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Proteus 01-13-2013 10:49 PM

I thought I would try suncoral but every time I would feed it my shrimps would steal food. Thought well ill feed the shrimp well then feed the nps. Haha. Nope shrimp are greedy never getting enough. I don't want to foul my tank trying to feed and feed and well you get it.
27 heads on it
And this fungia. Same color as one beside it. Nice green
$50 for the two or trade for nice acropora.

Proteus 01-13-2013 11:07 PM

Also throw in frag of this. You can see it in back. Accidental frags

Reef Pilot 01-13-2013 11:17 PM

Sorry for the slight off topic on your sale. I have Sun Corals, too. To feed, I use a plastic water bottle with the bottom cut off, and place it over, with the cut out on the bottom. Then I feed (frozen mysis) with a turkey baster through the narrow neck. That contains the food, and the shrimp and fish can't steal the food. When the coral is finished feeding, I just remove the plastic bottle, and anything left over gets cleaned up then.

I really like my Sun Coral, adds lots of bright colour. I feed them in the morning (about every 3rd day), and they then get trained to keep their polyps/tentacles out for much of the day.

Good luck on the sale trade of your Sun Corals.

Proteus 01-13-2013 11:26 PM

Good idea ill def try that

Reef Pilot 01-13-2013 11:33 PM

Here's a pic of mine, about 50 heads in this colony. Really adds colour to a tank.

Proteus 01-14-2013 12:32 AM

I'm going to try your method. I do like the piece just don't want to over feed the tank

subman 01-14-2013 12:37 AM

Do they need to be fed daily or what's the feeding schedule

Reef Pilot 01-14-2013 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by subman (Post 782243)
Do they need to be fed daily or what's the feeding schedule

No, I feed mine 2 or 3 times a week. They will eat every day if you give it to them, but not necessary. I am going to try longer periods of time and watch what happens. Am planning a trip to warmer climes soon (about 10 days), and don't plan on feeding them when I'm gone. Hopefully they will be OK.

reefwars 01-14-2013 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Titus99 (Post 782241)
I'm going to try your method. I do like the piece just don't want to over feed the tank

take it out of the tank for feeding when first training, to train my suncorals or dendros i simply take them out place them in a container and leave them in the container for a long time , hours actually. i feed a mix of mysis,coral snow and FM......set and forget and come back to fed corals , place them in the display and they are either swollen or open shortly afterwards, the sudden jump in flow triggers another feeding response.

after a week or two with the tupperware method and they will be fully acclimatized and only need to be fed here and there depending on the type it is.

i feed either FM lps pellets or mysis from a turkeybaster when i target feed them in the display.

consistency is key if you want them to stay healthy, once you have them down i swear youll want more lol :P

Proteus 01-14-2013 02:43 AM

Sweet thanks guys ill hold on to it for now and see how this works

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