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Nautical 10-08-2007 03:39 AM

Thanksgiving Coral BlowOut
Hey Guys, Thanks for everuone who came by and picked something out. I have just a few Ric Yuma frags left that i would liek to get rid of so i can tear down my tank. Im hoping people can make it out Monday any time to pick the last of this stuff up. Even if i have to give away some of this stuff i will.

I have (5) Metallic Green Star polyp plugs left that are free to anyone that wants to come get them

i have (1) Florescent Yellow Star polyp plug $5

i will make a list of all the Yuma mushrooms i have left. i think there are 7 in total and i would like to get $15 each as long as you can come tomorrow and pick them up. Monday only. PLEASE

Nautical 10-08-2007 03:44 AM

Purple /Blue base with Yellow Rim Yuma
I have (2) left over an inch in size

Nautical 10-08-2007 03:46 AM

Pink/Purple Yuma
I have (2) Left about an inch big

Nautical 10-08-2007 03:48 AM

Larger Pink Purple Yuma
This yuma is over 2 inch big and is multi coloured

Nautical 10-08-2007 03:50 AM

Purple/Green With Orange Rim Yuma
I have (3) of these left. two are ove ran inch big and one is just a small baby no bigger then my pinky nail but is attached to a plug $15 for large $5 for baby

fishface 10-08-2007 03:52 AM


Nautical 10-08-2007 03:55 AM

Deep Puple Yuma ROck
This Rock frag has 5 different sized mushrroms on it. $25 for the whole rock. Its about 3 inch

Nautical 10-08-2007 04:01 AM

Live Sand Live Rock
I also have about 20lbs of live sand $10 for anyone has lots of lil critters in there.. the good kind. Bring a bucket.

and i also have about 10lbs (give or take) of live rock. Maybe more or less $10 also bring a bucket.

Van-rookie 10-08-2007 04:21 AM

PM LS and LR

Nautical 10-08-2007 05:43 AM

lve sand and rock still available.

would like to dismantle tank this week. Perfect for sump/ refugium

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