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balistidae 11-14-2009 01:34 AM

Career Change Advice
Hey everyone, kind of a random post but I thought I would give it a go. The deal is I am Journeyman automotive tech working at a local Toyota dealership. I have been doing this for about 5yrs and I am making good money but it is definitely time for a change.
I just cant take flat rate anymore, it is an extremely difficult and stressful way to make a living. Some days you go home with 18hrs and the next day you could make 1hr. Aside from the pay structure there are no benefits or pension plans or any of the like. I would also love to get away from the stigma and questionable ethics that unfortunately go along with the automotive trade.
So my question is how do you get away from a career that you thought you would have until retirement. I can see myself in any field from IT to the environmental sector. I am willing to take some classes but I will also have to work full time as well. I've got a gross mortgage and am getting married in 6 months so full time student is not really an option.
I just need to make something happen while I am young and motivated and childless haha.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!

KennyKen 11-14-2009 01:40 AM

two words


Boomboy 11-14-2009 01:47 AM

just make sure its ok with your wife if you have one, i did but she still gets super grumpy about it.

Snaz 11-14-2009 02:16 AM

If your single or spouse is supportive do whatever you want. Money is not everything so if you have to take a cut to do something you like, tighten the belt and enjoy your life.

I did a career change because I was basically a robot with better dexterity doing the same 7 tasks every day. It was hard at first and I had to bounce back to Mom's for a year but now I am quite successful and I LOVE my job.

intarsiabox 11-14-2009 02:26 AM

I was a project accountant for 8 years making really good money with a wife, kid and mortgage. I didn't like doing it anymore or traveling so I took up a millwright apprenticeship with a $60,000 paycut from what I was making doing accounting in Fort Mac. Things were lean for a couple years but are fine now. My point is that you can't go through life doing something you don't enjoy, it's not worth it. Sometimes sacrifices need to be made in the short run but you will be happier and probably healthier in the end.

If you don't know what to do the government puts on free apptitude testing and career change seminars or you could ask companies to do a job shadow for a day. It doesn't matter what you do but do something!

Binare 11-14-2009 02:54 AM

I did what everyone told me to do out of highschool, went to university, got a degree in computer sciences. Moved out to Montreal and started my own company eventually, was great for a few years travelling all the time to new york, phoenix, san francisco etc. Like you I got bored of it. I had no life, lost all friends basically buuuut I made great money consulting so I was trapped in it for about 5 years. Moving back to Calgary I only lasted a couple months doing this. Old friends and family made me realize it wasn't all about money, my girlfriends dad at the time offered me a way out and I took it. I became an electrician taking a 80 grand a year paycut. Its been 4 years now and I don't look back, currently working on my electrical engineering as well. Computer sciences, electrician and engineering will all tie together nicely, I'm back up to a healthy liveable pay again (nowhere near my old lifestyle yet). I guess my point is if you do decide a career change, pick something that compliments what you already know. Then it becomes more of another step, another set of skills for you to add too. I'm 30 now... Is that young enough to relate to?

blainep 11-14-2009 03:03 AM

From someone who has been in the trade for more than 20 years now, if you don't like it, get out now !

Much as life in a dealership is stressful (I've been there), it's nothing compared to life outside the dealers. The 'ethics' you refer to are slapped in your face daily by people who seem to believe the louder you yell, the better you chances at getting a deal.

From what I've seen in the past few years, people have come to believe acting like spoiled children is acceptable.

Every client that comes in gets the best work I can give them for the fairest time I can charge. One of my biggest regrets is that I didn't go into a career where that was appreciated.

cuz 11-14-2009 03:31 AM

was a chevy tech for 6 yrs and that was enough for me. loved the work but like you said everyone thinks your rippin them off or lying to them!! felt way under-appreciatted!!

StirCrazy 11-14-2009 04:07 AM

if you can hold out for a year or two I would. that way you can catch the economy on the upswing when there will be a lot more opertunity.

I am kinda in the same boat, just retired from doing the same job for 20 years, so now I am trying to figure out what I want to do for the rest of my life.. I kinda like what I am doing now but the wife seams to think my pension isn't enough :mrgreen:


ALBERTA REEF 11-14-2009 04:25 AM

I know what your are going through. I have been in the trade for at least 11 years. Journeyman Automotive Service Technicain for 8 of them. I have worked in small shops and GM dealerships. The politices are the same. I have been laided off sence March. I can fine a job anywhere. I say time to get out. Find something you like with less stress. Like I am doing! I am finely out and going back to school to retrain. :biggrin:

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