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wmcinnes 10-17-2012 01:50 AM

Wayne's 105g 'Rainforest of the Sea'
Welcome Canreef staff, members, and guests;
Reef newbies, enthusiasts and vets.
Welcome to my rebuild.


Tropical Rainforests of the Sea

If you don’t know me, my name is Wayne and I have been, more or less, infatuated with marine aquatic life since I laid my eyes upon my first ever reef aquarium. Dabbling in freshwater for a couple years I decided to try my hand at reefing about 10 months ago, after many weeks of research, and put together my first 90G reef tank.

In my short time reefing, I have lurked around every forum, read every article, and experienced success and disaster, yet I still believe I have only discovered the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this rewarding hobby. I still have much to learn but am looking forward to the challenge.

Objective: I am moving into my new penthouse apartment suite on November 1st and want to create a focal point/center piece of the main room. The reef will be the first thing you see when you walk in the door, so I want a clean, aesthetic and modern looking build. Fish and high quality SPS corals will dominate this reef, with some LPS corals filling in the aquascape.

I have looked into the Zeovit system by Korallen-Zucht but with my schedule, doing daily dosing is just not possible. For this reason, I will be dosing the ProdiBio big three: BioDigest, BioPtim, & ReefBooster, once every two weeks in order to attain a thriving ultra low-nutrient ecosystem.


v1…rotate’s ‘A Reef in the Sky’

Leonardo’s ‘Apagon Reef’

d2Mini’s ‘Reeftastic 200g’

Aquattro 10-17-2012 01:53 AM

We'll reserve a TOTM spot for you next year :)

wmcinnes 10-17-2012 01:54 AM

The Display Tank:
Courtesy of sphelps. It was a pleasure doing business with you sir.

Original plan was to have one built custom, but Steve’s tank had very similar dimensions to what I was looking for, so I bought it, for quite a discounted price compared to building new, so that was a plus!

Since I am limited as to what weight I am allowed in a 4th Floor apartment, this isn’t as much as a size upgrade as it is an equipment, functionality, and modernization upgrade.

103 gallon ‘Rimless’ design
54”L x 22”W x 20”H
3 sides 12mm Starphire Glass (front & sides)
Clear silicone, black painted background
Internal overflow and return holes through the bottom glass are so the tank can be flush against the wall.

The Sump:
Custom built by Concept Aquatics.

Regular 3/8” Float Glass
40”L x 18”W x 16”H

The Stand:
Custom built by The Grizz.

54”L x 22”W x 32”H
Welded Steel
Black Marine Enamel Paint

In time, I plan to do the skirting for the stand myself depending upon the color scheme I decide to go with in my new flat. This will be decided later on.

wmcinnes 10-17-2012 01:55 AM

If that isn't encouragement, I don't know what is!


Originally Posted by Aquattro (Post 755474)
We'll reserve a TOTM spot for you next year :)

Myka 10-17-2012 01:57 AM

Some stunning pictures you have found! Good luck with your move!

wmcinnes 10-17-2012 02:30 AM

JDigital 10-17-2012 03:15 AM

Look forward to seeing this! :mrgreen:

wmcinnes 10-17-2012 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by JDigital (Post 755549)
Look forward to seeing this! :mrgreen:

Thanks! Im planning on adding one of the new CSC-250 to this system when you guys get them in!


Originally Posted by Myka (Post 755477)
Some stunning pictures you have found! Good luck with your move!

Agreed. If I could even come close to these gorgeous systems I would be happy! Takes a lot of hard work and careful planning but I am looking forward to it!

The Grizz 10-17-2012 04:33 AM

Hey Wayne, I notice there are 2 holes in the bottom of the tank. If you have bulkheads that fit the holes you need to put them in and measure the distance from the edge of the bulkhead to the back of the tank. There needs to be at least 2" there in order to get the bulkhead tight.

albert_dao 10-17-2012 04:49 AM

Just as an FYI, Zeovit can be used on a similar schedule to all the other probiotic products. You just gotta play with the ratios.

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