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lpsreefer 08-19-2013 01:38 AM

Red Beards Gargantuan Sodium Chloride Exhibit
Okay so i give in and ill make a journal.
heres my newest aquarium.
its a 120 by 36 by 36 glass aqaurium. built by concept. roughly 675 gallons in the display.
180 gallon sump.
two 90 gallon refugees.

metals stands, i had to get two and bolt them together in order to fit into the basement.

lpsreefer 08-19-2013 01:46 AM

i guess you guys and gals want a few pictures.
metal stand
the tank being built.
me inside the tank.
front view
the sump
the drain lines all glued
drains and returns all glued up
the front view
blurry pics of it filling up.

typezero 08-19-2013 02:25 AM

Holy monster tank batman! This is going to be sweeetttttt

kien 08-19-2013 02:57 AM

Holy hana!! That's a whole lotta water, glass and pipes! And soon to be salt!

lpsreefer 08-19-2013 03:17 AM

havent decided if i wait to salted it after macna or just nike it "Just do it"

lastlight 08-19-2013 04:25 AM

sweet it's about time! will this be a full-blown reef?

reefwars 08-19-2013 11:14 PM

well....any fish in it yet?

i heard you got a nice little clownfish for the build no?:P:P

thought this wouyld be a reef by nowwwwww:P:P:P

lpsreefer 08-20-2013 12:31 AM

you didnt hear it you saw it.
you know im working on it.
you guys want my fish list????
12 inch atlantic blue tang
12 inch vlaminigi tang
10 inch red sea sailfin tang
10 inch Black surgeon (Acanthurus gahhm)
10 one spot foxface
6 inch one spot foxface
2 10 inch decorated rabbitfish
4 inch eibli angel
8 inch checkerboard wrasse
5 inch longnose butterfly
4.5 inch whitetail tang
4 inch purple tang
3 inch sixline wrasse
3 inch true perc clownfish
more to come.
mostly wrasses and anthias. maybe some 50/50 reef safe fishies.

mrhasan 08-20-2013 01:10 AM

Where's the tank police???????????

lpsreefer 08-20-2013 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by mrhasan (Post 839590)
Where's the tank police???????????

Really tank police?
Lol. Epic fail.
U do realize that's its a 10 foot by 36 foot by 3 foot aquarium?
675 gallons in the display and just about 1000 gallons of filtration.
For well over 1600 gallons?
For let's just say 15 fish.

reefwars 08-20-2013 02:19 AM

I still say I would go for a swim before I add salt dive in one end and come up 10ft away:PO

Man Tai must be so mad you got yours up before him bump his build thread ans link yours to it lol

lpsreefer 08-20-2013 02:28 AM

i put my foot in but it was to cold. so i chicken'd out.

mrhasan 08-20-2013 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by lpsreefer (Post 839600)
Really tank police?
Lol. Epic fail.
U do realize that's its a 10 foot by 36 foot by 3 foot aquarium?
675 gallons in the display and just about 1000 gallons of filtration.
For well over 1600 gallons?
For let's just say 15 fish.

Its not about "me" realizing (hell I put 8 fishes in 20 gallon tank!) but the $$$$$ question is will "they" understand ;)

lpsreefer 08-20-2013 02:54 AM


Originally Posted by reefwars (Post 839602)
I still say I would go for a swim before I add salt dive in one end and come up 10ft away:PO

Man Tai must be so mad you got yours up before him bump his build thread ans link yours to it lol

i still think tai is ahead of me. i havent done a full system check yet. i believe he has his on a full system water test.

Dearth 08-20-2013 05:56 AM

Very impressive I have size envy now.....:biggrin:

michika 08-20-2013 03:18 PM

So how do you plan to touch the bottom? 36" is deep.

Cold water is no excuse not to be your own mermaid! Do it!

lastlight 08-20-2013 03:21 PM

chuck some heaters in that's what i did!

michika 08-20-2013 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 839699)
chuck some heaters in that's what i did!

So ladies in bikinis?

reefwars 08-20-2013 04:31 PM

cold tub party at matts house!!!!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:

lpsreefer 08-20-2013 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by michika (Post 839695)
So how do you plan to touch the bottom? 36" is deep.

Cold water is no excuse not to be your own mermaid! Do it!

