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magikof7 06-25-2013 06:57 AM

Magik's 75 gal upgrade!
It is time...I'm starting to see problems that are just not worth Fixing with the biocube.

I went in to see Denny at concept to complain and pick up a few things when he says...Welll...You know You need something like this...LOL I should have known better. :D

I now have a 75 gal (36 X 24 x 20), Rimless 3 sided starphire glass tank with the Bean animal design overflow, polished edges and black silicone.

The Sump is 36 x 17.5 x 16 (43 gal) With a filter sock tray and, a built in Refugium.

DC 2640 return pump
CSC 150 Protien Skimmer
Tunze osmolator ATO
(powerheads yet to be decided)
and I also baught the Blau 4 bulb T5 unit. I am very unhappy with the Radion so I'm going to give T5's a try.

Denny added the sock tray and the refugium to the sump AND Did the plumbing for me, Showed me how it all worked and told me how to finish it up at home. Can't say enough good things about Concept!

Just have to skin the Stand and I can start getting it up and Running. :)

Matt@NoLongerInUse 06-25-2013 07:25 AM

just have to say cant wait to see it up and running.
and it looked good sitting in the front shop empty.
you can only make it better!
looking forward to this build!

magikof7 06-27-2013 05:42 PM

Thanks Matt!

Nothing to update, We are working on the stand.
I am now running my Skimmer with some vinegar to avoid the 2 week break in period. :)

magikof7 07-08-2013 06:00 AM

Stand is almost ready for Staining!
Hubby just has to finish the panel "doors" for the front and side.
They will be held in place by magnets so I don't have hinged doors to deal with especially in our small living room. :)
One Side and the back are fixed so I have somewhere to attach my reef keeper and clobber.

I am having a hard time decided what color stain to use. Most likely as light as possible. I actually like the natural colors the wood is now.


Front corner that will match up with the trim on the front panel.



daplatapus 07-08-2013 01:14 PM

Nice work.
If you like the colour of the wood as is, see if you can get a sample size of the oil based Varathane Diamond Finish to try on a sample piece of your wood. It really brings out the richness of light coloured wood and is hands down my favourite finish for maple. But, only the oil based stuff. In my opinion the water based Varathane isn't worth the can it's sold in.
When you put your first coat on, the wood fibres will really stand up on end. Let it dry, give it a quick sand and 2nd coat. Then you can decide if you want to sand again and 3rd coat, but I've found that greatly depends on how heavy your 1st coat was.

magikof7 07-21-2013 01:11 AM

Thanks for the tips! I tried the natural stain but found it wasn't dark enough for the trim so, I'm going to go with Ipswich and the Diamond oil based outdoor Finish (satin). I found the regular varathane finish did not hold up well on the stand for the 29 gal.

I should be able to start staining it tomorrow. :D

magikof7 12-30-2013 11:17 PM

Starting the plumbing tomorrow but it's about time the tank is finally on the stand! I'm going to go pick up the big rubber mat to put under the stand to protect my beautiful sub flooring. :lol:

the magnetic doors off

picked up some of Eli's dry rock from Concept. I threw in some rubble and a couple bigger pieces of live rock from my refugium to get it started. I rinsed it well and now have 2 power heads in there.

Claudia 12-30-2013 11:21 PM

Really nice setup, love the stand :)

magikof7 01-13-2014 12:02 AM

Water Test tomorrow! :D

Hoping to have it salty within the next couple of days. I need to find a pump I can use to fill the tank from the brute cans. I think I have a mag 90 somewhere but I can't remember if it has metal parts on it.

My anemone is not willing to split and he has jammed itself under some live rock and is sticking out each side. naturally annoying my other corals. maybe the move will change it's mind.

magikof7 01-14-2014 03:03 AM

well I filled the tank and sump turned it on and realized.... I didn't put a ball valve on the feed for the refugium so the water just pumps into the refugium (in the sump) and doesn't pump up into the display :lol: So it can sit until I run over to home depo in the morning. :redface:

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