanoReef 10-22-2013 11:53 PM

I have LA lakers and bonsai acro buddy ;)

reefwars 10-23-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by NanoReef (Post 853196)
I have LA lakers and bonsai acro buddy ;)

gimmmmmmeeee lol :P:P

will cut you one of my black crystal death palys once they grow a bit or i can do a true raptors rainbow? you already have half my zoas lol :P

reefwars 10-23-2013 04:12 PM

couple pics with cell phone i had sorry not the best quality but maybe this will help get the ball rolling:)

god of war:

utter chaos:

captain america

valentines day massacre:

pink zippers:


reefwars 10-23-2013 04:12 PM

think i got my la lakers and bonsai, so still looking for the rest please:)

will get back to pm's today:)

Magickiwi 10-23-2013 04:51 PM

who wants to trade some zooooooosssss
I will trade you one for one of your Rastas for my Cleveland browns. I know, I'm getting the raw end of the deal but I am just the giving sort.

reefwars 10-23-2013 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Magickiwi (Post 853341)
I will trade you one for one of your Rastas for my Cleveland browns. I know, I'm getting the raw end of the deal but I am just the giving sort.

i mean i would but i just got some ultra cleveland browns straight from the deepwaters of japan :P

albert_dao 10-23-2013 06:52 PM

Calgary only bro?

I have Dragonball Z's...


reefwars 10-23-2013 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 853365)
Calgary only bro?

I have Dragonball Z's...


arrrghhh albert why do you do this to meeeee lol

its not that im against shipping just my last shipping " trade " didnt go well lol i got shafted:P

pm what you wanted i owe you a favor anyways im sure:P

Mandosh 10-23-2013 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by albert_dao (Post 853365)
Calgary only bro?

I have Dragonball Z's...


And I have Blue Hornets...

Sent from my GT-I9100M using Tapatalk 2

reefwars 10-23-2013 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Mandosh (Post 853368)
And I have Blue Hornets...

Sent from my GT-I9100M using Tapatalk 2

frack hmmm if you guys are in the same area maybe i can figure something out for sure , both of you guys pm me what you were looking at and ill figure something out:)

no one in calgary collects zoos apparently lol:P 10-23-2013 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 853369)
frack hmmm if you guys are in the same area maybe i can figure something out for sure , both of you guys pm me what you were looking at and ill figure something out:)

no one in calgary collects zoos apparently lol:P

i might have some fruit loops in my frag tank :razz:

reefwars 10-23-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by (Post 853372)
i might have some fruit loops in my frag tank :razz:


Magickiwi 10-23-2013 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 853369)
frack hmmm if you guys are in the same area maybe i can figure something out for sure , both of you guys pm me what you were looking at and ill figure something out:)

no one in calgary collects zoos apparently lol:P

Hey you're the one turning down the Cleveland browns. Snob!!

SteveConn 10-23-2013 11:18 PM

Denny,..I'd like to know what you would want for a frag of Utter Chaos .. I've got lots of stuff over the last year that is pretty nice...forgot a lot of names though. I could send you tank shots..

reefwars 10-25-2013 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by SteveConn (Post 853433)
Denny,..I'd like to know what you would want for a frag of Utter Chaos .. I've got lots of stuff over the last year that is pretty nice...forgot a lot of names though. I could send you tank shots..

mainly looking for zoos that i dont have or the ones in the list, right now ive found the two sps i was looking for.


thmh 10-25-2013 07:19 PM

I want to visit you Denny!


reefwars 10-25-2013 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by thmh (Post 853952)
I want to visit you Denny!


haha yeah i have quite a few ......theres still a long list i dont have and a bunch i lost this summer like most my deepwaters:(

fastest growers for me currently:

goldschlaggers-[i can cut 1 polyp and have it grow to 10 in two weeks, yet the colonie only gets so large???

slowest grower for me currently:
true red hornet-while ive had many pieces of true red hornets, this one came from reefkoi and ive had one polyp since the day ive bought it which wasnt yesterday lol.

nicest zoanthid in my collection:

(imo) black crystal death paly- ive searched forever for this, had many people say it isnt real or doesnt exist....well turns out it was.....unmfortuantely a sloooooooooowwwwww grower unlike its cousins:(

ugliest zoanthid in my collection:

(imo) spacemonsters...just dont see the hype i find the to be plain and bland.....very fast grower though lol

thmh 10-25-2013 07:41 PM

Picture of this black crystal death paly! Or it isn't real!


reefwars 10-25-2013 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by thmh (Post 853963)
Picture of this black crystal death paly! Or it isn't real!


hehe ill see what i can dig up for you:)

noirsphynx 10-28-2013 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 853960)
nicest zoanthid in my collection:

(imo) black crystal death paly- ive searched forever for this, had many people say it isnt real or doesnt exist....well turns out it was.....unmfortuantely a sloooooooooowwwwww grower unlike its cousins:(

Very underrated imo and painfully slow grower. They're ALMOST as slow as my true green people eaters. I bought mine as a single head and it's now up to 3 :surprise:

The only pic I could find of my BCD, I think you have a better one Denny.