So your saying me in a pirate suit. On the edge of a plank isn't good enough.
Merman! Maybe.

lpsreefer 09-18-2013 02:42 AM
Little bit of any update. 09-18-2013 03:30 AM

Sweeeet I like the startup....a rubble pile :biggrin: missing all the ledges, caves,overhang,shelves and many more...come with and lets hear your next step...:biggrin: all those fish need homes:wink:

kien 09-18-2013 04:34 AM

Nice and simple aquascape. I like it! Less is more.

Althought you're probably going to dump more rocks in there later aren't you?

lpsreefer 09-18-2013 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 845920)
Nice and simple aquascape. I like it! Less is more.

Althought you're probably going to dump more rocks in there later aren't you?

Nope, I'm placing more rock in . Lol

lpsreefer 09-25-2013 06:36 PM

a little video of the tank.

gregzz4 09-25-2013 11:52 PM

Wow, that Vlamingi makes your tank look puny

Love the size and waiting for the scape

Seriak 09-26-2013 01:27 AM

Looking Good. You need to get some bigger fish. :) 09-26-2013 05:52 AM

I know you just got some....let's see the photos,...:biggrin:

lpsreefer 09-26-2013 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 847496)
I know you just got some....let's see the photos,...:biggrin:

Didn't you take a few photos of what I got off of you from that awesome sale! 09-26-2013 06:20 AM


Originally Posted by lpsreefer (Post 847497)
Didn't you take a few photos of what I got off of you from that awesome sale!

Ok fine here's one pile,...its like 3 feet high by 5ft by 4ft roughly :biggrin:

And at a slight different angle:biggrin:

lpsreefer 11-13-2013 04:39 AM

Guess I was told I have to update my build progess.
Haven't done my Aquascaping yet.
I have roughly 350 pounds of rock and need prolly another 400+ pound to finish.

Eli at Fiji Reef Rock has be helping me do that.

Added a few new fish
1 peppermint hogfish
1 candy hogfish
4 zebra gobies
1 blue throat trigger pair
1 coral beauty

I'll try to get some pics up this week. Maybe be some good pics of my fish.

I don't have corals in there yet. I have a separate system for corals right now as I'm moving tanks around and getting my fish room setup.

Lot of work.

Thinking about putting a folding bed down there. Lol

carfag 11-13-2013 03:19 PM

will you adopt me?

lpsreefer 11-30-2013 05:49 PM

i figured i would update since Kein asked!
and i got a purple tang in there now.

lastlight 11-30-2013 06:54 PM

Funny how they all bunch up together for the camera. For fish only can you cover the tank to reduce evaporation? I don't recall what you have for lights.

lpsreefer 12-02-2013 07:07 AM

Costum lights ranging from 100watt leds to 39watt t5s
Just re did my sump. We'll added more mangroves and a lot more light.
Added a temp skimmer as my other skimmers pump died!
Dang waveline! 12-02-2013 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by lpsreefer (Post 863170)
Costum lights ranging from 100watt leds to 39watt t5s
Just re did my sump. We'll added more mangroves and a lot more light.
Added a temp skimmer as my other skimmers pump died!
Dang waveline!

I seen that pump 1st hand that looked like a bloated hand grenade ready to BLOW

You need more lights over that tank and what you have now is only sufficient for the fish:biggrin:

nice signature

small tank for small fish

lpsreefer 01-04-2014 03:10 AM

short little video from my surface.

lpsreefer 01-13-2014 07:31 PM

Fish update:
3 vlamingii tangs
1 Red Sea sailfin tang
1 Atlantic blue tang
1 epualette tng
1 whitetail tang
1 purple tang
1 regal tang
1 convict tang
1 Nash tang
1 bristle tooth tang
1 meta tang
2 blue throat triggers
2 two barred rabbit fish
2 one spot foxfaces
1 mated filefish
2 zebra gobie
1 sailfin blenny
2 Japanese masked swallowtail angelfish
1 coral beauty angel
1 checkerboard wrasse
1 two spot wrasse
1 Lubbock fairy wrasse
2 blue headed fairy wrasse
1 cleaner wrasse
1 red cigar wrasse
1 six lined wrasse
2 ocellaris clown fish
1 saddleback clownfish

lastlight 01-13-2014 07:52 PM

that list is mighty impressive!

the spanish hog at pisces is for sale now btw. $60.

matt_C 01-24-2014 09:22 PM

hes pretty beat up.

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