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reefwars 08-20-2012 02:06 AM

reefwars 25g cubetank....bonzai!!!!!!!!!
well its been forever in the making and for the past month the tank has been set up running with water but ive been afraid to do the livestock switch as the other system is doing so well.

anyways i needed a bit of a push as if its not broke dont fix it right, so my roomate went out and bought the redsea neo touch tank(waterfall tank) and then to spite me he went out and bought a radion and a pair of wave makers plus a bunch of nice livestock...well game on buddy gammmme onnnnn lol

anyways so i got to plumbing the tank and over the last month i made the bonzai tree and had it sitting in the 90g while i procrastinated some more.

i decided to shut my 90g down as a reef i just dont need a big tank and with the fragroom running i can move the 90g in there as a fish only and have a small reef in the living the bonzai idea got planted into my head.

my bonzai tree is made up of 3 nice pieces of rock i drilled into and stacked onto pvc, the whole tree is removable when ever i feel like it to mount corals.

the sand bed is made of 2 full 50g tanks worth of tempered glass filtered out and cleaned of the small debris so its all large rubble.

the tank is plumbed directly through the wall it sits in front of and behind the wall is my frag room where the cube is plumbed into the same system as my fragtank.

even though i set up the cube today its all finished and full of coral already....not hard to do when you are shutting down a 90g reef and have a fragtank full of corals lol

tank specs:

18 x 18 x 18 cube tank
corner overflow w /durso
sunpod 250mh w 20k bulb
40g sump shared with fragtank
mag9 return pump
asm g2 skimmer
reactor for gfo

ill add some pics to the next post and a small video to satisfy all your photog needs....cause we all know this thread is useless without pics!!!!

reefwars 08-20-2012 03:08 AM

some fts, the tank is only 6hrs old so bear with me:P

reefwars 08-20-2012 03:10 AM

current tank occupants:

a pair of harlequin shrimp
a single sexy shrimp

to be added still this week:

more sexy's
my banded pipefish

and thats it no more fish just maybe another banded pipefish if i can find one eating:P

Proteus 08-20-2012 03:18 AM

So it's like that eh.

K mines Sps Denny and I'm all frags right now but we are at the same timeline. I need monthly updates to see how I'm gunna do come comp time lol

Are those red acans center beside the zoos. I reeeaaalllly like it. Might need a better pic or frag

mseepman 08-20-2012 03:18 AM

Wow...just give you a push and watch you go. Looking great...especially for only 6 hours!

Zoaelite 08-20-2012 03:18 AM

Took you a while to fill that eh :razz:?

Nice tank buddy, when are you planning on getting that Radion?

reefwars 08-20-2012 03:32 AM

insode the cube and the bonzai up close
candy apple redd colonie

large purple and green favia??

sexy shrimp and aussie elegance

magician colonie


toxic torch white tips in the back

dragon sould favia and some random high end zoas/palys

new zoas and palys and my chocolate mint favia

my darknight palys

bright red and green favia and some armor of god palys

bottom of the tree front of tank

top of the bonzai tree(still have to cover the pipe)

left side top of the bozai tree

top right hand side of bonzai tree:

the gruesome twosome

Proteus 08-20-2012 03:36 AM

Awesome looks great.

magikof7 08-20-2012 03:45 AM

Wow very nice!

Proteus 08-20-2012 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by magikof7 (Post 738591)
Wow very nice!

When do we get to say that about your tank

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