PS Denny, I just went looking for mine and they're not looking so hot atm so if I ever lose them I'm gonna come knocking:mrgreen:

Bryan_k47 10-28-2013 04:28 AM

Zoas and Palys what sick twisted addiction

thmh 10-28-2013 07:19 AM

Can we do a ZnP club!?


explor3r 10-28-2013 11:55 AM

I have fruit loops and I bet u never seen ones like the ones I have:biggrin:, also LA lakers, blue hornets and PPE. If you really interested Im willing to work something out and then we can Pm for more details:twised:

explor3r 10-28-2013 12:06 PM

So here are the Fruity loops with orange center:mrgreen:
These are from my private growing collection
The LA lakers next to the fruity loops seem to be taking the orange from the fruity loops which is interesting .

What can i do Im a Zoa jankee:razz:

reefwars 10-28-2013 03:12 PM

black crystal death paly, one of the few if only true grey and black zoanthid

very hardy but sloooowww grower lol , dawn im also only at 3 polyps:P

when i first got them:

my little piece has colored up a good bit , i think i made it to about 6 polyps then fragged off a couple and am now and 3 again , its got some nice dark colors now, even though i feed it mysis it still doesnt grow, doesnt like alot of light or flow either ive noticed.

AdamsB 10-28-2013 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 854486)
i feed it mysis it still doesnt grow, doesnt like alot of light or flow either ive noticed.

I've got a colony of either, x men, ez's or lunar eclipse (trying to id them from

I've found with these that low flow and medium light shows best results. I can have them high up but not centred or in the centre but they have to be on the sand. Otherwise the colour fades and I see huge reduction in growth. It does frag nicely though and recovers quickly. Although I've had it for over 6 months so it's well established.

iPhone pic. They glow more in person.

reefwars 10-28-2013 03:52 PM

lunar eclipse:)

riceboy 10-28-2013 04:44 PM

i love the space monster and have to agree they grow like crazy lol have probably 200+ polyps lol i wouldn't call them the ugliest just fast growing


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 853960)
haha yeah i have quite a few ......theres still a long list i dont have and a bunch i lost this summer like most my deepwaters:(

fastest growers for me currently:

goldschlaggers-[i can cut 1 polyp and have it grow to 10 in two weeks, yet the colonie only gets so large???

slowest grower for me currently:
true red hornet-while ive had many pieces of true red hornets, this one came from reefkoi and ive had one polyp since the day ive bought it which wasnt yesterday lol.

nicest zoanthid in my collection:

(imo) black crystal death paly- ive searched forever for this, had many people say it isnt real or doesnt exist....well turns out it was.....unmfortuantely a sloooooooooowwwwww grower unlike its cousins:(

ugliest zoanthid in my collection:

(imo) spacemonsters...just dont see the hype i find the to be plain and bland.....very fast grower though lol

reefwars 10-31-2013 03:41 PM

Ok let's update this looking for some more trades and have more to offer see below for what I'm looking for:)

god of war
purple hornets(African)
delightful paly
armor of god
vivid rainbows
true rastas
sunny d's
raptors rainbows
Pink zippers
Bella blues
Pineapple Express
Tyree captain America
Miami vice
True Mohawks
Kiwi krush
Nuclear greens
Purple deaths
Lunar eclipse
Purple puddles

Def have more if none of this catches your collector eyes;)I have some Lps and sps for trade only as well

Pink Millie
Tyree pink lemonade
Pink pocci
Flower pedal montipora
Orange setosa
Blue-ish purple tort
Ice fire echnata
Red planet
Pink birds
Frog skin acro

Alien eye chalice
Purple and green blasto
Neon green branching hammers
Neon Gsp
Nuclear green candy canes
Red prism favia
Orange crush acan enchinata
Meteor shower cyph
Gold oxypora

Several gorgonians species

Have found all the zoos I was looking for , have some others I'm looking for

Dragon soul favia
Blue agave PE
Darth mauls (or any color morph of)
Ultra rock flowers
Rainbow acans
Purple monster
True purple hornets
Desert storm PE
Aussie orange torch
Aussie orange hammer
Decent sized carpet nem(ultra only )
Aussie scolys

Looking now for any nice collector pieces be it zoanthids, sps or Lps

Just interested in trades , if you have something interesting i never listed
please let me know

thmh 10-31-2013 03:57 PM

Dayum that's an awesome want list!


btuck887 10-31-2013 04:02 PM

Willing to sell any yet?


reefwars 10-31-2013 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by thmh (Post 855403)
Dayum that's an awesome want list!


Yeah wish there were more hard core zoa collectors in Calgary I think just about every piece I have came from out of town collectors.

BC564 10-31-2013 04:34 PM

I am trying to become a Zoa collector...but gotta start somewhere....

thmh 10-31-2013 05:03 PM

Everyone wants to be a pokemon master! But is it your destiny to catch them all? I know many of us is on this journey but many have returned with empty balls.....ballsss. Take my hand and follow my lead, shop at mjc and you will succeed!..... Pokemon!

Lmao that's my 2min free style!! P. S Denny has a bigger ZnP collection then I do!


reefwars 10-31-2013 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by thmh (Post 855429)
Everyone wants to be a pokemon master! But is it your destiny to catch them all? I know many of us is on this journey but many have returned with empty balls.....ballsss. Take my hand and follow my lead, shop at mjc and you will succeed!..... Pokemon!

Lmao that's my 2min free style!! P. S Denny has a bigger ZnP collection then I do!


You guys have some mad jelly zoos , hell I don't shop online and find myself on your site all the time lol alot of nice zoanthids in Ontario lately nice to see:)

Keep em comin!!

thmh 10-31-2013 05:20 PM

Ya Alex have been bringing in some crazy ZnP!


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